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Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics

Linguistiko-Wave Genetics is an emerging branch of biology, medicine and Quantum biokomp’jutinga that draws upon principles such as laser physics, holography and quantum nonlocality to inform its practice.

This book asserts that the classic Nobel model of DNA genetic code is flawed, leading to humanity’s gradual genetic collapse on Earth and how this code may be corrected. Additionally, this work offers ways in which this can be accomplished.


Wave genetics posits that human genome functions like a computer capable of making decisions and carrying out quantum instructions, providing access to novel technologies that can heal diseases, extend life expectancies and enhance overall health. Research and experiments carried out at Professor Gariaev’s laboratories has led to its creation, drawing from principles like coherent physical radiations, holography and solitons as well as theories about physical vacuum and DNA representation in its formation – with further consideration given for principles like language analysis and non locality laws in its development.

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Lingvistiko-wave genetics stands apart from classical genetics by understanding coding of key regulatory metabolites organisms – their proteins. Unfortunately, however, classic Nobel model protein genetic coding is actually incorrect (though technically accurate), leading to the gradual genetic collapse of all life on Earth – including Human.

Lingvistiko-wave genetics is unique in that it postulates that biosystem evolution has produced genetic “texts”, similar to natural context-dependent texts in human languages…

These texts, known as DNA video tapes, contain instructions for maintaining a healthy organism. Over time these video tapes become corrupted and errors accumulate, leading to illness, aging and eventual death for our organisms. Lingvistiko-wave genetics provides us with a way of looking at these “texts” differently and restoring them so our organism remains healthy while gradually ageing over time; additionally this will create new technologies for producing food such as wheat, corn and Rye without slaughterhouses saving both land areas and forests!



Scientists have performed numerous experiments based on Wave genetics theory and technology, showing how specific frequencies and wave structures can help restore full health to individuals as well as regenerate damaged organs. At the forefront of these experiments was the successful regeneration of a pancreas endocrine gland located within the abdomen. Regeneration was successful and now ensures patient health; three phases were conducted throughout 2000 starting with Moscow as the starting point. The second stage was conducted in 2001 in Toronto, Canada. The third phase took place in Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, using frequency and wave structures as therapy methods to treat patients suffering from various ailments. NovoCure is currently conducting this research project using frequency modulated technology for its treatment program.

Wavegenetics ru offers an innovative new approach to genetics. This theory and technology considers chromosome apparatus as a quantum bio computer capable of taking decisions and performing management functions using laser technologies, holography, linguistics and quantum nonlocality arrangements – creating a significant shift in understanding genetics, medicine and the human body as a whole.

As is well-known, information biomacromolecules like DNA, RNA and proteins possess an extraordinary capacity for transmitting electromagnetic and acoustic signals, carrying genetic code information as well as general regulatory signals. This capacity manifests itself through DNA’s acoustic resonance as well as preparations’ ability to record photon polarization modulations modulations mediated by some version of quantum nonlocality.

Linguistic-Wave Genetics (LWG) is an emerging branch of science that builds upon wavegenetics as both theory and technology, providing the basis for new linguistic-Wave Genetics experiments involving DNA. Based on this understanding, LWG involves treating the chromosome apparatus as an electromagnetic/acoustic biocomputer simultaneously functioning on matter levels as well as electromagnetic/acoustic waves.

Wave biocomputers have the ability to store, modify and transmit information while correcting its malfunctioning – providing an entirely novel perspective on genome function that allows researchers to develop revolutionary technologies for treating illness in human bodies and lengthening lifespan.


The concept of genetic coding as wave form offers a revolutionary model of healing and regeneration. Linvistico-volnovaia genetika offers one such model; for instance it allows treatment of cancer, viral diseases, bacterial infections, organ repair/restoration/regeneration/brain repair after trauma/stroke as well as increasing active life expectancy. Furthermore, quantum nonlocal transfer of genetic information (syntax) between taxonomic units such as cell biology/molecular biology translations as well as medical applications based on laser/holography technologies coupled with quantum nonlocality.

This new concept of genetic coding goes beyond classical triplet codes to encompass three components – lingvisticnost’, golograficnost’ and quantum nonlocality – to provide greater capacity for encoding information more rapidly into protein structures in our bodies.

Utilizing physical fields to influence biosystems has long been used in medicine and biology. These methods employ modulations selected via trial and error for laser radiation, radio waves and acoustic radiation via mechanical, electromechanical, acousto-optical or other types of modulators.

Contrary to classical methods, this new technology employs a nonlocal quantum photon-radio wave interaction mechanism for transmitting genetic information. The general principle behind it is that laser beam photons interact with DNA preparations and record this interaction as an electromagnetic spectrum with photon correlations based on polarizations correlated to these photons; then transmitting that information onto living organisms/biosystems for use for biological functions.

The DNA preparations contain morphogenetic information which is then transmitted systematically and precisely via the bio-system’s DNA quadruplex and RNA synthesis apparatuses in an orderly, coordinated fashion to cells and other organs/tissues as a strategic data/information exchange medium between them, serving the specific purposes of the bio-system – such as regulating metabolism, stimulating growth/development or repairing/regenerating cell structure.


Gariaev has developed the bioregulatory matrix, a groundbreaking scientific advancement capable of translating genetic information from DNA into sound waves that can cure diseases, regenerate organs, extend active lives and eliminate many issues in the world. Garyaev’s unique frequencies also correct mutations in DNA allowing him to extend human lifespan indefinitely. This breakthrough in science could provide relief to many problems existing today while making possible for an unlimited life expectancy for humanity.

Wavegenetics can help halt the extinction of many animal and plant species, and even help humanity live on other planets. Furthermore, Wavegenetics could assist us in solving the global food crisis by creating technologies for natural foods without slaughterhouses as well as stopping large areas of forests from being cut down, while at the same time developing quantum computing to manage biosphere.

Wave genetics operates under the fundamental premise that genome (the entire genetic apparatus) operates both physically and quantum. Therefore, conventional models of genetic coding such as those proposed by western scientists such as M. Nirenbergom and F. Crick are flawed but nonetheless contain positive aspects; to correct them a new expanded model for protein genetic coding must include three key additional components-lingvisticnost’, golograficnost’, and quantum nonlocality of genetic information must be created.


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