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Bio-Resonance Testing – Find a Bio-Resonance Clinic Near You

Bio-Resonance is a noninvasive assessment using energetic resonances to remove imbalances that lead to disease across multiple dimensions. We can use this technology to detect diseases before they manifest physically as well as alter harmful wavelengths for overall optimal wellbeing.

At an EIT session, electrodes will be applied to your skin and connected to a machine that reads out energy wavelength frequencies emitted by your body – all without pain! This process should only last 5-15 minutes!

Identifying Food Intolerances

Food allergies can be very distressful and even potentially life-threatening. They occur when your body misidentifies certain foods as invaders and reacts negatively. You can avoid such reactions by avoiding those which your body finds irritating – the best way to identify your sensitive foods is with bioresonance testing; this form of therapy recognises that everything gives off energy which can be measured through hair samples which is then compared against frequencies associated with food, drinks and environmental factors to see if there’s an adverse reaction within.

The food sensitivities test is quick and painless, providing you with fast answers about what food sensitivities exist without the need to puncture yourself with needles. Your practitioner will discuss your results during the appointment as well as clarify any details that are unclear; generally the entire process takes about 60 minutes, giving plenty of time to ask any questions and receive your results.

What are the science and benefits behind bioresonance tests? Bioresonance testing uses electromagnetic signals that are recorded, amplified and compared against healthy cell frequencies to identify unhealthy frequencies in your body and then use this knowledge to cancel out those frequencies that create harm and return it back into resonance with healthy ones.

If you are experiencing health problems, chances are there may be imbalances within your body that are causing issues. Therefore it’s essential that a holistic approach be taken when seeking medical help; bioresonance therapy can identify imbalances including food intolerances, hormonal issues and nutritional deficiencies; it may even detect whether toxins may be having an adverse impact on health and wellbeing.

If you are curious to explore how bioresonance can enhance your health, we advise contacting Everlywell for a complimentary consultation with one of our registered nutritional therapists. They will be able to recommend appropriate testing and diet plans tailored specifically for you as well as providing supplements and homeopathic remedies which will support you during this journey.

Identifying Hormone Imbalances

Bioresonance testing can provide insight into what’s causing your hormonal imbalances and help find effective treatment. Hormonal imbalances affect men and women differently; premenstrual pain to hot flushes may occur at different times and lead to symptoms including fatigue, digestive issues, depression, low libido, anxiety and joint/muscle pain – Bioresonance therapy may restore hormone balance to get you feeling like yourself again!

Bioresonance testing works by analyzing the electromagnetic wavelength frequencies your cells emit. It operates under the unproven assumption that unhealthy cells emit different energy wavelength frequencies from healthy ones, which can then be detected with an electrical device and “canceled out” with therapeutic frequencies to bring balance back into their lives.

Bioresonance scan results are recorded on a computer and then compared against frequencies found in food, drink, vitamins, minerals, metals, bacteria and other substances to detect imbalances that could be contributing to your symptoms. Bioresonance can also help your body heal itself by altering harmful or unhealthy wavelength frequencies to align them with natural resonance levels of your body for maximum wellness and relief.

The Asyra Bioresonance System utilizes inverted frequencies to detect and treat unhealthy energy resonance levels in your cells. Recording and inverting the cell’s resonating frequency to restore normal resonance levels and relieve any associated symptoms, this system works. Asyra Bioresonance therapy can be utilized for various conditions, including fibromyalgia, chronic sinusitis, eczema and chronic fatigue syndrome – among many others. As well as helping break addictions to cigarettes and alcohol and drugs, detoxification therapy may also aid smokers and alcohol and drug abusers with managing their withdrawal symptoms and detoxifying the body of toxic chemicals. Bioresonance falls under complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), an umbrella term covering therapies, practices, and products outside mainstream medical treatments. There have been several controlled studies on bioresonance that have yielded mixed or no results; however, patients have reported using it successfully to combat allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and more.

Identifying Environmental Toxins

Bioresonance testing can be used to pinpoint where in the body toxins are building up and may be contributing to symptoms that patients are experiencing. They’ll also be able to identify which are present and which are the most harmful; with this information they can develop an appropriate plan to eliminate those toxins and restore equilibrium to both mind and body.

One of the primary draws of bioresonance therapy is its ability to identify food intolerances. Once identified, this makes changing your diet much simpler and relieving any discomfort caused by intolerances. Testing itself is quick and painless: simply place a small sample of hair onto a BICOM machine to check energy wavelengths against 1200 potential trigger frequencies.

Bioresonance machines can also be used to detect other toxins, including excess mercury. Mercury poisoning can have serious adverse health effects; in many instances the BICOM machine will suggest chelation therapy that will remove mercury from your body and alleviate some symptoms you are experiencing.

BICOM can also be used to detect heavy metals like lead and cadmium that are considered highly toxic and could even cause brain damage. Furthermore, its use can help determine if any heavy metals associated with cancerous conditions such as Alzheimer’s or breast are present.

Bioresonance machines operate under the principle that all particles of matter produce electromagnetic energy that can be captured and recorded using electronic devices. Once this data has been captured and recorded by electronic devices, images can be taken of your body to reveal any areas that are out of balance and corrected through biofeedback therapy or bioresonance therapy – in some cases successfully treating conditions like allergies, chronic fatigue and even rheumatoid arthritis!

Identifying Physical Imbalances

Bioresonance scanning involves placing electrodes on your body and having an electromagnetic frequency sent from a machine through each cell in your body. If there is any imbalance, healthy cells will resonate at higher frequencies while unhealthy ones resonate at lower ones – the machine then detects these frequencies and inverts them so they cancel each other out so your cells can communicate more freely again.

Bioenergetic health scans can identify many underlying issues that could be contributing to your symptoms, such as nutritional deficiencies, toxins, hormone imbalances, organ dysfunction and emotional or mental stress. They offer an integrative and holistic approach to healthcare and energetic well-being and should be seen as complementary treatment plans and practices rather than replacement solutions.

As a noninvasive alternative to MRIs and blood draws, bioresonance testing offers a quick, painless solution. The entire process typically takes less than an hour from start to finish – most of this time is spent reviewing scan results with one of our trained bioresonance therapists, who will give all the information needed for you to make informed decisions for balancing programs.

Our therapists use amp coil devices to restore your cellular frequency to its ideal levels, helping your body work at its energy frequency designed for. In addition, these amp coils release any accumulated stress while encouraging relaxation in your body.

Our therapists offer diet and nutrition scans using digital nutrition response testing, to identify approximately 350 food sensitivities, environmental irritants, emotional stressors, imbalances in key vitamins minerals amino acids enzymes fatty acids. This scan can keep costs down between Full Scans while keeping momentum going with holistic treatment plans; during it we use Amp Coils to remove heavy metals toxins and reduce your risk of serious illness such as cancer.
