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TurboSonic Whole Body Vibration Therapy

Whole body vibration (WBV) therapy is an innovative solution designed to promote circulation while strengthening and increasing muscle strength and flexibility for improved performance. Furthermore, WBV treatment may help relieve pain from stress-related causes such as fatigue or cellulite build up while also helping decrease pain associated with inflammation or injury.

Sonic whole body vibrations trigger an organic, full-body stretch reflex and induce muscle contractions that cause an immediate increase in critical blood flow.

Improves Circulation

Degenerative disease conditions, accelerated aging and physical diminished capacities can all be directly tied to insufficient cellular stimulation. This occurs as cells struggle with poor nutrition, low oxygen levels and environmental toxins as well as lymphatic fluid stagnation. TurboSonic whole body vibration therapy stimulates these cells with natural reflexive responses. The result? Improved muscle strength, circulation and bone density improvements as well as other health benefits.

Sonic vibration therapy, also known as whole body vibration (WBV), exposes the entire body to mechanical oscillations while standing on a vibrating platform. This cutting-edge patented technology is utilized in major medical, rehabilitation and therapy centers as well as senior centers, spas and gyms worldwide.

TurboSonic Vibrating Platform’s Sonic Vertical Vibration stimulates your body’s natural “stretch reflex.” Muscle groups naturally stretch and contract in response to this vibration, stimulating blood flow significantly more effectively resulting in improved production of slow-twitch muscle fibers as well as faster ones thereby increasing muscle strength, performance, recovery time from injury and improving overall wellbeing.

Vibration exercise helps increase cell wall permeability and oxygen and nutrient uptake as well as waste elimination, and accelerate recruitment of muscle fiber, reduce cellular senescence and support secretion of serotonin for stress relief.

As a result, TurboSonic vibration training helps reduce fat deposits and cellulite accumulations while increasing collagen production and tightening skin elasticity. In addition, it increases production of human growth hormone while simultaneously decreasing cortisol and epinephrine secretions by 31% to enhance your immunity system. Furthermore, it energizes circulation systems to fight against the aging process, strengthens intestinal tracts for proper function, promotes bowel movement stimulation, as well as improving joint mobility and flexibility while combatting sedentary lifestyles.

Strengthens Muscles

TurboSonic vibration therapy not only increases muscle strength but also muscle mass and tone as well as improving posture. Sonic vibration can also help people who have experienced osteoporosis prevent further bone loss by stimulating their bodies to absorb more calcium; more clinicians are using vibration technology as part of osteoporosis exercise programs.

TurboSonic’s whole-body vibration (WBV) device uses patented sound wave technology to generate natural vertical vibration that is safe and effective for people of all ages. Vibration force travels directly through the spine into the body, producing instantaneous responses in muscle tissue and bones.

Vibration signals activate an involuntary stretch reflex, stimulating muscle contraction at rates ranging from three to 60 times per second. This automatic muscular response enhances regular exercises and speeds recovery after injury.

10 minutes of Sonic Vibration can provide the equivalent of one hour of cardio. Furthermore, when combined with regular power training exercises it increases muscle strength by over 50% while decreasing training time by 50% or more.

Russia first pioneered vibration therapy as a means to stimulate space travelers’ bone and muscle tissue loss due to a lack of gravity, but today this revolutionary technology can also be found used extensively across medical, fitness, and physical rehabilitation settings. Clinical studies demonstrate how vibration therapy has shown significant success at improving conditions including arthritis and Parkinson’s.

Vibration therapy accelerates blood circulation, enhances oxygen delivery to cells, promotes nutrient uptake and facilitates cell fluid movement while stimulating waste removal from these same cells. Furthermore, vibration therapy activates fast-twitch muscle fiber to increase endurance and provide explosive power necessary for athletic performance, eliminate excess fat accumulations such as cellulite reduction, as well as enhance intestinal tract functions.

Sonic vibration therapy increases human growth hormone and serotonin secretion, creating feelings of well-being and relaxation while countering negative aspects of modern living. Furthermore, sonic vibration decreases cortisol and epinephrine secretions by 31% while simultaneously strengthening immunity systems.

Relieves Pain

Turbosonic vibration therapy was initially developed by Russian astronauts to stimulate space traveler bones and muscles during space missions; today it is being utilized by health practitioners and individuals at home alike for wellness and exercise purposes. Turbosonic vibration therapy works to strengthen muscle strength, increase circulation, stimulate lymphatic drainage and decrease excess body fat while decreasing cellulite accumulation – all while decreasing excess cellulite, improving bone density, relieving joint pain and providing overall wellness benefits.

Sonic whole body vibration (WBV) creates a “reflexive response”, or muscle contraction, that leads to an impressive increase in critical blood flow to joints and connective tissue, increasing nutrient uptake by cells, waste removal from cells, as well as helping prevent chronic degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis. WBV also encourages release of key wellness, recovery and rehabilitation hormones like serotonin and human growth hormone while suppressing cortisol production by the body.

Studies of WBV show that its sonic vibration stimulates muscular activity without the traditional exercise’s excessive bending, twisting and flexing; making it safe and accessible to people of all fitness levels. Plus, WBV provides an easy way to start an intensive fitness regime as the WBV does all of the hard work for you!

At each session, you stand barefoot on a platform which produces vertical vibrations from 3Hz to 50Hz with variable amplitude, spreading these waves throughout your entire body and stimulating each cell in it.

Sonic vibration not only assists cells with the uptake and movement of nutrients and fluids, but it also stimulates the all-important lymphatic system – one of the body’s primary immune defense systems. Consisting of all lymphatic vessels that run parallel with veins and arteries, this vital life support system relies on muscle action and one-way valves to cleanse blood as it passes through. Without stimulation however, lymphatic fluids will stagnate creating toxic loads that suppress immune defense systems and lead to disease; whole body vibration therapy is one of the best ways to keep stagnant lymphatic fluids flowing smoothly through our bodies – keeping immune defenses strong against such threats!

Improves Sleep

Imagine standing on an out-of-this-world platform from a sci-fi movie, feeling an exhilarating yet gentle vibration pulsate through your entire body – this isn’t fantasy; vibration therapy has quickly made waves in wellness circles worldwide.

Vibrations produced by this device send signals to your muscles, prompting them to contract and relax quickly – providing an effortless workout without lifting a finger! Rapid muscle contractions also improve balance and reduce fall risk – both crucial factors for those living with Parkinson’s.

Vibration therapy may not be a one-stop cure-all, but it can enhance other forms of therapy. Researchers have discovered that vibrations can enhance physical therapy’s effects and relieve pain more effectively; plus they may even speed up recovery time after hard workouts.

At present, researchers are studying how vibration therapy can be combined with other forms of treatment for Parkinson’s. Studies have demonstrated that vibrations can actually enhance their effectiveness – creating a double neurological impact!

Vibration therapy devices come in various forms, from whole-body platforms that you stand on to chairs that specialize in this form of treatment. Frequency and duration may differ according to each study’s recommendations; most studies recommend 10-15 minute sessions three times weekly with adjustable vibration intensity so that your body finds its own rhythm.

Vibration therapy offers numerous health advantages that can dramatically improve the quality of your life, but it should not be considered a cure-all solution. You should always consult with a doctor prior to trying any new treatment such as vibration therapy; people suffering from acute thrombosis or severe osteoporosis should refrain from vibration therapy; however, for healthy individuals looking for ways to expand their wellness regimen this may be worth exploring further.
