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Vibration Therapy Chiropractic

Vibration therapy is an innovative addition to our chiropractic arsenal, used primarily for strengthening and healing purposes.

Your chiropractor will have you stand on a plate which emits vibration throughout your entire body, activating both muscle-skeletal systems and nervous systems.

Relieves Pain

Chiropractors know that to treat pain effectively, the best approach involves using both manual adjustments and non-invasive techniques, such as vibration therapy. Vibration therapy has become an invaluable asset in pain treatment; using vibration to alleviate back or joint discomfort while strengthening muscles is just one benefit; so if you want to strengthen your chiropractic practice and attract new clients, why not add vibration therapy into the mix?

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Vibration therapy is an easy, noninvasive way to bring many potential benefits. Simply put, vibration therapy involves sitting or lying on a device which emits vibrations throughout the body similar to those experienced during exercise and stimulating muscle contractions – helping alleviate pain by increasing blood flow and flexibility.

This method of treatment is often employed to alleviate symptoms associated with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, strengthen bones, increase bone density and ease bone thinning due to age, as well as increase muscle mass thereby alleviating back pain in older individuals.

At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, we employ this form of therapy to relieve muscle knot pain. These knots usually form in the back but may also manifest themselves elsewhere on your body, including your neck. Our method works to ease them by stimulating specific muscle groups – up to 12 times every second! – to contract and relax more regularly.


Vibration therapy offers another key advantage by speeding up natural healing processes in the body. Vibrations encourage capillaries to dilate, increasing blood flow and oxygen levels – this in turn aids the body in healing injured muscles, ligaments and discs more rapidly.

Vibration therapy has proven itself as an effective method to quickly relieve lower back pain in the short term, speed recovery time from injuries, and improve flexibility. Because of these multiple advantages vibration therapy provides, it has become an increasingly popular treatment option among chiropractors and other health care professionals.

Strengthens Muscles

Vibration therapy chiropractic can strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and metabolism, enhance balance, build bone density and increase circulation while simultaneously decreasing inflammation and speeding healing – without resorting to drugs or surgery!

Vibration therapy can be integrated with traditional chiropractic methods like manipulation, adjustments, traction and massage therapy to increase effectiveness and efficiency of therapy sessions. By adding WBV as part of their practice plan, chiropractors can maximize its use.

A typical treatment typically lasts 10-20 minutes and involves standing upright on a vibration platform emitting sonic vertical vibrations with variable frequencies. These vibrations activate different muscle groups to relax them more thoroughly. They also stimulate nerve pathways and vasodilation – essential factors that promote the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.

By combining whole-body vibration therapy with chiropractic techniques, patients experience faster results and can return to their usual lives more quickly than if only chiropractic techniques alone had been utilized. Vibration helps energize, rebuild healthy muscle tissue, improve balance and coordination and ease spinal adjustments by relaxing tense muscles and aiding better “holding” of adjustments by chiropractors.

Studies have demonstrated that vibration stimulates osteoblasts, or cells responsible for creating new bone. This helps treat conditions like scoliosis, osteoporosis, fractures and degeneration of connective tissues. Furthermore, vibration has also shown to strengthen postural stabilizing muscles such as pelvic floor muscles, spinal erector muscles and transverse abdominal muscles – providing preventative benefits against these issues.

WBV vibrations trigger muscle contraction and release, simulating the effects of intense exercise. This allows your muscles to gain more strength while increasing lymph flow (an effective natural detoxifier) and stimulating cell growth. In addition, WBV increases energy levels while simultaneously decreasing stress hormones like cortisol that contribute to weight gain, fatigue and depression.

Vibration therapy offers several key advantages over traditional resistance exercise: It can be practiced at home with minimal time and money investment, providing muscle stimulation in 10 minutes rather than one full hour of traditional resistance exercises; recovery times from exertion are reduced through improving your body’s production and maintenance of nitric oxide, necessary for optimal blood flow.

Increases Circulation

Imagine standing on a platform as waves of energy pass through your body, stimulating muscles to contract and relax rhythmically. While this might sound like something out of science fiction, whole-body vibration therapy is actually an innovative addition to chiropractic care that boosts muscle strength, flexibility and circulation.

Vibration therapy utilizes a full-body vibration plate to provide vertical vibrations to all parts of your body, including exercise or stretching while standing on it. Your chiropractor may also suggest localized vibrating treatments using handheld vibrating devices on specific parts such as neck areas.

Vibration causes your bones and joints to react by increasing blood flow to affected areas, providing injured or tight muscles and joints with additional oxygen and nutrients for healing purposes. Furthermore, vibration reduces swelling responses thereby decreasing pain levels and speeding recovery times.

Vibration therapy aids healing in another way: by stimulating the nervous system. Vibrations stimulate nerve pathways connecting your muscles to your brain, encouraging communication between the two sides and helping your body more readily adjust to a chiropractic adjustment.

For people suffering from chronic neck pain, vibration therapy can provide much-needed relief by relaxing muscles in your neck. This allows vertebrae to move more freely, improving range of motion and eliminating neck pain altogether.

Whole-body vibration therapy can increase bone density and muscle mass while improving postural stability and mobility, as well as stimulating fast-twitch muscle fibers for athletes to improve explosive strength and performance. Furthermore, vibration therapy enhances lymphatic drainage across your entire body which encourages more natural detoxification processes.

Decreases Stress

Vibration therapy helps your body reduce cortisol, or the stress hormone, levels. An excess of cortisol can cause health issues including weight gain, muscle weakness and cardiovascular disease – but regular chiropractic visits can help keep these levels under control to promote overall good health.

Vibration therapy works to decrease cortisol in your body by stimulating muscle cells and nerve cells to send messages that encourage relaxation instead of tension, rather than tightening them up. This therapy may be particularly useful for people suffering from chronic stress as prolonged stress exposure can damage immune systems as well as lead to weight gain, heart disease, depression and anxiety.

Chiropractics have increasingly adopted this form of treatment because it can increase muscle strength and bone density while simultaneously decreasing pain and inflammation. Vibrations used during this therapy stimulate bones and muscles to produce more bone and muscle while simultaneously helping with blood circulation.

If you would like more information about how vibration therapy could benefit you, reach out to Momentum Healing Arts to arrange a consultation session with one of our expert chiropractors. They can offer additional information about how this type of treatment may assist with everything from relieving pain to increasing bone density – helping you live an overall healthier lifestyle!

Our chiropractors may suggest either whole body or targeted vibration therapy to meet your specific needs. With targeted vibration therapy, patients sit or stand on a device which emits rapid vibration forces to deliver targeted treatment directly into a specific part of their bodies, forcing muscles in that region to contract and relax – stimulating tissue stimulation while aiding natural healing processes within their bodies. This treatment method is ideal for recovering from injuries, strengthening muscles and joints or increasing fitness training levels.


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