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Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics

wavegenetics ru

Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics is a technology which enables us to treat ANY disease, using quantum biocomput’uterov.

Success of the experiment relies on its use of lingvistic waves for upregulating key regulator metabolites found within organisms’ proteins. This is accomplished by modulating their receptor with a parametricheski sviazanny radiovolnovospektr mShEI spectrum.

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1. DNA Phantom Effect

Researchers conducted double-blind experiments which demonstrated how human intention can alter the shape of DNA molecules. More specifically, researchers discovered that people focusing on certain emotions such as unconditional love or compassion could cause their DNA molecules to coil or uncoil. This finding is highly significant as it suggests our intentions can alter physical properties – something not allowed for in scientific theory before now.

Laser photon correlation spectrometer experiments were performed using DNA in one tube and water solution in another; then measured the scattered pattern of light reflecting off each sample with an oscilloscope spectrometer. Researchers were shocked to find DNA ghosts present even though no physical DNA existed – this suggests that our thoughts and emotions have an enormous effect on physical reality.

Though many have criticized this research, many others have embraced it and even set up websites claiming that intention can help heal cancer or other diseases. Though these claims have yet to be proven, they indicate a new form of energy we can utilize in healing both body and mind.

Gariaev and Leonova have proposed the Wave Genome Theory as a theoretical framework to explain their findings. According to this theory, DNA and RNA textual information/data/messages can be converted to wave form for transmission via poly-nucleotides chains via solitonic frequency spectrum waves – similar to quantum teleportation used between cells within biosystems. Furthermore, its spectral composition fluctuation structures can be affected by environmental factors like stress and emotional states modulating them accordingly.

2. Regeneration of damaged pancreas

Researchers using laser beams on diabetes-mellitus rats discovered that both organs were capable of self-regenerating without intervention from scientists, marking an important step toward creating new wave-based techniques for curing diseases like cancer and diabetes.

Regeneration was initiated through interaction between a laser beam and the body’s cellular microenvironment, according to researchers. They believe this interaction results in the formation of a healing matrix which serves as the basis for cell growth and regeneration; their experiments found this healing matrix produced through vibration of laser beam that scanned pancreas and spleen. Scientists also noted that they could replicate this process using similar instruments within other labs with comparable cellular environments.

At this stage, the cells’ microenvironments change and morphogenesis in both the spleen and pancreas is restored. Researchers suggest this process occurs due to interaction of polarized light beams with biocomputer-based matrix of tissues from these organs; their interaction leads to accumulation of free Gelmgolc energy by the atomic particles within these tissues that is then used by their nuclei to form coherent polarization, essential for healing matrix formation.

Polarized microenvironments may also be managed using signals transmitted from donor organism to recipient organism. After reaching its recipient, these images of donor cells may transform into dynamic morphologies of recipient cells through what is known as “polarized-holographic control”, leading to healthy cell reproduction in recipient. This process enables damage cell biomass regeneration.

Gariaev proposed the concept of the “wave genome“, in which DNA is seen as an interwoven network of waves. His theory has been tested repeatedly through double-blind experiments and is considered an alternative to mechanistic thinking in biology. Gariaev’s approach rests on his belief that living organisms’ genetic apparatus does not only operate at material and physical levels but can also transfer data/information through electromagnetic (EM) and acoustic waves.

3. Detoxification of the body

Detoxification involves the body eliminating impurities and toxins through an intricate process involving liver, kidneys, intestines, skin lymphatic system and lungs. When these organs function normally, detoxification occurs naturally and efficiently. But, when they aren’t, a variety of symptoms may emerge – fatigue, low immune function and feeling unwell being among them – all telltale signs that the detoxification systems in your body need some assistance. At our clinic, we offer holistic treatments designed to make you feel better and cleanse your body more effectively. A combination of syndrome acupuncture and Chinese herbal prescription can replenish vital energy that supports detoxification processes within your internal organs as well as promote urination and sweating – two crucial ways of ridding oneself of harmful toxins from one’s system.

Detoxification can be an invaluable way to maintain overall wellness in the body. It can reduce inflammation, promote cell growth and metabolism increase as well as lower cancer risks while increasing energy levels and improving sleep quality. If you would like more information about detoxification’s advantages contact one of our specialists now.

Medicine and biology researchers have studied methods of altering biosystems with physical fields for decades. Most of these investigations used modulations of laser, radio wave, mechanical/electromechanical/acousto-optical radiations through modulators as means to impact biosystems.

Multiple experiments have demonstrated that biomacromolecules like DNA, RNA and proteins store genetic information as radio wave physical fields which polarizational biosignals with influences by quantum nonlocality.

4. Heal diabetes in rats

Wavegenetics ru provides us with a new approach to restoring the body to its natural state using technology, enabling us to treat even severe medical problems such as diabetes. Through earlier experiments [Gariaev & Kokaya], we demonstrated how modulated wideband electromagnetic radiation (MWER) generated by helium-neon laser can have an influence over experimental alloxan diabetes progression in rats through activating pancreas and spleen due to direct influence of laser waves; this resulted in normalization of blood glucose levels as well as pancreas tissue regeneration.

By conducting our research, we discovered that it is possible to influence experimental diabetes in rats positively by irradiating them with the frequency of 540 Hz; we chose this frequency due to its ability to activate both pancreas and spleen cells. Irradiation with this frequency resulted in:

It was observed that Group 3 animals placed 70 cm from the source of modulated waves experienced the most striking results of radiation irradiation, experiencing rapid regression of diabetes symptoms within 1.5 months whereas only half as many animals from Group 2 survived this long.

Group 3 animals were able to maintain normal physiological glucose levels of over 30 mmol/l, significantly higher than those observed in Groups 2 and 3. This likely accounts for their success.

It appears that this method may also help improve metabolic processes and regenerate organs if their health deteriorates, as has been evidenced through studies showing its ability to restore lung function among those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Notably, to gain the maximum advantage from using this technique it is important to adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle, including exercising regularly. Also note that using this method doesn’t bring instantaneous change; many individuals start feeling better soon after listening to this recording.


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