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Chiropractors Use Vibration Therapy to Enhance Chiropractic Adjustments

Vibration therapy is a new strategy being utilized by chiropractors to enhance spinal adjustments and promote holistic wellness. This form of therapy can serve as an ideal pre-adjustment warm up, improve proprioception and balance, or stimulate bone growth for increased strength.

Vibration therapy entails standing or lying on a vibrating platform and being subjected to mechanical vibrations that stimulate reflexive muscle contractions and increase circulation.

What is Vibration Therapy?

Vibration therapy is an innovative noninvasive treatment option that promotes healing without surgery or narcotics. Vibrations stimulate endorphins – naturally produced feel-good chemicals found within our body’s system – which help relieve pain and relax muscles, as well as increase blood flow to muscles to increase tone while speeding up natural healing processes in our bodies.

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Vibration therapy can do more than ease pain – it can also enhance mood and reduce stress. Vibrations help soothe the nervous system, producing serotonin that has been linked with improved mental clarity. Vibrations also enhance proprioception – your body’s sense of movement in space that enables proprioception for improved balance and coordination, especially beneficial in senior citizens or people recovering from injuries.

Vibration Therapy Can Treat Multiple Conditions

Vibration therapy has many applications in treating different conditions, from back pain and sciatica to arthritis and sports injuries. Vibration can serve as a pre-adjustment warm up tool by loosening tight muscles and joints prior to adjustments; post-adjustment recovery tools reduce inflammation, increase circulation and improve range of motion; even insomnia and depression may benefit from vibration therapy by increasing serotonin production.

There are two primary forms of vibration therapy: whole-body and localized. Whole-body vibration utilizes a vibrating machine, while localized uses handheld devices to target specific muscles or joints; its movements may either be linear or pivotal.


Vibration therapy can activate your body’s own natural healing processes to address spinal and other joint injuries, while simultaneously increasing bone density by stimulating osteoblast production – similar to how traditional weight-bearing exercises help build bones. According to research, vibration therapy may even be as effective at improving bone density and strength than its traditional counterpart.

How Does Vibration Therapy Work?

Chiropractors often employ vibration therapy as part of the treatment for musculoskeletal issues, including pain, limited mobility, muscle weakness and circulation problems. Vibration therapy helps decrease inflammation which contributes to these issues while speeding up natural healing processes in the body and increasing muscle strength, balance and flexibility.

Vibration therapy can be applied both locally and overall to increase circulation and deliver vital nutrients directly to areas in need. You can do it using either a whole-body vibration machine that you stand on or smaller handheld vibration devices that directly cover targeted areas. Vibration causes muscles to contract which increases blood flow and delivers essential nutrition directly into injured parts of the body.

Vibration therapy also stimulates your body’s primary proprioceptive (balance) sensors by sending signals to your nervous system that help restore more stable and controlled positions – this is especially useful for people suffering from compromised balance or those recovering from injuries that impede movement.

Vibrations also activate motor neurons, nerve cells that work together to initiate muscle contractions and strengthen your body. This helps relieve sore muscles, reduce stress hormones, increase metabolism and energy levels and boost your energy levels.

At Carpe Diem Chiropractic, vibration therapy is an integral component of many patients’ treatment plans for health and wellness goals, such as scoliosis, joint pain, muscle tightness, chronic back/neck issues or weight loss. We can assist in finding out whether vibration therapy will be the appropriate form of therapy to meet those objectives. We will work closely with each client individually to identify if vibration therapy will provide relief in this instance.

How Does Vibration Therapy Help?

Vibration therapy combined with chiropractic adjustments that align the spine and optimize nervous system function can significantly enhance balance, coordination and motor control as well as muscle growth and bone density. It can even stimulate bone mineralization.

Vibration therapy can provide relief by activating the body’s natural healing response – the release of endorphins to alleviate discomfort – as well as increasing flexibility by stretching tight muscles, loosening them up, and improving joint mobility.

Vibration therapy has also been shown to strengthen muscles that cannot be effectively trained through traditional exercises, including tendons and ligaments, pelvic floor muscles, core stability and balance issues associated with conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS), arthritis and fibromyalgia.

CleanSpine utilizes both a vibration platform and hand-held vibration tool as part of our holistic health care services. Our chiropractors, Dr Tyler Bigenho and Dr Alexis Wilson, recommend this therapeutic method to our patients to improve strength, mobility, reduce pain, alleviate stress and promote overall wellbeing.

When combined with chiropractic care, vibration plates help relax tense muscles and make it easier for our chiropractors to perform spinal manipulation and adjustments. Furthermore, vibration plates may improve range of motion and muscle strength by encouraging oxygen and nutrients into injured tissues.

Vibration therapy has the ability to speed up healing time for muscles and tissues affected by osteoarthritis or sports injuries, while simultaneously speeding up healing processes while decreasing inflammation. Vibration therapy may also enhance chiropractic adjustments’ efficacy by speeding up healing times while decreasing inflammation levels.

Vibration plates mimic real muscle contractions to stimulate muscle fibers, cell metabolism and nerve activity resulting in increased blood supply to muscles and tissues, thus providing essential nutrition and oxygen delivery for healing processes in injured areas of your body.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of whole-body vibration therapy to increase bone density and muscle mass even among elderly individuals who cannot regularly exercise. NASA utilized vibration therapy as part of their astronaut training regiment in order to increase their muscle mass and bone density before and after space travel.

Where Can I Get Vibration Therapy?

Vibration therapy is performed by physical therapists and chiropractors specializing in chronic pain conditions as a non-invasive, drug-free solution to reduce muscle discomfort, increase mobility and accelerate healing.

Your chiropractor will have you stand or lie on a vibration plate that produces vibrations to force the muscles to contract and shorten, creating an easy treatment that usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. Depending on the condition being treated, specific movements may be suggested on this machine; also you can receive localized vibration therapy therapy in certain troublesome areas.

A power vibration plate is an innovative device that simultaneously engages both muscular-skeletal and nervous systems. Featuring powerful vertical vibration, this tool enhances chiropractic treatment while simultaneously improving fitness and overall health. Popular among chiropractors, strength training instructors and physiotherapy clinics for use during adjustments or therapies; also often used during strength training exercises and physical rehabilitation programs.

Vibrations generated from a power plate activate muscle contractions 25-50 times per second, stimulating a natural “righting reflex” that aids recovery of cervical and lumbar curvatures more rapidly, increasing proprioception, balance, proprioceptive nerve stimulation, postural muscle engagement and stimulating their adaptability to stimuli.

Vibration therapy is an ideal complement to chiropractic care for relieving chronic back and sciatica pain. Furthermore, vibration can enhance chiropractic adjustments by relaxing muscles more quickly and aiding the body’s ability to heal itself faster.

Lineal and pivotal vibration are both viable movement styles. Linear vibrates vertically while pivotal moves back and forth; both forms of vibration have been found to increase bone density and leg muscle strength, and may help with weight loss by stimulating metabolism and increasing caloric expenditure.

Though vibration therapy offers many advantages, it may not be suitable for everyone. Patients suffering from cardiovascular conditions should steer clear as vibrations may increase heart rate and blood pressure; similarly, individuals who have had joint replacements should steer clear as whole body vibration may damage artificial joints; lastly those living with epilepsy should refrain from engaging in vibration therapy as it could trigger seizures.


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