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Whole Body Vibration Plate Therapy

Utilizing whole body vibration plate therapy has been shown to significantly increase muscle strength, speed and power while simultaneously alleviating symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Vibration plates oscillate 20-60 times per second, producing involuntary muscle contractions similar to weight-bearing exercises and stimulating stretch reflexes to promote balance and coordination.

Improved Blood Circulation

Integrating whole body vibration plate therapy into your daily routine can help strengthen muscles, burn fat and relieve chronic pain. Furthermore, this therapy can increase bone density promoting skeletal health while decreasing fracture risks and falls.

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Whole-body vibration therapy (WBV) entails standing, sitting or lying on a vibrating platform which transmits energy directly into your body and makes the muscles contract and relax multiple times per second. WBV may help strengthen muscle by improving neuromuscular junction formation/maintenance; balance and coordination may also benefit.

WBV can also help improve blood circulation. When muscles contract and relax, they push blood throughout the body to aid the healing process and remove metabolic waste from it. Healthy circulation is especially crucial for individuals living with spinal cord injuries as it promotes the formation of new muscle tissue growth as well as increases secretion of hormones that encourage tissue repair as well as increase bone mineral density in lower extremities.

WBV machines use vibrations to improve muscle flexibility and balance while stimulating collagen production for healthy joints, helping reduce symptoms of arthritis and other chronic joint conditions; additionally they may be beneficial in relieving chronic pain from fibromyalgia or other autoimmune diseases.


Studies published by the Journal of Athletic Training reveal that adding WBV into workout routines can bring significant improvements in muscle oxygenation and peripheral blood flow, in addition to strengthening balance and core strength for everyday activities.

Studies have proven the efficacy of WBV therapy; however, its benefits may not apply to everyone. Before initiating WBV treatments of any sort, it’s wise to consult your physician first as they will be best placed to assess if this particular technique is safe and suitable for you; should they approve, you can then begin reaping its many rewards.

Reduced Chronic Pain

Whole body vibration plates offer more than weight loss and muscle toning; they may also help alleviate chronic pain from conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia. Studies have demonstrated that mechanical oscillations emitted by these platforms can stimulate muscle contraction, increasing oxygen consumption and blood flow to muscles – in turn leading to secretion of nitric oxide and decreasing inflammation.

These devices also emit vibrations to stimulate proprioceptors in your body – neurons that tell joints and muscles where they are in space – stimulating these proprioceptors has been found to improve back stability and alleviate lower back pain, reduce stiffness of lumbar spine, improve ligaments & tendons flexibility in lower back region, promote flow of synovial fluid around joints & reduce joint capsule swelling.

Whole body vibration plate therapy has also been found to stimulate collagen production, helping improve joint health and ease chronic pain. Furthermore, whole body vibration plate therapy may stimulate immune cells that fight pathogens while simultaneously decreasing inflammation levels through macrophage activity stimulation.

Researchers who conducted an in-depth investigation of whole body vibration plates’ effectiveness for those suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic lower back pain found that participants who used these devices experienced both significant reductions in pain intensity and quality of life improvements. After conducting meta-analyses of 14 RCTs with these subjects, they saw statistically significant decreases in both pain intensity index (PII) and outcome distribution index score (ODI).

Vibration therapy is generally safe; however, before engaging in this form of treatment it’s wise to speak to a physician or physical therapist first. Furthermore, getting clearance from your physician might also be important if you have preexisting medical conditions or take medications that might interact poorly with vibration therapy and could cause side effects such as nausea and dizziness; pregnant women as well as individuals suffering from certain eye or bone conditions should avoid vibration therapy altogether.

Weight Loss

Whole body vibration plate therapy has many potential advantages for weight loss and muscle toning, such as improving blood circulation, relieving chronic pain, and aiding injury rehabilitation. While more research needs to be conducted, it appears this non-invasive exercise method could prove invaluable for virtually everyone – however it’s best to speak to your healthcare provider first before embarking on any new workout regimes.

Weight-bearing exercise is key for maintaining bone health and warding off osteoporosis. Vibration plate therapy has been demonstrated to promote bone remodelling and increase mineral density, making it a viable solution for those at risk of bone loss or fracture, and to improve balance, which often plays a part in falls among older adults.

Improved Circulation and Lymphatic Drainage

Vibrating plates can also aid with lymphatic system functionality by increasing lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic systems remove metabolic waste products and excess fluids from your body through lymphatic vessels running parallel with blood circulation systems; when these don’t function as they should, toxins and waste materials build up, leading to swelling and inflammation; using vibration plates helps improve lymphatic drainage by speeding up this removal of unwanted substances from the body.

York suggests starting your vibration plate exercises by targeting both lower and upper body exercises – such as squats, front raises and lateral raises – or planking – placing both forearms on the vibration plate with shoulders aligned over elbows – and holding this position for the set duration.

Bicep curls are another effective upper-body exercise. To perform them on a vibration plate, stand with feet hip-distance apart and knees slightly bent, squeeze glutes to tighten abdominals to pull belly button toward spine, creating slight posterior pelvic tilt; lift weights toward front of shoulder heads while facing palms facing each other before returning them to their sides and doing 3 sets of 15 reps; this should take around 15-20 minutes per set.

Injury Rehabilitation

Whole body vibration plate therapy could be the perfect way to build muscle, lose weight, reduce chronic pain or speed up injury rehabilitation. Vibration plates stimulate muscle contractions to promote blood circulation, strengthen bones and muscles and relieve joint stress compared to traditional exercise which may put excessive strain on your muscles and joints. In contrast to regular fitness activities which often put additional strain or impact on the body compared to whole body vibration plate therapy which offers all its benefits without strain or impact on muscles or joints.

Whole-body vibration therapy resembles something between a StairMaster and large bathroom scale in terms of design; participants stand on a platform which vibrates rapidly up and down, activating reflexes which cause muscles to contract similarly to those experienced when exercising. First created for NASA’s space program, these devices have since been utilized by athletes as part of training regimens as well as treating individuals suffering from spinal cord injuries or cerebral palsy.

Studies have revealed that whole-body vibration therapy accelerates bone growth and increases density, making it an invaluable adjunct therapy for individuals at risk of osteoporosis or fractured bones. Furthermore, vibration helps improve circulation and lymphatic drainage, helping eliminate metabolic wastes as well as toxic metabolites from your system.

Vibrations from a vibrating platform stimulate the nervous system to initiate muscle contractions that increase strength and flexibility while relaxing tense muscles and soft tissues, relieving tension on nerves, which in turn leads to decreased pain in back, neck, shoulders and knees.

One study revealed that whole-body vibration therapy can improve walking ability and decrease spasticity for people living with spinal cord injury. A five-year Shepherd study is underway that will measure long-term effects of whole-body vibration on bone density, muscle tone, spasticity and walking velocity among participants who have motor-incomplete spinal cord injury. Participants will undergo 10 sessions of vibration therapy of various frequencies and durations to find their ideal treatment regimen before results are published in 2023. For more information regarding this research project please contact a Shepherd Center for Spinal Cord Injury Recovery near you – 2019 National Library of Medicine


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