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BICOM Bioresonance Therapy For Allergies

Bioresonance therapy is an noninvasive therapy with no known side effects for both animal and owner, making it completely painless and stress-free for both parties involved.

BICOM device analyzes disease oscillations and then sends altered oscillations back into the body – either weakening or strengthening them as necessary – in order to help rebalance itself.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine that employs electromagnetic frequencies to balance your energy fields, aiding healing, reducing stress levels and overall wellbeing. It has proven highly successful for treating allergies, fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses.

An bioresonance practitioner uses an applicator to detect electromagnetic signals created by their body and organs, then filters those frequencies using the BICOM device which amplifies healthy frequencies while cancelling out unhealthy ones – before sending these harmonised frequencies back into their bodies where they stimulate cells to heal themselves.

Many individuals who employ bioresonance therapy claim it can diagnose diseases and abnormalities in the body, and even normalize electromagnetic waves emitted by diseased internal organs – however this has yet to be scientifically verified. Furthermore, bioresonance therapies should not be recommended as cancer treatments as their theories lack scientific backing and clinical data to support them.

Bioresonance offers many benefits beyond its ability to identify the underlying causes of various ailments, with its primary advantage being non-invasive treatments like bioresonance. Unlike other medical therapies, it does not employ any invasive procedures and has no side effects whatsoever. Furthermore, bioresonance has proven itself an invaluable aid in managing allergies, helping desensitize immune systems and reduce symptoms like runny noses or coughs.

The BICOM optima mobile is an adaptable and portable device designed to be used by practitioners across a range of environments. Easily transportable between clinics or homes, making it an excellent option for therapists who frequently travel. Compatible with a number of additional devices – such as an ozone generator and ion cleanser – for maximum versatility and versatility.

BICOM bioresonance device can help treat an array of conditions, ranging from food and environmental allergies to urogenital disorders and low immune defences. Furthermore, this tool is often employed during menopausal stages to balance hormones, alleviating symptoms like hot flushes and insomnia that arise as a result.

How does Bioresonance Therapy work?

Bioresonance therapy works by measuring electromagnetic waves emitted from your body. A machine then alters these energy wavelengths in order to create resonance effects with its natural frequencies, believed to facilitate healing in the body itself. This technique may increase your own internal healing potential.

At each session, an applicator is applied over or near any part of the body – such as head, hands, feet, organ areas, reflex zones or any other part. A therapist then reviews data recorded by BICOM which uses internal filters to distinguish healthy and unhealthy frequency patterns before translating this information into different frequencies that will be absorbed by cells within our bodies; amplifying those associated with healthy energy while diminishing or cancelling out disharmonic frequencies.

Rebalancing is designed to assist the body in eliminating its toxic load, stress load and imbalances. It promotes self-healing processes within the body and is effective against allergies, chronic pain conditions, gastrointestinal disorders and muscular-skeletal issues.

Sleep-enhancing therapies have also been known to promote health. After receiving treatments, many have reported reduced symptoms as well as improved overall health and wellbeing.

Stress relief and mental clarity are often key benefits. Additionally, yoga may assist the body’s natural detoxification pathways while simultaneously relieving stress levels. Additionally, many use it to reduce stress levels and promote mental clarity.

Bioresonance Therapy is a safe, noninvasive, and painless treatment with potential benefits varying depending on each person. Most will experience positive results within their first three treatments due to bioresonance‘s unique ability to work directly with energy frequencies within the body to identify imbalances quickly allowing healing processes to start immediately compared to other modalities which only address symptoms without treating their cause; ultimately resulting in faster returns to optimal health for many patients.

Can Bioresonance Therapy be used to treat allergies?

Bioresonance therapy stands out as one of the most successful solutions for allergies, probably because it works with your body rather than against it to strengthen immunity. Furthermore, this noninvasive and painless therapy offers great options for people who dislike needles or can’t tolerate medication.

Recent research demonstrated the success of using the BICOM optima device on 248 patients suffering from allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, with 94% having their symptoms either reduced or eliminated, and 83% experiencing decreased need for allergy medications such as antihistamines or other symptom-reducing nasal sprays and eye drops.

BICOM device recognizes electromagnetic oscillations produced by cells and tissues within the body and transmits them back to patients via bidirectional resonance modulation (BRRM). Once modulated, altered frequencies are then played back into the body to activate healing processes – these frequencies are known as bioelectromagnetic resonance patterns which help balance and restore its natural energy levels.

A typical session typically lasts around 60 minutes and includes several therapy programs, some tailored specifically for each patient and others based on properties of particular substances. The BICOM device then helps stimulate immune cells with specific frequencies to enable healing to take place within their bodies.

Keep in mind that patients may experience temporary worsening of symptoms upon beginning therapy, known as initial aggravation, which is an encouraging sign that their therapy is working and will soon resolve itself once complete.

Bioresonance Therapy offers a natural alternative to pharmaceutical medications for treating all forms of allergies. When searching for a qualified and experienced therapist to perform these sessions, make sure they possess an in-depth knowledge of its science as well as how best to apply it during sessions – this way you’ll ensure the maximum return from each treatment session.

Can Bioresonance Therapy be used to treat cancer?

The BICOM device reads electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased organs or cancer cells. These oscillations are transmitted electronically and then, depending on a therapist’s program, strengthened or weakened to stimulate healing within the body’s natural healing abilities.

The FDA has prosecuted many vendors of electrical devices claiming health benefits, but studies indicate that bioresonance therapy may benefit some individuals. When combined with other integrative treatments, bioresonance can identify root causes of symptoms manifesting themselves and provide solutions that address them effectively.

Bioresonance can also help those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis identify any issues related to antioxidant levels – essential components in keeping joints healthy – which could contribute to inflammation. When this occurs, bioresonance can be used to restore normality with antioxidant levels while supporting your immune system’s ability to combat inflammation.

Treatment could help relieve the impact of your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by targeting their source – be it inflammation enzyme function or an excessive production of cytokines. Bioresonance therapy may also be utilised to identify issues in your immune system and address them accordingly.

BICOM device may also help treat allergies. It is thought that the device can “read” allergy-causing oscillations and send them back into your body where they can be either reduced or transformed into therapeutic oscillations that resonate with incoming information, thus eliminating allergic reactions altogether.

Though its scientific effectiveness cannot be established for this specific claim, due to a lack of controlled studies comparing bioresonance therapy to placebos, some people report its success for other conditions like fibromyalgia, anxiety and skin issues; it has even been proposed as a potential way of helping with cancer treatments; though any new therapy should always be discussed first with your physician.
