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Biohacking Treatments

biohacking treatments

Interested in elevating your wellness regime beyond good sleep, healthy diet and regular exercise? Biohacking may be right for you.

Biohacking treatments include eliminating foods that cause reactions through an elimination diet and taking supplements to enhance cognitive function or even slow biological aging. At SourceMD, we also offer science-led IV drip therapies and booster shots.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy is an innovative biohack designed to activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms at a cellular level. Breathing pure oxygen in an enclosed hyperbaric chamber or softshell chamber allows your body to absorb up to three times more oxygen than usual – significantly improving oxygen utilization and mitochondrial health, both key elements in our overall well-being.

Ozone therapy uses extra oxygen molecules to bind with pathogenic bacteria and kill it while helping good bacteria flourish, making ozone treatment an excellent way to combat infections and boost the immune system. Furthermore, its improved blood flow helps ease chronic pain relief while strengthening detoxification pathways in the body.

Ozone therapy not only boosts immunity but can be used to heal injuries and speed wound healing. Studies have revealed it’s potential in stimulating new capillaries formation while simultaneously encouraging clotting and decreasing inflammation – it may even help treat diabetes by providing better glucose control with less need for insulin treatment!

There are two primary categories of ozone treatments: systemic and local. Systemic options may include blood therapies, rectal ozone enemas, and topical applications of ozonated water or oil; local ones include techniques such as limb bagging or injections into sinus cavities with prolozone protocol, among others. It’s wise to start out slowly as taking too much ozone can sometimes trigger the Herxheimer reaction – an immune response in which too much pathogen killing at once triggers an immune response that produces endotoxins which causes discomfort for several days afterward.


Biohacking has been made popular by celebrities and social media influencers as an attempt to optimize health and performance while improving wellbeing and boosting well-being. Although biohacking may appear trendy, scientific evidence backs its use.

Biohacking refers to incremental changes that gradually enhance health through various means, such as diet modification, sleep cycle adjustment or vitamin drip therapy. Research-backed therapies such as these have proven successful at strengthening immune systems, decreasing inflammation levels and even helping protect against certain diseases.

The Superhuman Clinic in California offers biohacks that can help you feel and perform your best. Cold therapy, which exposes patients to freezing temperatures for several minutes, is one of the most effective treatments. Cold therapy helps relieve pain while increasing circulation; another method, called Ozone therapy, uses ozone gas to destroy viruses, bacteria and yeast while strengthening immunity and decreasing oxidative stress in the body.

Biohacking involves three main approaches: nutrigenomics, DIY biology and grinder. Nutrigenomics examines how diet affects genes over time to impact health in an overall sense – such as helping you lose weight or decreasing risk factors for genetic disease. DIY biology includes taking supplements like nootropics for cognition improvement or anti-ageing such as senolytics to optimize health; but be wary when undertaking these attempts as some could lead to severe side effects.

Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has quickly become a staple of bio hacking communities across the globe. These advanced setups involve inhaling pure oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure for various purposes – improving recovery from illness, improving athletic performance and cognitive enhancement among others. Many members of bio hacking circles view HBOT not simply as a trendy health trend but as an essential tool to achieve peak performance.

HBOT can also be an effective solution to treat difficult-to-treat bacterial infections, making them more manageable with conventional medicine. By subjecting bacteria to high doses of oxygen during an HBOT session, their toxic substances can be neutralized, rendering them harmless. Furthermore, this treatment strengthens white blood cells’ abilities to identify and eradicate threats more efficiently than before.

HBOT offers many cellular benefits, from increasing ATP (the energy currency of cells) production to increasing vascularity to reduce swelling and promote healing, to up-regulating immunity systems and fighting oxidative stress by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine production while increasing antioxidant activity.

HBOT can help reduce inflammation associated with conditions like COPD and chronic sinusitis. Furthermore, it can enhance endurance during training sessions while speeding recovery from injuries or intense workouts. If you’re interested in using it for fitness purposes then another form known as EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy) might also provide benefits: this technique combines regular physical activity with the delivery of pure oxygen through a mask placed over your muscles that instantly provides energy boosts and even inflammation reduction – making this therapy popular with athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike!


HOCATT is the ultimate wellness and biohacking system to detoxify and stimulate immunity naturally. Combining carbonic acid, steam, photon light therapy, ozone gas, and oxygen into its treatment protocol, HOCATT works on all major systems in the body to promote vitality or hasten recovery after surgery.

At each session, patients sit comfortably in a special sauna-like machine. A three-minute cycle of carbonic acid (CA) moistens the skin while simultaneously dilatation pores and increasing lymphatic system blood flow. Ozone mixes with CA to form hydrogen peroxide that cells absorb into their bloodstreams; then further oxidized by bacteria, viruses, yeast mold and parasites before helping the immune system release enzymes for fighting infection and healing.

Each treatment session lasts 30 minutes and leaves patients feeling revitalized and revitalized afterward. Most healthy clients typically require sessions every few months for optimal health and performance; those battling chronic illnesses may require more frequent sessions.

Before engaging in HOCATT therapy, the most crucial thing is hydrating. Exposure to gasses like ozone can be harmful if your body is dehydrated; post session it’s recommended drinking 8 oz more of water as replenishment.

HOCATT is an invaluable asset to any wellness program, providing increased energy, better sleep patterns, and strengthening immunity. Athletic performance may benefit by decreasing buildup of lactic acid while simultaneously improving muscle repair; skin appearance could be improved through cell turnover promotion and decreased signs of aging – just a few benefits that make HOCATT such an incredible addition!


Root cause analysis is at the core of biohacking, and identifying any sources of inflammation or oxidative stress as triggers is one step toward finding solutions. In practice this could mean making adjustments to diet or taking supplements to support natural bodily processes; or perhaps intermittent fasting techniques might help encourage autophagy – our body’s natural self-cleaning mechanism.

Supplements are a central element of biohacking, with numerous options available. Nootropics – or smart drugs – are often preferred among biohackers as a means to improve cognitive function and mental clarity. Nootropics come both naturally or synthetically produced; popular options include gotu kola and water hyssop as an example. Finding appropriate supplements should always be your goal!

Anti-aging supplements, in addition to nootropics, may assist with cognitive function and memory. Examples include resveratrol – which has been proven to decrease senescence markers – omega-3 fatty acids magnesium and exercise are all excellent anti-ageing aids.

Eating, exercising and sleeping properly are also foundations of biohacking. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts can reduce risk factors for chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes; adequate rest and reduced blue light exposure help improve immunity while improving overall well-being; biohackers utilize various detoxification strategies such as sauna sessions, red light therapy sessions and cold immersion bathing as part of their practices; these may be supplemented by science-led IV drip therapies or booster shots to complete their program.
