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Bioresonance Food Allergy Test

Many individuals suffer from food allergies and intolerances. But how can you identify which foods cause issues without needing blood tests or more extensive forms of kinesiology?

Some practitioners offer allergy testing through hair analysis, iridology or the ALCAT test (which measures white blood cell responses to food). Also available is bioresonance food intolerance testing.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medical practice based on an unproven theory: electromagnetic oscillations produced by damaged or cancerous cells differ from healthy cells’. Practitioners believe an electrical device can detect these differences and emit counterfrequencies to cancel out diseased signals, thus “healing” organs or body parts through this form of alternative medicine known as bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA).

Some practitioners believe the results of bioresonance tests can be used to detect allergies, diseases or adverse effects; others consider bioresonance therapy effective for healing diseases by restoring balance within one’s energy frequency levels.

Bioresonance therapy makes similar claims to homeopathy and naturopathy; therefore, the American Society of Acupuncture has upheld complaints against practitioners making unsubstantiated statements regarding bioresonance therapy‘s ability to diagnose or treat conditions.

In 2018, the Advertising Standards Authority upheld complaints against a clinic that advertised that bioresonance therapy could treat an array of health conditions, such as weight and digestive issues; bloating; heart conditions; arthritis, joint pains; back pains; diabetes; skin conditions such as psoriasis; eczema; sinus headaches and migraines; depression or anxiety.”

Some users of bioresonance therapy assert that it can treat cancer by activating tumor suppressor genes or decreasing cell activity, as well as treating fibromyalgia by helping the body release natural painkillers. Furthermore, one study reported bioresonance therapy having an 87% success rate when used as an aid to stop smoking as opposed to just 58% with placebo treatment.

Bioresonance therapy has shown some promise in treating allergies and some autoimmune diseases; however, most controlled studies of its efficacy are limited to small numbers of patients with specific conditions. Some researchers have speculated that any therapeutic benefits from bioresonance may actually be placebo-based rather than genuine healing; nonetheless the AMP coil device used during bioresonance tests was found useful for relieving stress levels while improving general wellbeing by balancing energy frequencies within the body; furthermore it is CE marked to ensure safety during use.

How Does Bioresonance Testing Work?

Your body emits energy, with different frequencies reflecting back into our environment in various forms through electromagnetic waves. Bioresonance therapy uses this principle as its basis. Considered an unproven form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), its purpose is not to treat symptoms directly but instead seeks to balance your natural electromagnetic fields by eliminating anything that interferes with them.

At a bioresonance testing session, you will sit or lie down while the machine scans your body’s electromagnetic field and looks for any imbalances related to food, drink and environmental sensitivities that might compromise its energy balance.

As soon as your body’s electromagnetic field becomes compromised, healthy frequencies may be cancelled out by unhealthy ones and you could become sicker than before. Bioresonance claims it can detect interference patterns within the body to restore optimal equilibrium and health in order to help you.

Whenever bioresonance machines detect an irregularity, they can address it by sending out an opposite vibrational signal that cancels out the harmful one. Depending on its source – bacteria and viruses to emotional stress or even inherited physical problems – this device could help pinpoint and eliminate them all.

Bioresonance machines use information detected from body resonance to compare against frequency of foods and products registered on the system, including foodstuffs such as foods that resonate more strongly with your body versus those which resonate less. Items which resonate more strongly will appear at the top of their respective list of results while those which resonate less will fall further down in your list of results.

Bioresonance testing has been shown to be effective, although typically as a complementary rather than primary form of therapy. A recent study concluded that when used alongside manual therapy and massage for treating fibromyalgia, bioresonance was more successful. Other conditions it helped include stomach pain and overtraining syndrome. Furthermore, several studies suggest it can assist in helping smokers stop smoking as well as reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

What Are the Benefits of Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance testing to detect food sensitivities is a safe and simple way to reduce food intolerances. Furthermore, this test allows you to uncover other issues that may be contributing to health issues, such as heavy metal poisoning or nutritional deficiencies.

Bioresonance therapy works on the assumption that damaged cells and organs produce altered electromagnetic waves, with practitioners of Bioresonance therapy asserting that detecting these waves and then returning them to their original frequencies can detect and treat diseases such as allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and fibromyalgia.

Bioresonance technology was pioneered by Royal Rife, who discovered that pathogens could be killed using electric pulses with frequencies equal to or above their natural frequency. Pulses are generated using an electromagnet connected to a patient’s body; the electric pulses then flow directly through an individual DNA sample causing resonance with specific foods’ electromagnetic wavelengths – collecting and displaying this data on the BICOM system so practitioners can determine any food intolerance issues or other relevant concerns that need addressing in patients.

People use bioresonance tests to find healthy, nutritionally-balanced diets and identify any supplements or medicines needed to improve overall health. The test itself is quick and simple to perform; you typically can have results within 10 minutes; overall however, the process from start to finish takes about 60 minutes from start to finish.

Bioresonance testing can also help identify environmental and chemical toxins that could be contributing to patient health issues, including pesticides, cleaning products chemicals, heavy metals, cigarette smoke and other toxins.

Bioresonance testing falls under the umbrella of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), meaning therapies not traditionally classified as medicine. Most healthcare professionals do not endorse bioresonance testing.

Are Bioresonance Tests Effective?

Bioresonance testing, considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), utilizes electromagnetic signals to identify food, drink and environmental sensitivities. Electrodes placed on the skin capture and analyze body energy frequencies before the BICOM device sends pre-programmed electromagnetic signals into your body to see how your body responds – helping pinpoint which foods may be problematic for an individual.

Check for sensitivities to medications or supplements that could harm the body, and identify food that’s causing symptoms – an easy solution for those afraid of needles or who are unable to prick their fingers for blood allergy tests.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating allergies, asthma and stomach pain. Although few studies have been done specifically on bioresonance therapy thus far, those that have show encouraging results. One such study demonstrated this by showing 77.2 percent of people treated using this form of therapy stopped smoking within just one week compared to only 54.8 percent who received placebo treatment (source).

Bioresonance may help people stop smoking, though this has yet to be proven. The Advertising Standards Authority ruled that bioresonance therapy advertisements from one company were misleading as they provided no clinical evidence supporting its efficacy; their ads claimed “bioresonance therapy can help you quit smoking”, yet only presented evidence via an un-peer reviewed paper as support.

For those interested in bioresonance therapy, working with an experienced holistic practitioner is ideal. An experienced practitioner will be able to explain both the process and results of your bioresonance test in greater depth as well as recommend nutritional changes that can restore balance and promote overall wellness. Get more acquainted with bioresonance today – get in touch with our team now and schedule a test or appointment!
