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Acupuncture and Fatigue in Chinese Medicine

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Chinese medicine views fatigue as an indication that something is out of balance in your body, and Acupuncture can be used to bring it back into harmony and restore energy levels.

Zhang Xichun was one of China’s greatest twentieth-century physicians and highlighted the intricate relationship between Chinese philosophy and medicine. Theories such as qi, yin-yang and wuxing provided guidance for self-cultivation techniques as well as microcosm-macrocosm correspondences that informed his approach to self-healing medicine.

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1. Adrenal Deficiency

The adrenal gland produces numerous hormones, such as cortisol, that help respond to stress, recover from illness and maintain blood pressure levels. When people with adrenal deficiency don’t receive enough cortisol they may become extremely tired and have trouble fighting off infections or recovering from surgery.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture provide relief from low energy by strengthening the Kidney Yang Qi. To maintain good kidney yang QI levels, try eating more frequent small meals during the day as well as avoiding foods high in sugar or salt content.

Be sure to incorporate regular Tai Chi and meditation practices into your daily routine in order to promote a balanced yang qi. Your Crossroads practitioner may suggest lab tests designed to assess adrenal function and daily energy rhythms – this may help detect imbalances before they become severe and unsolvable.

2. Kidney Yin Deficiency

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), kidneys serve as the center of our bodies’ Yin energy. This vital resource provides cooling, nourishment and moistening functions in our bodies; when its level drops too low it causes many symptoms including fatigue.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs may help treat the source of your fatigue. By rebalancing Yin energy within the body and clearing away an accumulation of phlegm build-up, Chinese therapies may promote blood and Qi circulation and help combat fatigue.

Nutritional advice may include eliminating raw and cold foods that weaken digestion, while warming foods like steamed vegetables, chicken and whole grains may be recommended to build Yin energy and build it back up again. Patients are also often encouraged to chew their food more thoroughly so as to preserve this vital Yin energy of their spleens.

3. Liver Deficiency

TCM studies the relationship between emotions and physical health. An imbalance in our liver can create emotional upheaval and unstable moods, making the Chinese herbal remedy Lingguizhugan (LGZG) effective against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). LGZG contains Scutellaria baicalensis which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties; additionally it promotes healthy bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) within our digestive tract.

By using acupuncture and herbs to correct imbalances that cause fatigue, imbalances can be corrected effectively. While it’s important to see your physician to rule out serious health conditions as a source of your fatigue, once an imbalance has been treated your fatigue should resolve itself on its own. Acupuncture and herbs offer an effective adjunct treatment option for chronic fatigue as they have a time-tested track record in safely relieving it for many patients over many years; thousands have found relief through China’s ancient healing traditions.

4. Heart Deficiency

Chinese Medicine views fatigue as a state of imbalance within the body. It can often be traced back to lifestyle choices and can be addressed using acupuncture and herbs. Furthermore, fatigue may also result from more serious conditions that are treatable with Chinese medicine – by targeting their source(s).

Trouble sleeping often indicates an insufficient Heart Qi or Shen, and when this is the cause, calming nervine herbs may help calm your mind and promote sound sleep. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) also commonly involves an imbalanced Shen which should be addressed using herbs to nourish Blood flow while relaxing the Shen.

Heart Deficiency symptoms include easily being startled, insomnia, frequent dreams, red face, mouth ulcer, soft stool, hiccuping, pale tongue with little or no tongue coat and thin pulse. Treatment usually includes Yang Xin Tang to nourish blood and soothe Shen.

5. Lung Deficiency

Lung deficiency is one of the main sources of fatigue and can be managed effectively using traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupuncture, herbal remedies and lifestyle modifications may all help nourish lungs to promote their overall health and promote positive wellbeing.

Genetic conditions like alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency increase one’s risk for COPD and other lung diseases, as do smoking or being exposed to tobacco smoke, making these diseases even more likely.

Regular exercise and breathing exercises, like Tai Chi and Qigong, are excellent ways to keep lungs healthy. Smoking should also be avoided to protect them from environmental pollutants; herbs such as astragalus, ginseng and licorice root can nourish lungs while Poria helps relieve edema by decreasing production of phlegm – all these herbs can be found in teas, tinctures or herbal formulas prescribed by an experienced TCM practitioner – Tea is also a great way to manage stress levels!

6. Liver Yang Deficiency

When your yang energy drops too low, it may leave you feeling overworked, tired or worn down. Physical overexertion may further deplete yin energy through perspiration loss; for instance excessive sweating during rigorous workouts in hot weather may sap fluids from yin’s reserves and lead to its depletion.

Long term this can result in liver Yin deficiency and ultimately liver wind agitation, leading to night sweats, an aversion of heat sources such as sun or saunas and/or sweating during times of anxiety or excitement.

This pattern may also include low energy, pale face and tongue with little or no saliva production and a deep slow pulse (also referred to as Jie Dai bound pulse). As blood comes from the Liver, lack of Blood may lead to weak heart function, chest discomfort, violet tongue with pale colour and thin pulse (Jie Dai). Herbs that nourish Liver Blood and Kidney Essence such as E Jiao are recommended as remedies.

7. Splenic Deficiency

Chinese Medicine views the Spleen as being responsible for digestion as well as producing Qi and blood. An acupuncturist will often identify patients with deficient Spleen function; herbs like Goji Berry, Poria Root Licorice Root, Ginseng can be used to strengthen it further. As it prefers warm and cooked food sources it’s also important to eat well – avoid cold or raw options!

Emotionally, the spleen is associated with stress. A weak Spleen can make one susceptible to emotional imbalances including anxiety. If you think you have an acute health condition it’s best to visit your physician right away – Chinese Medicine can also serve as a supportive therapy alongside Western medical treatments. Signs of Spleen deficiency include fatigue after eating, bloating, loose bowel movements, indigestion and easy bruising.

8. Gallbladder Deficiency

The gallbladder (gallioma) is a three to four inch (7-10cm) sac located beneath the liver that stores bile until needed by the small intestine to digest fats. Gallbladder infections, known as cholecystitis, are extremely common; complications in people living with diabetes may be more serious.

Symptoms may include abdominal discomfort in the upper right side that worsens after meals, belching, bloating or heartburn behind the breast bone. When inflamed gallbladder symptoms become more serious such as fever, chills, dark urine or stool color change and rapid heartbeat with painful contraction. Backed-up bile may also cause jaundice with yellowed skin and whites of eyes as well as itching resulting from its inability to flow into small intestine for digestion; additionally it may lead to jaundice symptoms as bile cannot flow into small intestine to assist with digestion; additionally itching is also likely depending on where bile builds up causing itching from back-up bile which cannot flow into small intestine resulting in itching!

9. Kidney Qi Deficiency

According to Chinese medicine, Qi (vital energy) circulates throughout our bodies at all times and when healthy it should lead to greater health and happiness in life; when depleted it can result in lower back pain or an impaired pulse.

Kidneys are at the core of all body energies; when their energy is compromised, this causes imbalance throughout. This may manifest as symptoms such as dementia, infertility or sterility and low energy. Kidney Qi Deficiency may be treated using herbs that nourish kidneys and strengthen spleen such as Ren Shen, Zhi Gan Cao and Fu Ling; these herbs help strengthen kidneys while consolidating yin forces.

10. Liver Blood Deficiency

The Liver is responsible for maintaining healthy tendons, cartilages, ligaments and associated structures of our limbs. Without sufficient liver blood supply, tendons become malnourished leading to joint pain, stiffness, tremors and numbness among other symptoms. Furthermore, Liver blood is vital in providing blood to support eyes which when lacking can result in blurred vision.

An acupuncturist may utilize Chinese Medicine Low Energy To treat this condition, an acupuncturist will utilize formulas that nourish the Liver and promote blood circulation. Such formulas include Shu Di Huang, Dang Gui and Bai Shao Yao which tonify blood, nourish liver and harmonize Yin and Blood; Ji Xue Teng which nourishes Yin while clearing Heat lubricates Lungs; other symptoms include fatigue, dark circles under eyes, flank pain irregular menstruation thin pulse and pale tongue.


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