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Correactology and Wave Genetics Pseudoscience

Scientists take pride in engaging in critical analysis, an essential component of increasing scientific knowledge. Yet there is an unscrupulous cottage industry known as correactology which spreads pseudoscience over social media platforms.

Scientists should avoid giving legitimacy to such work, not only because it lacks scientific validity but also because it encourages political interpretations of science.

1. It is based on a holographic quantum computer

Wave genetics is based on the concept that DNA encodes information as a hologram that can be decoded with quantum computing technology and used to create artificial genes to help plants and animals achieve greater growth, health, or longevity. Furthermore, this technology may lead to more efficient and cost-effective gene editing techniques in the future.

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The Holographic Quantum Computer (HQC) is an advanced computational system capable of storing 3D information in 2D space. This computational device has multiple uses in science, such as physics, molecular biology, neuroscience cognitive science and philosophy – as well as being used to understand complex patterns of brain activity which may shed light on the origins of consciousness and may provide new insight into consciousness itself. HQCs are currently being utilized in Alzheimer’s drug development efforts.

Wave genetics may seem strange at first, but it’s important to keep in mind that scientific theories can often be dismissed outright before becoming widely accepted as facts. Relativity was initially seen as farfetched before experimental confirmation. Furthermore, germ theory of disease and quantum mechanics were once considered pseudoscience.

Krugliakov and his Group to Combat Pseudoscience in Russia should condemn Krugliakov and his Group’s suppression of empirically verified physical results in genetics research which fulfill Popp’s criteria, which meet Popp’s criteria, by Krugliakov and his Group to Combat Pseudoscience in Russia – it would not serve either science or life well and is therefore Neolysenkoism that must be denounced, especially as it impacts humanity at large.


2. It is based on a fractal representation of DNA

Scientists have long sought to visualise DNA sequences graphically. A popular approach involves creating graphs based on simple geometrical motives that allow visual inspection of similarities and differences while also providing comparisons among sequences with distinct properties. Unfortunately, however, this method is limited – for instance it may not work well when applied on large scale or easily adapting for computer programs – and also struggled to differentiate similar sequences from dissimilar ones.

An alternative way of representing DNA sequences, apart from as a graphic representation, is as a complex number. This allows scientists to analyze and compare them more intuitively; this method can also help scientists detect mutations as well as predict gene function; it could even assist them in discovering potential drug targets.

Researchers have recently developed methods for calculating the complexity of DNA sequences. These approaches take into account factors like amino acid base composition and substitution patterns as well as spatial and temporal correlations. Furthermore, this methodology can also be used to predict protein coding possibilities or even structure prediction; with such information provided it’s easier than ever before to design drugs likely to bind with target proteins.

P Gariaev, the pioneer behind this new approach to genetics, claims his technology can regrow vital internal organs without costly and dangerous recombinant DNA techniques or stem cell culture culturing techniques. He published results of numerous independent experiments to support his claim; however critics pointed out that they may not be statistically significant enough.

The Fractal Representation of DNA (FRoD) is an integral concept in Wave Genetics, built upon the concept that all genetic information, including so-called junk DNA, is encoded in one single crystalline molecule called deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA). DNA’s energy can be altered through sound vibrations, leading cells to expand or contract accordingly in response to sound waves; Gariaev states that these vibrations can then be translated into genetic language using Hamilton Quaternions which allow us to better comprehend biological processes or even create living bio-computers capable of processing information.

3. It is based on a phrenology model

Franz Joseph Gall developed a pseudoscientific model called Phrenology during the eighteenth century. According to this theory, certain parts of the brain were responsible for specific faculties and corresponded with specific bumps on people’s skulls; these bumps could indicate sexual appetite, eating habits, genius or lack thereof, lying/stealing behaviors, as well as emotional state. Gall also believed these areas related to speech patterns and emotional stability in an individual.

Phrenology became immensely popular across social classes. The upper class found particular delight in it because it confirmed their belief that they were superior by virtue of having exquisite noggins and patrician features that distinguished them as superior, giving them pride in their inborn superiority and reinforcing social hierarchy as something natural and necessary. Phrenology gave people of all social classes an appreciation of phrenology’s benefits; particularly those belonging to the upper class who found comfort knowing it reinforced social hierarchy as something inborn rather than learned over time.

Phrenology also provided hope to members of society from working classes, providing hope they could join the upper class by working hard enough. They believed their inborn faults such as lying or stealing were caused by small bumps on the skull that could be corrected with phrenological treatment.

Pseudoscience cannot withstand scrutiny; any scientist who has submitted a scientific paper for publication knows this all too well. Gariaev and his group’s suppression of empirically verified physical results does not serve the interests of science or life – this form of Neolysenkoism must stop immediately!

4. It is based on a eugenics model

Eugenics was a social movement that sought to advance humanity by encouraging reproduction of those with superior mental and physical capabilities. Eugenics originated with Sir Francis Galton’s new heredity theory from 1883; it also stemmed from Darwin’s evolution theory which Herbert Spencer applied specifically to human societies.

Eugenics was an idea promoted by many scientists during this era. It suggested that certain genetic traits caused crimes, poverty and other social problems that could be corrected through selective breeding programs. Although not founded on scientific evidence, eugenics became a critical element in progressive social reform movements.

Eugenics was an integral part of early 20th-century welfare states such as those found in America and Europe, ostensibly to reduce crime, reduce slums, save money by preventing reproduction by low-income families, while saving time by eliminating birth control needs – but its true goals were far more sinister.

Eugenists of their time believed science could help them achieve their goal of bettering society and reducing inequality, so they envisioned an extensive two-pronged program called positive and negative eugenics; positive meant increasing frequency of beneficial genes within populations while negative meant eliminating or minimising those associated with bad ones.

Owing to modern genetics’ focus on curing genetic diseases and increasing lifespans, most geneticists and people generally reject its harmful concepts. Modern eugenics is usually associated with Nazi efforts to create an Aryan race through state-mandated eugenics; however, due to political democracy institutions it is unlikely such programs would succeed, as the public is aware of their risks and breaches in civil liberties.

However, some individuals outside of mainstream scientific discourse have taken advantage of some recent genetic discoveries and methods to make pseudoscientific claims, including asserting that different racial groups differ genetically in intelligence levels and it being possible to breed animals for particular functions without altering other processes. Such claims often masquerade as scientific by using technical-looking charts, graphs, or tables and are promoted through an informal network including scientists, writers and bloggers.


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