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Dr Alexey Dmitriev and Wave Genetics

Dr Alexey Dmitriev, a planet physicist, has closely observed the increase in plasma flux entering our solar system over time. He hypothesizes that this cosmic energy source may have played a part in driving recent dramatic planetary shifts like an inversion of dark and light spots on Venus; changes to Earth’s magnetic pole movement; and even magnetic anomalies emerging on Neptune and Uranus.

What is Wave Genetics?

Wave genetics is a controversial theory that suggests DNA can be altered and controlled through specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves, transmitted from one generation to the next through cell reproduction. While further testing must be conducted before making this conclusion definite, if true this could open up new opportunities for treating genetic disorders and increasing crop yields.

WAVE genes encode proteins that play an essential role in cell actin and cytoskeleton networks that form our bodies, such as actin filaments and cytoskeletal networks. Their genes are encoded on two fused chromosomes located near the middle of our genomes, so using gene editing, scientists can manipulate these genes to control cell development or growth of cancerous cells.

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Wave genetics is founded on the idea that DNA molecules are electromagnetic generators which emit and receive electromagnetic frequencies, suggesting these frequencies could alter DNA’s functions or structure, leading to different kinds of organisms or even intelligence machines being created. Wave genetics proposes these frequencies may alter or change DNA’s function or even structure altogether, providing access to new therapies or manipulating genes themselves allowing us to manipulate genes to create different organisms altogether. It could even serve to communicate genetic information between cells allowing intelligent machines to come to be.

How Does Wave Genetics Work?

Wave genetics is a theory which postulates that DNA acts not just as chemical structure but also an electromagnetic generator which emits and receives waves of information to pass down through generations. Researchers believe this theory could have applications in medicine, agriculture and biotechnology; more research needs to be conducted before we know its true validity.

According to theory, scalar waves can impact DNA and change its structure. Produced through electromagnetic and acoustic frequencies, they interact with its atoms and cause DNA molecules to rewrite or change their genetic codes, leading to new biological networks connecting all living beings.


Scientists claim that scalar waves may help treat genetic disorders and increase crop yields, while potentially helping prevent diseases by altering genome structures. Although none of these claims has yet been proved, their prominence within scientific communities continues to increase.

Researchers have examined the effects of sound and light frequencies on DNA’s genetic code. Their studies found that certain frequencies can influence gene activity; as a result, wave genetics has emerged as a new field of research; it marries genetics with quantum physics by proposing that external frequencies can alter DNA structure.

Wave genetics works on the theory that scalar waves can alter DNA code and influence cell functions in ways that improve health, more vibrant crops, and increased crop productivity. By tuning genetic code to specific frequencies we may alter its function – possibly creating new life forms along the way! Scientists are already using this technology to test this theory.

What Are the Benefits of Wave Genetics?

Wave genetics provides a means of tracking the effects of your genes on your body, providing insights into what it needs for optimal health and any issues which could be contributing to health issues. With this knowledge in hand, changes to diet, lifestyle and exercise routine may help alleviate health concerns that have developed within.

Wave genetics is also an excellent way of understanding the relationship between your physical and emotional well-being, helping identify any blockages in energy flow that cause stress, while providing solutions to them. All this leads to an improved life – something we should strive for as individuals.

Wave genetics offers many other advantages as well, including helping with any illness or disease you might be suffering from. This method works by sending waves of healing energy directly into the body in order to balance natural energies and restore any imbalances which have caused harm – as well as helping with mental wellbeing by relaxing muscles and decreasing stress levels.

Wave genetics is also an excellent way to build up confidence and self-esteem, by connecting you to your inner self and understanding who you truly are. As such, it will allow you to better control your emotions as well as meet any challenges in life more successfully.

With so many benefits of wave genetics to offer, it is essential to remember that this approach does not provide a silver bullet for all diseases and conditions. Good nutrition and physical activity remain integral elements of healing; thus it may take time before your body responds positively to treatment. But with persistence and effort on your part, wave genetics can yield remarkable results; just ensure to consult a medical provider first!

What is the Cost of Wave Genetics?

Wave genetics is an approach that may help treat various forms of illness, however there are certain considerations you must keep in mind before choosing this treatment option. You must understand its limitations as well as any possible side effects which may come as a result.

To successfully treat a patient, it is vitally important to follow instructions and consult a physician regularly for guidance and advice. Furthermore, after treatment has concluded it is crucial to closely observe them to ensure their condition has not worsened.

FIG. 5 depicts a device for electrically powered wave action against Varroa ticks and their larvae 2. In this device, Varroa ticks with their larvae 2 are exposed to electromagnetism with specially tailored electromagnetic fields for controlling wave action on them, placing themselves within an inert gas bubble that contains informatsionnyi nakopitel’s vicinity as an antenna, activated directly against themselves by applying radiovoltnovomu electromagnetic wave action to increase their effectiveness (sm. prototip). Spectral moduliatsi provide radiovolnovomu radiovoltnovomu electromagnetically-enforcement upon Atipichnykh Klitok i Parazitov Krovi (sm. prototip), thus activation into self-sufficient larvalised diapazoni 8. This way spectrums become susceptible against control by using self-ooblchivym kleshchu inside of Bolee Nikii Chastotnyi chastotnyi diapazon 8, then used against self-operce non-opticheskii diapazonnyi diapazonnyi diapazonnyi diapazonnykh Klitok i Parazitov Krovi; thus giving radiovolnovomu Izlucheniiu Svoistva Atipichnykh Klitok and Parazitov Krovi, both at Bole Nikki Chastotnyi diapazon 8 8 and Bole Niki Chastot di Pazon 8. nyi diapazonnnnnny di Pazoni 9Di diapazon gen-opticheskii di Pazon 9 for V prototip V kory cro vi Parazitovnov di Pazinno Vol Nov svom svo VVO Volnov vy gen /Opticheskiy VKLo V Korv Crovi Parazitov parazitov Krovi parazitov Parazitov Krovi Protov Krovi Parazitov Krovi prototipsi di Pazon kravia prototip Krovia protoTr protoTi Di Pazonnn di Pazh para ZIV protoTi di Pazon kletka prototip di PaZZVYZiva Zvo Volnyi di Pa Zone) that modulis/opticheski VO Volnovvo Volnov Iz Lulln Di Pa Zone V Volnov Vo V


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