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Information Medicine Using a Wave Genetics Laser

Information medicine using wave genetics uses laser technology to extract and replace corrupted DNA information with healthy copies, restoring energetic blueprints to healthier younger states and possibly correcting cell memory.

As part of an automatic mode-locking process, optical power fluctuates during mode-locking; once optimized by genetic algorithms, however, a pulse train can be clearly observed.

Optimal wavelength

Laser-induced optical solitary waves (LISWs) offer promising techniques for manipulating genetic material, with advantages over other technologies in many applications, including cell-free gene transfer. Furthermore, LISWs allow control over molecular complex structures – this feature being essential in many processes, including cell stability generation and damaged DNA repair.

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LISWs are created through the interaction of two femtosecond laser pulses, a polarizer and phase-locked cavity. Both elements can be tuned to specific wavelengths in order to optimize frequency and signal-to-noise ratio of an LISW signal.

Recent research has demonstrated the ability of laser surgery (LS) to alter genetic materials at multiple levels of organization, in particular creating selective genetic lesions within chromatin and nuclear structures. Irradiating DNA preparations using various laser wavelengths and pulse lengths resulted in inducing selective DNA lesions, suggesting that the LS mechanism may be utilized to select certain types of DNA lesions for study during DDR studies.

Researchers demonstrated that laser light modulated DNA frequency, and thus genetic information. Their experiments demonstrated this result. Irradiating DNA with language-modulated laser beams had no discernible decoding effect and was non-destructive enough for recording by simply taking a sample from it.


These findings have significant ramifications for the future of genome engineering, potentially leading to effective gene-based therapies and therapy regimens. Furthermore, this discovery suggests that LS could also be utilized in other clinical applications like cell transplantation and tissue engineering.

An innovative technique is being created to optimize the performance of laser-induced optical solitary waves (LISWs). The approach involves altering the objective function of a genetic algorithm in order to optimize their wavelength, mode profile and optical spectrum; as a result, these waves exhibit high efficiency with wide frequency bands; they’re also effective at delivering laser energy into deep tissues.

Optimal power

Wave genetics provides an alternative to current discrete particle views of matter and its interactions. It takes advantage of the fact that all information can be encoded as waves, which can then be transmitted using lasers to living systems allowing them to access it and read it, leading them to perform actions necessary to activate genetic code resulting in a quantum mechanical DNA-wave biocomputer – something demonstrated through the successful regeneration of a dog tooth.

Wave Genetics lasers can be utilized for various applications, including high-resolution microscopy, high-throughput spectroscopy and nanoscale machining. Their unique mode pattern eliminates speckle and provides extremely bright focus spots with exceptionally high brightness (radiance). Furthermore, this high-performance amplifier is capable of reaching 0.15m beam diameter diffraction limits.

Ideal power is critical in order to deliver high-quality images from a wave genetics laser, however when selecting its optimal setting several considerations must be taken into account such as wavelength, pulse width and polarization. Furthermore, its power should match its intended application.

Dr Gariaev conducted his experiment by shining a low-powered laser through Salamander embryos in one container and Frog embryos in another, successfully instructing the Frog embryos to express Salamander DNA; these results reflected well with his Linguistic Wave Genome Theory.

Theory holds that the genome of an organism serves as a bio-computer in its environment and outlines a space-time grid framework for biosystems, with capabilities of storing and interpreting electromagnetic and acoustic holograms known as soliton electro-acoustic fields; also it acts as a medium for exchanging strategic regulatory information between cells, tissues and organs within an organism’s bio-system.

The wave genome theory proposes that DNA works on an electromagnetic and acoustic level and can be programmed with frequency as words or sounds; hence the DNA-wave biocomputer can “read” these texts at its own genomic level of reasoning to trigger self-healing mechanisms that traditional medicine considers incurable.

Optimal polarization

Optimizing the polarization of a wave genetics laser is necessary for optimizing performance and minimizing interference from other devices. To do this, the system needs to have high sensitivity in terms of optical polarization; an interferometer provides this capability. Doing this simultaneously detects laser spectrum data for improved accuracy.

Polarization of lasers can be altered by altering optical power or frequency of radiation. Optic polarization plays an integral part in controlling wave speed and the angular momentum of electromagnetic fields – especially with longer wavelength waves.

Not only must lasers achieve optimal polarization, they must also operate at high fluence to avoid photo-oxidation of laser and optical components. To do this, the desired wavelength (usually NIR range) must first be selected; then an iterative algorithm applied to optical transmission curves allows you to optimize for desired polarizations by iteratively optimizing iterations that follow; finally analyzing all iterations gives rise to an ideal wave polarization pattern.

Another advantage of this technique is that it is non-invasive, making it simpler and faster to perform. Furthermore, it can be performed in the office with no special equipment necessary, and without UV radiation exposure which makes for safer treatments than conventional ones which rely on radiation being absorbed through patient skin.

Recent experimental research has demonstrated the power of polarized DNA radiations as biolasers, with powerful biological effects. For instance, they can quickly and efficiently regenerate dead seeds in Arabidopsis thaliana plants; something not possible with traditional techniques like micrografting and photon radiation.

LWG (Linguistic Wave Genetics) reveals that DNA is an intricate holographic continuum associated with wave information. This data storage, known as a DNA-wave biocomputer, contains infinite information on living systems including organisms. It can be read via electromagnetic and acoustic fields acting as nonlocal “semantic” radiations.

Optimal frequency

Wave genetics lasers are ideal devices for genetic manipulation of molecules. Their high-frequency laser radiation uses vibrational DNA molecules, changing their structure and sequence – which allows for new chromosome formation as well as transfer of information – as well as controlling genetic expression of existing chromosomes – providing for novel biochemicals and drugs to be developed using this technique.

The optimal frequency for a wave genetics laser depends on its frequency of radiation and phase characteristics as well as wavelength and polarization characteristics of its laser radiation. All these variables can be optimized using a genetic algorithm which generates new optimal frequencies by repeatedly scanning parameter space and evaluating cost functions – providing genetically optimised lasers with improved output properties such as lower pulse widths and higher power levels.

This study presents a genetically optimized laser system capable of automatic mode-locking. To achieve this feat, its Optical Spectrum Score is optimized by maximising its full width at half maximum (FWHM) value – determined using an optical spectrum analyser – before being compared with a cost function which takes into account various performance metrics such as output power, mode profile and optical spectrum.

This study shows how genetically optimised laser systems can produce highly efficient and site-specific gene transfer in aqueous media, yielding significant improvements in efficiency as well as reductions in viral vector size used during an experiment. As suggested by its authors, such an approach may prove beneficial for future gene therapy treatments or genome editing efforts.

These findings of research led to the postulation that liquid crystal phases of the chromosome apparatus, modeled as laser mirror analogues, can store unlimited genomic information in an organized continuum of quantum nonlocality for radio wave genomic information storage. This concept creates a novel understanding of genomic memory’s associative-holographic memory and quantum nonlocality properties.


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