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Types of Energy Therapies

Energy flows throughout our bodies, with some people more sensitive than others to it. There are various modalities of energy healing which focus on working with this invisible field known as an aura.

Polarity therapy, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), healing touch, cranio-sacral therapy, lomi lomi and the Trager Approach are among the many energy healing modalities that practitioners utilize. Many energy healers master several of these methodologies.


Reiki practitioners believe there is an energetic current circulating through our bodies known as qi (pronounced “chee”) or prana that keeps us healthy, helping prevent illness from taking hold. Disruption to this energy flow can cause illness; by channeling this reiki energy to restore equilibrium and promote natural healing abilities of the body they can restore equilibrium as well as reduce emotional stress while strengthening immunity systems.

Researchers have studied various forms of energy therapy, and some have discovered their efficacy at relieving pain and improving mood. Some techniques stem from ancient practices found in shamanistic and Asian traditions; others draw upon modern scientific theories like quantum physics which suggests magnetic fields may affect physical matter.

Many of these techniques involve touch therapy, in which a therapist manipulates your energy field to encourage its flow or clear away blockages. Others employ sound, light or other vibrations to stimulate it while others involve spiritual or mindfulness practices like prayer meditation and visualization.

Studies have found that energy therapy may provide relief for headaches and migraines; back, shoulder, neck and arthritic pain. Furthermore, research indicates that acupuncture and other forms of energy therapy can help alleviate depression and anxiety symptoms such as feelings of hopelessness or social withdrawal.

Studies involving patients living with cancer have also explored the potential advantages of energy therapy in helping them relax and cope with their disease. Initial findings are promising; however, more extensive investigations must be performed in order to confirm them.

If you decide to seek energy healing therapy, make sure your practitioner has been professionally trained. Before commencing any sessions with them, make sure you inquire as to their qualifications; any qualified reiki therapist should be able to tell you about his or her level of training and whether or not they passed a competency test for reiki.

Quantum Touch

Under this approach, the practitioner uses breathing and body awareness techniques to reach a very high vibration in his hands, then amplifies life-force energy to correct health problems. He can sense and heal emotional aspects as well as physical ones of their problems. His work is based on the idea that humans are surrounded by an electromagnetic field which contains chakras storing healing energy; using this energy, life-force energy is channelled directly into areas of pain or imbalance in their physical bodies by direct application by practitioner; often chronic illnesses can be completely reversed by using this technique!

Energy flows into the body via resonance and entrainment, which makes this form of healing so efficient. Because the healer’s own vibration synchronises with that of healing energy, their fatigue doesn’t wear off as easily compared to other forms of therapy.

Traumatized clients and people whose emotions have become overwhelmed can benefit tremendously from energy healing therapies, while chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma and heart disease also benefit greatly from them. Energy therapies like these often combine with other energies like acupuncture or chiropractic treatments for maximum effect in treatment plans.

Quantum Touch has the unique capability of helping both humans and animals. Veterinarians can utilize Quantum Touch to treat various animal illnesses such as cancer.

Richard Gordon’s breakthrough technique allows lay people as well as healing professionals to direct life force energy (known as chi or prana) to correct health problems more effectively than ever before. Now widely utilized by physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists and more – it requires no formal training and uses only love in its gentle running of energy!

Shamanic Work

Shaman is an alternative term for healer, and refers to any spiritual practitioner who uses energy healing practices to bring physical relief. A shaman works closely with their patients to clear energy blockages and realign their body’s energy centers through techniques such as chanting, breathing techniques, body exercises and movement – often experiencing sensations such as tingling sensations, emotional releases or deeper meditative states of consciousness during this process.

Shamanic practitioners believe that illness results from disruptions in a human spirit’s connection to Spirit, rather than physical symptoms themselves. Diseases are seen more as effects than causes. A shaman may use various types of energy work techniques to assist their patient break through this energetic barrier and heal both on a physical and spiritual level.

Shamans are born with natural gifts that allow them to read souls, navigate non-ordinary realities and commune with spirits. Yet this work requires extensive training – typically accomplished through teachings, quests, diets, periods of abstinence and periods of isolation in various cultures.

At first, a shaman will assess your energy field to identify where imbalance lies. They may use hands-on or hands-off energy work depending on their assessment; once they have identified areas where energy is stuck or unbalanced, bodywork and breath techniques will be employed to clear and release those energies using bodywork, breathwork or soul retrievals as appropriate; additional services include extractions/cord cuttings to eliminate negative energies or inner critics that have been keeping you stuck.

A shaman may also perform psychopomp therapy to aid the process of dying and transition. They will work to assist your soul spirit complete any unfinished business so you can move on without fear or pain, while helping family come to terms with spiritual aspects of your transition from an emotional viewpoint. Furthermore, they may help communicate with departed spirits – known as crossing over. However, this work should not be confused with funeral rituals or religious practices which involve physical death ceremonies or “death ceremonies”.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch is a gentle energy therapy practiced by practitioners that supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Patients remain fully clothed and relaxed during sessions as their practitioner lightly places his or her hands on or slightly above their bodies in order to activate energy flow and balance. Healing Touch operates under the principle that our bodies consist of an energy field beyond physical boundaries that extends far beyond our flesh; any disruptions of this field could potentially cause illness or injury.

During a session, the practitioner analyzes their energy field for areas of stagnation or abnormal energy flow, then may employ any one of several techniques to clear and revitalize it – for instance sweeping their fingers in a circular motion over their entire body, focusing on specific energy centers or moving up and down their bodies, surveying from head to toe.

While research on Healing Touch and biofield therapies remains limited, anecdotal reports show they possess a high safety profile and may help relieve pain, reduce anxiety and stress levels, improve quality of life and provide other health benefits. They may even complement traditional medical treatment when utilized alongside psychotherapy.

Nurses trained in energy modalities may incorporate energy modalities into patient care as part of an holistic approach to wellness and illness. Methodist Hospital nurse Jane Bies holds Healing Touch certification, and frequently uses nonpharmacological approaches like energy medicine for easing discomfort in her practice.

Researching alternative therapies is difficult due to their inability to isolate any specific variable, since they affect an individual holistically. As these treatments affect different people differently, researchers must measure various outcomes to gain an understanding of how these treatments may impact a patient. Furthermore, as each procedure can differ significantly among recipients making comparison difficult; this issue often arises with alternative medicine treatments making it hard to compare one against another and determine which is better.
