Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 9, 2024Editor

Energy Medicine – The Center of Energy Medicine

Energy healing may seem strange at first, but its roots go deep. According to this tradition, humans possess an electromagnetic field which facilitates self-healing processes within their bodies.

As more fact-based research emerges, more doctors are turning to energy medicine as an avenue of treatment. Common terms used to refer to it include “chi”, “prana”, spirit”, ether”, and biocosmic energy – it all refers to life force energy that may become blocked or imbalanced and lead to illness. As more empirical evidence emerges, more doctors are beginning to embrace energy medicine practices as part of healthcare delivery.

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy medicine refers to therapies which aim to alter energy fields that supposedly surround and penetrate the human body, such as acupuncture, healing touch or Reiki. Studies have demonstrated how various energy therapies such as these can effectively reduce pain, anxiety and fatigue as well as improve autonomic nervous system activity such as blood pressure or heart rate measures.

Health is determined by balancing and flowing with one’s vital energy or life force through channels known as meridians and chakras. Therapies such as acupuncture, healing touch and Reiki aim to correct imbalances in these energy flows that could potentially cause illness by emitting or transmitting vital energy back onto their client to help bring health back.

Apart from physical benefits, it’s hoped that yoga practices will also provide emotional release and spiritual awakenings, while stimulating immune systems to increase a patient’s natural healing powers.

However, the exact mechanisms by which therapies work remain obscure to science. Many EM techniques have long been marginalized within integrative medicine circles but recent research is providing new evidence supporting their efficacy – providing a basis for future investigation in energy physiology. This book takes readers on an insightful journey that delves deep into this emerging science by covering meridians, energy centers and biofields as well as how certain representative EM techniques may exert their effects.


Reiki practitioners use energy to heal and balance body, mind, and spirit. Reiki practitioners believe that all people possess life force energy or universal energy – also referred to as chi, qi or ki – which manifests itself through warm sensations or an overall feeling of well-being.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese art that draws its name from two Japanese words rei, meaning universal, and ki, meaning life energy. Though reiki can be considered spiritual in nature, it’s not tied to any particular belief system and doesn’t require any particular faith for practice. According to research studies conducted, reiki has shown effective in relieving stress, anxiety, depression as well as improving sleep, self-esteem and feelings of peace and relaxation in practitioners.

At a session, your practitioner will gently place their hands over different parts of your body or hold them above your head, inducing a warm, fuzzy or tingling sensation that may include images, memos or even humming noises. Sessions usually last 30-60 minutes with some people reporting results after only one visit.

Reiki treatments often take several sessions before results and issues are addressed, and can even be combined with traditional medical and therapeutic techniques (like pain management). A small 2015 study discovered that women who received Reiki during labor and delivery experienced lower levels of pain, anxiety and fatigue than those receiving standard medical care alone.


Energy healing techniques can be effective ways of balancing subtle energies that impact physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. By tapping into your natural healing energies and working in concert with them to promote well-being.

Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese therapy which involves inserting needles into specific points on the body in order to ease pain and promote health, is one of the most widely practiced forms of energy medicine. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) recognize acupuncture as an invaluable complement to traditional medical treatments for often helping achieve better results with reduced side effects.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of acupuncture for relieving chronic pain, including headaches and migraines. Acupuncture also can reduce nausea caused by chemotherapy and surgery treatments and treat cancer-related fatigue, depression and anxiety by encouraging relaxation and releasing natural painkillers known as endorphins.

Other energy healing practices include auricular acupuncture, which targets the ears; Korean hand and foot acupuncture as well as French energetic acupuncture with meridien patterns for treatment; studies have also demonstrated its beneficial properties such as increasing vital energy flows and strengthening immunity systems.

Before engaging in any acupuncture or energy medicine treatments, consult with your physician first. Some types of acupuncture may not be safe for you if you have bleeding disorders or diseases which spread through blood such as hemophilia or HIV/AIDS; the PDQ cancer information summary has more details regarding acupuncture.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch is a series of noninvasive hands-on techniques used to clear, energize and balance both the human energy field and centers controlling flow of energy into physical tissues. Healing Touch may facilitate natural healing capabilities of the body; often used alongside traditional medical treatment for various conditions. Created by nurse Janet Mentgen in the 1980s and used worldwide. Healing Touch training programs have since been offered for nurses, massage therapists, physiotherapists, counselors/psychotherapists/counselors who all require deep empathy as well.

As with other energy therapies, Healing Touch draws on the idea that humans are electromagnetic fields interacting with each other and with the environment around us. Trained practitioners employ gentle hand movements to re-pattern a patient’s energetic field in an attempt to restore natural energy flow within the body and eliminate blocks to self-healing.

Importantly, while the science may remain obscure behind these practices, their benefits appear real. A 2020 study demonstrated how Healing Touch significantly decreased symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among returning active duty military veterans and another 2008 research demonstrated how using Healing Touch techniques on bone cells in a petri dish caused them to grow faster and stronger than cells given fake treatments or no treatment whatsoever.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an ancient form of exercise and energy medicine originating in traditional Chinese medicine that utilizes slow movements, postures, and stretches to increase energy flow throughout your body, mind, and spirit. Qi Gong can help with physical, mental, emotional issues; studies have highlighted its positive benefits such as reduced pain levels, better sleep patterns, and an overall better state of being.

Qi (pronounced “chee”) is the vital living energy found throughout all living things and believed to circulate through us via meridians in our bodies, helping to nourish soft tissue, internal organs, fascia, muscles bones and blood. Each living thing emits its own bioelectric field which a skilled Qi Gong practitioner can sense to identify any imbalances that exist in these fields.

Qi Gong encompasses many different styles, but most forms share similar elements – slow repetitive movements, deep diaphragmatic breathing and an awareness of inner peace. At the Online Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy we primarily teach five animal Qi Gong, six healing sound Qi Gong and Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong as practiced forms.


BodyTalk is an energy-based system developed to balance a person’s mind, body, and spirit. The practice takes advantage of how each cell, atom and system in your body is constantly communicating with one another in order to balance biological and physiological functions – so when these lines of communication break down or disappear altogether then using BodyTalk allows your body to heal itself more easily.

This astonishingly simple yet profoundly effective therapy incorporates ancient healing principles with contemporary concepts from Western and Oriental medical systems, with practitioners drawing from both traditions. Practitioners don’t diagnose or treat specific illnesses; rather they use muscle testing and body awareness techniques to detect imbalances in order to restore normal function and bring about healthful functioning again.

BodyTalk sessions are comfortable and relaxing, and may include light tapping techniques to restore communication channels between your mind and body. A BodyTalk practitioner may also assist in uncovering potential root causes of health issues by leading you through an investigation of your life story.

BodyTalk differs from the Cartesian approach of Western medical model in its holistic approach, treating your entire bodymind rather than just its isolated symptoms. By drawing upon knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda medicine, and modern physics to bring balance back into the body’s energetic field and restore natural healing ability while relieving stress and pain – providing more efficient cellular repair for more effective healing of any physical, emotional, or mental disease that arises – BodyTalk supports the recovery process more effectively and supports overall healing processes across your entire system – supporting healing from physical, emotional and mental illnesses alike.

June 8, 2024Editor

Low Frequency Therapy Equipment

RS-4i Plus TENS unit stands out from its competition by offering premodulated sessions instead of just one setting, and costs $2,945 with its own rechargeable battery pack.

All frequencies tested (1 kHz to 10 Hz) provided effective subperception pain relief, although as frequency decreased pulse width and amplitude required adjustment in order to maintain analgesia. Also identified parameter relationships enabled significant energy savings (charge-per-second reductions).

Omron Low-Frequency Therapy Machine Pad MU

Human bodies are highly responsive to electrical stimulation, and this device uses this principle to ease muscle tension. Low-frequency signals sent out by this device cause muscles to contract and relax, helping improve blood circulation. This therapy also helps block pain signals to the brain, reduces inflammation and stiffness in joints and muscles, and boost endorphin production – natural opioids which provide pain relief. The MU model is small enough to fit comfortably in your palm and can be used at home, work, or while traveling on planes or trains. It offers nine auto therapy modes and four special modes that enable users to customize treatment based on individual needs. The MU comes equipped with pads designed for the back, shoulders, joints, muscles of arms and legs as well as self-adhesive pads that can be worn on different parts of the body. Reusable in design with clear plastic cover sheets for protection as well as plastic holders to store them easily, these MU pads provide essential relief to their users.

Although most TENS devices only provide low-frequency signals, some also include high-frequency options. The RS Medical RS-4i Plus lists for $2,945 and operates using rechargeable batteries; its pre-programmed INF sessions combine low-frequency (4900 Hz) with high-frequency 5000 Hz signals to help relieve pain transmission and alleviate it altogether.

Some TENS devices also incorporate NMES (neuromuscular electric stimulation) therapy, which works by inducing muscle contraction to stimulate nerves in the affected area to produce pain-blocking substances and enhance blood circulation. NMES therapy may offer more lasting pain relief than low frequency signals alone and could prove particularly helpful for chronic back pain patients.

OMRON HeatTens is an advanced TENS therapy unit, offering soothing heat combined with TENS pain relief. Heat therapy increases metabolism, relaxes muscles and increases circulation while TENS technology blocks pain signals while stimulating endorphin release. The ergonomic HM-SPAD-MU device fits comfortably in one hand while featuring easy-to-use buttons.

Omron Low-Frequency Therapy Machine Pad SM

Omron HeatTens combines heat and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) for natural pain management without using medications. This device blocks pain signals, induces endorphin release and improves blood circulation for effective natural pain control without using drugs. With nine preset TENS massage modes suited for back, shoulders, arms, feet and legs it offers a comprehensive pain solution solution without medication.

An additional indicator, measured using wearable sensing devices, should be combined with ABI to increase its accuracy of PAD detection. The combination is more reliable than either sitting or supine a1ratio alone and yields one more FP than ABI alone; thus allowing primary care physicians to detect PAD early and refer patients directly to vascular specialists for treatment while potentially saving costs compared with conventional screening procedures that use X-rays; however further validation must be conducted before this method can become routine clinical practice.

Omron Low-Frequency Therapy Machine Pad RS

Omron Electronic Pulse Massager HV-F127 was developed to ease a variety of painful symptoms by offering 12 automatic therapy modes and five special mode options, each providing variable frequency signals between 50 Hz and 150Hz that work by disrupting natural nerve transmissions using Gate Control Theory. Furthermore, healthcare providers can set this device to continuously or pulsed deliver continuous or pulsed signals for any period of time in order to create personalized programs for their patients.

To use the device, patients need to attach electrode pads directly onto areas of their skin that are inflamed or sore. Once in place, users can select from twelve therapy settings including “Soothe” and “Relieve”, plus high frequency for acute pain relief or low frequency for sore or stiff muscles.

Additionally, the device can be set to repeat a treatment for a specified duration – ideal for chronic pain patients or those suffering from trigger points that require repeated treatments to relieve pressure off nerves. Furthermore, it can deliver alternating frequencies over an extended period of time that target specific muscles that need strengthening.

The device can also be combined with a mobile app that tracks patient progress and offers guidance, both of which are free downloads for both iOS and Android devices. This makes the device even easier for patients, who no longer need to carry around an actual copy of its user manual with them.

This device features a large LCD screen which displays how much time remains in a treatment session and an intensity level button for fast pain relief wherever they go. Plus, its portable and lightweight design means users can take it with them anywhere for instantaneous relief!

The device can be used alongside ECG machines and respiratory ventilators, though not pacemakers. Users are advised not to place metallic objects near their device as this could interfere with electrotherapy signals; and to keep water away from its electrodes as water damage could cause malfunction. Sleeping with it on can interfere with circadian rhythms. This device comes complete with one set of electrode pads made of Long Life PADsim material which are durable yet comfortable; users can wash after every use up to 15 times before having to replace it again.

June 8, 2024Editor

Reverse Aging Through Diet

Many anti-aging diets have been demonstrated to significantly enhance health and prolong longevity. These diets work by impacting mechanisms that facilitate cell maintenance when resources are limited, then redirect them towards reproduction when abundance exists.

Diets rich in whole plant foods can be an effective way to slow the biological aging process and reverse biological ageing. Read on to discover more ways of doing just that!

1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Dieting can help slow aging by providing your body with nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and lean proteins such as chicken breast. Be sure to drink lots of water instead of sugary beverages such as soda or iced tea to look and feel younger!

Diet is unquestionably an essential factor in overall health; recently however, studies have proven its impact on making people look and feel younger. One such study showed how eating healthily for eight weeks could significantly decrease biological age.

Five women between 46 and 65 who engaged in a program that included diet changes, relaxation exercises, probiotic and phytonutrient supplements and nutritional coaching saw their biological age reduce by 11 years over time. This case series provided evidence that lifestyle choices that support methylation could significantly alter biological age without diagnosable disease.

Participants of this research were able to reverse biological aging by eating an anti-inflammatory diet high in fruits and vegetables and free of animal products and processed foods. Broccoli is an ideal example, packed with Vitamin C, K, fiber calcium lutein folate antioxidants making it an excellent staple in such an anti-inflammatory regimen. Other foods to add include blueberries pomegranate seeds cruciferous vegetables like kale cabbage dark leafy greens.

2. Exercise Regularly

As you’ve likely heard, diet, sleep and exercise can all play an integral part in slowing the aging process. What may not be as well-known is how food can actually reset your biological clock to make you look and feel younger! A new study has discovered this fact – diets which promote DNA methylation can positively impact biological age as well as reverse some signs of aging.

Exercise can be the nearest we can come to creating the fountain of youth; it keeps you strong, fit and can even reduce the effects of aging on the brain. Exercise has been proven to increase hippocampus size which aids memory and learning as well as cognitive function improvement; furthermore regular physical activity may improve sleep quality and blood pressure reduction for greater longevity.

Finding an enjoyable workout routine is key to staying on track with fitness goals. Aerobic activities like running, walking and swimming can be great ways to burn calories while building muscle and improving endurance. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), which entails short bursts of activity followed by brief recovery periods has also been proven effective at increasing metabolism, burning fat and building muscle mass.

Research shows that as we age, our activity levels become less active. But it’s never too late to start exercising regularly – some incredible fit older adults such as Irene Obera (85 years old and world record holder in her age group track star) are living proof that physical fitness can persist even into old age.

Mayo Clinic studies have recently demonstrated the power of high-intensity training to reverse some aspects of cellular aging. For optimal results, resistance training combined with aerobic exercise should be performed several days each week to build muscle, improve insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function (which naturally decreases with age), build strength in your muscles as well as increase range of motion and balance. Adding flexibility exercises into your weekly workout regime can strengthen muscles further while improving balance, bone density and range of motion for added results.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation can accelerate biological aging and contribute to health conditions like multiple sclerosis, heart disease and cancer. Sleep is essential to feeling rested throughout the day, so if you’re having trouble sleeping contact me and I can help change your sleeping habits so you can start experiencing more restful nights and help slow the biological aging process by providing treatment or supplementation options such as InsideTracker consultations – let me get you sleeping soundly again.

4. Drink Water

Researchers suggest that staying properly hydrated is one of the best ways to reverse aging, according to their studies. The reason lies within how your cells age and die; each time a cell divides, its telomeres become shorter until eventually, too short telomeres stop cell division and cause death of that particular cell; this process of cell death leads to visible signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles; according to one recent study published in eBioMedicine drinking enough water can help reverse this effect.

Lack of water intake leads to dull and dry skin that becomes susceptible to fine lines and wrinkles, prompting fine lines and wrinkles to form. Drinking plenty of water helps plump up and maintain elasticity in your skin’s structure, helping reduce signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. In addition to drinking lots of water every day, be sure to use a quality moisturizer on your skin daily as well.

Water is essential to body functioning, which explains why residents in areas with the longest life expectancies make water drinking a daily habit. Drinking plenty of fluids has numerous health benefits that include improving your skin, helping with weight loss and decreasing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Studies have demonstrated that adequate hydration can significantly slow biological aging, which is measured by how much your DNA has been altered through methylation, while stress-related physical and mental strain has been shown to accelerate this process. Reversing biological age by recovering from stressful events has been found to decrease mortality risks significantly.

Water remains the ideal way to stay hydrated; however, don’t limit yourself to just drinking eight glasses each day; take note of other drinks such as juices, teas, coffee, soups, sports drinks and smoothies as they could add variety and provide additional hydration benefits – just limit soda consumption which can have negative impacts on health.

June 8, 2024Editor

Wave Genetics and Matrixes

Wave Genetics was pioneered by Peter Gariaev. This technology employs information medicine using individual photos as its foundation; then using sound recordings from these photos as information medicine treatments that help the body correct deviations from normality.

Listening to these radio wave spectra activates biologically active substances within your body that rejuvenate and regenerate, providing rejuvenation and regeneration benefits.

Individual Matrix

A matrix is a collection of rows or columns used to store data. Although similar to vectors, matrices are usually denoted with capital letters and have associated sizes; for example a 3×4 matrix would be represented as A = [i-j]3×4, while individual matrices can also be stored in an Individuali array that indexes their row labels, making the work with large datasets much simpler.

Reduces the number of sentient machines required for functioning matrix; can be combined with other matrices.

Universal Matrix

The TwinRing Universal matrix holder allows dentists to easily accommodate various tooth shapes and sizes. It is especially helpful when working on short molars, premolars and primary molars; and is particularly well suited to work on top of rubber dam clamps. The TwinRing provides strong yet even tension while also making separation of the matrix from its proximal surface easy and effective.

Matrix organizational forms can only work successfully when there is a multidisciplinary need and project management in place to back it up. Failure to convince both top management and functional management fully of its benefits results in foot-dragging or even direct attempts to undermine it; on the other hand, when accepted across an entire organization it can produce remarkable productivity gains.

Rejuvenation Matrix

FDA-approved eMatrix ™ fractional technology represents the latest advancement in fractional therapy, offering both ablative and non-ablative fractional treatment of wrinkles, large pores, scars, sun spots and textural irregularities in skin texture irregularities. Non-ablative radio frequency energy heats inner layers without disturbing outer layers – making this treatment effective on all skin colors without disrupting outer layer integrity.

Sublime applicator uses infrared and bi-polar radio frequency energy to bulk heat the skin, stimulating collagen production for tightening sagging skin and decreasing fine lines and pores size, while Matrix applicator utilizes non-ablative radio frequency energy resurfacing, diminishing wrinkles and sun spots for total rejuvenation with less downtime than other skin resurfacing treatments. When combined, both technologies deliver a more comprehensive rejuvenation than competing resurfacing treatments.

As part of your eMatrix treatment, you will lie comfortably with the handheld device over your target area and feel a prickling sensation as radiofrequency energy is delivered directly into your skin. A typical treatment may last 20 minutes if treating small spots; for larger areas like legs, buttocks or chest where acne scars or stretch marks need treating it may take more time.

June 8, 2024Editor

The Holistic Information Security Practitioner

Information security no longer refers solely to technology issues; rather, it encompasses people and processes within an organization and their integration of best practices for meeting both business objectives and security measures.

Taiye Lambo brings extensive work experience in Cybersecurity. As the founder and director of Holistic Information Security Practitioner Institute and HISPI Cloud Assurance Assessor Program.

HISP Certification

HISP Certification is a rigorous program of training and testing designed to test proficiency of an information security management system (ISMS), comprising business techniques, enhanced processes and technologies, capable people, and ongoing improvement to reduce compliance costs. Compliance frameworks implemented using an “Implement Once, Comply Many” (IOCM) philosophy are implemented by HISPs during certification.

HISP programs aim to address this critical gap by decreasing both time and costs associated with legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements – an approach which drastically cuts compliance time and cost for legal requirements. There is currently a shortage of professionals knowledgeable about IOCM frameworks; hence the HISP program serves as an important credential in the industry.

Becoming a Certified Information Security Practitioner involves meeting both educational and work experience requirements, and passing the Certified Information System Security Practitioner exam – 175 questions administered by ISC2. To prepare for this test, read through the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) as well as practicing sample questions as much as possible.

As part of your certification requirements, in addition to completing the CBK you must also earn 90 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits over three years from various sources such as professional development programs or speaking engagements. Furthermore, one of the approved CISSP training courses must also be attended in order to earn your credits.

HISPs enable organizations to securely exchange health-related data. This data can be used for everything from diagnosis to treatment, making its security paramount; thus HISPs play a pivotal role in creating and maintaining infrastructure to keep it that way.

HISP certification is an intensive but rewarding journey that can open doors into many industries. Demonstrating that you possess the knowledge and abilities needed to secure sensitive data through certification opens many doors for career growth in cybersecurity.

If you are an IT security specialist, earning the HISP certification is a fantastic way to enhance your career and increase the odds of finding employment in this industry. Highly esteemed within this particular segment, this credential gives candidates an edge.

Taiye Lambo, founder of the Holistic Information Security Practitioner Institute (HISPI) and advocate for closing cyber talent and diversity gaps among minorities, veterans, and women. He is also the Founder and CTO of CloudeAssurance, Inc. – a software company focused on risk management – and co-Founder of eFortresses, Inc. which offers cybersecurity and GRC solutions. Dr. Taiye has over 28 years of experience in Management Systems and is recognized as a BSI Certification Portfolio Expert, Six Sigma Black Belt and Master HISP. In addition, he serves on the Shared Assessments Steering Committee and as the HISP certification manager at BSI Group America Inc – you can reach him at: BSI is an ISO/IEC 20000/27001 accredited standards development organization known for providing leadership in creating global management systems and security services – leading these efforts with international leadership in mind!

HISP Training

HISPI is an independent training, education, and certification nonprofit with a holistic approach to Cybersecurity. Established by industry veteran Taiye Lambo, HISPI’s certified individuals are equipped to understand and implement best practices in integrated information security management; its holistic approach considers people, process and technology when providing guidance and recommendations. A professional in HISPI’s network can map international best practice frameworks such as ISO 27001, ITIL or CobiT with regulatory compliance requirements while certified individuals of HISPI may also perform cloud assurance assessment on behalf of their clients using platforms such as eFortresses CAAP or another CSAA-approved rating system.

HESPI provides students with a challenging curriculum, including required reading lists and coursework in literature, composition, history and social science. This program’s objective is to build upon Western history and philosophy while cultivating an appreciation of all cultures as part of humanity’s larger family. Furthermore, HISP students participate in zero period classes like Ethnic Studies or Writer’s Workshop held alongside CKM small learning communities.

The HISP Program aims to close the cybersecurity workforce gap by offering underserved youth opportunities within this field. Scholarships and other initiatives funded by HISP support these goals; providing underserved youth access to industry-leading training, internships and mentorship. Furthermore, it promotes cybersecurity awareness with resources designed to show them how they can protect themselves and their loved ones online.

HISP is dedicated to encouraging the advancement of women and minorities within cybersecurity fields, through partnership with leading corporations to offer internships and mentoring opportunities in computer science and engineering fields for students enrolled in their program. In addition, there are scholarships available that enable these individuals to attend conferences and courses dedicated to cybersecurity.

In addition to offering scholarships and apprenticeship opportunities, the HISP Program also offers cybersecurity professionals on-demand learning through virtual classrooms and online testing environments. Students can complete their certification without being tied to classroom hours or scheduling commitments, making this method of study convenient and affordable for learners of all backgrounds to become certified HISPs. Certification will make an invaluable addition to the cybersecurity skillset of any professional, enabling learners to demonstrate their knowledge at career fairs or job interviews. Increased professional development will increase their chances of finding cybersecurity employment, which will ultimately aid the HISP community by becoming more inclusive and diverse. Participation in the HISP Program will bring immense advantages for everyone from cybersecurity professionals to global business communities alike. Learners participating will become invaluable contributors in shaping the advancement of cybersecurity industry while contributing to overall digital economy success.