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Wave Genome Reviews

Wave genome is an emerging field of biology and medicine that studies genetic systems as holographic, soliton and fractal quantum biocomputers with consciousness components.

According to this research, 97% of DNA can be affected by electromagnetic and acoustic waves, potentially leading to reverse mutations, curing diseases, and increasing life span significantly.

1. Molecular Biology

Molecular biology is the study of life at its molecular level. This multidisciplinary field combines elements of biology, chemistry and genetics.

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The primary mission of our department is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying all fundamental biological processes. To achieve this objective, research encompasses protein structure and synthesis; gene organization and regulation; immunology/host pathogen interactions/biochemical genetics/cell developmental biology/virology etc.

GSK and Wave have joined forces on an early stage preclinical program targeting hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) and achondroplasia (AAD). This collaboration utilizes Wave’s PRISM platform, which utilizes three RNA targeting modalities – reduction, restoration or modification – in order to reduce, restore or modulate RNA levels in cells. Furthermore, novel chemistry such as PN backbone chemistry optimizes therapeutic oligonucleotides’ pharmacological properties while animated video lessons explain their action when used against target RNA cells within cells in cells.

2. Biochemistry

Biochemistry is the study of how living organisms use their chemical constituents – carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids – for energy and life support. It primarily focuses on these molecules which make up living systems – carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids – interacting to form cells and organisms. Biochemistry can be considered part of chemistry but overlaps with other scientific disciplines such as physiology and genetics.


Biochemists study the roles, structures and functions of biomolecules while molecular biologists and chemical biologists focus on specific molecular mechanisms involved. In molecular biology, DNA must first be converted to RNA before being translated into protein molecules for translation into proteins – this central dogma of molecular biology provides its foundation.

Discover biochemistry online whether you’re fulfilling prerequisites for further studies or looking to test your aptitude and advance in your career. Learn about the fundamental processes that enable living things to function – from enzymes at work in microscopic scale to global threats such as diseases and food security issues.

3. Physiology

Researching how living organisms function. This includes their tissues and cells responding to external stimuli as well as internal environments; such as blood circulation, respiration, digestion, skeletal muscle physiology, nervous system functioning and more.

WAVEs interact with membrane-associated IRSp53 via their proline-rich domain, binding directly with its SH3 domain and thus localizing at lamellipodial tips and modulating actin reorganization during cell motility [61,62]. Aberrant upregulation of WAVE2 has been associated with cancer invasiveness and metastasis phenotypes [64-66].

Physiologists specialize in answering questions about how human bodies function, in response to external stimuli and internal environmental influences on Earth, other planets, or space. They often work in laboratories, libraries, and the field; it is considered an essential branch of science; plant physiologists often serve as midwives assisting agronomists, breeders and pathologists deliver extra food supplies necessary for population growth and higher living standards.

4. Genetics

Genetics is a branch of biological sciences concerned with genes and heredity, including how traits are passed from parents to offspring. Additionally, geneticists study variations (variants) in genes which cause disease; genes are found in each cell and packaged into structures called chromosomes for storage.

Some traits, like eye color, are determined by one gene while other factors like height and hair color can be determined by multiple genes.

Scientists are making strides toward understanding how genes affect health, while creating treatments for specific conditions. One such therapeutic intervention utilizes RNA editing to treat an ALS-linked gene called SOD1. Wave Life Sciences and GSK have joined forces in an AATD discovery collaboration designed to advance preclinical programs involving splicing and translational RNA editing (AATD).

5. Cell Biology

Cells are fundamental units of living organisms. Comprised of molecules enclosed by a membrane, cells function either independently as complete organisms like bacteria or yeast or work together with other specialized cells to form multicellular organisms like humans and animals.

Proteins play an essential role in many important biological processes. Their formation begins from amino acid building blocks formed based on DNA/RNA encoding information. Once formed, proteins are translated by cell translation machinery into functional cellular structures for use within cells. WASP and WAVE families of proteins have been associated with cell motility processes; WASP localize to lamellipodia leading edges as cells move; in doing so they induce actin polymerization and cytoskeleton remodeling processes that lead to improved cell motility.

6. Biophysics

Biophysics explores the physical properties of various biological molecules, from lipids and carbohydrates to DNA strands, using tools ranging from computational biology to new physical measurement techniques.

Research in biophysics covers an incredible array of length and time scales, spanning from submicroscopic particles to microns in size; picoseconds to hours (and ultimately evolutionary time); with its aim being the understanding of biological systems’ mechanistic principles.

Recently Russian scientists have proposed that DNA can be altered through electromagnetic and acoustic waves and 97% of genome can be reprogramed through frequency change – opening up a whole new branch of science called wave genome, with applications including treating diseases, reversing mutations and increasing longevity, communicating with cells’ consciousness as well as communicating directly with humans’ consciousnesses – offering world changing technologies across medicine, agriculture and computing fields. This groundbreaking concept could revolutionise medicine, agriculture and computing industries worldwide.

8. Technology

Wave genome review addresses how DNA operates at both material physical level and wave/field level simultaneously. Human voice waves with specific carrier frequencies may be used to alter both the physical structure of DNA molecules as well as their genetic information, with potential therapeutic and life extension effects. This discovery could profoundly improve human well-being and is testament to an ancient Chinese proverb: if something seems impossible, do not stop others from trying! This press release includes forward-looking statements under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and amendments. These include statements related to Wave’s collaboration and license agreement with GSK.

10. Physics

Physics, biology and chemistry form what are known as “hard sciences”, employing hypotheses, predictions, tests and mathematics to advance our knowledge. Physics has many practical uses: it plays a part in creating aircraft and spacecraft; sound control for concert halls; air pollution research with its adverse health impacts being examined alongside chemists by using this same scientific methodology to reduce it (physicists playing an integral part in such efforts).

Atomic, molecular and optical physics explores our world at an atomic, molecular, particle level. It has strong ties with other fields as atoms and molecules form the building blocks for our everyday existence. At its highest scale cosmology offers new understandings into the origins and development of our universe while working closely with engineers on materials that could revolutionise human lives; electromagnetic (EM) waves may even be used to reprogram DNA physically altering it for medical gene editing applications.


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