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High Frequency Vs Red Light Therapy

Beauty tech has seen tremendous growth over the last several years, offering tools designed to combat bacteria and decongest puffy eyes while simultaneously diminishing dark circles, strengthen hair follicles for fuller and healthier tresses, promote collagen production and boost its production. But what are the pros and cons of high frequency vs red light therapy?

Blue light contains antimicrobial properties and destroys Propionibacterium acnes bacteria to alleviate symptoms associated with acne. Red and infrared lights possess anti-inflammatory effects which help accelerate skin healing processes naturally.

Acne Treatment

Acne is one of the most prevalent skin conditions worldwide, impacting millions of adults and teenagers alike. Breakouts can be infuriating, painful and permanent scarring – yet with proper treatment you can achieve clearer, younger looking skin.

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LED light therapy and radio frequency skin tightening have both become widely recognized treatments to help enhance one’s complexion, but which one would best fit you? Each has their own set of benefits that may help, although these techniques differ in how they affect different layers and tissues in your skin and tissue.

Blue light wavelengths between 405 to 420 nanometers is an effective treatment for acne as it eliminates Propionibacterium acnes bacteria (P. acnes), one of the major factors behind breakouts and inflammation. Furthermore, blue light reduces sebum production that leads to excess oil build-up in pores as well as blockages.

Red light with wavelengths between 620 to 700 nanometers, however, is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and can promote tissue healing and collagen production. Red light treatments have also been effective against conditions like rosacea, psoriasis and sun damage as well as fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen protein formation, leading to plumper, more supple skin that better reflects light.


High frequency facials are an effective solution for treating and preventing stubborn acne breakouts, as well as diminishing fine lines and wrinkles. This type of treatment combines high frequency electrodes that emit low levels of ultra violet light with an effective serum to produce heat shock proteins – proteins produced naturally when your skin is stressed or damaged to promote healing processes and facilitate recovery.

AMAE Med Spa stands out among providers in Birmingham, West Bloomfield and Troy by offering light therapy and high frequency treatment as part of a customized acne facial. Book a consultation to discuss your skincare goals and determine the ideal treatment option!

Skin Rejuvenation

Red and infrared light therapy (also known as LED/light emitting diode therapy) can be used to tighten skin, improve wrinkles, stretch marks and uneven pigmentation; reduce acne breakouts caused by demodex folliculitis; promote wound healing with its antioxidant properties; rejuvenate complexions by increasing collagen production – these benefits all come together with regular LED treatments!

Thermal tissue warming causes your blood vessels and small muscles to contract, pushing out toxins while providing essential nutrients and moisture-retaining volume to the cells of your skin. Therefore, thermal tissue warming provides a natural, safe, and cost-effective alternative to more invasive skin treatments like chemical peels.

Light energy penetrates your skin, where it is absorbed by mitochondria – the power plants of cells. This allows your body to heal itself by stimulating collagen production, improving skin tone, texture and elasticity while improving healing time and recovery from other cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels, microneedling and laser procedures. Light therapy also makes an excellent pre-treatment option.

Blue light has been demonstrated to have antimicrobial effects against Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, the source of most cases of acne. Blue light kills these microbes while simultaneously decreasing sebum production levels – helping prevent acne outbreaks.

Red light therapy has proven itself effective at diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, sun damage and uneven pigmentation. By stimulating blood circulation to the skin’s surface, red light therapy helps plump and firm up facial features such as cheekbones, jawline and neck areas while decreasing appearance of enlarged pores as well as subsequent scarring caused by them.

Selecting the ideal treatment depends on your personal goals and needs for skin. Consulting a licensed aesthetician or plastic surgeon in Eugene today to arrange a professional consultation will allow them to assess your condition, identify specific requirements and suggest the most suitable course of treatment. Whether opting for high frequency facials or radiofrequency skin tightening treatments – or both! – can bring glowing, healthier-looking skin!

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process, usually manifesting themselves during your 20s or 30s and leaving your skin looking tired, stressed or angry. Sun damage causes fine lines and wrinkles as does smoking; their appearance results from collagen breakdown within deeper layers of skin which causes the loss of its elasticity and shape over time.

Preventing fine lines and wrinkles or minimizing them, there are various approaches you can take. Applying sunscreen, staying hydrated and using products with retinol may all help, while facial exercises like yoga may also play a part.

The difference between fine lines and wrinkles lies in their depth of creases; dermatologists typically define fine lines as having less than 1mm depth, whereas wrinkles include any deeper creases that form over time from repeated facial expressions such as smiling, frowning and squinting. Fine lines tend to appear at the surface level while wrinkles usually develop gradually over time from repeated facial expressions like smiling, frowning and squinting.

Fine lines may be inevitable, but there are steps you can take to delay their appearance. Applying SPF with protection from both UVA and UVB rays, getting enough restful sleep, and forgoing tobacco may all help prevent fine lines from developing further.

Red light therapy has been shown to promote collagen and elastin production, helping reduce fine lines and wrinkles while treating acne scarring by decreasing inflammation and speeding healing time. Furthermore, red light therapy may also help combat skin laxity by encouraging new cell growth while even helping with body contouring by tightening areas like necks and arms. Overall it provides safe yet effective solutions suitable for all skin types, colors and tones.

Hair Growth

Red light therapy for hair growth has an extensive body of clinical research behind it and is rapidly gaining in popularity within wellness circles. It can increase both hair count and thickness for men and women alike while reversing androgenic alopecia (pattern baldness). Furthermore, red light therapy may even replace certain drugs used to treat hereditary thinning hair or alopecia areata.

The device works by gently warming the scalp without over-exerting itself to any uncomfortable degree, leaving no trace of tenderness behind after treatment has finished. Some individuals may experience temporary tingling or tenderness in treated areas but these symptoms typically dissipate shortly afterwards. Using it for its recommended duration and pausing between areas ensures a more enjoyable treatment experience and ensures heat is not built up and ensures you a pleasant treatment experience.

This portable and safe device can be safely utilized from within your own home or office environment. Furthermore, it makes an effortless addition to your beauty regimen as it works in tandem with laser therapies and microneedling with radiofrequency treatments.

Choose between a variety of devices on the market, each offering different features and benefits. To maximize its benefits, look for one with both red and near-infrared LEDs to provide fuller treatment benefits; additionally, one that has cooling features built in may help avoid excess scalp heat build-up while providing a safer treatment experience.

Begin your anti-ageing treatment on a budget with one of these cost-effective devices: Trophy Skin Brighten MD or Iluminage Youth Activator Infrared LED & Radio Frequency Anti-Aging Device. Both offer great value for the price and produce results quickly, meeting or exceeding your expectations in just 30 sessions or so. Consistency is key when treating hereditary thinning hair or pattern baldness; Bio-Pilixin could make all the difference when it comes to seeing visible improvements – its gentle formulation easily fits into existing beauty and wellness regimens seamlessly!


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