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The Distance Healing Reiki Symbol

Reiki practitioners taking their second degree training receive three symbols attuned during their attunements ceremony: distance healing is one such symbol. This one allows practitioners to send healing energy across time and space – be it healing events in the past or future, individuals, places, animals, Earth/planetary issues and deceased loved ones.

Place a mental picture of the person you wish to heal in your palm and invoke HSZSN using Hibiki or intuition as guidance.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a Reiki symbol designed to promote holistic healing across time and space, whether that’s past traumas, future goals, or connecting with deceased loved ones. Additionally, this practice helps increase energy flow while strengthening connections to universal life force energy – something learned during Usui Reiki training, where it often pairs up with Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki symbols.

This symbol looks similar to Japanese Kanji characters written from top to bottom and left to right, and can be written either physically on your hand, drawn in the air, or simply visualized in your mind. When ready, focus on healing energy being sent directly towards those you wish to help and visualize it being sent in all directions – even backwards! Intentionality makes all the difference for this powerful symbol.

Learning this powerful Reiki symbol is essential, as it enables you to send healing energy long distance. It can be used for treating various physical, mental and emotional conditions as well as natural disasters; its presence can help alleviate suffering for those affected by tragedy.

Use this symbol to heal your main chakras and aura, making it a useful aid for treating physical ailments. For instance, if you suffer from frequent headaches, visualizing this symbol in your mind could provide relief from discomfort. You could also use it to heal specific organs or parts of your body using visualization alone.

This Reiki symbol can also be used for spiritual purposes, including connecting with spirit guides or Akashic records, providing clarity and understanding when faced with daily challenges, healing past traumas or clearing away negative energies that have accumulated within yourself, or simply soothing nerves before public performances or events.

Sei He Ki

As the second Reiki symbol in its set, Sei He Ki (which translates to “harmonize and balance”) can help harmonize mental and emotional states, clearing away limiting beliefs and thoughts, restoring energy when it has become disoriented or scattered, as well as bring peace and clarity into relationships.

The first syllable, “Sei”, symbolizes harmony as seen across various forms of healing, when using this symbol you should focus on using sound and visualisation to harness its power. “He”, symbolising vitality and healing, should then become your focus as you activate it – imagine a brilliant golden light filling out your symbol to complete its completion and charge it with healing abilities across your being.

Visualise the Sei He Ki symbol moving toward you and entering your heart centre, taking up its energies of blue for peace, green for healing and vitality, and gold for universal connection. Allow this symbol to manifest whatever intentions are important to you – be they healing, clarity or harmony.

Once you feel you are ready, slowly open your eyes and allow energy to spread throughout your body. Reactivate the symbol by placing your hands back in its original place or visualize its drawing and repeat its mantra either aloud or silently in your mind’s eye.

Benefits and Uses of the Reiki Symbol Sei He Ki

The second symbol from the Reiki symbols set, Sei He Ki can be drawn over yourself, your home, or an area in your workplace to create a light, positive energetic space. It can help clear away negative beliefs, bring calm during an otherwise chaotic life experience, or prepare you for important life changes like weddings and career transitions by helping to maintain emotional equilibrium.

The Sei He Ki can also be used to bring harmony to relationships and break free of old, self-limiting beliefs. Additionally, it can address psychological issues like addictions and behavioural patterns while providing insights into root causes behind any negative behaviors and new ways of responding to them more healthily.

Dai Ko Myo

At Reiki level 3, practitioners receive one of three symbols known as Dai Ko Myo – in Japanese it translates to big or great and “Ko” is light or shining – which are associated with the 7th chakra and higher universal energy, helping practitioners tap into this vital source for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Cho Ku Rei can be combined with other Reiki symbols for more powerful treatments, for instance when treating fears and anxieties. Combining Cho Ku Rei with Sei Hei Ki and Dai Ko Myo can be particularly effective at breaking through barriers and connecting to our higher selves while encouraging spiritual growth and enlightenment – as well as healing past traumas or connecting to deceased loved ones.

This symbol works particularly well when combined with the Raku symbol to strengthen the grounding effects of Reiki, helping you remain grounded and centered when emotions or thoughts overwhelm. Furthermore, it can help increase connectivity to communities and the planet.

Dai Ko Myo can also be used for remote healing. You can use it to send Reiki energy directly to loved ones or anyone in need by placing the symbol before your eyes and visualizing it – while saying their name three times as you focus on seeing their symbol light up with Cho Ku Rei, Sei Heiki and Dai Ko Myo’s collective power!

The Dai Ko Myo symbol represents Usui Reiki and unifies all aspects of its healing system. Typically used during attunements to strengthen connections to divinity and higher consciousness as well as expand your capacity for love, joy, and happiness in others. Furthermore, its usage balances left and right sides of your brain while unlocking creative thinking potential.

Cho Ku Rei

Cho Ku Rei is the power symbol in Reiki and serves to increase energy channelling and healing, as well as protect, empower and direct it in focused directions. Often seen at the start and end of each Reiki session, this symbol acts like an amplifier of healing energy by amplifying it further.

This symbol’s meaning lies within its three characters: cho, ku and rei. Cho stands for making, while ku represents emptiness and rei is an ancient term for universal energy or life force. By turning its coil clockwise or counterclockwise you can increase or decrease its energy. Furthermore, using it this way may release unwanted energies or unblock chakras.

As with the other symbols of distant healing such as Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and Dai Ko Myo, Cho Ku Rei can also be used for distant healing. By concentrating on and repeating its name repeatedly while visualizing it on an image or mirror, you can channel energy towards someone’s auric field and therefore heal them without even physically visiting.

Draw the symbol on yourself or others to protect against negative energies and promote healing. Additionally, using it infuse food and drinks with positive energy – drawing it over food will clear any negative energy from them and increase nutritional value – you could even use it charge jewellery and other personal items with positive energy!

Cho Ku Rei can help clear your home of negative energies. Simply draw this symbol on all windows and doors in your house to protect it, or draw it on electronic gadgets to shield against electromagnetic rays and psychic attacks. Furthermore, use it to send healing energies to loved ones or friends experiencing health issues.
