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BICOM Bioresonance Can Treat Allergies

1. It is a non-invasive therapy

No matter whether it is applied to horses, dogs or cats, bioresonance therapy is a safe and effective alternative treatment option for various health issues. It works by detecting and changing energy wavelength frequencies present within the body – making it non-invasive and an excellent complement to conventional medicine practices. Bioresonance can not only aid healing processes; its healing powers may even prevent illness by strengthening immunity systems and improving overall wellbeing.

BICOM optima bioresonance method is an alternative healing system based on the idea that healthy organs and cells produce electromagnetic waves with normal frequencies that are detected by BICOM device and changed back to original frequencies to restore balance within organs and cells, stimulating self-healing capabilities of your body.

Bioresonance therapy is an easy, painless, and stress-free solution suitable for animals of all sizes. Horses in particular benefit from bioresonance because their bodies respond more readily to electromagnetic vibrations compared with other species – this is particularly true if they’re under emotional or physical strain.

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This gentle yet highly effective therapy can be used to address numerous health concerns, including chronic fatigue, hormonal imbalances and digestive problems. Additionally, the BICOM bioresonance system has proven useful in treating emotional conditions like anxiety and depression as well as allergies and asthma – two conditions often found among horses.

Bioresonance therapy is an ideal noninvasive and stress-free solution for horses. Additionally, its application is applicable across all age groups from young horses to old. Furthermore, this technique can treat various symptoms including respiratory and joint diseases as well as injuries and surgery recuperation. Furthermore, its application has the power to help with aggression and fearfulness treatments – it even works on dogs, cats, rabbits and hamsters! It must be noted however, that only qualified therapists should use such devices with animals.

2. It is safe

Bioresonance therapy stands in stark contrast to traditional allergy treatment methods that take three to five years and can be both costly and restrictive; bioresonance therapy offers quick relief while being painless and cost effective. Furthermore, BICOM bioresonance can even eliminate the need for allergy medication, thus decreasing or even eliminating allergy symptoms altogether. Also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-physical information therapy or energy medicine BICOM bioresonance is widely known among medical practitioners for treating multiple conditions simultaneously.


Bioresonance therapy works by returning your cells’ frequencies back to their natural wavelength before developing an illness. Proponents believe that toxicants, pollutants and other harmful substances disrupt this frequency; bioresonance machines detect and manipulate this frequency, helping restore it back to its former self. Bioresonance has also proven useful in helping with allergies as well as other conditions including fibromyalgia, overtraining syndrome and stomach pain – it may even help smokers quit without adverse side effects!

3. It is affordable

Bioresonance offers an affordable alternative to more costly diagnostic methods, enabling individuals to quickly identify food intolerances or any imbalances in the body quickly and effectively. Patients using this technique can make changes quickly in their diet.

This technology employs sophisticated devices to collect electromagnetic waves emitted by the body and compare them with frequencies related to various diseases. If any particular wave’s frequency becomes disharmonious, this device sends other waves which correct it to restore equilibrium within your system – this approach is noninvasive and suitable for children as well as pregnant women.

4. It is effective

The BICOM bioresonance device can quickly assess your cat’s health and detect any imbalances that could be contributing to his/her symptoms. Furthermore, this painless and noninvasive solution offers you an effective means of treating their problems.

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) works on the principle that cells in our bodies communicate via electromagnetic waves called biophotons, each cell producing its own distinct frequency of biophotons. When someone becomes sick, these frequencies will change. Bioresonance therapy seeks to manipulate them back to their natural wavelength in order to heal the body and alleviate symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) has become a mainstream solution among German veterinarians, such as Dirk Schrader of Hamburg Veterinary Center. He considers not offering this therapy “indecent.” Throughout 46 years of treating patients at his practice he has seen hopeless cases improve with BRT treatment.

BRT can often be effective in treating FIP. A recent study conducted by researchers revealed that combining BRT with antiobiotics was highly successful at treating the condition; its results were similar to enema treatment alone.

An experienced veterinarian administered an enema using a specially-designed catheter. Once inside, the liquid was flushed through rectum into bladder for flushing out, with this process repeated several times over one week. As part of its treatment, animal’s behavior and appearance improved. Enema treatment reduced inflammation in the intestines and stomach as well as frequency of diarrhea episodes; finally it restored appetite to restore appetite loss in animals. The results of this 2013 Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine study indicated that bioresonance therapy could be an effective form of FIP treatment and should be included as an option in future treatment programs. No conflicts of interest existed within this research project which was made possible with support from Germany’s Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)–for which all authors wish to express their appreciation.


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