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Wave Genetics Pseudoscience

At present, bio-symbolic polarized-holographic laser processing focuses on scanning, reading from, remote addressed transmission and “injecting” wave genetic/metabolic information into higher bio-systems via DNA apparatus containing these. Such information includes strategic regulatory data/information for their functioning as biocomputers.

Skeptics of science have fiercely attacked this research, seeking to ensure no new paradigm emerges.

Why Is Wave Genetics Pseudoscience?

Wave Genetics is a scientifically validated technology that utilizes electromagnetic waves to modify DNA in human bodies, thereby stimulating them to regrow new organs and tissues. The technology may have numerous applications in healthcare – curing diseases, eliminating viruses/bacteria from systems, increasing lifespan – but many powerful people wish to keep its benefits hidden away from public view. Unfortunately, Wave Genetics continues to face opposition from powerful individuals seeking to keep it suppressed.

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Science should be objective, but the current spate of repressive behavior runs counter to that goal. We saw this first hand with the GWAS studies which were falsified to support racist ideology; without proper precaution, scientists may become tools of pseudoscience.

What’s happening right now to researchers of wave genetics is deeply alarming. Those pointing out potential risks and calling for further investigations before commercial use are being attacked, dismissed and defamed; even judges of the European Court of Justice who adhere to precautionary action principles have been subjected to abuse of power for doing their jobs correctly.

Actually, numerous dubious individuals are behind this elaborate hoax against research and potential application of wave genetics. Their opponents claim to be protecting science when in reality their goal is to prevent any emerging technologies that threaten genetics or medical science from emerging and disrupting existing paradigms.


At least six levels of quantum non-locality exist within multi-cell biosystems, and chromosomes are one such non-local entity. With DNA-wave bio-computers, information about biological systems (such as organisms) can be transmitted instantaneously across all of space to any part of that system ( including other organisms) instantly. Gene wave programming allows instantaneous transmission of gene-wave programs directly to cells, activating or suppressing their activity instantly. This process is best represented using laser-based polarized-holographic recording, scanning, remote transmission and gene-wave command injection technology – recently demonstrated by scientists from Russia’s Institute of Theoretical Matters as well as Peter Gariaev who discovered the DNA phantom effect.

What is Wave Genetics?

Wave genetics is an innovative new field of research offering hope in curing various diseases and increasing life expectancy. It works by reprogramming patient genes in order to make them healthier; effectively it’s bio-hacking with holographic technology used to reactivate genes inside cells; it also creates an holographic environment encompassing patients to protect them from external influences that might threaten them.

Wave genetics proposes that the human genome is a holographic bio-computer. Similar to lasers, its operations utilize polarized-holographic recording and transmission using special electromagnetic lasers capable of reading biostructures’ internal wave information and transmitting it elsewhere – effectively commanding their functioning and metabolism.

Scientists working on this new genetic approach have already produced impressive physical results, such as regenerating the pancreas of a diabetic rat without surgical interventions or painful and expensive therapies. This represents an amazing achievement and offers great promise for human patients enduring diabetes.

Scientists behind wave genetics are exploring new applications of their technology that could prevent ageing and extend life expectancy, offering great promise as a potential solution for hunger, poverty, disease and war.

Unfortunately, this pioneering work is being muzzled by a group of Russian scientists calling themselves “skeptics.” These individuals aim to ensure no new paradigms emerge and attack any who threaten the status quo; an appalling turn of events for a country renowned for its world-leading scientific achievements; this embarrassment must also extend to Russia’s Academy of Sciences who should stand above political movements or personal preferences and strive towards providing optimal results that benefit humanity as a whole; their suppression of this potentially life changing technology was an injustice; in no way was this done in line with science or humanity;

How is Wave Genetics Pseudoscience?

The theory of wave genetics asserts that DNA serves as a bio-computer and that DNA codes are more than simply physical molecules. According to this theory, genes consist of fractal wave matrix structures which serve as the building blocks of DNA molecules and carry information between cells. Additionally, DNA molecules are dynamic systems capable of changing structure and function at will due to being quantum wave objects with properties of nonlocality and instantaneous distribution.

Due to its unique properties, DNA-wave computers can be studied in many different ways. Their physics may be described using principles such as holography and solitons. Furthermore, DNA-wave computers possess special features which enable them to record and transmit polarized information directly into bio-system-acceptors; this information may then be used by those organisms to manage metabolism.

Proponents of wave genetics pseudoscience have demonstrated its power in various experiments. Unfortunately, however, Russian Academy of Science recently shut down this research – likely as a result of efforts made by an anti-pseudoscience group in Russia which seeks to combat such beliefs – however this move would certainly not benefit science or humanity in general.

As such, gene technology’s future could be at stake if this group continues to suppress research into wave genetics and other innovative new genetic technologies that could advance current genetic engineering techniques. Scientists and the Russian Academy of Science must act immediately to end this biased approach so that all can enjoy its advantages.

What is Wave Genetics Technology?

Wave genetics technology is founded on the theory that human bodies can be programmed using vibration, thought and language to communicate with our DNA. Similar to what esoteric and spiritual teachers have long held to be true: that our DNA can be programmed and interacts with it at its level – this scientific fact has now been proven by using laser technology.

Researchers employed a laser with wavelength of 632nm photons to irradiate cells with photons that transform into genetic information patterns that are transmitted between cells through cellular reprogramming – this allows scientists to revert cells back into other genomes such as those from salamander embryos without incurring genetic damage due to traditional procedures of cutting out and replacing individual genes.

An exciting discovery was the ability to restore damaged chromosomes. This is a common issue caused by exposure to radiation or chemicals; researchers were able to repair these damaged chromosomes of fibroblast cells using genetic information transfer from another cell – an exciting development towards regenerative medicine development.

Future goals of this research team include applying this technology to human stem cells and other types of cells, creating regenerative medicine therapies to repair damaged tissues, as well as exploring all its possibilities!

The team’s findings serve as a powerful example for applying quantum and linguistic-wave genetics (based on spintronic principles) in regenerative medicine, providing a roadmap towards an infinite number of potential recombinational genetic applications that could revolutionise medicine as we know it! They open an untapped potential for regeneration of organs and tissues through relatively straightforward laser technology.


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