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Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine 5 Minute Routine

Our ancestors knew energy as the key to healing; from balancing qi along the body’s meridians in ancient Asia to hands-on shamanic healing sessions, tapping into your natural energies can keep you healthy and vibrant.

Donna Eden is no new-age guru dispensing unsubstantiated claims. Rather, she has made real progress against Multiple Sclerosis after doctors told her there was little hope of recovery.

The 3 Thumps

Energy Medicine (EM) is a whole body healing system founded on the idea that our bodies possess an inherent state of health and wellbeing. EM utilizes various healing techniques that target different body systems – some have their roots in Chinese medicine while others continue to be discovered over time by Donna Eden and other practitioners like her.

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One of the fundamental Energy Medicine techniques is called The Three Thumps. This simple yet effective exercise is an excellent way to increase energy and vitality and combat stress-related immunity issues. These points are found on your kidney meridian; by tapping these points regularly you’ll find yourself feeling less tired and more awake!

Begin by creating a triangle shape with your thumbs and forefingers on both hands, placing them against your forehead to activate skin, then tapping on K-27 Point by the collarbone, Thymus Gland, Lung Neurolymphatic Reflex Points for two minutes each, before taking a deep breath or sighing.

The Three Thump can become part of your daily energy routine or used whenever you feel that an extra boost is necessary. This simple procedure stimulates acupressure points and meridians for maximum effect, helping increase vitality and fuel creativity – the perfect antidote to feelings of drain and exhaustion!


The Hook-Up

The Hook Up is one of the primary techniques that helps restore balance to governing and conception channels, while strengthening auric fields and connecting energy pathways that run from back to front, unifying them for healing purposes.

Donna Eden is internationally-recognized for her groundbreaking energy healing system, Energy Medicine. Born with the ability to read people’s energies, Donna used this power both for herself and in teaching others how to utilize their own unique energetic tools.

Energy Medicine can unlock your body’s innate healing powers to ease physical pain and illness, balance hormones, enhance vitality and immune function and regain a feeling of unconditional wellness and well-being. While conventional medicine focuses on biochemistry of cells, tissues and organs, Energy Medicine offers ways to change energy patterns within your body for positive change, providing one effective method to increase health and well-being without incurring excessive expense or harm to body structures or systems.

Wayne Cook Posture

Donna was gifted with the ability to see energies at birth and has used this ability to help thousands of people heal themselves. She developed simple exercises that can be performed within 10 minutes to bring balance and harmony back into one’s fundamental energies; using these techniques she has helped overcome physical and emotional conditions, in addition to writing books, videos, and training courses on Energy Medicine.

One of the cornerstones of her daily energy routine is the Wayne Cook Posture, named for researcher Wayne Cook as it effectively corrects imbalances caused by stress and intense emotions. The posture helps dispel feelings of being Overwhelmed or Hysterical while offering clarity for concentration purposes and providing balance after confrontations have taken place.

If the Wayne Cook posture does not result in a homolateral crossover, continue the cross crawl portion of the routine until testing strong against vertical Xs and weak against parallel lines, or until finished with cross crawl. This is an indicator that energy has been balanced properly within your brain – you can verify this through various techniques such as the Polarity Breath (breathing in and out while pushing in opposite nostril), crown pull, or Hook Ups described by Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine as well as by watching her videos.

Crown Pull

Crown Pull is an energy workout where both palms of your hands meet at the top of your head with fingertips gently pushing in and pulling apart to clear away excess energy from your headspace. This energy workout increases mental clarity, sharpens memory retention, eliminates negative or cluttered thoughts, opens your crown chakra for higher inspiration and spiritual experiences, as well as opening it to higher inspiration and spiritual experiences.

This simple exercise not only clears energy from your head, but it can also increase concentration and self-awareness, alleviate headaches, promote better sleep, and even induce relaxation to allow the body to release negative patterns and experience healing on an in-depth level. Polarity therapy or Craniosacral massage may be utilized as part of these energy treatments or simply used on its own for relaxation purposes – just try this polarity meditation exercise and you may experience positive benefits!

Reducing inflammation in the upper body and stimulating blood circulation through neck and head regions are also key benefits of yoga for people suffering from poor posture and alignment issues.

Energy exercises can make an enormous difference to both how you feel and the health of your system. Most of the techniques shown in this video are easy to learn and take only minutes each day to practice. They will help overcome tiredness, strengthen immunity, increase coordination and balance hormones to support overall wellness and vitality. These methods were created by Donna Eden who has long used these energies as healing techniques against multiple sclerosis.

The Zip-Up

Donna Eden, renowned energy healer, offers one of the easiest yet effective techniques known as The Zip-Up for healing purposes. It takes only minutes to do its work!

Donna developed her routine following years of research and experience incorporating various energy medicine techniques, such as acupressure, therapeutic touch and qigong. These exercises aim to bring balance and strengthen body energy systems through breath practices combined with exercises designed specifically for energy medicine practice. To gain more in-depth information about each exercise she highly recommends reading her book Energy Medicine which offers more in-depth descriptions for each one of them.

By carefully studying how various energies affect us, Donna was able to develop exercises with maximum impact for all body energy systems. These short duration exercises also make them easily fit into daily schedules around the world and increase vitality, overcome fatigue, strengthen immunity systems and coordination, as well as feeling great! Her daily energy routine consists of 7 postures and movements which take less than five minutes each to perform – becoming part of your everyday routine and creating positive energy habits that will support you for life!


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