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Micro Vibration Therapy Improves Muscle Strength, Postural Stability and Facial Contours

Vibration therapy has been found to increase muscle strength, postural stability, bone density and sensorimotor performance among various populations. Results may differ depending on the vibration protocol employed or any coexisting conditions or posture changes experienced by participants in these studies.

In order to achieve optimal results, selecting a vibration machine which produces both frequencies and directional movements is of utmost importance.

Increased Blood Flow

Vibration therapy can be an efficient way of getting your muscles moving and increasing blood flow, helping your body work harder to burn more calories and shed pounds without lifting heavy. Vibrations may also increase bone density and stimulate muscle growth – all without heavy lifting! Applied directly to the face and neck area can aid with facial aging by increasing circulation; micro vibration therapy causes muscles to contract and relax more regularly which tightens and defines skin for tighter more defined looks as we age, as well as breaking down scar tissue or improving skin elasticity.

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Vibration therapy has proven its worth in treating chronic soft tissue injuries, muscle atrophy, bone loss and peripheral neuropathy – which all relate to poor micro-circulation. Vibration’s rapidly repeated skeletal muscle contractions provide effective exercise for muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and other connected tissues – including soft tissues like muscles. Furthermore, vibration may even have effects beyond its immediate impact on musculoskeletal and nervous systems – such as protein synthesis, hormone production or cell signaling etc.

Studies have demonstrated that whole-body vibration (WBV) produces a dramatic and rapid rise in muscle blood flow within 30 seconds of exposure, likely through multiple mechanisms including vasodilation induced by mechanical force and stimulation of polymodal receptors on the surface of skin. WBV may even induce angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels).

Localized vibration can significantly improve diabetic patients’ cutaneous microcirculation. A study by Gailiuniene et al. demonstrated how low frequency (2-10Hz) vibration could improve SBF in diabetic feet; Maloney-Hinds et al. reported similar results using 50Hz vibration to improve forearm SBF of diabetic patients. This may be explained by foot tissues being stiffer than forearm tissues and thus being less responsive to vibration-induced increases in SBF (Maloney-Hinds et. al 2009).


Vibration therapy also has the power to enhance cognition. According to studies, individuals suffering from dementia who underwent WBV treatments saw improvements in their Mini-Mental State Examination scores due to reduced cerebrovascular disease and enhanced brain blood flow.

Faster Recovery Time

Russian and American scientists have used vibration therapy for years to help protect their astronauts against muscle atrophy in zero gravity. By administering small vibrations through their feet and hands, small vibrations could cause muscles to contract and relax repeatedly – leading them back into shape in minutes! We have taken inspiration from this technology at Texas Spine and Sports Therapy Center as an effective, non-invasive means of strengthening patients while speeding recovery following injury or surgery.

Vibration therapy can also be an effective solution to chronic injuries that have proven difficult or impossible to heal through traditional means. Vibration therapy‘s regenerative properties can be applied to chronic inflammation or injury-induced pain as well as damaged connective tissues; scar tissue breaking down, microcirculation improved and new muscle cell development promoted all aid in restoring both function and strength in damaged areas.

Vibration therapy combined with physical therapy can be an effective means of strengthening the muscles that surround a knee joint, relieving stress from its cartilage and ligaments. Furthermore, vibration can strengthen quadriceps to alleviate knee pain caused by arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Vibration has also proven itself effective at increasing bone density. Vibration therapy has been shown to increase hip and spine bone density and decrease osteoporosis risk in postmenopausal women, and can even help decrease falls among elderly people by increasing balance and strength.

Though more research needs to be conducted into the full scope of vibration therapy benefits, we are already witnessing encouraging results across various conditions. At Vibe Health Centre we can offer both whole body vibration therapy (WBVT) and targeted vibration therapy that can be administered via handheld devices or vibration machines. Our team would be more than happy to discuss how vibration therapy may benefit your situation so don’t hesitate to get in touch today to arrange an appointment with one of our skilled practitioners!

Reduced Pain

Vibration therapy may seem painful at first, but the practice actually decreases muscle soreness due to its skeletal muscle pump effect of increasing the amount of blood flowing to muscles and joints during each session – aiding to ease pain relief while speeding recovery time. Furthermore, vibration reduces stress on bones and joints for added pain relief; making this an attractive alternative to more traditional pain-relievers which often come with unpleasant side effects.

Vibration therapy may also help relieve chronic lower back pain caused by repetitive muscle injuries and scar tissue formation. Vibration training uses rapid muscle contractions to break up scar tissue, increase micro-circulation and promote muscle cell generation – leading to greater mobility for pain relief and stiffness relief, as well as long-term damage prevention from chronic lower back pain.

Vibration therapy offers another advantage by helping treat and prevent DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), or delayed onset muscle soreness, after exercising. DOMS can be painful and uncomfortable and limit physical activity; according to one study published in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, vibration therapy was found to significantly decrease DOMS symptoms and increase flexibility after physical activity.

Vibration technology can have multiple positive effects on your skin. Vibrations can help smooth and tone your body while making the skin appear healthier. Furthermore, the vibrating movement of skin cells causes a mild massage effect which feels great and makes skin firmer; additionally, massage increases circulation which reduces wrinkles and puffiness in facial regions.

Vibration therapy has another advantage – it can aid those living with arthritis and joint problems by loosening joints, improving mobility and stimulating bone growth while strengthening surrounding tissues to relieve pain and stiffness.

Better Skin

Sonic vibration not only increases blood flow, but it also improves skin’s texture and promotes hydration – leading to improved appearance of cellulite reduction and helping women suffering from acne or Rosacea reduce cellulite appearance. Sonic vibratory exfoliation and cleansing technology differs drastically from microcurrent in terms of their effectiveness; microcurrent is used for muscle tone improvements while sonic vibratory exfoliation works on cellular level eliminating toxins, killing bacteria and unclogging pores leaving behind healthier, fresher looking and smoother looking skin making this method ideal anti-age treatment solution for women suffering from acne or Rosacea.

Vibration therapy can also increase skin elasticity and decrease fine lines and wrinkles by stretching muscles with tiny vibrations that loosen the fibrous connective tissue and release tension. Although results will be less apparent if only using it on one area such as your face, this therapy device should still prove effective.

As we age, our facial muscles begin to shorten and cause fine lines and wrinkles to appear on our faces. Sonic vibrations help relax these facial muscles back to their original length for smoother results.

Recent scoping reviews examined the efficacy of vibration therapy on hard-to-heal wounds such as pressure injuries, diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers (VLUs). Researchers discovered that low frequency/low intensity local vibration can effectively help heal these wounds by improving blood flow, decreasing pain perception, decreasing exudate volume, clearing necrotic tissue faster and increasing nitric oxide expression.

This treatment also reduces fibrosis in subcutaneous tissues, which prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching cells in affected areas, thus decreasing inflammation while simultaneously increasing granulation tissues for healing purposes.

Studies with thermal imaging data before and after vibration treatments as well as visual and palpation analysis demonstrated a complete remission of cellulite among 40% of subjects in stage one cellulite, as well as significant improvements for 60% with stage 2 cellulite. Following both treatments, skin temperature in both lateral and posterior surfaces of thighs and buttocks had significantly increased significantly after each vibration session.


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