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Wave Genome Irene Caesar

Irene Caesar, Ph.D, the President of Wave Genome LLC delivered the address “REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF BIOSYSTEMS VIA MASTERING THE WAVE OPTICS IN CHROMOSOMES” during BIT’s 1st World Congress of Biomedical Engineering from November 9-11 2017.

WAVE GENOME LLC launched the Digitized Biohologram of an embryonic stem cell in December 2017. This can be purchased with or without an RA Psi-Generator device.


Wave Genome Irene Caesar offers Digital Pharmacy or Personal Biomorphic Drugs which are encoded digitally and stored in computer memory of patients for remote administration from any location around the globe. They have proven highly successful at treating various conditions and diseases such as cancer, AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome – activating your body’s natural healing capacity without resorting to surgery or any invasive procedures.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

DIGITAL PHARMACY treatments have also proven highly effective at increasing life force and vitality, as well as improving mental clarity, emotional stability and spiritual well-being for thousands of patients in Russia, China, Japan South Africa Brazil.

WAVE GENOME LLC had developed Personal Biohologram Drugs using Wave Optics principles relating to chromosomes. According to this theory, every chromosome serves as an optical waveguide (diffraction grating for focusing genetic information), making each unique in each person. Our technology acts like a “lens” assisting our chromosomes in correcting their refraction for bioholographic information focusing both locally and remotely via scalar wave diffraction gratings of human DNA/RNA.

This company collaborated with the Scientific Research Institute for National Security in Moscow, Russia and other renowned science centers around the world to develop this cutting-edge technology. They are leaders in Russian Quantum Leap technologies with patent applications pending; furthermore they have been honored by organizations like Global Peace Foundation and United Nations for their revolutionary medical, space, energy and agriculture technologies.



Wave Genome LLC has introduced the SECOND-BIRTH PSI-Generator as the most sophisticated PSI generator ever. Based on similar principles as the RA HELMET, but instead of encoding its electrets with drug and supplement frequencies, its coded electrets are coded with your individual wave matrix which records your human embryonic stem cell biohologram recorded through childhood photographs or navel blood/placenta samples.

It can be purchased separately for $2500 or in combination with the TESLA TEST & TREAT DIGITAL PHARMACY which provides 44 modules covering essential physiological systems using Laser Polarized Bioholography technology. Furthermore, when coupled with an RA HELMET for maximum effect and protection during genetic or psychotronic warfare.

At BIT’s 9th World Gene Convention 2018, Singapore on November 14, Irene Caesar, Ph.D. and President of WAVE GENOME LLC gave a presentation entitled: Remote Management of Biosystems Through Modulating Fractionations in Wave Optics Chromosomes Focusing Genetic Information. Click here to watch her speech video.


RA HELMET is a wearable device featuring Wave Genome LLC Psi-Generators distributed throughout a client’s skull. Individualized versions allow electrets within the helmet to be coded with bioholograms corresponding to that client. Their personalized pharmacy can then be played via headphones from either music players or phones connected directly to them.

As our ancient Skifian-Sak ancestors have demonstrated, our onion-shaped helmet can enhance psychic abilities. Additionally, its effectiveness increases further when combined with our Second Birth Psi-Generator which creates scalar waves coded with Refraction Codes unique to each person.

RA Helmet’s scalar waves can be used to transfer Digital Bioholograms of drugs and cells, as well as entrain brainwaves for deep sleep, lucid dreaming, meditation and more. Furthermore, these waves can help clients overcome symptoms associated with various diseases and disorders including cancer, AIDS, neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s and other brain disorders as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes heart disease high blood pressure conditions or inflammatory conditions.

This technology was designed based on Dr. Irene Caesar’s theory, “Wave Optics in Chromosomes as Bioholography.” At last, chromosomes have been seen as geometrical codes and each person possesses their own nonlocal unique biohologram or wave matrix that focuses genetic information into a scalar wave diffraction grating for remote biomedical engineering. Typically, dysfunctional chromosomes will show themselves as an acrocentric chromosome while functional ones manifest as metacentric ones. Refractions between them can be modified by clients’ unique Biohologram or through Digital Bioholographic Pharmacy to deliver therapeutic benefits of remote biomedical engineering without costly hospital visits or travel.


Wave Genome LLC provides TESLA WATER to restore the Life Force and Bioholographic Information associated with being healthy back into one’s water source. Water with the TESLA GENOME can be used for drinking, cooking and other uses – it is available both individually or packaged together with SECOND-BIRTH MINI-TESLA GENOME or RA HELMET and is ready for international shipping! TESLA WATER can be shipped worldwide and internationally!

TESLA GENOME is the latest rejuvenation technology, built upon Quantum Biology – an advanced theory of Genetics combined with information-wave technology applied through laser bioholography (copieright of Irene Caesar, Ph.D, 1989-2018).

WAVE GENOME LLC researchers have successfully performed numerous experiments, such as remotely lowering the blood sugar of a diabetic cow from 20 kilometers away and transferring bioholographic information of an unhealthy human into an unhealthy one’s body.

Wave Genome LLC and Bauman Russian State University in Moscow have collaborated to develop the software program TESLA TEST & TREAT DIGITAL PHARMACY. It analyses client wave matrices to create personalized treatments, then transmits these treatments via special devices into water via biohologram of embryonic stem cell embryo. TESLA TEST & TREAT can help diagnose and treat various health conditions including cancer; radiation or chemotherapy therapies also may benefit.


The MINI-TESLA GENERATOR delivers all of the same technology found in our Advanced RA Psi-Generator in a smaller package – perfect for travel or those without much desk space! Additionally, this mini generator features both DIGITIZED BIOHOLOGRAM OF THE HUMAN EMBRYONIC STEM CELL and TESLA GENERATOR DIGITAL PHARMACY features found in its larger counterpart.

WAVE GENOME LLC’s Ultimate Genetic PSI-Generator Works By Controlling Polarization Of Electrodes In Your BODY. It operates under the principle of Holographic Matrix: each person possesses their own nonlocal biohologram / wave matrix which concentrates their genetic information through unique scalar wave diffraction gratings, making their genetic profile distinct from that of every other matrix point (unlike conventional DNA-based biology).

Irene Caesar, President and Owner of Wave Genome LLC and MATRIX LTD respectively. A Ph.D from The Graduate Center, City University of New York with expertise in Chromatography, Clinical Trials, Cell Biology, HPLC and more, Irene is known for creating cutting-edge technologies like this one.

On November 14th 2018, Irene Caesar, President of Wave Genome LLC presented her speech entitled, “REMOTE MANAGEMENT OF BIOSYSTEMS VIA THE DIGITIZED BIOHOLOGRAM of Human Embryonic Stem Cell BASED ON WAVE OPTICS OF CHROMOSOMES FOR FOCUSING GENETIC INFORMATION”, at BIT’s 9th Anniversary World DNA Convention 2018: Accelerating Great Cooperation in the Bioworld of Belt and Road at Dalian International Conference Center. Click here for video.


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