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The Benefits of Cycloid Vibration Therapy

Cycloid vibration therapy offers an ideal alternative for people who can’t participate in physical activities due to medical restrictions or fear of physical activity, offering the equivalent of exercise with many therapeutic benefits.

Niagara’s cycloidal massage function helps promote skin and soft tissue blood flow, relieving back muscle spasms while increasing flexibility resulting in pain symptom relief.

Improved Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage

Maintaining proper circulation and lymphatic drainage are integral parts of healing wounds, reducing inflammation and improving overall tissue health. Cycloid vibration therapy uses vibrations to stimulate blood flow, increase cellular oxygenation and accelerate natural healing processes within the body – relieving pain by loosening tight muscles or relaxing stiff joints.

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CVT devices produce cycloid vibrations that travel throughout the entire body, stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation in both superficial and deeper tissues, stimulating cell metabolism and increasing collagen production in deep, soft tissues. They may even help reduce swelling by increasing protein-fatty acid circulation within joint spaces.

Studies have demonstrated that cycloid vibration therapy increases circulation and improves lymphatic drainage systems to remove waste, reduce edema or swelling and enhance tissue elasticity and mobility. Furthermore, it may increase bone density thus decreasing fracture risk as well as osteoporosis risk.

One study demonstrated the efficacy of oscillatory cycloid vibration for 21 days on total and LDL cholesterol levels of people suffering from hypercholesterolemia, along with atherogenic index (AIP) reduction and hip circumference reduction.


Study results demonstrated that cycloid vibration significantly enhanced healing of venous leg ulcers when combined with compression bandaging. Of 18 patients treated, 10 completely recovered within 12 weeks; their ulcers were smaller with higher percentage of exudate than control groups, and patients reported decreased pain as well as improvement in quality of life.

Cycloid vibration therapy typically improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, helping heal damaged muscle tissue, bones, and ligaments. Furthermore, it may be used to treat chronic inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia or arthritis as well as providing athletes with relief following injury.

Many hospitals, physiotherapists and massage therapists now incorporate cycloid vibration therapy as part of their treatments. Home care devices also exist and can be purchased from health stores or online.

Relieves Pain and Tension

Cycloid vibration therapy sends low-frequency vibrations through the body at specific frequencies and amplitudes, stimulating various parts of the musculoskeletal system and relieving pain or tension in specific areas. Furthermore, this therapy strengthens immune functions, reduces stress levels, enhances cell metabolism and contributes to overall better health and relaxation resulting in healthier bodies better equipped to fight off illness and disease.

Research has demonstrated the efficacy of vibration therapy in lowering cholesterol and improving blood pressure. One study included women over 65 with hypercholesterolemia who participated in 21 days of vibration sessions or did not. After 21 days, those in the vibration group saw significant drops in total and LDL cholesterol levels, as well as decreased atherogenic indexes which indicate reduced risk of atherosclerosis development.

Studies have demonstrated that cycloidal vibration therapy is an effective solution to joint and muscle discomfort by activating the body’s natural healing processes. Vibrations cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow to injured areas for tissue repair while decreasing inflammation and speeding recovery time from soft tissue injuries or post-operative wounds.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of cycloid vibration therapy to alleviate back pain caused by muscle spasms and strain. Furthermore, it has also shown to improve flexibility and mobility for people suffering from fibromyalgia while helping relax muscle around joints affected by osteoporosis.

Cycloid vibration therapy offers another advantage over conventional treatments by helping treat cellulitis, which often necessitates hospital admission. Researchers have discovered that when combined with antibiotics, cycloidal vibration therapy provides fast and complete recovery than its alternatives.

If you’re interested in trying cycloid vibration therapy to treat pain and stiffness, make sure that you select a qualified provider. Ask friends and family for recommendations, or research online clinics offering this therapy; also ask how long the provider has been practicing, the training they have received, as well as results they typically see from clients.

Increases Flexibility and Range of Motion

Cycloid vibration penetrates deeper into tissues, blocking pain signals, decreasing muscle tension, and improving flexibility. Furthermore, the vibrations stimulate the musculoskeletal system, increasing circulation while stretching muscles, joints and connective tissue – helping relax tight muscles that contribute to back pain or stiffness.

Researchers conducted one study where they determined that localised cycloidal vibration therapy with low frequency and amplitude can be just as effective in increasing hip flexor mobility than participating in 15 minute flexibility exercises, as measured by short term mobility of hip flexors. They also discovered positive impacts of vibration therapy therapy on thoracolumbar spine kinematics as well as hindquarters kinematics.

Studies have demonstrated the benefits of vibrotherapy on strengthening and endurance of leg and abdomen muscles as well as balance and co-ordination, with particularly dramatic increases from combining it with specific strengthening exercises – or “cycloidal vibration with specific muscle strengthening exercises” or Whole Body Vibration Training or WBVT for short. According to one recent study, researchers discovered cycloidal WBVT had immediate and dramatic benefits on pain relief as well as joint range of motion in osteoarthritis patients, though its results were less dramatic than with placebo treatments.

Vibration therapy works to increase blood circulation to muscles and joints, helping reduce inflammation and ease symptoms associated with arthritis. Furthermore, vibration therapy may relax tense muscles that contribute to back or neck pain – offering another method for pain management and hastening recovery from injuries.

Cycloid vibration can also help stimulate metabolism and accelerate weight loss by sending signals to the brain that indicate exercise is taking place and stimulating release of hormones which support fat burning and boost energy levels.

Researchers conducted a recent study that concluded 21 days of oscillatory-cycloidal vibration had a profoundly positive impact on lowering total and LDL cholesterol levels among women over 65. Furthermore, this therapy helped decrease waist circumferences as well as improve atherogenic indexes.

Reduces Stress

Cycloid vibration action penetrates deep within and covers considerable areas of the body, stimulating blood circulation. This provides nourishment to skin and muscle to keep them toned; plus it helps burn excess calories stored in soft tissues and reduce fat deposits.

Cycloid vibration therapy offers a novel approach to contract and relax muscle contraction and relaxation, distinguished from other forms of vibration like whole body vibration (WBV). Cycloid vibrotherapy stimulates localized muscle fibres and connective tissues more effectively than WBV does, leading to greater soft tissue impact and stronger results in the musculoskeletal system.

One of the main benefits of cycloidal vibration therapy for horses is its ability to improve circulation, helping with recovery from conditions like swollen legs, sore backs and pulled muscles. The Niagara Equissage Pulse system utilizes a patented motor which creates cycloidal vibration that spreads throughout their bodies – from back pads and hand units for general body treatment, all the way to leg boots to target specific injuries such as tendonitis ligamentitis joints etc.

Cycloid vibration has the power to release nitric oxide (NO), a vasodilator hormone that causes blood vessels to expand wider and relax, thus increasing blood flow throughout the body, oxygen delivery, and nutrition intake. This may prove especially useful when treating horses with metabolic conditions such as diabetes mellitus that cause poor circulation and lead to other issues.

Recent research involving oscillatory-cycloidal vibration therapy demonstrated its efficacy at reducing hip circumferences and improving atherogenic indices in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus, suggesting regular use of vibration therapy could provide an effective and convenient means of improving cardiovascular health in elderly patients.

When searching for a provider of cycloid vibration therapy services, be sure to select a reputable firm with extensive experience providing this type of therapy. Ask about their training and experience as well as safety protocols they employ during treatments.


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