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Self Healing With Energy Medicine

People looking to heal or simply relax often turn to yoga, acupuncture, massage and energy healing techniques as means for rejuvenation or relief. These practices rely on the belief that our physical bodies are enveloped by an energy field which surrounds it.

Balance and harmony within our health field is considered key for wellbeing; any disturbances or blockages are suspected to contribute to illness.


Energy healing teaches you to support the natural ability of your body to heal itself with various practices that complement its own ability. These may include techniques to promote health and vitality, improve intuition, or enhance spiritual growth – either alongside traditional medical treatment or as an alternative form of self-help.

Energy healing differs from physical therapy in that it works to address systemic imbalance. Energy healing works to reestablish an energetic flow that benefits all other systems – just as nutrient-rich soil nurtures healthy plant growth. Energy fields (sometimes referred to as subtle bodies) serve as gardens which house and sustain all other systems; when they become overgrown or stagnant, all their respective systems suffer.

Energy medicine works on the principle that your body is more than simply muscles and bones; it has an underlying energy field which impacts all other parts of it. A practitioner may use gentle hand techniques such as therapeutic touch, Healing Touch, Reiki or reflexology to balance this energy field and restore equilibrium to it.

Qigong is another practice that’s both powerful and simple to learn – it combines movement with breathing techniques and meditation and has been practiced for centuries to improve strength, flexibility and balance while at the same time serving as an excellent stress buster.

Energy Alignment Method (EAM), in contrast, offers similar services by helping individuals break free of emotional and mental patterns while channeling positive healing energy. Combining elements from reflexology, acupressure and kinesiology it works to align body energy fields and allow individuals to take control of their health themselves.

Human bodies are remarkable machines designed to stay healthy and feel great–if we let it. Discover how you can access this abundance of energy with this transformative course from holistic healing pioneer Donna Eden.


Your mental energy system can be an invaluable resource for self-healing. Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions all play a part in shaping the experiences you encounter daily – consciously changing internal roadblocks can make manifesting success easier! Energy medicine provides ways of tapping into this mental healing potential to restore equilibrium within yourself and restore inner landscape balance and flow.

The biofield, or energy field of your body, is a matrix of electromagnetic vibrations surrounding each cell and supporting healthy immune system functioning, blood circulation and hormone balance. Many energy medicine modalities like Healing Touch, Reiki and Therapeutic Touch directly alter its dynamics.

Mindful meditation, deep breathing exercises, focusing the senses, and finding ways to appreciate yourself are natural and effective self-healing tools that foster wellness. Engaging with these elements will not only energize you more but will enable you to take greater control over shaping your own health journey.

Energy healing is an effective way of unlocking emotions and memories that have been holding you back, though the experience can be intense, often leading to waves of emotion being unleashed within yourself – but its results can be transformative.

Energy healing modalities should only be undertaken with trained practitioners as untrained practitioners can unintentionally amplify negative energies that cause harm to the body. When combined with traditional therapies, energy healing provides an integrative approach that addresses all aspects of well-being.

Energy medicine‘s future looks bright. Scientific evidence of its efficacy continues to increase, showing its capacity for improving both physical and mental health. Collaboration between researchers in conventional medicine and energy healers is helping promote acceptance, while opening doors for integrative healthcare that integrates various healing modalities.

As we develop the full potential of our energy bodies, we can open ourselves up to amazing miracles that lie within. Begin by clearing away emotional debris from your etheric and emotional bodies before aligning yourself with your purpose in life – then tap into the universe’s endless source of healing energy!


Many energy healers believe that illness is caused by disruptions or blockages to our energy flow, and various practices aim at stimulating the body’s energy systems to remove these blocks, thus stimulating natural healing processes to take place. Though research into their effectiveness remains limited, studies do support the idea that health occurs when an individual’s energies are in harmony with those of nature and thus achieve equilibrium with universal life force energy flows.

Spirituality has long played an essential role in human history. Though some find spirituality hard to understand, many find comfort in believing there is a relationship between physical and emotional health and one’s connection with the divine – and one’s physical and emotional well-being. Energy medicine can prove immensely helpful when used as part of an integrated approach for self-healing spiritually.

Energy healing operates under the assumption that our universe consists of an endlessly expansive energy field that connects all living things, including each person and their personal energy field. While this unified field sustains life, any disruption or blockage in energetic pathways or chakras leads to illness as well as lack of mental clarity and emotional equilibrium.

Energy healing can help achieve this balance between mind, body and spirit by unblocking energy from various points in your personal energy field.

Additionally to utilizing the services of an energy healer, it’s also crucial to incorporate stress-relief activities into daily life in order to maintain optimal body energy systems. These activities may include getting enough restful sleep, practicing mindfulness meditation or building healthy social bonds.

If you’re curious to gain more information about energy healing, there are various books on the subject available to read. Reading self-healing books is an effective way to start on this holistic practice as they will provide tools and techniques you can implement daily to start seeing results.


Energy healing can provide invaluable assistance whether it be cancer, chronic illness or simply seeking to improve emotional and mental wellbeing. Energy healing uses techniques like breathing exercises, visualization, grounding and meditation in order to balance your entire being – ultimately aiding in speeding up your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

Energy medicine‘s core principle is that body and mind work together as one integrated system. Ancient teachings and modern science increasingly agree: anything you do to one aspect of yourself — be it physically, mentally or emotionally — has an effect on another part. Therefore, when considering self healing efforts it’s crucial to address all aspects of well being simultaneously.

Specifically, when dealing with depression it’s crucial that not only your emotions but also your beliefs and interpretation of reality are addressed. Also helpful is clearing away any barriers that are holding back from living your best life – this may involve breaking free of internal roadblocks, believing you deserve success and letting go of past feelings of guilt or regret. Self healing practices such as these may also prove useful here.

Spiritual healing involves identifying and clearing away energetic blockages that prevent you from embodying your sacred self. This may involve treating emotional trauma, learning to forgive yourself and others, tracking wounds across timelines, identifying animal totems, journeying, soul reflection or participating in ceremonies designed to connect you with your divine essence.

Energy healing can provide an effective alternative or supplement to pharmaceutical drugs for healing both physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore, it’s crucial that practitioners with the necessary training, experience and ethical practices be selected as practitioners for energy healing sessions.

If you’re curious to explore energy healing, I highly suggest browsing these resources. They will equip you with everything necessary to connect to your energy body and promote its natural self healing mechanisms – something I have experienced both personally and professionally myself. When implemented successfully, energy healing strategies can have profoundly transformative results, plus are far safer and more natural than many conventional medical treatments.
