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Integrated Energy Therapy Training

Learn to harness the healing energy of angels for both yourself and others in this self-healing energy therapy class. IET (angelic Energy Transference) teaches participants to “heartlink” to their angelic guides in order to clear energy blockages from nine primary cellular memory areas of the body.

Attunements open and facilitate the flow of vital life force to vital memory areas within your body and energy field, clearing harmful energetic imprints that inhibit health and life purpose from our human energy field.

Basic Level

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) is an angelic healing energy technique created at the Center of Being by Stevan J. Thayer and used directly with 12-strand DNA to expand, realign and restructure one or more pairs progressively; each IET attunement builds upon itself progressively.

Attuning to the Basic IET energy ray activates your 1st pair of DNA, helping you energize and integrate cellular memory blocks (issues in our tissues). You’ll learn an IET pullout-release technique which easily clears harmful energy imprints from personal or business energy fields; its hands-on energy healing system uses 9 primary areas where suppressed emotions reside. You also discover how to heartlink with angel energy to clear a specific angelic empowerment imprint–for instance clearing guilt to imprint innocence instead.

At the Advanced Level of IET, you’ll discover how to work with all nine Healing Angels and understand their gifts for you. Furthermore, you will discover a four step process which allows for more powerful connections with these special beings in class as a collective energy connection. Furthermore, you will discover ways to offer healing to Mother Earth through creating Heartbeams of IET energy into the earth’s crust, giving back healing energy in areas devastated by human or natural devastation. Finally, an advanced level IET energy attunement which opens and activates four pairs of your 12-Strand DNA, helping you fulfill your soul’s purpose while fulfilling dreams.

Intermediate Level

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) employs simple hands-on techniques to assist clients in clearing away energetic imprints that may be blocking their life force, such as those caused by emotional or physical trauma, limiting beliefs or patterns or unhealed karmic issues. The IET healing system helps clients move past these blocks to live the purposeful life that their soul requires them to lead.

Intermediate Level classes are for individuals who have completed the Basic Level, and provide an important next step on their energy healing journey. By connecting more deeply and effectively with Healing Angels, this class opens and strengthens connections in powerful yet loving ways.

This class provides hands-on training that teaches how to utilize the healing angel energy for clearing and integrating core cellular memories. IET energy vibration allows for quick release of suppressed emotions through Integration Power Points that work like acupressure points – helping clients release suppressed emotions without experiencing emotional trauma again.

IET also facilitates the incorporation of a fifth element, Light. Light is pure unconditional love and kindness infused into our bodies and energies that helps move life forward more joyfully, effortlessly, and joyfully.

Light energy can assist the client in releasing resistance and fear regarding their soul mission, helping them more easily attract members of their soul cluster to help with living it out. Our Advanced Level class offers an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Healing Angels; their energy work expands and aligns the 4th pair (soul profile) and 5th pair (soul cluster) of your 12-Strand DNA for maximum transformational effect.

Advanced Level

The Advanced Level of Integrated Energy Therapy builds upon the tools, attunements and knowledge learned in Basic and Intermediate classes of IET. It introduces more advanced energy healing techniques that work directly with your 12 Strand DNA as well as clearing away energy blockages at soul level to enable you to more fully live out your soul mission and bring dreams alive. This class is required of IET Master Practitioners.

This class will introduce the unique pullout-release technique of Integrated Energy Therapy(r), which utilizes your hands to attract and clear harmful imprints from the human energy field. You will also learn how to identify and feel energy blocks at physical, emotional, mental, karmic levels; plus you will discover an expeditious clearing technique called pink bubble. Finally, this course teaches participants how to clear an energy field of someone they care for quickly.

This advanced IET technique utilizes an angelic energy grid to release core cellular memory. You will learn to work with both Earth and star energies to balance and integrate your body, chakras, aura, as well as release patterns of unforgiveness for personal growth in life. Furthermore, Heartbeams anchor columns of angelic energy into Earth as permanent healing sources – providing permanent solutions in areas that have experienced trauma.

This class is tailored for anyone interested in experiencing the powerful effects of IET for themselves and others. It’s especially suited to practitioners already practicing holistic therapies as IET can easily integrate with sessions using other energy techniques. IET provides deep self-healing while supporting health improvement, wealth creation, fulfilling relationships and increasing creativity; its gentle yet powerful support offers comfort to trauma survivors while simultaneously unlocking fears or limiting beliefs preventing success in life.


IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) is one of the latest generation hand on power energy healing systems designed to get “issues out of your tissues”. Created at the Center of Being by Stevan J Thayer, IET uses violet angelic energy ray to connect directly with 12-Strand Spiritual DNA for effective results that release limiting patterns from the past, heal your body in the present, and expand into your future.

Attuning to the Basic IET energy ray and activating both DNA pairs. You will feel and clear harmful imprints from physical, emotional, mental or karmic memory at all levels. In addition, this class will teach how to create an energetic “heartlink” connection with angelic realm to increase energy intuitive abilities.

At the Advanced Level you will receive an attunement to Advanced IET energy ray, unlocking your 5th DNA pair and activating its associated purpose energy – this energy can then help you discover and fulfill your life mission. A “Soul Star” clearing will be performed to activate it; Heartnet Process for manifesting dreams can also be learned as well as using Energy Wave technique for clearing resistance in your body. In addition, participants will learn how to conduct Advanced IET sessions using isometric arm/leg exercises as well as building Heartbeams that anchor angelic energy into Earthly realities.

In this two day program you will be introduced to nine Angelic Beings who can assist your healing journey. You will learn a special prayer to call on these angels for assistance as you heal yourself, creating an “Angelic Heartlink” between yourself and these Angels; channelling ancient sacred geometry into techniques channeled from Angel Ariel that “get out the issues in your tissues for good”. This class makes an excellent complement to IET training classes without needing prior IET experience.
