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Full Body Vibration Therapy

Vibration exercise has quickly become more than just a fitness trend, with researchers using vibration training in medical settings and reporting impressive results like stronger muscles, denser bones and improved balance and mobility.

Studies suggest that whole body vibration therapy may help to decrease fat mass. Unfortunately, these studies are short and don’t take into account diet or other forms of exercise to ascertain its efficacy. More research must be completed to fully establish its potential benefits.

Improves Blood Circulation

Vibration therapy is an exercise technique involving standing or performing exercises on a vibrating platform. Studies have demonstrated its effectiveness for strengthening muscles and bones, decreasing body fat, improving blood circulation and treating neuropathy – a condition which affects peripheral nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, such as tingling sensations, numbness or muscle fatigue.

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Scientists continue to explore the effectiveness of whole-body vibration therapy as an aid for neurological conditions. Their studies are showing encouraging results; vibration therapy appears capable of relieving symptoms associated with neuropathy.

One study compared whole body vibration therapy with exercise for mice genetically programmed to be obese and diabetic, finding that vibration therapy was just as effective at improving muscle quality, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving bone health as exercise was. But it should be remembered that this was just one study and more studies must be completed before we can establish whether whole body vibration therapy is safe and effective treatment option for humans.

Whole body vibration therapy not only improves bone density, muscle mass and circulation but it can also assist with other health conditions. For instance, it can prevent osteoporosis by strengthening muscles and bones; treating chronic pain disorder fibromyalgia; studies show using vibration plates may alleviate symptoms by increasing blood flow to affected limbs and joints; etc.


Recent research found that low-magnitude (30 Hz) vibration significantly increased venous blood velocity in muscles during an acute bout of vibration, likely due to vasodilation. Horizontal, vertical or side-alternating vibration types had different impacts on peripheral blood flow and muscle oxygenation.

Researchers of this study discovered that side-alternating vibration elicited greater improvements in peripheral blood flow and muscle oxygenation than horizontal or vertical vibrations, regardless of length of time participants spent standing on the vibration platform. Further investigation must be performed into how different vibration types impact blood flow and muscle oxygenation, according to their authors of this research study.

Reduces Fat Mass

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of whole body vibration therapy to effectively decrease fat mass, increase muscle strength and enhance balance. Furthermore, this therapy improves bone health, decreases stress hormone levels and aids in regenerating healthy muscle tissue and blood circulation. Furthermore, vibrations force muscles to contract and relax many times each second – mimicking real exercise to create increased caloric expenditure through muscle contract/relax action and thus accelerate fat burnoff.

Microcurrent body treatments combined with fat reduction double the results and move fat cells through lymphatic system, providing you with a powerful tool for helping clients reach their ideal weight, tone and slimming goals.

The up-and-down motion of the machine stimulates your patient’s postural muscles, improving her balance and coordination. Front-to-back and side-to-side movements also engage her skeletal system, increasing range of motion, improving her range of movement, and helping them transition more easily between sitting and standing positions. This exercise may be especially helpful for individuals suffering from cerebrovascular events like strokes; osteoarthritis patients who find transitioning between sitting and standing difficult; as well as those living with obstructive pulmonary diseases or type 2 diabetes who may lack motivation for exercise.

Vibration training also benefits the body by increasing resting metabolic rate, an essential aspect of overall energy expenditure that is greatly influenced by age, diet, medications, sleep habits and bodyweight. Vibration training increases resting metabolic rate by stimulating nerve impulses to the brain that will activate muscles to contract and relax more regularly.

Local vibrations in the abdominal cavity also stimulate the gastrointestinal system, increasing its efficiency by stimulating thermogenic effects (the amount of energy expended during chewing and swallowing food). Your patient could use up to 10% of their total energy budget just from eating alone!

Whole-body vibration training can have a positive effect on the lymphatic system. The slower vibrations of the machine help with lymph drainage, helping your patient’s lymphatic system get rid of waste products and excess fluids more effectively. This method is particularly helpful after non-invasive fat reduction treatments have left debris that must be flushed from their system by lymph drainage.

Strengthens Muscles

Full body vibration therapy is an effective way of strengthening muscles when combined with weight training or other forms of exercises. Vibration training challenges the body’s equilibrium and causes muscle contractions that wouldn’t occur on solid ground, providing an intense workout for your muscles while increasing joint strength.

Recent research published in NeuroRehabilitation demonstrated that adding vibration therapy to a regular exercise routine improves results of traditional resistance training, increasing muscle power and performance, particularly among older adults who may be more vulnerable to muscle atrophy. Researchers noted the benefits were particularly valuable for older adults when coupled with traditional resistance training methods.

Vibration training has the added advantage of relieving back pain. A meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials concluded that whole-body vibration therapy (WBV) had an impactful positive impact on muscle strength, power and muscular endurance among elderly individuals with non-specific low back pain (NLBP).

WBV involves lying or standing on a vibrating plate which moves vertically, sinusoidally or side-alternating at various frequencies and displacement amplitudes. WBV therapy is often touted as an anti-ageing treatment; scientists theorize that this works through our bodies’ natural “tonic vibration reflex.”

Osteoporosis can also benefit from vibration therapy. According to the National Institute on Aging, osteoporosis is a progressive condition in which inner bone density decreases over time and honeycomb-shaped bone fragments form. People living with osteoporosis often become fearful of breaking a bone due to reduced mobility and muscle weakness as their activity levels decrease due to fear.

However, one of the primary advantages of vibration therapy is that it doesn’t cause bone mass loss – and can actually promote new bone growth! Studies have revealed that using a vibration machine for just 10-20 minutes each day may help decrease osteoporosis symptoms while simultaneously increasing bone density and decreasing its effects.

Reduces Stress

Vibration therapy (WBV) is an exercise method which employs vibrating plates to stimulate muscles. Research has proven its efficacy for strengthening bones, increasing muscle power and cardiovascular wellbeing as well as aiding physical recovery from injury. Furthermore, vibration therapy reduces stress while simultaneously improving balance and flexibility as well as relieving muscle pain.

Researchers have discovered that WBV increases production of muscle-building protein, helping strengthen bones and muscles to reduce back pain. Furthermore, vibrations help reduce fat mass in the abdomen while stimulating release of hormones responsible for decreasing stress levels – studies have revealed WBV to be just as effective as traditional exercises such as walking or running.

WBV provides an accessible and safe exercise solution for people who do not have the mobility, capacity or desire for traditional physiotherapy. As it involves low impact movement that stimulates all muscles throughout the body instead of just surface muscles like traditional physiotherapy does, WBV has been proven to increase muscle strength and bone health comparable to conventional physiotherapy in 30-60 minutes per day.

Vibration plates emit vibrations that cause muscles to contract and relax repeatedly throughout each second, simulating exercise. According to researchers, rapid vibrations stimulate both muscles and bones by improving muscle quality while also helping prevent osteoporosis and improving balance and coordination through activating natural reflexes found within our bodies; which may benefit those living with Parkinson’s disease or other health issues which affect balance or movement.

Vibration therapy has long been used by astronauts and cosmonauts in space programs to ensure that their muscles and bone density did not degrade under zero gravity conditions. Research suggests vibration therapy could benefit various conditions including arthritis, obesity and depression – it has even been proposed that vibrations may help alleviate some symptoms associated with Parkinson’s Disease such as tremors and rigidity according to one published NeuroRehabilitation study.


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