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Life Expert Bioresonance Machine

Life Expert offers a noninvasive diagnostic and treatment option for many ailments, including autoimmune disorders, allergies and psychosomatic issues. Its focus lies on simple diagnosis and noninvasive therapy options for optimal health outcomes.

Each living organism possesses a magnetic or “biomagnetic” field that works similarly to scattering iron filings on paper – imbalances cause symptoms. Life Expert’s bio-resonance machine detects imbalances quickly based on your electrical skin conductivity.

Life Expert

Life Expert vega is an advanced bioresonance machine, offering professional diagnostics of your body state at home in just one minute. Measuring over 35,000 indicators related to organs and systems and your overall health status – including toxicities, nutritional deficiencies, stress levels and blood pressure levels. Detecting them helps find solutions for health issues while improving quality of life.

The Vega test is a noninvasive, painless and completely safe noninvasive examination which evaluates 47 organs and systems within less than one minute, looking for blockages, pathogens or imbalances to detect blockages, pathogens or imbalances that might otherwise remain undetected. It can identify symptoms like food and environmental allergies; urogenital dysfunction (including prostatitis), digestive issues, bone or muscle problems as well as low immune defences among many others.

Life Expert’s electromagnetic skin conductivity testing allows them to measure your energy flow and identify the root cause of imbalances, helping reduce fatigue, insomnia, headaches and digestive upsets as well as helping balance hormones for natural sexual functioning.

Bioresonance machines are used by medical and holistic health practitioners around the world for comprehensive evaluation and balancing of all major body systems, with Life Balance serving as a portable device that can store 72 programs designed by trained Bioresonance practitioners – perfect for home use!

Life Balance bioresonance device helps you live a healthy and balanced life with its preloaded 72 wellness complexes designed to address specific health needs and protect from disease. Plus, its Vega system lets you test supplements and medicines against your body and create customized self-treatment complexes!

Life Expert’s unique approach identifies and addresses the source of imbalance, supporting your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Non-invasive and painless, it is suitable for people of all ages and can even help detect pregnancy or fertility issues.

As part of its scanning process, the Vega device measures electric conductivity at biologically active points on your skin and transmits this data over the internet to WebWellness software for analysis. After comparison with millions of reference points, WebWellness produces an easy-to-read report with diagrams displaying your physiological condition – all this information being automatically created into an automatic wellness complex that can then be loaded onto Life Balance device for bioresonance therapy treatment.

Life Balance can identify and neutralize harmful electromagnetic frequencies of parasites that are contributing to your health imbalance, eliminating their negative influence over your system. Coupled with diet and lifestyle adjustments, it can help restore both physical and mental wellbeing in a natural manner. In addition, its machine can identify foods or environmental allergens which trigger health concerns for you; providing recommendations that will make you feel your best!
