Radionics is an alternative therapy that uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. Practitioners utilize an instrument known as a radionic instrument to identify imbalances in an individual’s energy field, before transmitting corrective frequencies that restore equilibrium and promote healing.
Many practitioners offer virtual or distance healing sessions. These allow clients to receive treatment from the comfort of their own homes.
XKnife(R) radiosurgery
XKnife radiosurgery provides an alternative to traditional brain surgery for treating various conditions, including tumors and growths, by targeting beams of radiation directly at the brain and spine – minimising damage to surrounding tissue while still offering precise treatment of its target sites. Instead of cutting into the body directly, instead an adjustable head frame is placed over your head that guides 192 tiny beams of gamma rays towards their treatment site like an accurate surgical blade would.
After these scans are performed, their results are fed into a computer program which will assist your doctor in deciding which areas of the brain to treat, how many beams of radiation should be utilized and where best to focus them. This process generally takes less than an hour. You will then be given medication that puts you into a sleep-like state so the radiation beams can be administered.
After your Gamma Knife procedure is over, your doctor will review its effects. They may wish to conduct follow-up imaging tests and discuss any additional treatments that might be required depending on the size of your tumour/lesion – this could require multiple sessions with Gamma Knife technology.
If your doctor recommends Gamma Knife, you’ll be fitted for a head frame to cover your skull. It has four small pins which fasten to the surface of your skull for easy and painless installation. Children will also receive medicine to keep them calm during this process.
Your bed will slide into the Gamma Knife machine, while you lie still. Your head frame attaches securely to its helmet, ensuring a safe experience throughout treatment for brain tumors or any other health issue. Medication may be administered to make you more relaxed and comfortable throughout treatment.
Gamma Knife radiosurgery is an efficient, noninvasive method of treating tumors or conditions in the brain and spine without anesthetics or surgery, making it ideal for patients unable to undergo surgical interventions due to medical issues or being too frail for anesthesia – and Medicare and most insurance carriers will reimburse this form of therapy. Medicare approves it. The CyberKnife M6 Robotic Stereotactic Radiation System has FDA-approval.
AO Scan
AO Scan is a non-invasive device that measures electromagnetic fields within the body to identify imbalances and promote healing. This noninvasive technique can be used to address chronic health conditions, mysterious symptoms or simply enhance well-being; and can be carried out either directly by a certified practitioner or remotely by certified practitioners.
The AO Scan technique, inspired by Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla’s work, works by sending frequencies through your body and comparing them against a database representing its ideal health frequency level. If there are any discrepancies, they could indicate problems at the cellular level that could impede overall wellbeing.
Each cell and organ in our bodies vibrate at its own frequency or oscillation, and when these frequencies become disrupted they can cause fatigue, stress or illness. At AO Scan we use biofeedback analysis to understand your body at a cellular level and identify any disruptions.
As well as detecting imbalances, the AO Scan also works to restore them through harmonization – combining sound therapy and vibrational frequencies to restore natural frequencies within your body and balance its natural frequencies. Furthermore, its other benefits include pinpointing and treating root causes of your condition.
Though AO Scan can be beneficial, it’s essential that you seek a certified practitioner trained in its use in order to gain maximum benefit from it. They can assist with understanding results and make treatment recommendations such as diet changes, natural remedies or lifestyle modifications to aid healing.
Virtual AO Scan sessions provide clients with convenience and accessibility. Sessions can be conducted from the comfort of your own home or office and tend to be less costly than in-person appointments. Furthermore, these convenient appointments allow clients to schedule their appointments around busy lifestyles.
To start using AO Scan, it requires an initial investment and monthly subscription cost that depends on which device is purchased; you can choose either a smart-phone or tablet equipped with bone conduction headsets; alternatively it may connect directly to your laptop/computer for a more immersive experience.
Distance healing
Distance healing is an efficient form of energy medicine that uses vibrational energy to promote health and wellbeing in physical spaces. It has the power to treat everything from muscle pain and anxiety, low energy levels, as well as overall well-being by creating balance and harmony within our lives.
Distance healing is founded on the fundamental belief that we all share one energy source, making us interdependent and interconnected with each other. Furthermore, this type of therapy allows individuals from various cities and even countries to receive energy healing treatments from practitioners located far away – providing powerful yet cost-effective alternatives to conventional medical treatments.
Setting clear and positive intentions during a distant healing session can produce optimal results. Meditation, self-reflection, and visualization techniques can be effective at setting these intentions; when your healing intention is clearly set it can raise its frequency which in turn accelerates healing processes and brings about profound transformation.
Remote healing sessions require both healer and recipient to find ways to synchronize their energies and harmonize their focus, such as through breathing exercises, visualization or meditation. They should work collaboratively to remove any negativity from their energetic field.
Apart from relieving pain, distant healing can also bring psychological and emotional benefits. Studies have revealed how specific frequencies can help alleviate stress, reduce inflammation and slow cellular ageing; improve memory performance, foster creativity and help people excel at life’s endeavors.
Distance healing offers an easy and cost-effective solution for individuals with limited access to healthcare or limited time constraints, as it can take place directly in the patient’s own home, eliminating transportation costs while lessening strain on both themselves and their loved ones.
Substance abuse treatment programs and certified healers can also use remote healing sessions to assist those struggling with addictions, who find therapy too daunting or unwilling to attend sessions themselves. With remote healing sessions performed remotely by trained professionals, certified healers may assist them in breaking free of their addictions.
Radionics is an alternative healing practice that utilizes subtle energy fields of an individual, place or object for therapeutic benefit. Practitioners employ specialized devices to detect and balance these energies; practitioners believe they can detect imbalances and direct healing energy towards restoring health and promoting wellness. Though many report benefits from practicing Radionics, the effectiveness of its use remains controversial as there is no scientific proof to back its claims of benefit; for this reason it is always wise to consult with a licensed healthcare professional prior to commencing this treatment plan.
Radionics practitioners frequently offer virtual or distance healing sessions, enabling them to work with clients from anywhere around the globe and drawing upon an existing client network for additional support. While this option may be convenient for some, finding an expert practitioner who understands all nuances of this discipline may prove more challenging.
Additionally, there are various online forums and conferences where radionics practitioners can share their experiences and case studies, acting as referral sources. When selecting a practitioner it’s wise to select someone who has completed training from an established radionics organization.
Radionics works on the principle that all substances, living and nonliving alike, emit vibrational frequencies. Radionic practitioners can access these vibrations using “witness samples,” such as drops of blood or pieces of hair collected as “witness samples.” They serve as an intermediary between practitioner and patient through using the holographic principle that an image’s small parts mirror its entirety – this allows practitioners to read witness samples to assess a person’s energy status and heal them effectively.
During a session, practitioners utilize dials or settings on their device to adjust frequencies that correspond with different conditions and desired outcomes. By altering these frequencies accordingly, practitioners are able to balance out body’s innate energies – in some instances even pinpointing the root cause of problems with this method.
Radionics works on the principle that each substance has a resonant frequency which can be identified and transmitted using a special radionics machine. A practitioner then can send these frequencies directly to a target patient, helping rebalance his/her energy, which in turn may have many beneficial results including physical and emotional wellbeing.