Information Wellness Blog

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March 11, 2024Editor

Spooky2 Tinnitus

Tinnitus, or perceived sound without an external source, may manifest in various forms such as ringing, buzzing, hissing, clicking crackling or humming noises that come and go from time to time.

To address the source of my tinnitus, I use various Spooky2 programs. On average, these should run for approximately 5 hours twice daily for about 2 months before giving you some relief.


Tinnitus, or hearing non-external sounds, can range from the buzzing or buzzing sound heard ringing or buzzing to buzzing or growling or growling or growling sounds, growling sounds or clicking hissing hissing sounds that come and go in one or both ears and range from low whispers to high screams – it may even occur continuously or intermittently and range in pitch from whisper to screaming – becoming mildly irritating or distressful as a result. It can become mildly irritating or very distressful or debilitating depending on its source.

If you suffer from tinnitus, it is vitally important that its cause be identified and addressed. Possible triggers could include noise or trauma exposure, head injury, stress levels, blocked ear canal infections and neck injuries; but as there may be multiple reasons behind your symptoms it may take trial-and-error programs before finding something which helps your particular situation.

Tinnitus may be caused by issues in the inner ear’s tiny hairs that move to trigger electrical signals to the brain that process sound, however if these hairs become damaged then random electrical impulses may generate and produce the tinnitus sound that you hear. The good news is that this condition can be treated using Spooky2.

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Studies have shown that hearing tinnitus may also be caused by our body’s natural defense system called the Autonomic Nervous System, often in response to work and home stress, over-consumption of stimulants like caffeine, poor diet choices, physical exhaustion or even traumatic experiences.

At Spooky2, we understand how critical it is to quickly locate and treat the source of tinnitus. Eliminating it as soon as possible will reduce stress levels considerably and can make life less demanding. For tinnitus treatment using Spooky2, simply run Cold Laser Mode; connect your Cold Laser Twin to Out1 of your generator before opening Spooky2 software and clicking ‘shell empty remote healing” before selecting Tinnitus from Chain Presets Folders in Presets Tab of Spooky2 software before adding Tinnitus program twice daily for 5 hours run for 5 hours each run-time before switching over to detox program if desired.


Spooky2 Tinnitus refers to the sensation of hearing noises that do not exist, such as ringing, buzzing, hissing, roaring or clicking noises that you perceive but are actually nonexistent. They may occur in one or both ears and be intermittent or constant – from growling noises in one ear to high pitched screaming from another; their frequency intensity frequency location and intensity vary from ear to ear.

Tinnitus can be caused by any number of conditions and illnesses. For instance, it could result from an ear infection, blockage from excess earwax or foreign materials entering the canal, certain medications including aspirin or chloroquine used to treat malaria, neck or head trauma injuries that damage inner ears, auditory nerves or parts of the brain that process sound signals, neck surgeries that damage auditory nerves or parts that process sound signals, injuries to neck muscles or injuries sustained to brain tissue that process sound signals or even damage due to trauma sustained from neck or head traumas causing hearing impairment.

Other symptoms of Tinnitus:

Halloween may bring many exciting sounds and atmospheres that can be enjoyable, yet can present challenges for people living with tinnitus. If your symptoms seem more prominent during this season, there are simple steps you can take to reduce its impact. Speak to your healthcare provider for information regarding managing tinnitus; they may be able to give advice tailored specifically for your situation that will reduce its negative impact. Ultimately it’s about finding balance between enjoying life’s pleasures while taking care of your health; having an assessment and treatment plan plan can do exactly that for you.


Tinnitus is an incessant sound in one or both ears without an external cause, such as buzzing, buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing roaring clicking hissing hissing hissing hissing or crackling sounds that may range from mildly noticeable to loud enough to interfere with concentration or even be debilitating. Although sometimes intermittent it is sometimes constant – an ominous noise that cannot be turned off!

Tinnitus treatments vary, with many approaches designed to address its cause as well as symptoms. This generally includes decreasing stress levels, taking steps to avoid exposure to loud noise (or using earplugs or earmuffs), treating any other health issues which could be contributing to it, and treating any medical problems related to it. There are also new techniques which try to stimulate parasympathetic nerve stimulation through vagus nerve stimulation such as Rife machines or Craniosacral Therapy that may also help.

Spooky2 provides not just one Rife machine but multiples – plasma, contact, remote, PEMF and cold laser therapy in one convenient package at a fraction of the cost of standalone systems. For optimal results it is advised that frequency sets/programs be run for no more than five hours nonstop twice daily for optimal results; some individuals may tolerate longer sessions; however others experience herx/frequency fatigue more quickly so experiment to see what works for you! In addition to all this it also features cold laser therapy to treat tinnitus symptoms!

March 11, 2024Editor

Massage Therapy Frequency – How Often Should You Get a Massage?

The frequency of massage therapy will differ for each person; however, there are general guidelines that can help determine which frequency would work best for you.

When treating an injury, it may be wise to schedule multiple sessions at first and then gradually taper off to once or twice every week as your pain subsides.

What is the purpose of your massage?

Your purpose for seeking massage can have an enormous effect on how often you seek one. For example, athletes often push their bodies beyond physical limits may require frequent massage sessions in order to aid recovery and decrease muscle strain. Also, working long hours at a desk with significant postural strain often require massage sessions as part of a therapeutic regime in order to ease tension and keep muscles supple.

Massage can also be an effective treatment option for chronic pain and illness. When starting treatment plans, more intensive massage therapy may initially be necessary but gradually tapered off as your condition improves or you heal.

Pregnancy massage sessions can also be extremely helpful, providing relief from aches and pains, anxiety levels and swelling issues as well as increasing energy and improving mood.

An effective way of deciding the frequency and type of massage therapy sessions you should receive is simply speaking with your therapist and creating a treatment plan together. They will be able to offer advice that ensures you’re reaping maximum benefit from each massage, making sure they can help you reach all of your health and wellness goals! Eventually, with some trial-and-error, you will soon be well on your way towards realizing them all!

Are you an athlete?

Professional athletes should consider scheduling regular massage treatments to maintain peak performance and stay injury free. Sports massage focuses on specific muscle groups used for specific athletic activities and can even be part of an injury recovery regimen. Massage can also help recreational exercisers stay flexible; just consider it part of an overall fitness regime!

Tight muscles can lead to stress and pain over time. A massage can provide much-needed relaxation and reduce anxiety as it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system – known to regulate “fight or flight” responses while simultaneously encouraging relaxation and restful sleep, according to research.

Massage therapy is also an excellent way to soothe tightness in muscles after hard training sessions; deep tissue massage specifically targets areas that may have become knotted up, relieving tension and relieving pain.

Full-time athletes may benefit from receiving regular massage sessions to maximize performance, regardless of training intensity and frequency. Meanwhile, amateur athletes or those working towards specific athletic goals should consult with a Sports Massage Therapist regarding optimal frequency for them. Incorporating massage into lifestyle habits (such as eating healthily and resting properly) is another effective way to foster health and wellness.

Are you recovering from an injury or illness?

Massage therapy can play a significant role in helping those recovering from injuries and medical conditions that cause discomfort to speed up healing and avoid future injuries. Regular massage sessions after injury can reduce pain and inflammation, hasten healing time and even prevent future injuries from happening again. Massage can be particularly helpful for chronic conditions like fibromyalgia; to get optimal results work closely with both your massage therapist and healthcare providers on determining how frequently massage care should be received.

Massage therapy may provide long-term relief from chronic stress and anxiety symptoms for those living with these disorders, including massage therapy for chronic stress and anxiety. Sessions should usually occur weekly until significant decreases occur in symptoms; then sessions can be decreased to once weekly or as necessary to maintain the beneficial effects.

As an athlete, it is recommended to receive regular massage treatments to enhance performance and minimize injury risk. Athletes should schedule massage appointments prior to competitions to increase flexibility and range of motion as well as reduce muscle tension and inflammation. Massages can also provide much-needed relaxation benefits as well as support with insomnia, low back pain, arthritis or depression symptoms.

Are you experiencing chronic stress?

Stress and physical exertion can take their toll on our bodies, and massage therapy can offer some relief by relieving discomfort in muscles while simultaneously decreasing risk for chronic pain conditions or injuries. How often you receive massage sessions may depend on your overall health goals: some individuals require frequent sessions for optimal functioning while others can benefit from less frequent sessions.

Finding out how often massage is right for you requires speaking to an experienced professional who can evaluate your personal circumstances, lifestyle and budget before suggesting the frequency that best meets them.

As an athlete, you may require more frequent massages in order to manage pain and maintain peak performance. On the other hand, amateur athletes or those engaging in regular physical activity without experiencing major pain issues could benefit from less frequent massage sessions (e.g. every 1-2 weeks).

Individuals suffering from chronic pain or medical conditions such as fibromyalgia or lupus may require more frequent massage sessions in order to relieve their symptoms. Your massage therapist should begin your sessions on an intensive schedule before gradually decreasing frequency as your condition improves and heals – moving you over time into maintenance mode if possible so as to keep the pain away.

How much money are you willing to spend on massages?

Cost of massage services depends on a number of variables. These may include location, type and demand factors as well as whether the service may be covered under health insurance which could further decrease costs per session.

Regular massage sessions should be seen as preventive healthcare that should form part of an overall wellness plan. Waiting until your body is in pain to seek massage may take longer for softening and loosening muscles which could result in longer-term discomfort.

If you are uncertain how frequently massage therapy should be part of your wellness routine, speaking to your physician and seeking their advice could be the key. They could even recommend licensed massage therapists who could meet all your needs more efficiently.

Many massage therapists offer package deals or memberships with discounts for massage services, while it’s wise to frequently review your pricing to make sure it reflects market and profit goals. By doing this, it can help keep prices at market levels without overcharging or undercharging for services provided to clients. Also don’t be afraid to adjust them as necessary if costs increase or new skills and qualifications allow you to deliver additional value to clients.

How much time do you have to devote to massages?

No definitive answer exists here as it depends on an individual’s lifestyle and needs. However, massage has the ability to alleviate pain and decrease stress for anyone regardless of schedule or job stressors. Therefore, regular massage sessions could be especially helpful for someone dealing with chronic anxiety or high-stress work environments as this can prevent issues building up over time into full-blown problems in later on stages.

Individuals recovering from injury or illness should seek regular sessions of massage to accelerate healing and avoid recurrence of issues. For instance, someone suffering a back injury would find benefit in scheduling one massage session every two weeks for several months following injury; once healed, once every four weeks should suffice in maintaining any progress made during healing period.

Massage can be both expensive and time consuming; therefore it is wise to assess your needs carefully in terms of frequency. Once this decision has been made, finding an effective massage plan that fits within your schedule should become much simpler. Regular appointments tend to require less visits overall.

March 11, 2024Editor

Is it Possible to Reverse Aging in Humans?

People have searched for years for a Fountain of Youth. If it were possible to reverse aging, many diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and cardiovascular diseases could be avoided, including cancer, neurodegeneration disorders and cardiovascular issues.

Researchers have already made remarkable strides toward slowing and even reversing animal aging processes. One group led by scientist Shinya Yamanaka has even managed to turn back older cells back to their embryonic states.

Biological Mechanisms of Aging

The biological mechanisms of aging describe the physiological changes that take place as we get older, making us increasingly susceptible to disease and an increase in mortality risk with each passing year. For this reason, understanding these processes of aging is imperative for optimal living.

There are various theories regarding the biological mechanisms of aging. While some focus on damage accumulation, others pinpoint natural decline in function with age; still other theories highlight “programmed aging”, where internal processes (such as DNA maintenance) cause gradual aging processes to take effect over time.

Researcher have long explored the biological mechanisms underlying aging, making great strides toward understanding this process and creating effective antiaging therapies.

At first glance, one of the clearest physical indicators of aging is loss of mobility and strength due to deterioration of body’s structural systems such as bones and muscles. Furthermore, as we age our endocrine and cardiovascular systems become less active, resulting in decreased quality of life overall.

Studies have demonstrated the essential role that cellular senescence plays in biological aging processes. Senescence occurs due to the progressive loss of telomeres – repetitive segments of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. As each time a cell divides, its telomeres become shorter until reaching a critical length that no longer allows its division; then entering a state of senescence before eventually dying off.

Many other cellular processes also play a vital role in biological aging, including DNA damage, mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired autophagy. These pathways may interact in complex ways to produce different results in specific cases – for instance damaged genes can trigger apoptosis or senescence while the mTOR/S6K pathway determines whether to promote growth or autophagy.

Over recent years, scientists have developed methods for measuring biomarkers of aging. These measurements offer useful ways of assessing an individual’s state of health and detecting any potential problems; one such index, called Frailty Index, which measures aggregate deficits across systems to predict mortality accurately correlates with biological aging.

Reversing Aging in Animals

Scientists have spent decades attempting to increase the lifespan of various organisms like worms and fruit flies as well as lab mainstays such as mice. Drugs and diet-restricted diets have shown promise in lengthening life span and even slowing aging processes.

Recently, US scientists conducted an experiment that may slow muscle cell aging by administering a compound that mimics natural proteins found in our bodies and restore their ability to regenerate themselves. While this was only conducted as a laboratory experiment and not a human trial, these results could pave the way for new anti-ageing therapies in humans.

However, the journey towards reversing human aging will be longer and more complex. Scientists will need to learn what causes cellular-level aging processes before devising methods of manipulation that won’t have unintended side effects.

Stem cell research has proven particularly promising. Stem cells serve as precursors for most of our body’s different cell types and scientists have discovered ways to “jump-start” them, leading them to regenerate faster and look younger. Chemical cocktails have even been used as “booster shots”, encouraging these cells to regenerate quicker and look healthier than ever.

One team of researchers is conducting studies to produce HSCs (hematopoietic stem cells), the master cells responsible for making blood and bone marrow, that are younger versions of themselves and can then be transplanted into patients to extend life expectancies while decreasing the risk of leukemia or other diseases that often arise with older HSCs being used.

Recent experiments by the team focus on Yamanaka factors, chemicals which convert adult cells back into stem cells and have shown promise in mice studies; now the team must assess which combinations of chemicals work for human skin cells as well as for how long.

Reversing Aging in Humans

Researchers are exploring methods of delaying human aging through genetic manipulation. By intermittently stimulating genes to turn cells back into young ones, researchers hope to one day use these techniques as targeted therapies against specific age-related diseases.

Scientists had only ever been able to slow the aging process through genetic engineering of mice until recently; this recent breakthrough marks a significant achievement and could eventually lead to drugs that can reverse human aging.

Scientists have developed an innovative method for rejuvenating ageing or damaged cells in human bodies – for the first time ever successfully applied in human cells. Their research may help prevent or even treat many age-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and more.

The new technique employs a cocktail of chemicals to revive muscle and tissue cells while not completely altering their identity, providing added protection from becoming cancerous cells. Furthermore, these cocktails do not damage DNA or reduce cell function significantly.

Scientists are also exploring other means of rejuvenating older cells into younger ones, including using RNA to increase protein production that supports youth. One study involved injecting RNA directly into young mice’s bloodstreams to increase levels of the protein known as PF4. This led to improved brain function and cognition as a result.

Reprogramming factors may provide another method for combatting aging; these are genes designed to induce an anti-ageing response in cells. Although it has shown promise in mouse studies, its efficacy remains uncertain in humans. Scientists are working towards the creation of targeted therapies using these reprogramming factors that treat specific age-related diseases.

Potocsnak Longevity Institute at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is currently recruiting volunteers for an 18-month longitudinal study that will analyze the relationship between biological and chronological aging. Participants will undergo extensive assessments of their health and wellness as well as an in-depth molecular profiling analysis on all cells in their bodies.


Over the last 30 years, genetics and molecular biology have shed much light on fundamental cellular mechanisms and processes, including embryonic development and cell growth control. Furthermore, researchers have identified numerous genes supposedly implicated in human aging processes; however, none of these studies have shown they can alter rates or life expectancies significantly in humans – perhaps this is because long-term interventions require stringent experimental designs with duration requirements which make long-term intervention efforts very challenging to execute.

Reversing human aging through the reversal of senescent cells is unlikely, given their accumulation of genetic damage that renders them incapable of division. To overcome this limitation, researchers must devise ways of eliminating their presence without leading to uncontrollable cell growth or tumorigenesis.

One of the most promising approaches involves the use of small molecule compounds to trigger reprogramming, where old fibroblasts are transformed into iPSCs that can then differentiate to restore youthful phenotypes. Unfortunately, however, this approach has yet to be successful at increasing life span in animals.

Gene editing technologies offer another promising approach for reprogramming cells into younger phenotypes, but their use remains highly contentious due to the risk that cancerous cells could result from this process.

Gene editing technology has not been successfully translated to clinical practice among humans for several reasons, the main one being ethical considerations associated with its use on living subjects; these concerns center around who should benefit and their effects on society as a whole.

Scientists remain hopeful of their ability to extend human lifespan in the near future, even with setbacks like these. Recently, for instance, researchers reported being able to rejuvenate monkeys using reprogramming technology that erases their senescent phenotype. Furthermore, one recent study demonstrated how exercise and young blood transfusion can significantly slow down the aging process in mice by years or decades.

March 11, 2024Editor

How Hyperbaric Chambers Reverse Aging

Research published recently has demonstrated that high-pressure oxygen in hyperbaric chambers can reverse two major processes that contribute to aging – shortening of telomeres and accumulation of old or malfunctioning cells within the body – by effectively stopping their aging processes and actually making cells younger. This innovative therapy could become part of healthcare providers’ arsenals for treating elderly patients.

Patients enter a chamber and lie down while an experienced therapist gradually increases pressure within. This method allows those suffering from claustrophobia to tolerate treatment more easily.

Increased Oxygen Availability

Hyperbaric oxygen chambers contain pure medical-grade oxygen at much higher pressures than can be found at sea level (1 atmosphere absolute or ATA). This allows greater absorption by blood and tissues for faster healing by reducing swelling, combatting infections, and undoing decompression sickness effects.

Hyperbaric therapy increases oxygen availability to your cells, providing additional resources that may help reverse aging. One hallmark of aging is shortening of telomeres and an accumulation of senescent cells over time; researchers have discovered that HBOT may lengthen telomeres while also decreasing senescent cell accumulation in human tissues.

Hyperbaric oxygen can also reverse aging by revitalizing damaged cells and stimulating tissue growth. For instance, researchers observing skin cells found that chronic exposure to mild hyperbaric oxygen significantly increased proliferative activity and turnover rate of the epidermis of aged mice; this increase resulted in reduced fine lines and wrinkles as well as restored skin elasticity.

Research on muscle cells also demonstrates that hyperbaric oxygen significantly slows cellular senescence, suggesting it could improve muscular function for people suffering from age-related decline. Furthermore, mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment significantly reduced atrophy and oxidative damage in unloaded rats’ soleus muscles by hyperbaric oxygen exposure.

Before your session begins, we will ask that any metal jewelry and eyeglasses be removed as these could potentially interfere with the pressurization of the hyperbaric chamber. Once in, your therapist will close and begin increasing pressure gradually over 10 minutes (just like breathing regular room air!), during which you can relax or even take a nap if desired.

Hyperbaric oxygen should only be avoided in cases of untreated pneumothorax, a condition in which air in the lungs expands under pressure to form a bubble that must be quickly treated in order to avoid tension pneumothorax, which could prove fatal if left untreated.

Increased Blood Circulation

HBOT helps tissue regenerate and heal, increasing medication efficacy while decreasing decompression sickness risk. Chronic illnesses, injuries, or injuries that prevent oxygen delivery to affected areas impede HBOT from doing its work effectively; by helping deliver sufficient oxygen directly into these high-need areas such as open wounds or crush injuries.

HBOT can do more than promote blood vessel formation: It also reduces inflammation and enhances antibiotic delivery, making it effective against chronic infections such as diabetic foot ulcers or crush injury wounds.

Hyperbaric chambers may help slow aging by stopping telomere shortening, one of the primary indicators of aging. Telomeres are located on chromosome ends and control how long chromosomes live before breaking down and killing cells off; when too short, they begin to shorten and cause cells to die; HBOT helps reverse this progression by providing more oxygen directly to our bodies’ cells and tissues, helping stop shortening of telomeres from happening altogether.

Reversing the effects of aging requires ongoing treatments and lifestyle modifications, like those provided by hyperbaric chambers. While short-term results may be achievable through this form of therapy, sustained anti-aging results can only be attained with comprehensive holistic programs like Aviv Medical Program.

Hyperbaric therapy requires patients to enter a pressurized chamber filled with medical-grade oxygen. During their session, this chamber will be managed by a trained professional who stays in constant communication with them; this is especially important if treating an injury such as ears or lungs.

HBOT is a safe and noninvasive therapy option. In fact, some have described the experience of hyperbaric therapy sessions as similar to an MRI scan; however, they differ considerably since chamber doors don’t remain closed shut during an HBOT session.

HBOT is generally considered safe for almost everyone, though it is important to be informed of any potential side effects. The most frequently reported symptom is mild vision alteration due to increased chamber pressure; other individuals have reported hearing hissing noises or feeling warm in their ears (these symptoms typically resolve quickly). A qualified healthcare provider will discuss all risks involved before starting treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Increased Collagen Production

Hyperbaric chambers produce oxygen-rich blood that can reach damaged tissue and wounds to promote healing by increasing the number of new small blood vessels that provide fresh oxygen to these areas. Furthermore, this oxygen helps kill bacteria while stimulating growth factors that speed up our bodies natural healing process.

HBOT has proven itself safe and effective treatment for various medical conditions over many decades of medical diving and military use. Particularly suitable for treating conditions that take time to heal such as diabetic foot wounds and crush injuries, HBOT can also boost effectiveness of certain medicines including antibiotics.

Hyperbaric chambers fall into two broad categories, medical grade and non-medical grade (commonly known as mild or soft chambers). Medical-grade chambers are FDA-approved and covered by insurance; their pressure can reach 3.0 Atmosphere Absolute (ATA). Soft chambers typically reach 1.5-1.7 Atmosphere Absolute.

Soft or non-medical hyperbaric chambers, otherwise known as soft hyperbaric therapy devices, are “bags” made of polyurethane or canvas material which compress room air (containing only 21% oxygen) for therapy purposes, often advertised to treat various health problems despite not meeting all requirements for hyperbaric therapy.

Before your treatment begins, you will be required to wear a gown and remove dentures and partial plates, contacts lenses and eyeglasses. Also, any items which could spark fire such as lighters or battery-powered items should not be brought into the chamber for examination; we have lockers available for this purpose.

Your session in the chamber should be relaxing; many find they can sleep, read, or watch TV comfortably inside it. A hyperbaric technician will monitor your progress while in the chamber to keep you safe and ensure a successful session.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may cause ear and sinus pressure due to fluctuating air pressure. You may need to yawn or swallow to release pressure build-up in your ears and prevent buildup of pressure in the chamber causing mild feelings of claustrophobia that cause shortness of breath in some patients.

Increased Immune System Function

Hyperbaric therapy’s extra oxygen boosts immunity by decreasing inflammation and encouraging new blood vessel formation, while helping the body absorb and use other prescribed medicines more efficiently. HBOT may even have anti-aging benefits that affect other tissues and organs such as bones and muscles – this may explain why many patients report increased energy, focus and memory after beginning their regimen of HBOT treatments.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy uses a special chamber or tube filled with pure oxygen that is pressurized up to 2.5 times normal air pressure, pumping in pure oxygen at pressures up to 2.5 times the ambient air pressure. It is used to treat carbon monoxide poisoning, decompression sickness (DCS), chronic wounds that won’t heal and severe gangrene cases as well as certain infections and crush injuries that require lifesaving therapy.

HBOT treatments use HBOT to stimulate stem cell and growth factor releases to assist the body’s natural process of regeneration, increasing activity of white blood cells that kill bacteria and promote healing, as well as stimulating new capillary formation in areas with poor circulation such as diabetic feet or those affected by peripheral vascular disease. These treatments have also shown improvement in cardiovascular disease patients.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has the power to significantly decrease inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, by slowing tissue degradation caused by chronic oxidative stress and reverse aging by slowing telomere shortening (a biological marker for cell aging).

At each treatment session, you’ll relax comfortably for approximately two hours inside a chamber, reading, napping or listening to music – or all three! A therapist will be present throughout your stay in order to offer anxiety-relief techniques such as multiplace hyperbaric chambers if applicable (many Advocate locations offer multiplace chambers as an additional service) that allow several people to share. They allow therapists to adjust the air pressure within the chambers as necessary in order to accommodate for any claustrophobia issues caused by air pressure changes within chambers (multiplace hyperbaric chambers). therapists can adjust air pressure within chambers in order to accommodate for issues related to claustrophobia issues in addition to monoplace chambers used individually for individual treatments (monplace vs monoplace chambers).

March 11, 2024Editor

Alternative Weed Therapy For Pain Relief

Due to limited mental healthcare providers, stigma surrounding treatment, and existing pharmaceutical therapies with mixed results, many patients are turning to alternative weed therapies such as marijuana for relief. Consumption of its main active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) through food or drinks may prove beneficial; however it should also be carefully considered since its effects could potentially have both benefits and drawbacks.


Cannabis is an herb with therapeutic benefits that can be used in numerous forms – oils to edibles. Cannabinoids found in cannabis interact with the endocannabinoid receptors in your brain to alter mood, sleep patterns, appetite and pain responses in individual users – these effects will vary based on who consumes it; edibles often produce stronger highs than smoking or vaping due to entering through digestion and being processed through liver metabolism; this leads to longer lasting psychoactive effects lasting 30 minutes to one hour at the least.

There are many varieties of edible products on the market, ranging from cookies and candy bars to chocolate bars. Most of these edible products contain cannabis-derived cannabinoids combined with flour or other ingredients which makes them high in THC content, and will eventually metabolize in your stomach and small intestine before entering your bloodstream. While this method might take slightly longer than smoking a joint or device directly outside, edibles provide an easy and enjoyable way to enjoy cannabis!

Gummies are among the most widely consumed cannabis products, offering multiple flavors and strengths of THC that ranges up to 20 mg. An average dose is sufficient for most individuals; however, higher dosages may provide stronger or longer-acting effects. Edibles may affect drug tests; it’s wise to refrain from them if taking an exam in the near future.

Edible cannabis products may offer a safer option to smoking due to reduced lung irritation and potential cancer risks associated with inhaling smoke-filled cigarettes, though there remain several safety issues surrounding their consumption, including overconsumption that could lead to side effects like paranoia and anxiety.

Edibles can also pose serious danger to children. Mistaking them for other sweet snacks could result in overdosing on toxic substances; this risk becomes particularly apparent among young children who may not know how to read a label or recognize warning signs for an overdose.


Vaporizers provide a safe and cost-effective means of administering medical marijuana, by heating cannabis at an ideal temperature that vaporizes cannabinoids without burning plant material. This process is far safer than smoking traditional cigarettes or recreational forms of cannabis as it reduces exposure to toxic pyrolytic by-products while providing faster therapeutic window, faster onset effects, more discrete administration, cost savings over time and discreetness.

Vaporisers can be used to vaporize both dry herb and concentrates, producing cleaner and more flavorful vapor than smoke, full of beneficial compounds like THC and CBN cannabinoids. They have much faster onset effects than smoking; typically within 90 seconds and peaking after 15-30 minutes before dissipating within 2-4 hours.

Since its conception, the vaporizer industry has experienced explosive growth. Today there is an array of products on the market from high-end tabletop models such as Volcano and Storz & Bickel to portable and affordable options like those offered by Aspire and Volcano Vaporizers; some even boast interchangeable cartridges allowing easy material switching!

Portable concentrate vaporizers such as the PAX series and Grenco Science SWITCH Vaporizer have recently emerged to meet an unmet market need for on-the-go concentrate vaping. These units were created with portability in mind, designed to be small and discreet while still offering users convenient concentrate vaporization on-the-go. Utilizing induction heating technology with electromagnetic induction to generate magnetic fields which induce electromagnetic induction that heat the “induction cup”, where your concentrate sits.

Dr. Steck and his team stay current with all of the latest medical marijuana research studies and resources, and are always more than willing to discuss different techniques for using medical cannabis during consultations. They can show you how best to administer your medication via vaping or other forms of delivery systems.


Cannabis can be inhaled using a small heating device that vaporizes rather than burns the plant material, enabling patients to inhale beneficial compounds without inhaling harsh smoke. One study with 24 subjects suffering from herniated discs or spinal stenosis discovered that inhaling THC-rich cannabis reduced pain intensity while simultaneously improving function as measured by Oswestry Disability Index and SF-12 patient-reported outcome measures; participants continued with rescue analgesic medications (tramadol or oxycodone plus acetaminophen), but dosages were reduced significantly.


Most dispensaries stock some form of cannabis-infused cream or balm. More recently, entrepreneurs have developed various formulas including body oils, sexual lubricants, bath salts sprays and transdermal patches infused with THC or CBD or both; many also contain essential oils for added benefits.

Topicals are intended to be applied directly to the skin. Their formula of lipids interact with receptors in your skin to ease pain and inflammation. While application methods vary, most often it involves spreading a thin layer of product over an affected area – anecdotally they work best when applied directly over clean, dry skin.

Topicals won’t get you high or show up on drug tests like vaping or edibles will. But they could contain other ingredients that have an effect; so it is essential that you are aware of exactly what ingredients may have an impact.

Tinctures are another form of medical cannabis that can be administered either topically or sublingually (by dropping under your tongue). When applied topically, full effects typically take two hours to kick in; their duration ranges between four and six hours. Tinctures make an excellent microdosing method as you can administer small doses to test tolerance levels.

If you prefer something simpler, a MacGyver solution can be created by mixing half a dropper’s worth of tincture with existing cream or lotion in order to form a topical. Apply the mixture onto your skin, rub in gently until a thin layer forms.

Olamide Olowe became the youngest Black female entrepreneur ever to raise millions, when she established Topicals in 2020. Since then, she and her team have set out on an ambitious journey of self-care combined with treating chronic skin conditions. Committed to giving back, they’ve donated $50k each to five organizations dedicated to mental health resources in marginalized communities – as over 85 million Americans experience some sort of dermatological issue, it is no wonder Olowe and her team have successfully raised so much funding.