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What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an electromagnetic technology that uses electronic devices to diagnose and treat disease. Based on an unproven theory that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves that can be changed back to healthy frequencies with these electronic devices.

This device detects these signals through electrodes attached to the skin, then passes this data through an inversion circuit that amplifies healthy frequencies while nullifying unhealthy ones.


Your body reacts when exposed to substances it perceives as foreign or dangerous by producing symptoms like itching, inflammation and swelling – usually mild in severity but nonetheless annoying and impactful in daily life. These reactions are known as allergies and can be caused by foods, chemicals, pollen and pet dander among many other sources.

Bioresonance therapy offers you an effective solution for allergy symptoms by correcting imbalances in the energy wavelengths in your body. This noninvasive procedure involves placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a machine known as the BICOM device – it reads electromagnetic vibrations emitted by cells to identify any stressors contributing to health problems; your therapist then employs frequencies designed to counteract them and restore equilibrium within your energy levels.

On your initial session, the therapist will review your medical history and then create customized protocols tailored specifically for you. Sessions usually last an hour and sessions are repeated every two weeks until your allergies have subsided. This approach may also be effective against other health concerns like cystitis or prostatitis; low immune defenses; digestive issues including colitis and gastritis; respiratory conditions including asthma or chronic bronchitis; as well as thyroiditis.

Some users of bioresonance have even credited this therapy with helping overcome certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis (RA). While no formal studies have been conducted on this claim, individuals have reported that bioresonance may activate tumor suppressor genes or reduce overactive cells that often feature among RA sufferers.

However, such claims cannot provide sufficient evidence to satisfy ASA and CAP guidelines, which seek to ensure that health, beauty, and weight loss treatments backed up with evidence are not discouraged by qualified health professionals and do not deter essential treatment options from receiving necessary treatments. Furthermore, both organisations have announced plans to take a stricter stance toward such claims in future.


Bioresonance may have been widely promoted as a cure for cancer, yet bioresonance fails to eradicate diseased cells directly. Instead, its proponents rely on an unproven hypothesis that electromagnetic oscillations produced by damaged organs and cancerous cells differ from those produced by healthy ones, so that an electrical device can recognize them and cancel out diseased cell vibrations through destructive wave interference (1). Unfortunately, however, the FDA has prosecuted various purveyors of this device due to making unsupported claims, while American Cancer Society cautioned against its use (2).

Bioresonance therapy combines aspects of traditional Chinese medicine and quantum physics, and operates on the concept that all organisms emit electromagnetic waves. During a bioresonance session, electrodes are attached to your body and connected to a machine which reads these waves to identify imbalances and identify causes for health issues. Once found, bioresonance machines emit counterwave frequencies to restore balance (3).

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, painless therapy used to address various ailments ranging from allergies to chronic conditions. Additionally, its holistic approach takes into account emotional and mental aspects of health for an overall balanced state of wellbeing in its patients.

Bioresonance remains somewhat of a gray area scientifically, with many experts viewing it as pseudoscience (4). There have been some reputable studies which support its efficacy – including one which demonstrated how bioresonance treatments helped people quit smoking (5). Other credible studies demonstrate how it can activate tumor suppressor genes to decrease hyperactive cancer cells while helping the body detoxify and regenerate itself (5).

Though not yet scientifically verified, alternative medicine offers many potential advantages over conventional medical practices. When combined with conventional therapies, alternative therapies could potentially enhance patients’ lives by relieving stress levels and encouraging self-healing processes. With continued research into the effects of this therapy coming out soon, hopefully its safe and responsible use can become mainstream; until that occurs consumers should seek medical professionals trained in making informed healthcare decisions who know how to avoid potentially harmful practices.


Bioresonance therapy can provide relief from pain. This noninvasive and painless method involves emitting electromagnetic waves through a machine which travels throughout the body and detects frequencies out of balance; those frequencies are then amplified while their negative vibrations are cancelled out, helping restore natural physical information while helping the body heal itself.

Bioresonance therapy may also help reduce pain caused by arthritis and fibromyalgia. Studies have demonstrated that patients suffering from fibromyalgia experienced over 70% reduction in muscular pain when combined with manual therapies and point massage sessions; additionally, bioresonance can also help alleviate associated anxiety issues and sleeplessness issues.

Bioresonance therapy can also be utilized for treating other chronic pain disorders, such as migraines and shingles. By stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms and decreasing medication side-effects, Bioresonance may provide relief from stomach gas, stomach cramping, asthma or bronchitis symptoms as well as treating digestive and respiratory ailments such as gastritis.

Bioresonance technology also has the added advantage of being applicable to animals, like dogs, cats and horses. While most common applications involve these species specifically, its applications can apply to almost any living being as long as they possess nervous systems.

Bioresonance stands out from many other treatments as being safe, without harmful side effects or cost implications, making it a less expensive alternative than traditional medicine. Furthermore, its portable machine makes it accessible for those living with chronic pain who wish to use bioresonance as part of their therapy regime.

Although some may remain skeptical about bioresonance therapy, several controlled (using placebos) and uncontrolled studies have demonstrated its efficacy. It can help treat allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis and many other conditions; cancer patients can even benefit by activating tumor suppressor genes to slow or stop cancer cell growth.

Mental Health

Bioresonance therapy may offer relief to those suffering from mental health conditions like depression. By eliminating toxins, metals, parasites and e-smog from their bodies – known to contribute to low mood – bioresonance can also balance energy fields within our bodies, providing emotional stability and improving cognitive performance.

Bioresonance therapy differs from traditional medicine in its use of chemical interventions by harnessing the body’s energy and electromagnetic field. According to its proponents, disease results from DNA damage that affects cell and organ functioning resulting in altered electromagnetic waves being generated by their respective tissues, leading to altered frequencies being emitted by them and potentially creating illness – the bioresonance machine can use these frequencies to detect illness before returning them back to healthier levels through frequency gauges. Advocates assert this type of therapy can treat more than physical ailments including anxiety/stress/arthritic pain/asthma/allergies/gastrointestinal issues among others.

Bioresonance sessions begin by having a patient sit in front of an electromagnetic mat and wearing electrodes connected to a small machine known as BICOM(r). This machine emits frequencies which enhance healthy body frequencies while simultaneously cancelling out pathogenic ones; then their therapist customizes a program according to each individual problem.

Bioresonance machines can help treat depression by targeting the limbic system of the brain, particularly its hippocampus and amygdala structures which regulate emotions and moods. Electromagnetic pulses sent to this region can trigger release of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin which help improve mood while alleviating depressive symptoms.

Some scientific studies have shown that bioresonance can reduce the severity of recurrent depression, while other research indicates it’s no more effective than traditional antidepressant medication. Still, anecdotal accounts exist of people who believe bioresonance therapy has positively impacted their lives – success stories can be read about on various online forums as anecdotal evidence that alternative medicine or wellness treatments might work when conventional therapies fail; you might be amazed to discover just how much difference alternative approaches could make to your wellbeing!
