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Linguistic-Wave Genetics Enrollment

Linguistic-Wave Genetics will offer us technologies that will allow us to cure ANY illness and prolong life on Earth indefinitely. It will also create technologies for biosynthesis of natural food without slaughterhouses, wheat, corn or rye production – freeing up vast areas of land while preventing deforestation and permitting long-distance communication via telepathy between people.

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Wave genetics holds that DNA contains electromagnetic frequencies that are susceptible to being affected by sound and light waves, making DNA susceptible to external influences like sound or light waves. The theory was first put forth by two Russian scientists during the 1920s and 1930s and has continued through current quantum biology research projects which explore electromagnetic waves’ impact on DNA molecules as a way of modulating gene expression.

Over time, our bodies’ quantum information can become compromised, leading to illness and disease. Utilizing wave genetics technology, gene reprogramming allows us to replace it with healthier quantum energy for rejuvenation – similar to restoring an old cassette tape with high-fidelity recording – however this doesn’t heal instantly; it takes dedication, time, nutrition, lifestyle choices and commitment from us all!

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Wave genetics requires either a photo or DNA sample from an infant; either your own child, or one belonging to one of your relatives like an aunt or uncle; alternatively, use an image that contains your DNA if available; this could include friends or siblings with whom you share genes.


Wave genetics is an innovative scientific field that uses waves to transfer genetic information. This groundbreaking technology can be used to activate and deactivate genes as well as regrow organs – it also holds great potential to extend human lifespan, an invaluable benefit. Research into wave genetics was widely studied in Russia with particular attention being devoted to Dr Peter Gariaev’s group; however, their research was recently stopped abruptly by some high level “skeptics” within the Russian Academy of Science who intervened heavily and abruptly with heavy handed interventions by some high level “skeptics.”

Recent results of the BabySeq Project demonstrated that enrollment rates increased with proactive outreach to families using a two-step process including initial conversations with healthcare providers and follow up meetings with a genetic counselor. This is an encouraging finding, showing that patients are willing to participate in WGS programs when recommended by healthcare providers; however, due to its predominantly non-Hispanic white participant base future studies should assess if similar efforts can apply equally well to other populations who traditionally have been underrepresented in genomics.


Geisinger Health System’s research also showed that mail-based outreach led to a higher enrollment rate than face-to-face interactions, suggesting hospitals could use mail as another form of outreach and encourage patient participation in WGS programs at lower cost than face-to-face interactions, fitting into patient workflow.

Understanding the most effective enrollment strategies is critical to ensure genomics will be widely adopted and integrated into clinical practice. Knowing how patients prioritize their needs across demographic groups and determine what gaps exist in outreach and engagement that need to be addressed to ensure patient recruitment, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities. Suppressing dissemination of highly promising research that meets Popp’s criteria would only serve to harm both Science and life itself.


Wave genetics is a method that uses morphic resonance and fields to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Although not a quick-fix solution, Wave Genetics requires time, patience, perseverance and lifestyle modifications. Wave Genetics was pioneered by two Russian scientists known as Gurwitsch and Lubishchev who postulated that DNA operates at quantum levels as waves and fields; which can be interpreted as exchanging energy and information along specific chains:

Donor-modulirovannye mShEI parametricheski sviazannye radiovolnovoi spectrum exposes anomalous and parazite tissue. Within such a spectrum is evidence of genetic characteristics; related to both its control and metabolism information systems of donopu(y).

By modulating the mShEI laser with appropriate photons, information can be captured and transmitted easily, leading to upregulation of certain genes and pathways and ultimately improved health outcomes. The University of California at Berkeley currently utilizes this technique in studying its molecular and genomic basis of evolution.

mShEI technology is also being employed to test the hypothesis that human genetics is a dynamic system containing cell control mechanisms regulated by a central regulatory mechanism. A multidisciplinary team of scientists including molecular biologists, geneticists, biochemists, archaeologists, and historians is conducting this research; eventually this should lead to reconstructing all gene-culture coevolutionary history as a whole; this knowledge could aid therapeutic efforts targeting root causes of diseases; in addition, this method offers important insight into understanding how environment influences species evolution as a whole.


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