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Bioresonance Frequency Therapy

Bioresonance frequency therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing, electromagnetic resonance therapy and vibrational medicine is an innovative non-invasive holistic treatment method claiming to detect toxins, allergens and stressors which interfere with our bodies natural balance.

This device can then identify and amplify harmonic frequency patterns while weakening or neutralizing disharmonic ones, creating more balanced cell communication systems and initiating self-healing processes within your body.

It’s Non-Invasive

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that everything, including your body, emits energy in measurable wavelengths. Your cells communicate via these wavelengths to function optimally; when these frequencies work harmoniously together your health is optimal. However, toxicants, viruses, bacteria, stress and other factors may cause cells to emit different frequencies, known as disharmonious frequencies – and bioresonance machines are designed to detect and then cancel out such frequencies.

Bioresonance device works by placing electrodes on your skin. Once connected, a machine sends out gentle electromagnetic signals throughout your body and reads back the returning signals – healthy cells will send strong signals back, while weak or muted ones could indicate there may be issues within them. Once identified, bioresonance machine emits frequencies which counteract any negative effects.

Bioresonance therapy has been shown to be highly effective for treating many health issues without invasiveness and side effects, including fibromyalgia, cancer, autoimmune diseases, allergies and asthma. A Russian study demonstrated how bioresonance therapy helps alleviate rheumatoid arthritis patients by increasing protein synthesis of their lymphocytes while another showed it can alleviate unexplained stomach pain in those suffering with this condition.

The amp coil device assists your body in operating at its optimal energy frequency, which is essential to good health and disease prevention. Toxins, heavy metals, high stress levels and other factors may disrupt this cellular frequency and lead to chronic fatigue or depression – with Bioresonance helping restore your natural energy flow and helping you feel more energized throughout the day. Bioresonance may also be combined with integrative treatments like acupuncture, nutrition or supplement therapies for maximum effect in improving health outcomes.

It’s Effective

Bioresonance frequency therapy can help rebalance and retrain the body. It has many uses including allergy and intolerance related issues; leaky gut; smoking cessation; fatigue/insomnia to rheumatoid arthritis relief and more.

Bioresonance therapy employs a gentle, non-invasive technique. Electrodes attached to your skin and connected to a machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies measure cell health through signal quality; when healthy cells return a clear signal back, muted or weak signals return. By measuring these frequencies the machine can identify where problems lie within your body, and send frequencies out that will “cancel out” certain signals that were once sending clear signals back.

If you suffer from leaky gut, for instance, these frequencies will help target the bacteria responsible for creating imbalance. As such, symptoms should subside once harmful bacteria has been eliminated from your system.

As each cell in your body contains energy, every part of your body has a magnetic or biomagnetic field that connects it all. Like an iron filings pile, any imbalances can lead to health issues. With conventional healthcare approaches seeking to rearrange these iron filings into their proper places again; bioresonance therapy seeks to eliminate their source.

One of the primary areas of research into bioresonance therapy is for fibromyalgia; studies have proven its efficacy at alleviating symptoms such as pain, swelling, sleep issues and sensitivity to weather changes. Bioresonance also appears effective at relieving symptoms associated with lymphedema and lipedema – with results showing significant reductions in symptoms via bioresonance therapy.

Bioresonance therapy is also effective at treating hormonal imbalances. This condition, which often occurs among women, can result in symptoms ranging from premenstrual pain and hot flushes to difficulty sleeping and difficulty staying asleep. Many studies have demonstrated the efficiency of bioresonance for treating hormonal imbalances – making it an excellent way to alleviate menopausal symptoms without pharmaceutical drugs!

It’s Safe

Bioresonance frequency therapy offers little to no risk, is noninvasive and painless and offers natural treatment solutions to alleviate or diminish many symptoms associated with chronic illnesses.

Bioresonance frequency therapy works by using electromagnetic frequencies to balance bioresonance within your body and organs, and restore its balance. Once restored, your body will start a rapid healing process on its own – treating everything from chronic infections and allergies to intolerances and intolerancies.

Bioresonance therapy practitioners utilize a machine called the BICOM device, which will scan the body’s energy fields and produce a bio-field map of imbalance. After which, electromagnetic vibrations sent from this machine directly into cells similar to magnetic resonance created when iron filings are arranged on magnets will create harmony within your body that will relieve many symptoms while encouraging healthier lifestyle practices.

Bioresonance therapy sessions typically start by having you remove any jewelry or clips that could interfere with readings. Next, electrodes will be attached to various body surfaces. While you may experience some tingling during treatment, it should not be uncomfortable or painful.

Once your practitioner has identified which electromagnetic frequencies are interfering with your body’s communication between cells, they can apply specific frequencies to counteract them based on Rife frequencies or other natural healing frequencies that have proven themselves effective.

Bioresonance may not yet have scientific proof, but its advocates contend that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves which can be detected with a BICOM device and changed back into their original frequencies to heal the body. The process resembles homeopathy, acupuncture or any other special forms of medicine used to heal individuals – similar to homeopathy, acupuncture or any other alternative treatment approach used for special situations like autism or cancer. Even without scientific confirmation however, bioresonance treatments have proven highly effective for many health issues while offering alternatives with less side-effects such as conventional medications.

It’s Affordable

Bioresonance frequency therapy offers an affordable alternative to conventional medicine that can effectively manage various health conditions and promote general wellbeing by balancing energy systems in your body. Many patients report significant relief of pain as well as an overall sense of calm after receiving this form of therapy.

Equipment used for this form of therapy consists of a machine that emits a safe electromagnetic signal into your body, where it is then reflected back by way of electromagnetic vibrations and detected back at the machine by way of electromagnetic frequency waves. If any harmful vibrations are detected by the machine, counter frequencies are used to neutralize them so your cells can communicate correctly with each other.

Therapy using sensory integration techniques has been shown to treat conditions including fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies, asthma and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, it can enhance athletic performance while decreasing overtraining syndrome risk; additionally it may reduce symptoms related to acid reflux and constipation while aiding the process of quitting smoking.

Not only can energy therapy identify imbalances in your energy system, it can also detect infections you may not know about and vitamin and mineral deficiencies that don’t show up on standard tests. Any imbalance can interfere with your body’s natural self-healing mechanisms and make you sicker than ever.

People often use this type of treatment to manage stress, as it is one of the leading causes of illness and disease. Furthermore, this therapy helps detoxify your body of heavy metals accumulated within it to remain healthy; plus it aids recovery after surgery or injury and boosts your immune system!

Although the science behind alternative therapy is still being researched and explored, its efficacy has been well established through research and testimonials. Alternative medicine offers a great complement to conventional medical approaches by offering more holistic, patient-centric care that supports overall wellbeing.
