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Bioresonance Allergy Testing

Bioresonance testing can help identify food allergies and help eliminate them, so that you can enjoy eating the foods you love once again.

Bioresonance testing for food sensitivities is an efficient and noninvasive way of discovering which foods your body cannot tolerate, making this testing option safe and accessible.


Bioresonance therapy differs from other allergy testing methods in that it does not rely on abstaining from allergens or taking prescriptions to alleviate symptoms; rather it detects food allergies by sending the DNA of your hair through a machine called BICOM and analyzing how your body responds to various frequencies of food. The results can help pinpoint exactly where an allergic reaction originated as well as determine any E-number sensitivities present in food items.

Bioresonance therapy is both safe and gentle. Based on the principle that all living organisms generate electromagnetic energy, which oscillates at various wavelengths and frequencies and can be detected, amplified, graphed and studied – this information then helps correct physical imbalances; ultimately restoring immune systems while strengthening natural healing processes within our bodies.

Many people suffer from food allergies, which can be both unpleasant and potentially life-threatening. A food allergy occurs when your body mistakenly detects certain foods as threats and responds as though they were intruders; when this occurs, solutions may include either eliminating certain foods altogether or treating acute symptoms with medication; but both solutions may prove difficult to maintain indefinitely.

Bioresonance therapy has many applications besides treating food allergies; it can be used to address various other conditions. Bioresonance can assist with treating autoimmune disorders like Crohn’s and Lupus as well as psychological ones like stress & depression by decreasing cortisol levels in the body. Furthermore, it has proven successful at relieving digestive symptoms like bloating, constipation and chronic diarrhea by helping restore intestinal integrity often compromised due to an unhealthy diet or other external influences which cause leaky gut syndrome.

Bioresonance falls under the category of Complementary and Alternative Medicine; however, multiple studies have proven its efficacy. Nine non-controlled and five controlled clinical trials conducted by physicians and scientists across universities, hospitals, and private practices worldwide demonstrated its efficiency at identifying food intolerances and allergies.


Bioresonance therapy takes a holistic approach to health and harmonises your energy fields. It detects imbalances at a cellular level and assists the body by providing correct frequencies that support self-regulating mechanisms. Bioresonance testing is safe and painless – no invasive procedures involved!

Electrodermal testing (also referred to as bioresonance hair testing) can help you avoid potentially harmful foods and enhance overall well-being. Unlike skin prick tests which only identify specific allergens after multiple sessions have passed, electrodermal tests use a small metal probe to measure electromagnetic signals emitted by your body which are then analyzed and recorded so you can view a list of your most prevalent allergens in diet.

This method is more accurate than traditional skin prick tests, which may not accurately detect food allergies. Furthermore, this procedure can also test for sensitivities to common chemicals found in household cleaners and cosmetics; and its fast, painless nature make it ideal for people allergic to multiple things.

Bioresonance testing can also detect food intolerances, commonly referred to as “food poisoning.” This condition causes damage to the small intestine’s lining, allowing undigested food particles and waste products into your bloodstream, potentially leading to symptoms like stomach bloating and gas, chronic diarrhea or constipation, fatigue, rashes or headaches.

Bioresonance technology has been shown to be effective at treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA), though research is limited. It works by normalizing antioxidant function within the body, thus reducing inflammation and tissue damage, while simultaneously treating any imbalances within its endocrine system. Studies have also demonstrated how using both techniques together can significantly lessen symptoms associated with RA.


Allergy testing is a widely utilized means to identify food allergies. This test typically entails pricking the skin to check for specific antibodies in the blood; however, this process may be uncomfortable or even painful for some individuals. As an alternative allergy test that’s less invasive and risky than traditional testing methods, bioresonance therapy offers another safe solution that offers reliable results.

Bioresonance is an example of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), comprising services, products and practices outside of traditional medical or healthcare. Bioresonance uses electromagnetic waves rather than blood samples to diagnose food intolerances or allergies.

Bioresonance technology is also employed by top athletes to optimize their health and performance. Four members of the Swedish Cross Country Skiing team – Thobias Fredriksson, Mathias Fredriksson, Anders Sodergren, and Bjorn Lindrely – have utilized Bioresonance as part of their rehabilitation from serious training injuries, preparation for major competitions and recovery from serious training injuries. Furthermore, its noninvasive detection of allergens allows members of this team to enjoy favorite foods without suffering unwanted symptoms from allergic reactions or suffering adverse effects from allergies.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance hair testing to mitigate allergic symptoms. Its success lies in its ability to treat root causes rather than simply mask them with medication; its reduction rates far surpass placebos.

Holistic Bio Resonance Testing provides an innovative and affordable technology that not only detects food intolerances and allergies, but can also identify toxins in your body as well as organ/system weakness, Bach Flower Remedies, homeopathic analysis and environmental stresses. With this innovative test method comes an exceptional balance between accuracy, speed and affordability – including food sensitivity testing for intolerances/allergies as well as toxic testing for toxins as well as homeopathic detox tests & detox treatment plans!

Electrodermal (vega) testing is another type of bioresonance (BICOM) sensitivity testing that measures electrical currents in the body by applying electrodes to specific points on fingers and toes, using electrodes connected to electrical current-measuring equipment, then comparing that current against that from diluted samples of suspected allergens; if their frequencies match, an allergy sensitivity diagnosis can be made; however, medical professionals do not generally advise this technique, and there have been no published clinical papers proving its efficacy.


Bioresonance testing is an ideal method for food intolerance testing. Safe and painless, bioresonance can help identify sensitivities without blood work or eliminating foods from your diet. Furthermore, it can determine if symptoms are caused by something other than just food allergies – this is extremely helpful since sometimes it can be hard to know which food causes allergies in an individual case.

This allergy test works by taking a hair sample and connecting it to a BICOM machine, which analyzes energy wavelengths of various items. A practitioner can then use these results to pinpoint foods which cause negative reactions in their bodies and devise a diet which eliminates those products to reduce allergic reactions in patients.

Patch and pin prick testing cannot only detect allergens but can also identify imbalances of organs or weaknesses as the cause of symptoms, and determine your susceptibility to certain vitamins, minerals, or metals. Testing usually lasts up to 30 minutes with someone wearing an armband with electrodes attached; these electrodes pick up electromagnetic waves produced by their body which they then transmit back electronically for processing by the computer for interpretation by your physician.

Bioresonance may be classified as complementary and alternative medicine, yet its effectiveness has been demonstrated for numerous health conditions. Bioresonance has proven itself helpful for helping smokers quit, chronic illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia as well as anxiety reduction and improved sleep quality.

Bioresonance technology delivers instant results, unlike skin patch testing which may take several weeks. Furthermore, tests can be administered in any location – home or office setting alike! Plus it’s less expensive than traditional testing methods and available worldwide!
