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The Benefits of a Vibration Therapy Device

Vibration therapy entails standing or lying on a machine that vibrates your entire body. The vibrations cause muscle contractions and relaxations similar to what occurs with exercise.

It creates the feeling of working out and can increase metabolism. Furthermore, this therapy also relieves pain by loosening tight muscles and improving the body’s natural healing processes.


Vibration therapy uses oscillatory vibrations transmitted from a mechanical vibration plate or handheld device to transmit oscillatory vibrations that stimulate muscle contractions, increase blood circulation and relieve pain and fatigue while relaxing your body. Vibration therapy also has positive impacts on skeletal muscles and joints as it relieves them of pain while helping the body relax; in addition, vibration therapy has also been proven to increase metabolism which may help with weight loss.

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Massage can improve circulation, muscle strength and joint flexibility while reducing inflammation, stiffness and improving balance and flexibility, alleviating chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and arthritis, increasing bone density through osteoblast stimulation activity as well as improve balance, coordination and reduce falls risk in older people. It has the power to bring balance back in our lives!

Although vibration plates don’t provide scientific proof of their benefits, many users report using them for various health issues. Some of their more prevalent benefits may include:

Enhance Blood Circulation- Vibrations can play a pivotal role in increasing circulation and speeding the elimination of toxins from your body, especially in lower legs and ankles where poor circulation often manifests itself as symptoms. Vibration therapy also works well to alleviate back and neck pain by relaxing muscles tension and increasing blood flow to those areas.


Muscle Toning- Vibrations can create an experience similar to regular exercise sessions that is designed to tone and strengthen muscles throughout your body, including your legs, hips, arms and back. They may help tone and strengthen these areas as well as promote balance and stability for older adults at risk of falls; also helping reduce cortisol levels which cause you to feel stressed out more.

There are two primary forms of vibration therapy devices, whole-body vibrators and localized vibration devices. Both provide various health benefits; however, their methods of action and clinical applications vary considerably. While vibrations may be stimulating for some individuals, those with high blood pressure or heart conditions should refrain from doing so as this could stimulate them even further; additionally it is wise to consult your doctor first when considering taking up this therapy regimen.


Vibration therapy has gained great attention as an effective means of building muscle strength and improving posture, balance, and gait in those living with cerebral palsy. If the intensity of vibration becomes excessively strong however, this could cause discomfort or even harm.

Vibration machines feature a plate that vibrates back and forth to cause an impactful impact on the body that triggers muscle contractions. Vibration frequency depends on which model it is purchased for; some devices offer stronger vibration than others. Individuals should consult their doctor first before choosing an appropriate vibration machine for themselves.

Most vibration machines are intended for standing use. You can control the intensity of the vibration by adjusting its settings on the machine; however, overexerting yourself should never happen as doing so could cause injuries such as backache or knee discomfort.

Importantly, studies of whole-body vibration employ fitness equipment with frequencies between 5 and 50 Hz designed for exercise. Such machines can typically be found in fitness centres and among fit, healthy groups; however, their high vibration forces are unsuitable for elderly or infirm individuals and could lead to serious complications like osteoporosis.

Medically certified vibration devices like the Marodyne LiV treatment platform produce low-amplitude vibration stimuli that are well tolerated by human bodies and do not surpass what is considered safe according to occupational safety standards (see graph above).

Studies on the neurocognitive effects of whole-body vibration are limited, as their results vary greatly due to varying vibration protocols, participant comorbidities and posture taken during intervention. As a result, it’s difficult to compare results and create a uniform cognitive training protocol; nonetheless, those studies that did demonstrate positive cognitive effects suggest this form of intervention has an encouraging future; long term follow-up studies must also be carried out in order to establish whether these benefits remain lastingly.

Side Effects

The vibrations transmitted by this device trigger muscle contraction and improve blood circulation, thus relieving pain and inflammation from joints and bones, improving joint health, increasing bone mineral density, decreasing risk of osteoporosis and stimulating new bone production – an invaluable aid for those unable to exercise due to illness or injury; especially helpful for relieving back pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia symptoms while increasing flexibility and strengthening muscles.

Vibration therapy is generally safe for most healthy adults, though some individuals with balance or movement disorders or who suffer from motion sickness should consult their physician or therapist prior to commencing. If you’re concerned about its safety, consult your healthcare provider or therapist first before beginning vibration therapy treatment.

Vibration therapy generally falls into two main categories: whole-body vibration (WBVT) and targeted vibration therapy. WBVT typically involves standing, lying down or sitting on a vibrating platform while performing exercises, while targeted vibration therapy utilizes handheld or worn devices which emit focused vibrations onto certain parts of the body.

WBVT can bring many benefits, from pain relief and weight loss to increased bone mineral density. It also increases lymphatic fluid circulation and energy levels. WBVT may be particularly beneficial to those living with fibromyalgia by relieving their pain while increasing range of motion in joints; strengthening muscles; decreasing tremors/stiffness/stiffenings and improving sleep quality are among these.

WBVT also helps reduce high blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide levels within the body and can also relieve stress by decreasing cortisol levels and activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system.

WBVT may cause side effects that include fatigue and soreness, although these often disappear after several sessions. Vibration therapy can also increase heart rate; therefore it’s essential that your blood pressure and pulse be checked prior to beginning vibration therapy sessions and that plenty of water be drunk prior and following each session.


Vibration therapy devices have quickly gained in popularity as patients look for holistic approaches to healthcare. Vibration therapy devices provide patients with an all-around holistic solution, including pain relief and improved sleep quality; muscle growth promotion; enhanced natural healing ability of the body; as well as treatment for numerous injuries or illnesses using vibration technology.

Tri-plane vibration plates offer three basic forms of vibratory stimulation: up and down vibration, side to side vibration and front backward vibratory action – typically found in gyms and fitness centers – as well as oscillation plates which rock back and forth like pendulums (like LifePro’s Rumblex Plus 4D Vibration Plate), with intensity controls adjustable via slider bar.

Studies have demonstrated that vibration therapy may reduce spasticity in those living with multiple sclerosis; however, more research needs to be completed in this regard. Studies also reveal that vibration therapy helps with myofascial pain relief, autogenic muscle inhibition, delayed onset muscle soreness relief and delayed onset muscle soreness relief. It should be noted that vibration therapy should not be recommended for those experiencing nerve or joint conditions such as fibromyalgia, neuropathy or epilepsy; those wearing metal pins or plates as well as those suffering from open wounds or skin rashes or open wounds due to physical contact.


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