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Vibration Therapy for Neuropathy

neuropathy vibration therapy

Neuropathy is an extremely frustrating and challenging condition affecting peripheral nerves. New scientific trials are constantly conducted in search of better and more successful methods of treating neurological disorders.

Local vibration therapy with the LifePro Vibration Plate can be an invaluable solution to alleviating neuropathic pain and increasing blood circulation to affected areas of the body.

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Pain Reduction

Neuropathy pain results from damage to peripheral nerves – those found outside the brain and spinal cord. Diabetes patients frequently experience this discomfort, though other diseases or injuries like shingles or chemotherapy treatments may also contribute. Many treatments exist, from over-the-counter and prescription medications, exercises, massages and supplements – but one of the most effective solutions to treat neuropathy pain is vibration therapy; studies have demonstrated significant reduction in pain as well as improvements in balance and walking ability for those using vibration therapy to treat their neuropathy symptoms.

Vibration from a power plate can loosen tight muscles and increase blood flow, providing relief from nerve pain. The vibration distracts pain receptors by producing buzzes similar to radio static that interfere with their pain signal transmission to your brain – this allows other nerves to send messages again while providing a natural, drug-free solution to neuropathy pain reduction.

Vibration therapy should be seen as one tool among many to manage pain; however, it cannot replace other forms of treatment altogether. If vibration therapy may provide long-term relief from neuropathy pain for you, speak to your physician first to ensure it’s appropriate and safe.

Whole body vibration therapy entails performing exercises on vibrating platforms that resemble large home scales with raised handles. The vibration from these platforms activates your core, strengthening bones and improving balance – an excellent option for anyone seeking natural ways to relieve neuropathic pain without risking side effects associated with prescription drugs.

A 2020 study discovered that patients suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) experienced a reduction in symptoms when treated with whole-body vibration therapy (WBV), due to its effect on increasing distal vascular blood flow and skin blood circulation – helping alleviate any associated tingling or numbness, potentially relieving symptoms that have long plagued DPN sufferers. This finding was particularly encouraging, since current therapies for DPN often lack efficacy while simultaneously carrying severe risks.

Stimulates Nerve Function

Neuropathy symptoms like tingling sensations, numbness and pain result from nerves not functioning optimally. Vibration therapy can help restore their natural functions while increasing signals sent back to the brain.

Research has demonstrated that vibration therapy stimulates nerve fiber axons to increase their speed at sending messages to the brain, thus improving proprioception of body and helping with balance issues that often accompany Peripheral Neuropathy patients. Furthermore, vibrations also reduce nerve sensitivity making it easier for these individuals to walk and move about without experiencing extreme discomfort.

Vibration therapy for neuropathies may also help by increasing blood flow to the feet and legs, providing essential nutrients and oxygen that improve metabolism as well as nerve function. People who choose vibration therapy as treatment often notice their symptoms diminish over time.

Studies have demonstrated that Whole Body Vibration therapy may also assist peripheral diabetic neuropathy by stimulating axon regeneration and myelination, increasing cell membrane permeability to allow more nutrients and water through. This allows nerves to function correctly and decreases pain while helping with balance and gait issues caused by this form of neuropathy.

Alongside vibration therapy, it’s also essential to incorporate a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean meats. Eating these nutritious foods provides essential vitamins and minerals essential for good health as well as aiding with the symptoms associated with neuropathic pain.

Consistent massage sessions can also benefit both circulation and nerve stimulation. If finding someone to massage your feet proves challenging, self-massage techniques such as calf stretches, foot circles and finger taps may prove useful at home.

Increases Blood Flow

Vibration therapy offers an alternative approach to traditional painkillers that have serious side effects: Vibration therapy has been shown to increase blood flow to areas affected by neuropathy, providing vital nutrients and oxygen directly to damaged nerves for repair while alleviating discomfort.

Peripheral neuropathic pain results from damage to small nerve fibers that innervate the skin, leading to pain, tingling and other symptoms. Diabetes, medications or other factors may contribute to peripheral neuropathies; treatments include medication, lifestyle modifications and physical therapy; however these treatments only temporarily alleviate symptoms rather than address their source.

Whole Body Vibration (WBV) exercises work the muscles like gentle workout, increasing blood flow and encouraging healing. WBV vibrations may also boost cellular activity to speed up nerve repair rates faster.

One study demonstrated the therapeutic potential of local vibrations of 2 mm amplitude to alleviate peripheral neuropathy. The vibrations increased local ion exchange, leading to resonance responses within nerve tissue that promoted secretion of NGF and proliferation of SCs; furthermore, increased cell signaling speeds transmission of bioelectric information across neuromuscular junctions, leading to muscle contraction.

Improved blood flow and nerve stimulation that controls movement and balance can provide natural pain reduction for people living with neuropathy, especially older adults who often struggle to remain upright due to balance issues brought on by neuropathy. Loss of balance or mobility often leads to falls which is one of the primary concerns among these sufferers.

WBV vibrations have the ability to increase bone strength, thereby decreasing fracture risks among those suffering from neuropathy. Vibrating motion stimulates osteoblast cells which create new bone, while decreasing osteoclast cells that resorb old bone. Together these effects work to promote overall bone health while decreasing painful breaks.

Promotes Healing

Neuropathy refers to a condition that affects nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. It typically manifests itself with symptoms like numbness, tingling and pain that disrupt balance and coordination; as such it’s important that its source is treated rather than simply masking them with medication and exercise alone. Vibration therapy has also proven useful for relieving neuropathic pain by increasing blood flow to stimulate nerve function.

Neuropathy affects different parts of the body in different ways; peripheral neuropathy typically involves nerves in feet and legs while autonomic neuropathy impacts nerves that manage automatic bodily processes such as digestion or blood pressure regulation.

If you suffer from chronic neuropathic pain, eating healthy and getting plenty of rest are vital to treating it effectively. Massage therapy may also help improve circulation and stimulate nerves. Acupuncture can be effective in relieving pain while chiropractic adjustments help relieve spine compression that contributes to neuropathy. Additionally, other treatment options include medication such as acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments and electrical stimulation as additional strategies.

Whole-body vibration therapy has been demonstrated to foster nerve regeneration and boost blood flow, improving proprioception and balance, both of which are common issues among those with neuropathy. Furthermore, whole-body vibration therapy can enhance sleep quality and elevate mood – one patient experiencing diabetic neuropathy experienced a reduction in his pain level after 4 weeks of treatment!

Utilizing a Power Plate or similar vibration machine is an effective way to stimulate your body’s natural reflexes and restore damaged nerves. As with any treatment regimen, consult with a medical provider first before beginning vibration treatments, particularly if there is an underlying medical condition present.


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