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Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment that has rapidly gained in popularity over time, used for treating allergies, fibromyalgia and other non-invasive medical issues. Furthermore, this form of therapy also helps prevent disease while improving health.

Therapy works by pinpointing communication breakdowns among cells and changing unhealthy frequencies to support the body’s healing processes. It’s completely safe with no adverse side effects.

It is an alternative therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to identify disease-causing factors and restore balance in the body. Performed under medical supervision in a controlled environment by trained healthcare providers and without using drugs, Bioresonance strengthens natural defenses while relieving symptoms for many conditions including addiction, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (allergies or asthma), fatigue and other inflammatory conditions – it may even reduce side effects associated with radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

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Gwyneth Paltrow recently reported on her lifestyle website GOOP that she used bioresonance therapy to treat her Lyme disease. While recovering, the technique helped reduce pain and inflammation as well as restore emotional wellbeing – crediting this treatment with helping her find new purpose in life. Bioresonance therapy is noninvasive and painless treatment that takes into account an individual’s unique energy makeup; in one study conducted on patients treated using Bioresonance there was increased activity of glutathione peroxidase enzyme.

Electromagnetic spectral analysis helps detect imbalances in the body through unstable acupuncture points, then inverts any unhealthy frequencies to encourage your body to flush toxins out and heal itself, often providing complete healing even where traditional remedies have failed.

An allergy skin test is used for various ailments, including food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, low immune defences, inflammation conditions, hormone issues and obesity. Additionally, this method can identify problems in organs like the liver, spleen and thyroid that affect cellular function and organ performance.


Bioresonance stands in stark contrast to allopathic medicine, which often results in harmful side-effects. Instead, it offers safe and effective treatment – although for optimal results it should be combined with conventional medical practices for maximum effect. As more people speak out about its positive impact in their lives, Bioresonance is becoming a mainstream alternative option to allopathy medicine.

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative holistic therapy that can assist the body to heal itself without medication or other invasive procedures. It has proven its efficacy in treating various conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and nicotine addiction. Bioresonance therapy also helps alleviate symptoms associated with gastrointestinal diseases and allergies by using electromagnetic vibrations to restore natural balance to the body, much like Chinese medicine does in its attempt to balance life energy or “chi.” Bioresonance scanning combines traditional wisdom with modern technology by measuring genetic patterns within your body to detect imbalances as well as providing personalized recommendations of natural products that may assist healing efforts.

The device uses electrodes to collect electromagnetic frequencies from the patient’s body and transform and transmit them back. It can be used both endogenous and exogenous therapies; exogenous therapy involves transmitting electronic frequencies from disease-causing substances such as allergens or bacteria; while endogenous bioresonance therapy uses changing their electromagnetic frequency in order to prevent allergic reactions as well as compensate for negative effects caused by bioactive substances produced by pathogens.

One study observed 204 children with various allergies being treated using the bioresonance device for five to nine months following treatment and reported no longer experiencing allergy symptoms. It is also thought to help treat other health conditions, including asthma and chronic inflammatory conditions.

This technology is not covered by most medical insurance plans and it is unlikely to become mainstream anytime soon. While the results of this study are encouraging, more research needs to be conducted in order to fully comprehend how this therapy works and whether or not it proves successful for many conditions. If effective therapies prove useful for multiple ailments in hospitals it could reduce medications and invasive procedures required in hospitals which is unlikely to please pharmaceutical industry which produces conventional medicine products; but there remains hope for its use alongside conventional medicine in future treatments.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment that employs electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat disease. A therapist connects a device to their patient, then analyzes their body’s electrical impulses using computer technology before sending out a special electronic signal that counteracts unhealthy frequencies to restore equilibrium in organs that have experienced disbalances – providing relief without drugs or surgeries.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating many health conditions, including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic depressive disorder. Some have even demonstrated its use as a complementary therapy alongside antidepressants; it should be remembered however that bioresonance should never replace prescription medication.

There are various ways this healing modality can assist, from relieving pain to improving breathing. But its greatest strength lies in identifying the source of a condition. Chronic diseases often prove difficult to diagnose accurately. With noninvasive biofeedback therapy there are no adverse side effects or discomfort.

Bioresonance therapy provides another distinct advantage: its ability to detect and address issues before they become serious. As a holistic therapy modality, bioresonance can identify disorders or organism malfunctions which could eventually develop into diseases; furthermore it’s believed to alter harmful wavelengths produced by our bodies.

Franz Morell is widely considered the “father” of bioresonance treatment. He developed an electronic device to scan electromagnetic fields emitted by human bodies; electrodes connect these devices and allow therapists to measure amplitude electromagnetic oscillations before sending this data directly to his computer for analysis, which then determines whether patient frequencies are abnormal.

Bioresonance therapy allows doctors to tailor treatments specifically to each patient, changing signals sent by the machine according to individual needs. A recent study conducted with 300 asthmatic children demonstrated the success of bioresonance therapy in reducing symptoms while many were even able to discontinue taking medication altogether.

It is affordable

Bioresonance therapy is an effective alternative treatment option for numerous conditions, including fibromyalgia, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, its holistic approach treats symptoms at their source rather than simply masking them with medication. Drug-free, non-invasive and painless procedures like bioresonance can be utilized by individuals of all ages for increased immunity, reduced stress levels and help manage weight more effectively.

At each session, patients will either lie or sit on a machine while connected to electrodes attached to their bodies. The machine emits a gentle electromagnetic frequency to their bodies and monitors how their responses change if their response becomes negative; should this happen, their therapist may play back a different frequency to counteract it, as well as recommend supplements, vitamins or herbs that could aid healing within.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive solution, evidenced by its success stories among celebrities and patients alike. Furthermore, its cost effectiveness far outstrips that of conventional medical treatments.

Bioresonance therapy employs a device called the BICOM (r), which reads communication frequencies between your cells and then alters their wavelength to bring them into greater alignment. This technology can identify many issues within your body ranging from heavy metal toxicity and hormone imbalance to chromosome mutations, with misalignments occurring between these frequencies often leading to disease or premature aging. It claims to correct any misalignments which lead to disease progression or premature aging resulting in disease symptoms or premature death.

One of the more prevalent uses for the BICOM is treating allergies. This treatment method relies on bioresonance therapy’s ability to stimulate immunity in order to break down pathogenic particles within your body and eliminate them through bioresonance stimulation.

Allegedly, the device can release suppressed tumor suppressor genes to kill cancer cells; however, clinical trials have yet to validate this claim. BICOM has nevertheless shown positive results on quality of life for cancer patients including reduced fatigue and depression.


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