Vibration therapy can be part of an integrative diabetes treatment plan. It can aid physical exercise, relieve chronic pain and encourage new bone growth.
Whole body vibration training may help diabetic patients enhance their glucose metabolism. Furthermore, it has also been found to decrease glycosylated hemoglobin levels and increase muscle blood flow.
Improved Blood Glucose Levels
Vibration therapy has the power to regulate your blood sugar, helping lower glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), the main marker for diabetes. Vibration can also assist your body in moving glucose more effectively from bloodstream into cells for better glycemic control. One study demonstrated this: researchers observed significant reductions in HbA1c levels for Type 2 diabetics who regularly exercise on vibrating platforms versus those who did not regularly engage in such exercises.
Mechanical oscillations from vibration machines may help your muscles contract and relax more regularly, increasing muscle blood flow and insulin sensitivity, while making blood vessels more resilient against damage caused by excess glucose levels. Furthermore, vibrations may stimulate more muscle growth – helping your body regulate its glucose levels more easily.
Researchers from Augusta University conducted studies with mice to ascertain if whole-body vibration (WBV) therapy could offer similar benefits for those living with Type 2 diabetes as traditional exercise. Their researchers discovered that mice who used vibration machines experienced weight loss similar to that experienced by those not using one as well as decreased glucose levels in the blood. Additionally, mice using vibration machines experienced improved insulin sensitivity.
These effects were due to a combination of factors, including increased muscle mass, decreased inflammation, and changes to gut bacteria composition; specifically WBV caused an increase in Alistipes bacteria which can improve glucose sensitivity while simultaneously decreasing inflammation among diabetic patients.
These results are promising, yet need to be tested in a clinical trial for their validity. MCG researchers aim to establish such a trial by recruiting volunteers with diabetes who cannot perform conventional exercise due to peripheral neuropathy or other physical ailments and assign them randomly into either groups who make regular use of a vibration machine or non-vibrating platforms; those suffering from muscular disorders will be assigned into either of the latter two groups as needed to see if either will help reduce symptoms.
Reduced Risk of Foot Ulcers
Foot ulcers are one of the main reasons for lower limb amputation in diabetic patients, and vibration therapy has been shown to improve foot sensation, thus decreasing pressure on skin surfaces, thus decreasing risk for wound development. Studies also demonstrate increased blood circulation to feet which aids healing existing ulcers while decreasing inflammation.
Studies published in Diabetes Care revealed that vibration therapy could effectively combat plantar fasciitis, an issue common to those living with diabetes and which often leads to painful ankles and feet as a result of excessive sweating. Vibration machines offer regular workouts which could prevent this condition from manifesting itself further – making regular workouts essential if you wish to prevent any possible loss of feeling in your feet!
One study demonstrated how vibration therapy helped alleviate symptoms of diabetic foot neuropathy for those living with type 2 diabetes. Vibration exercises strengthened muscles in legs and feet, helping improve neuropathy.
Researchers from the University of Lincoln in England recently discovered that whole-body vibration training significantly increased sensitivity of mechanoreceptors located within diabetic patients’ feet and legs – mechanoreceptors responsible for transmitting vibration and pressure signals directly into their brain – thus making treating diabetic neuropathy much simpler. This finding marks an impressive breakthrough that may make treating neuropathy much simpler in future.
The authors of this study recommend that doctors include vibration exercise among their arsenal of interventions to enhance glycemic control for those living with Type 2 diabetes, such as optimizing glycemic control, smoking cessation, intensive podiatric care and debridement of calluses. Whole body vibration offers a low impact, time efficient solution for improving glycemic control in those living with T2 diabetes.
Jack Yu and Babak Baban’s research at MCG was taken as an unexpected surprise by scientists, with surprising positive outcomes of their investigation of vibration training for diabetic foot ulcers. Although initially not their intention, vibration training helped significantly. They wanted to test whole body vibration effects on bone density and turnover rate in weightless environments in astronauts instead.
Improved Mental Health
Vibration therapy takes advantage of your body’s natural ability to detect vibration. This innate sense can be found among animals and plants alike and allows us to detect mechanical stimulations ranging from 1Hz up to 100kHz (1,2). It allows your body to sense vibrations through mechanical stimuli occurring around us at frequencies from 1Hz – 100kHz (1,2).
Vibrating your muscles and bones can increase their strength and flexibility, providing a viable treatment option to address various health concerns such as osteoporosis and diabetes. Vibration therapy is increasingly being offered as part of overall wellness plans at many health practices around the world.
Recent evidence from a double-blind, randomized controlled trial suggests vibration training may help alleviate type 2 diabetes symptoms for adults living with T2DM. Fifty patients were randomly assigned either the vibration platform training group (WBV group) or control group and 12 weeks of training sessions took place three times weekly on this platform.
Researchers studied the impact of vibration training on quality of life, physical fitness, body composition, glycosylated hemoglobin or HbA1c levels and foot health status among people living with T2DM. Furthermore, they investigated its effect on lipid profiles and foot health status before comparing results between WBV group members and control group. Their comparison revealed significant improvements for all measured variables as a result of vibration training.
Research suggests vibration training’s beneficial effects in T2DM are primarily tied to its ability to increase physical activity and promote muscle endurance, along with improving glucose production and storage, lipid levels, blood pressure, BMI and cortisol levels. Furthermore, there were substantial increases in physical activity levels as a result of vibration training, as well as improvements in physical fitness levels and blood pressure.
Mental stress is a frequent aspect of T2DM that can contribute to depression, anxiety and an inability to focus. Studies have shown that mind-body training like yoga or meditation may reduce depression risk and increase focus and concentration – this finding is essential because lack of concentration can have serious ramifications for diabetics.
Enhanced Mood
Vibration exercise not only improves blood sugar levels and weight reduction, but it can also benefit the cardiovascular system and circulation. Vibration therapy has been found to relieve diabetic neuropathy symptoms which cause numbness or tingling sensations in legs, feet, hands, arms and torso areas of the body. Furthermore, vibration therapy has also been proven effective at improving mood – essential when dealing with diseases that may contribute to depression.
Diabetes is a chronic disease with potentially life-threatening complications, but studies show that whole body vibration therapy offers remarkable health advantages and can drastically reduce diabetes risks while increasing quality of life. By performing simple low-impact exercises on a vibration platform several times each week, patients can significantly lower their chances of diabetes while living a fuller and healthier lifestyle.
Jerry Wheeler, 75, has had Type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years and manages it by watching what he eats and working out three times each week. To remain healthy with the disease it can be challenging, so keeping his blood glucose under control is paramount for him. While hearing of potential benefits from standing on vibrating machines Jerry is uncertain whether they would work effectively in his case.
Vibration therapy offers diabetics a safe, efficient, and accessible means of regular physical exercise; even advanced systems are straightforward and reasonably priced. Compared with traditional gym equipment which requires significant investments of time and capital, basic vibration machines cost between $200-300 – perfect for convenient workouts that last 15 minutes per session!
Researchers conducted a study involving elderly patients with type 2 diabetes. Researchers discovered that whole body vibration training reduced glycemic index levels. Adherence increased as more sessions were completed and patient satisfaction was high; according to this research team. Functional ability changes, reduced glycemic indices, and improvements in peripheral blood flow are all features of an effective diabetes treatment strategy if combined with regular vibration exercise sessions as part of regular vibration exercise regime.