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What Are the Benefits of Cycloidal Vibration Therapy?

Cycloidal vibration (CVT) is a three-dimensional oscillating mechanical stimulus. Equissage manufactures products incorporating this form of stimulation that are classified as medical devices and audited against European medical device quality standards.

Clinical studies have shown that cycloidal vibration therapy effectively lengthens muscles to their optimal operational length, providing an ideal complement to traditional stretching exercises.

Increased Circulation

Blood flow to an area of the body increases when its circulation improves, stimulating its own healing processes and speeding up recovery time. This is especially important in wound healing where lack of blood can result in poor tissue repair, infection and inflammation. Cycoidal vibration therapy increases circulation by gently stimulating muscles, tendons and skin with oscillating movements which promote oxygenation of tissues, remove waste materials and speed up natural healing processes in the body.

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Studies have demonstrated that cycloidal vibration therapy significantly improves blood flow and metabolic responses in humans, improving their artery elasticity while decreasing plaque buildup and encouraging healthier blood vessels. It also supports endothelial growth for optimal arterial health – something essential to normal arterial function – providing increased elasticity which may prevent atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease by avoiding blockages forming.

One study involved 21 days of cycloidal vibration therapy sessions twice weekly for 21 women. The results demonstrated its beneficial impact in terms of decreasing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels as well as improving hip bone density and decreasing waist circumference.

Another study explored the impact of cycloidal vibration therapy on wounds that are hard-to-heal. To conduct their research, researchers reviewed all available literature regarding vibration therapy‘s use to promote wound healing by increasing blood flow, relieving pain, reducing exudate and eliminating necrotic tissue. Researchers determined that using low frequency/intensity vibration therapy significantly enhances wound healing rates, as evidenced by enhanced rates of granulation and epithelialization.


Research into the benefits of cycloidal vibration therapy for horses has been fascinating, with one two-year study showing its immediate effect on locomotion by altering thoracolumbar muscles and pelvic symmetry.

Vibrations appear to cause this effect by stimulating sensory receptors in the thoracic girdle, stimulating musculoskeletal system through vibration and helping reduce muscle soreness post exercise while increasing joint flexibility and strength.

Reduced Inflammation

Cycoidal vibration therapy utilizes gentle vibrations to open blood vessels and increase circulation, helping promote and accelerate natural healing processes within the body. Good circulation ensures oxygen and nutrients reach wound sites quickly to reduce inflammation while speeding up body-owned repair processes.

Cycoidal vibration therapy has also been demonstrated to increase circulation while simultaneously decreasing fluid accumulation in injured tissue, helping prevent infections while providing a more comfortable healing environment.

One study demonstrated that local vibration therapy at frequencies of 30 and 50Hz significantly increased blood flow to skeletal muscles and joints in subjects suffering from osteoarthritis, with 50Hz vibrations being more effective and having longer lasting results.

Cycloid vibrations prevent pain signals from reaching the brain, thus relaxing muscles and increasing flexibility. Furthermore, their pulsating action penetrates deep into muscle and bone tissue while increasing cell respiration and metabolism to strengthen tissues elasticity.

Cycoidal vibration has the added advantage of helping control cholesterol levels in the blood, an important risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Studies have demonstrated that regular use of vibration therapy can significantly decrease atherogenic indexes for those living with hypercholesterolaemia.

Studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of cycloidal vibrations to mitigate symptoms associated with muscle injury after intense physical activity, according to recent meta-analyisis results. Not only were subjective symptoms (VAS scores) improved, but biochemical markers for muscle injury such as CK and LDH also responded well to vibration therapy.

Cycloid vibration therapy (CVT) has been found to have a positive impact on musculoskeletal disorders as well as chronic conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis and fibromyalgia. CVT’s pulsating action has proven its efficacy at increasing muscular strength and endurance as well as decreasing muscle stiffness; making it an invaluable asset in rehabilitation and pain relief programs for various sports injuries or conditions.

Increased Blood Pressure

Cycloid vibrations applied to the body stimulate blood vessels to dilate, increasing blood flow. This allows more oxygen, nutrients and immune cells to reach wound sites for healing faster. Accell Cycloid Vibration Therapy also aids lymphatic drainage by draining away waste fluids and toxins that accumulate at wound sites – creating an ideal environment for recovery.

Studies have demonstrated that cycloidal vibration therapy increases production of nitric oxide (NO), an effective vasodilator known to relax vascular smooth muscle and enhance dilation. NO is also believed to play an integral part in angiogenesis – the process required for new blood vessel formation and improved circulation.

Studies of cardiac patients conducted by researchers revealed that cycloidal vibration therapy elicits both total fluid force and stretch-strain on endothelial cells, inducing expression of nitric oxide synthase, leading to increased NO levels, which in turn promote neocoronary growth, improve coronary perfusion, and relieve symptoms associated with myocardial ischemia.

An experiment conducted on elderly women demonstrated that oscillatory-cycloid vibration therapy significantly affected their lipid metabolism by decreasing LDL cholesterol concentration and increasing HDL cholesterol, while improving their fatty acid profile after 21 days of therapeutic intervention.

A scoping review on the effectiveness of cycloid vibration therapy on difficult-to-heal wounds such as pressure injuries, diabetic ulcers and venous leg ulcers was published in 2016. It revealed that this therapy helps heal these wounds by increasing blood flow to affected areas, relieving pain and swelling, reducing exudate volume and eliminating necrotic tissue through increased expression of nitric oxide and stimulating cell proliferation.

Horse owners have observed the benefits of cycloidal vibration therapy on their horses and its use is now being implemented into veterinary medicine. A recent study conducted by Mackechnie-Guire et al examined its effect on locomotion with horses using cycloidal vibration rollers placed over thoracic limbs; their analysis determined that vibration therapy improved muscle tone for posture and locomotion while producing more balanced movements post treatment.

Improved Sleep

Many people suffer from sleep disorders that impair mental performance, job function and general energy levels. Vibration technology may offer relief. Cycoidal vibration therapy uses waves of rolling, pulsating and rotating massage that are proven to ease muscle, spinal and joint discomfort as well as increase blood flow, helping circulate the body better overall while simultaneously improving circulation and overall body function. Furthermore, vibration can reduce symptoms associated with various autoimmune conditions as well as support weight loss through its therapeutic effects.

One case study involved treating a child with Down syndrome (DS) with corrected total atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) using whole-body vibration exercise (WBVE). He or she was evaluated using both Reimao and Lefevre Children’s Sleep Questionnaire (QRL) and SDSC questionnaires; results demonstrated improvement after WBVE treatment. Body composition measurements before and after intervention revealed WBVE promoted modulations in tone as well as altering various parameters of body composition (BC).

Local vibration can be applied through handheld vibrating devices such as percussion massage guns to directly target muscles and tendons. Whole-body vibrotherapy involves using devices which expose the entire body to either oscillatory vibration, cycloidal oscillatory vibration or both for whole body vibration treatment; such devices are usually utilized under supervision by physiotherapists or exercise physiologists.

Under vibration therapy, participants engage in physical activities that incorporate vibration stimulation, such as cycling or elliptical machine workouts. Frequency, amplitude and acceleration settings for vibration stimulation can be adjusted.

Vibration therapy has long been used to regulate arousal and sleep. Furthermore, vibration alters sensory input into the central nervous system by disrupting transmission of pressure-tactile signals to the posterior horns of spinal cord; thus eliminating pressure sensation from reaching brain and helping users relax more freely and feel at ease.


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