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Wave Genetics Institute

Wave Genetics Institute has pioneered revolutionary new corrective technology for health status and extended active life. This is made possible thanks to an incredible discovery that allows extraction of genetic information from DNA at a higher level than physical, material extract.

This variation suggests that DNA operates at an electromagnetic wave/field level and can transfer gene-wave information via photon polarizations.

1. Life Extension

Life extension can transform our daily lives. Not only does extending lifespan allow us to pursue activities we enjoy and spend more time with loved ones, it could also mean increased economic growth and an improvement in overall quality of life. Although life extension seems promising, its full potential must first be realized. Unfortunately there remain numerous hurdles that must be cleared away before reaching this potential.

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Biological aging remains the key barrier to life extension; until scientists can either slow or halt this process, humans’ lifespans cannot extend past what nature allows. Recent advances in geroscience offer great promise for life extension; for example, research has shown how certain genes may be modified to slow aging processes and technological innovations such as genetic engineering and cell reprogramming offer hope of creating treatments to extend human lives beyond natural limits set by nature.

Still, ethical concerns over life extension remain. Some fear that extended living will be unnatural or harmful to society; others worry it could create inequality and unfairness in society.

Although these concerns are legitimate, they’re not insurmountable. Public education and improved awareness can often help address them; additionally, the benefits of increasing lifespans outweigh any negative consequences – for instance increasing average lifespan could enable people to pursue their dreams and find success in their careers, leading to closer family ties as they work together more closely and grow closer. Furthermore, extended lifespans would give individuals an opportunity to see more of the world while making important contributions towards humanity’s betterment.


2. Autism

Autism affects brain development in individuals and causes them to think, behave and interact differently from others. First appearing during early childhood and continuing into adulthood, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) may co-occur with other neurodevelopmental conditions including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and intellectual disability.

Researchers have yet to identify an individual gene responsible for Autism; however, researchers believe certain genes either increase or decrease someone’s susceptibility. Many “risk” genes affect crucial aspects of brain development such as how nerve cells, or neurons, communicate. Others appear to cause mutations which disrupt vital biological processes. Furthermore, complications during pregnancy and delivery can alter how certain genes work; examples include taking certain medications during gestation, having smaller-than-expected fetuses at birth and reduced oxygen supplies during labor and delivery.

Research also shows that those with Autism tend to share certain family traits, increasing their risk for Autism by the number of close relatives who also have it and/or having an older sibling with autism.

Many autistic individuals face sensory challenges related to light, sound and food. Furthermore, they may have difficulty using nonverbal communication channels like eye contact and body language – they might prefer picture schedules, tablets and gesturing as means of communicating their needs instead.

Some individuals with Autism also possess savant syndrome, an extraordinary talent that includes playing musical instruments or memorizing vast amounts of information. Unfortunately, many have been misunderstood and under-accommodated despite possessing incredible strengths that should not go ignored.

3. Down’s Syndrome

People living with Down’s syndrome carry an extra copy of chromosome 21 that often interferes with intellectual abilities and presents difficulties with learning, communication and behavior. Furthermore, many have other medical conditions including heart issues which often present themselves from birth or appear early childhood.

These conditions make everyday tasks harder, such as walking and talking. These individuals may require assistance with daily tasks and may develop at a slower rate than their peers their age; nonetheless, they can still enjoy life and reach milestones along their journeys.

English physician John Langdon Down was the first to identify Down’s syndrome as a distinct mental disability from cretinism in 1862. He noted physical features associated with Down’s syndrome such as small nose, flat face and lips, eyes with one single fold over their inner corner and shorter stature than other children; their hands feature one single crease on their palms that makes them both short and wide.

Routine tests performed during gestation, such as blood tests and nuchal translucency scans (NT scans), can detect Down’s syndrome. A more invasive amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS) test may confirm an extra chromosome, although both procedures carry some risks for motherhood including an increased chance of miscarriage.

Early identification of Down’s syndrome can make a huge difference to its development and care, including well-baby visits and routine vaccinations as infants as well as reproductive counseling and cardiovascular services in later life. Children living with Down’s syndrome benefit from programs and resources to foster their growth, development and education.

5. Mental Health

Mental health refers to our ability to realize our full potential, manage life’s stresses and contribute to society. It plays a central role in overall well-being and is necessary for good physical health; poor mental health has been linked with increased risks of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure and more, not to mention increased substance misuse and domestic violence.

No matter how minor the problem might seem, seeking assistance is always recommended. There are various resources available, from self-assessments and screening tools to therapy and support groups – such as Screening to Supports’ free and confidential mental health assessments online; or Send Silence Packing’s exhibit which brings awareness of suicide prevention and stigma on college campuses nationwide.

Mental illness’s exact cause remains unclear, although research indicates both genetics and environment play a part. Some people may be more vulnerable than others due to family history, lifestyle factors or stressful events that they experience; biochemical processes and brain circuitry could also play a part, though the details remain undetermined.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized mental disorders as leading causes of disability and premature mortality worldwide. Yet a global treatment gap persists, as low- and middle-income countries allocate far fewer resources than necessary towards mental health; many individuals do not get care they require due to stigma, discrimination and inadequate policies which have an adverse impact on mental health, leading to issues like reluctance to seek assistance, decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs and diminished quality of life for many individuals.


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