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Bioresonance Allergy Test

Though traditional allergy tests involve pricking one’s skin to test for food sensitivities, many individuals are put off by the pain associated with doing it. Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative, safe, non-invasive way of discovering food intolerances without having to endure pain during testing.

Bioresonance testing utilizes a BICOM device to send electromagnetic waves directly toward your DNA, providing practitioners with an extensive overview of your food sensitivities and intolerances.


Bioresonance hair testing offers an alternative approach to allergy tests like blood and urine tests; bioresonance testing uses one strand of your hair to help identify food intolerances that is unaffected by recent food intake or stress and allows our practitioners at 5Strands to assess your body over a longer period. Utilizing our BICOM Mars III bioresonance machine, our expert will compare your unique electromagnetic frequency against over 1500 foods and environmental factors; potential nutritional imbalances; blood nutrient levels; potential incompatibilities with beauty products ingredients etc; all to help determine food intolerances based on bioresonance testing!

Bioresonance sensitivity tests provide a non-invasive means of identifying food allergies, so you can eliminate them from your diet and continue enjoying all the foods that bring joy. Food intolerances may be uncomfortable or even painful to the point that identification of their presence will lead to making necessary dietary adjustments that lead to improved health outcomes.

Our bioresonance sensitivity test uses the same technology used by hospitals and laboratories worldwide, to detect harmful frequencies in your body and counteract them for an optimum balance, thus supporting natural healing processes in your own body. It checks for geopathic stress, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, food intolerances and more – with our painless test you simply hold a small metal cylinder to connect with our machine!

Holistic practices offer comprehensive solutions, and one such holistic practice is nutrition balancing, which is a highly effective method for diagnosing food intolerances and various other issues, including fatigue, insomnia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and eczema. Through it you can identify which toxins in your system are contributing to these symptoms so you can rebalance and reduce them effectively to treat these ailments without medication side effects.


Bioresonance therapy is an easy, safe, and painless method for diagnosing allergies. This therapy uses ultrafine frequency patterns which resonate within the body to counteract harmful frequencies and restore optimal balance based on damaged cell emissions of electromagnetic waves. Bioresonance has been demonstrated to alleviate asthma symptoms, fibromyalgia symptoms, insomnia symptoms and food sensitivities quickly so they can be removed from one’s diet more easily.

Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative method for testing food intolerances and allergies that is non-invasive, safe, and highly accurate. A BICOM device sends preprogrammed electromagnetic signals directly to a DNA sample that then tests how the body responds. The system provides a thorough picture of any intolerances, mineral/vitamin deficiencies, geopathic stress issues or more for which clients may need therapy.

Bioresonance machines allow therapists to detect allergens that are impacting your health, and advise how best to proceed. For instance, if you’re allergic to certain foods, they will recommend temporarily cutting them from your diet until desensitization treatments help your body adjust back into digesting them, hopefully alleviating or clearing up allergies in the process.

Bioresonance therapy has proven its efficacy for treating asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and insomnia among other health conditions. Furthermore, food sensitivities that are difficult to identify through traditional blood tests may also be identified during this therapy session. Furthermore, your therapist can identify any other stress or inflammation causing issues in your body and suggest supplements or diet changes to promote healing based on this data. Studies have also confirmed its success at increasing smoking cessation chances as well as treating gastrointestinal pain effectively with bioresonance therapy treatment.


Bioresonance therapy has become an increasingly popular alternative health solution among those searching for alternative healthcare. Based on the principle that each cell emits electromagnetic frequencies that can be measured and analyzed to indicate health or sickness in cells. This noninvasive therapy can detect imbalances quickly, helping practitioners create personalized patient plans, as well as treating numerous conditions including allergies or food intolerances.

Bioresonance testing offers an accurate and safe alternative to traditional allergy testing with skin pricking; instead it uses preprogrammed electromagnetic signals sent into the body from a BICOM device to compare against frequencies associated with various food types – giving practitioners an overview of which foods the individual may be allergic or intolerant to.

Bioresonance can also be used to detect hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies and parasite infections within the body – and is useful in pinpointing causes for fatigue, anxiety and depression. Before attending any sessions it is recommended that ample water be drunk prior to drinking sessions in order to maximize results without interference from cigarettes or medications that could interfere with them.

The BICOM bioresonance machine can scan energy wavelengths within the body to restore an ideal state of balance by counteracting harmful frequencies that might harm you, such as viruses and cancer cells, detect any toxins present, identify inflammations within cells, and even help patients identify food sensitivities.

Food sensitivities are a serious health threat that can manifest as anything from digestive discomfort to chronic migraines and headaches. Luckily, bioresonance allergy testing provides an easy and painless solution. Unlike traditional allergy tests that require bloodwork samples for testing purposes, bioresonance allergy testing does not involve blood work and therefore suitable for people of all ages.

BICOM bioresonance machine can accurately assess whether or not someone is allergic to certain foods by measuring vibrational resonance of substances against a patient’s frequency spectrum. Unlike traditional allergy tests, bioresonance testing does not require blood samples or consultation forms – only patients must complete intake/consent forms prior to an appointment being scheduled for testing.


Bioresonance testing has become a popular alternative to blood tests for diagnosing allergies and food sensitivities. Non-invasive and painless, bioresonance can be used to assess allergies, autoimmune diseases, digestive issues and more. Furthermore, it helps identify root causes of problems which can then be combined with treatments like acupuncture or homeopathy for enhanced results.

Bioresonance therapy operates on the principle that all matter, including human beings, produce electromagnetic energy. This energy emits oscillations at specific wavelengths and frequencies that can be recorded and measured; using this data the BICOM machine measures these oscillations and counteracts unhealthy frequencies to restore optimum balance within an individual’s system. Furthermore, this device can measure any toxic substances within their bodies to ascertain their effect on overall health status.

The BICOM machine is utilized by over 6,500 physicians and 5,600 naturopathic practitioners worldwide, due to its effectiveness at scanning an individual’s entire body for imbalances that can be treated using natural treatments. The test can detect conditions including allergies, food intolerances, vitamin deficiencies and chemical toxicity among others.

Food allergies can be a serious health risk that can result in life-threatening anaphylaxis. Other symptoms can include asthma, hives, rashes and digestive problems; however not everyone experiences them – that’s why an allergy test such as the one offered by BICOM devices to send pre-programmed electromagnetic waves into your body can help identify which foods your body reacts negatively to and which ones should be avoided altogether.

Food allergy tests offer many advantages. By identifying which foods your body is reacting against, you can omit them from your diet – alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life. Furthermore, by eliminating foods containing harmful additives like artificial coloring and flavoring (known to cause intolerances), as well as common allergens like E-numbers found in processed food items – food allergy tests offer multiple advantages that could prove invaluable in alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life.
