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Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 10, 2025|Editorial

Rich Guy Obsessed With Reverse Aging

Bryan Johnson is an IT millionaire obsessed with reverse aging. His goal is to transform his 45-year-old body into that of an 18-year-old; for this purpose he spends an estimated annual sum of $2 Million and employs 30 doctors as monitors of his every bodily function.

Contrary to what many longevity-seeking billionaires may do, he shares his progress openly through a document known as Blueprint.

Johnson’s $2 million-a-year medical program

Bryan Johnson is spending $2 Million each year on an intensive medical program designed to reverse the signs of aging. His aim is to return all his body organs to 18-year-old age; an entire team of 30 doctors is overseeing his wellbeing – led by 29-year-old physician Oliver Zolman – that utilizes scientific literature as research sources and uses him as a guinea pig for promising treatments – such as heart, skin and lung capacity regeneration. They have already managed to turn back epigenetic clocks of some organs including heart skin and lung capacity!

His daily regimen combines strategic exercise, a low-cal vegan diet, and stringent skincare habits into his routine. Each morning, he takes two dozen supplements before drinking green juice containing creatine and collage peptides as well as brushing his teeth using tea-tree oil and an antioxidant gel; at nighttime, he wears glasses to block blue light before sleeping; tracking his progress in an online document known as “Blueprint.”

Johnson credits this regimen for increasing both his lung capacity and physical endurance, as well as having the heart, skin, penis and rectum of an 18-year-old. However, Johnson still suffers from smoking-induced damage in his lungs as well as having a fatty liver – an early indicator of liver cancer.

He recently started taking a medication which may reduce tumor growth and may help delay Alzheimer’s. Furthermore, laser therapies designed to regenerate his collagen and elastin may also help keep joints and skin flexible.


His costly and time-consuming routine hasn’t made him feel younger, but may have extended his life. He plans to continue the experiment and hopes to demonstrate that “eternal youth is not exclusive to scientists”. Additionally, his research may lead into gene therapy research; similar stories were depicted on HBO’s Silicon Valley in which one tech millionaire hired a “blood boy” to keep himself youthful.

Blood plasma transfusions

Tech millionaire Bryan Johnson has recently garnered much media coverage for spending $2 Million annually to reverse the effects of aging. Johnson is not alone; other wealthy middle-aged men such as Jeff Bezos and Peter Thiel have invested in Unity Biotechnology, a firm developing therapeutics designed to slow or reverse age-related diseases, such as cryotherapy chambers or “recovery sleepwear”. To go even further than other wealthy middle-aged men in combatting their bodies aging using extreme methods like blood plasma transfusions which were inspired by research showing older mice would gain from sharing circulation systems with younger ones. Johnson goes one step further with blood plasma transfusions inspired by research showing older mice benefit when sharing circulation systems with younger ones – an idea inspired by research which showed older mice benefited when sharing circulation systems with younger mice than when sharing circulation systems from sharing circulatory systems with younger ones.


Microneedling is a minimally-invasive skin treatment used to reduce scars, wrinkles and stretch marks. The process involves puncturing your skin with tiny needles which cause an inflammatory response which promotes collagen formation for tighter skin. Furthermore, this triggers your natural healing processes which helps smooth and even out its tone.

Microneedling differs from traditional facelifts or laser treatments in that it does not cause pain or have any downtime afterwards, meaning you can resume normal activities immediately afterward. You may experience mild bruising or redness after treatment which will subside quickly. Your healthcare provider may recommend multiple sessions depending on your individual needs.

Before beginning microneedling, a numbing cream will be applied to your face for added comfort during the procedure. Next, someone performing the procedure will move a pen-shaped or rolling tool with tiny needles across your skin in an effort to make small cuts; your body then responds by sending collagen and elastin cells in response. These new cuts help create the youthful appearance you are searching for.

As we age, our skin’s collagen levels decline, leading to fine lines and wrinkles. RF microneedling can help reverse this effect as it boosts collagen production while stimulating new tissue formation – often known as radiofrequency collagen induction therapy (RFCIT).


Laser Resurfacing can be performed on any part of the body, though it’s most frequently utilized on the face and neck. It helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin tone, reduce acne scars and restore firmness to areas such as arms or stomach that have lost firmness over time. The procedure also serves to increase collagen and elastin production which will ultimately provide greater firmness to these parts of your body.

Microneedling can be an excellent way to maintain healthy and youthful-looking skin. At JSJ Aesthetics in Salem, NH, experienced medical aestheticians can help determine whether this treatment will best meet your needs – contact them now to make an appointment and schedule one!

January 10, 2025|Editorial

Vibration Therapy For Back Pain

At Mile High Spine & Pain Center, we use percussive vibration therapy to alleviate back pain. This technique causes muscles to contract and relax as often as 12 times every second, providing much-needed relief from back discomfort.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of whole body vibration exercise for alleviating low back pain and improving quality of life; however, evidence for local vibration therapy remains limited.


Vibration therapy helps strengthen and build muscle while increasing bone density, contributing to weight loss. Vibration can also be integrated into wellness programs or combined with other forms of exercise like weight training and cardiovascular conditioning for enhanced results.

Vibration machines transmit waves through your body, causing muscles and joints to vibrate while increasing heart rate and blood circulation – helping you burn calories, build muscle mass, and shed excess weight without needing time for full workout sessions.

Vibration therapy can also be an effective means of pain relief. Studies show that vibration therapy stimulates muscle spindles – small receptor-like sensors in muscles and tendons which signal to your brain when you stretch or contract muscles; when experiencing back pain, these receptors may become misaligning and tighten up your muscles; vibration therapy is an excellent way to reset them, relieving pain while restoring normal muscle movement.

Vibration therapy offers numerous health and fitness advantages, such as increasing bone density, improving balance and coordination, relieving stress, increasing muscle strength and decreasing inflammation. No wonder vibration therapy is used by so many health, wellness and fitness centers worldwide!

Vibration therapy can be utilized for short-term use and only needs to be carried out three to five times per week for optimal results. You can customize both frequency and intensity to your unique needs and goals.

There is some evidence to suggest that vibration therapy can boost blood flow, with one study finding whole body vibration therapy helped people with diabetes increase their blood flow while another confirmed it reduced blood pressure in participants.

Vibration therapy may also provide assistance if you suffer from trigger points in your back or neck, also known as tight muscle knots that cause discomfort elsewhere in the body. Although painful and hard to break apart, vibration therapy speeds up this process thanks to percussive vibration from its machine which breaks apart adhesions allowing more free movement while relieving any associated pain.


The machine produces vibrations that stimulate your body to release more endorphins – natural painkilling chemicals – into your system. Furthermore, its rhythmic vibrations help relax the nervous system and lower cortisol levels which are linked with stress and anxiety. Furthermore, its boost to metabolism increases circulation to alleviate tension in muscles.

Recent studies demonstrate the efficacy of vibration therapy for alleviating back pain and increasing mobility. A research article published by Journal of Physiotherapy concluded that vibrational therapy had similar benefits as conventional exercise when it comes to flexibility and strength gains for chronic low back pain sufferers, improving ODI (Oswestry Disability Index) scores as well as SF-36 physical component scores.

Whole-body vibration therapy may help to lower the frequency of low back pain flare-ups. According to one study, people suffering from both low back pain and other musculoskeletal issues were given vibrational therapy twice weekly for six weeks in one group; the number of flare-ups decreased significantly compared with control group after only six weeks.

Vibration therapy may also benefit those suffering from fibromyalgia, another condition which causes muscle and joint pain. Vibrations help stimulate blood flow, strengthen immunity, contract muscles and relax them which reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

When adding vibration therapy into your workout regimen, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Some machines produce very powerful vibrations that could prove unsafe for those with certain medical conditions – if unsure whether vibrational therapy is safe for you or not, consult your GP or physiotherapist immediately.

Vibration therapy should be combined with other exercises in order to maximize its effects, for instance when added to yoga and meditation practices. Vibration can loosen muscles and enhance blood flow, making exercises easier while aiding deeper breathing and relaxation. Furthermore, vibration can serve as an pre-exercise warm-up before physical training sessions in order to prevent injury while increasing performance by decreasing muscle soreness afterwards.


Vibration therapy can be an ideal way for those suffering from back pain to begin exercising again, yet have difficulty doing so due to limited mobility. Vibrations help the muscles contract which is beneficial in strengthening and toning. Furthermore, vibration therapy improves flexibility as well as range of motion while increasing blood circulation for faster healing times.

Back vibration therapy should be seen as a low-impact exercise that can benefit people suffering from chronic back pain who cannot participate in high intensity exercises, leading to improved quality of life and helping alleviate symptoms such as muscle stiffness, back pain, and joint discomfort.

Studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of whole-body vibration (WBV) to relieve pain and enhance functional recovery for those living with LBP. WBV frequency and duration play an integral part in its effectiveness for each condition; for instance, low frequency WBV with at least five minutes duration has proven most successful at alleviating back discomfort while strengthening lumbar spine strength; another 2019 study demonstrated how just 15 minutes of low frequency WBV can also enhance back neuromuscular coordination and muscle flexibility.

Vibration therapy offers another advantage in that it strengthens bones by increasing density. This may be caused by stimulating osteoblasts – cells responsible for producing new bone tissue – which may prove particularly helpful for individuals suffering from osteoporosis and bone loss.

WBV can also help improve joint flexibility and mobility by stimulating specific parts of the body with mechanical vibrations to increase muscle activity and boost blood circulation, speeding up healing processes while decreasing swelling and pain.

Though many enjoy the advantages of back vibration therapy, there are certain considerations before beginning a regimen. Consult your physician first before using a vibrating machine; also adhere to recommended frequencies and intensities of treatment for maximum effectiveness.


Vibration therapy is an ideal solution for many individuals, whether they are recovering from spinal injury, working to build strength and flexibility or seeking optimal health in general. However, due to potential interactions with certain medical conditions it’s wise to utilize under supervision by healthcare providers such as chiropractors or physical therapists.

Vibration plates create vibrations that stimulate muscle contractions and promote increased blood flow to muscles and joints, leading to faster healing times for injured areas as more oxygen and nutrients reach injured muscles faster. Furthermore, increased circulation helps remove waste products from your body faster, helping reduce inflammation and improving overall joint health.

Vibration therapy stands out among its many advantages by its proven ability to alleviate pain. People commonly suffer from back or neck discomfort caused by inactive or stiff muscles; during a session on the vibration plate, muscle movement repetitively helps break down fibrous adhesions that bind the muscles together, providing pain relief while simultaneously helping prevent further episodes.

One key reason for its effectiveness lies in the vibrations’ continuous effects causing displacements, activating the “righting reflex.” This muscular movement helps restore cervical and lumbar spine curvatures faster than stretching alone can do; indeed it is much more effective.

Vibration therapy has long been utilized as an aid for weight loss, muscle toning and bone health; more recently it’s also gained attention as an effective tool in the management of chronic pain. Studies have demonstrated its power to release endorphins and enhance blood circulation – potentially relieving pain while speeding recovery – while stimulating lymphatic systems promote detoxification while helping decrease fluid retention; additionally it may enhance skin blood flow to help reduce cellulite or other aesthetic imperfections.

January 10, 2025|Editorial

Stochastic Resonance Therapy

Stochastic resonance therapy (SR) is a noninvasive approach using vibration and noise waves to train interactions between receptors, brain, and muscles and improve people’s ability to control their movements.

Vibration therapy has been proven effective at alleviating muscle and tendon tension as well as improving CJPS acuity. Both techniques use vibration waves that target specific parts of the body or use whole-body vibration (WBV). Both applications of vibration have shown marked reduction in neck pain as well as improvement of CJPS acuity.

It is a noninvasive therapy

Stochastic resonance therapy (SRT) is a noninvasive technique that uses mechanical vibrations to alter the balance of the body. Based on the principle that signals with irregular timing and noise better reach their receptors in the brain, SRT offers random stimulus that differs from whole-body vibration devices in terms of rhythm, amplitude and direction of vibrations; these variations allow postural adjustments regulated by central nervous system (CNS). Research has proven this method effective in treating musculoskeletal pains, balance disorders and changes in hormonal concentrations.

Stochastic resonance can be applied to a number of therapeutic applications, including vision rehabilitation. Research shows that neuroimaging-based sensory stimulation techniques such as tRNS improve visual stimulus detection and motion discrimination by inducing random activity into specific neurons that increase their responsiveness to external stimuli; it may also facilitate learning and neural plasticity, providing new treatment options for amblyopia, post-stroke hemianopia, and age-related macular degeneration.

At UMMS, Paydarfar and colleagues discovered an application of stochastic resonance phenomenon to treat apnea of prematurity, a common issue among babies born prematurely. By adding noise in the form of subtle vibration to preterm infant mattresses, noise-based therapies reduced rates of apnea, oxygen desaturation and bradycardia without disturbing their sleep.

Research in stochastic resonance is founded upon the law of physics which states that weak carrier signals, or carriers, are amplified by noise (chaotic additional information). This theory can also be found in quantum mechanics, where entanglement describes how information can be shared among objects at equal distance from one another. Here, the carrier signal is mechanical vibration of the body while noise refers to random fluctuations in its surrounding environment. By adding noise into this environment, carrier vibration can become much stronger and therefore more useful for communication with the brain – this is the basic principle behind stochastic resonance, which has wide therapeutic applications.

It is a form of vibration therapy

Stochastic resonance (SR) is a nonlinear vibrational stimulation with an inverted-U shape that uses high-frequency vibrations. SR therapy has several benefits, such as increasing stimuli amplitude and efficiency while decreasing overtraining risk and helping prevent injuries. SR therapy has also been utilized in treating chronic diseases like fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis while relieving pain, improving balance mobility and immune functioning; all three effects combined may help people live more productively lives.

Researchers using stochastic resonance whole-body vibration (SR-WBV), have discovered that short training sessions of stochastic resonance whole-body vibration can effectively decrease musculoskeletal pain in young healthy individuals. A multilevel regression analysis demonstrated how its benefits were caused by changes in pain perception and sensorimotor function; additionally frequency was demonstrated as being crucial.

This study involved 140 volunteers who were initially screened for health concerns before randomly being assigned one of two vibration groups – either low or medium frequency training programs – via randomization. Participants received a device which generated vibrations which were measured on floor plates of their body weights for measurement. Each series lasted 45 seconds with 40 s breaks between series. Amplitude ranged between 0.5mm to 3.5 mm depending on program chosen.

In the SR group, training frequency was 1.5 Hz – this being the lowest frequency that can be produced on floor plates without standing up. This frequency is determined by nature’s law that states vibrations can better be understood by our brain when they change over time; our body then adapts by sending new signals to muscles in response to new stimuli that come its way and send new ones in return.

Comparable to the control group, the SR group experienced significant reductions in neck pain intensity, pressure pain threshold and cervical joint position sense compared to prior measurements taken pre and post intervention by measuring participants’ musculoskeletal pain intensity. Although encouraging, further research needs to be completed in order to ascertain whether these findings are clinically applicable.

It is a form of electrical stimulation

Stochastic resonance therapy (SRT) is an electrical stimulation technique that utilizes noninvasive battery-powered stimulators to provide random low-level currents to the brain, stimulating neural activity and motor skills development while encouraging homeostatic changes within it. SRT has proven itself safe and effective as an approach for treating cerebral palsy as well as many other conditions.

tES alters neuronal states through various current waveforms applied transcranially, including direct current stimulation (tDCS), alternating current stimulation (tACS), and random noise stimulation (tRNS). These forms of stimulation can alter resting membrane potentials and modify synaptic efficiency as well as induce long-term potentiation-like effects in neurons; its effects depend on various factors including stimulation duration and location.

These effects can be achieved both offline and online procedures. Offline procedures involve performing a task or behavior before and after stimulation to compare how your brain responded. This method is frequently employed when conducting studies using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), which may explain why its results can often be unpredictable.

The brain is an organic system capable of adapting itself to stimuli in multiple ways, including the application of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). When exposed to different stimuli such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), its response may include producing homeostatic reactions in order to balance cortical network’s dynamic range – especially if not targeting any single neuron directly.

Although its exact mechanisms remain elusive, tES is widely believed to influence both offline and online processes. This is likely due to how tDCS affects multiple networks in an attempt to prime one over another; furthermore, bias or prime can alter network states in preparation of an assignment or condition that requires it.

One such phenomenon observed in patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy is the SR effect. This type of vibration causes their bodies to move in unison and produce strong and sustained muscle contraction, helping patients regain control over their muscles while making more independent movements with hands and arms. Furthermore, this phenomenon helps develop balance and posture as well.

It is a form of mechanical stimulation

Stochastic resonance therapy relies on mechanical stimuli amplifying signals too weak for sensors to detect. Furthermore, such stimuli may alter the signal-to-noise ratio so only frequencies corresponding to the original signal are amplified – making it possible for it to be effectively detected by sensors. Stochastic resonance therapy has proven an extremely successful form of mechanical stimulation for neurorehabilitation to help improve quality of life in those suffering from various neurological diseases and disorders.

Stochastic mechanical stimulation can prevent degeneration of neurons and promote nerve connection regrowth, making it particularly helpful when the spinal cord has been injured or is compromised due to disease such as Parkinson’s. Furthermore, stochastic mechanical stimulation may help restore function to damaged muscles and tendons as well as relieve joint pain and stiffness – ultimately improving gait and posture in Parkinson’s patients.

Vibrations produced by stochastic resonance can activate proprioceptive sensors found within muscles, tendons and ligaments, sending information back to the brain which then gets translated into input for motor cortex and translated into movement by the limbs – this explains how stochastic resonance helps reduce Parkinson’s tremors as well as related movements like bradykinesia and sluggishness.

Stochastic resonance not only impacts proprioceptive sensors but can also impact cortical networks within the brain by increasing synchronization between motor cortex and spinal motoneuronal pools – which makes learning motor tasks simpler.

Researchers of this study discovered that SR-WBV reduced musculoskeletal pain among young healthy individuals. This discovery is particularly noteworthy considering musculoskeletal pain is a widespread workplace problem and difficult to treat; thus they used a randomized controlled trial method to examine its effect.

The authors of the study conducted an experiment in which they compared two groups and measured daily musculoskeletal pain across four weeks of training using either 5 Hz SR-WBV or 1.5 Hz training frequency devices for four weeks, as well as including a control group which did not use these devices. Their findings confirmed that just four weeks of SR-WBV training can significantly decrease pain among young, healthy individuals.

January 9, 2025|Editorial

Wave and Holographic Genetics

Gariaev‘s research differs significantly from traditional genetics by taking an expansive view of genome. He and his team of biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguists have discovered that our genome exhibits wave and holographic properties.

They have demonstrated how DNA can transmit information over distance, prompting damaged organs to regenerate.

Understanding the Wave Structure of DNA

DNA is a double helix that contains genetic information encoded within its two strands. When cells divide, their two DNA strands become detached and begin producing their complementary sequence under the influence of DNA polymerase enzyme. As these charged pairs move with one another during cell division, electromagnetic waves are created (Figure 1).

Hexagonal and pentagonal parts of molecules store waves and energy. This energy is then transmitted via coiling regions that create solenoid-like circuits; when excited they emit electromagnetic waves which interact with other DNA strands. These interactions form the basis of wave theory genetics.

Montagnier and others have discovered that certain bacterial DNA sequences produce electromagnetic signals of very low frequency when suspended in dilute aqueous solutions, known as DNA “waves.” A graphene or metal tube, generator, inductor, and scope can be used to measure these DNA waves; their frequency even allows us to tell whether chick embryos are male or female due to differences between male and female cells when it comes to DNA topology.

Wave Genetics

Wave genetics is an intriguing theory which proposes that our genome works not just on a biochemical level but also through electromagnetic waves. This concept suggests we could use electromagnetic waves to instantly transmit genetic information across distances–an exciting thought with far reaching implications.

This new theory proposes that DNA serves not only as the blueprint for our physical bodies, but also functions like a hologram with each cell acting as its own independent “wave copy.” These copies can then be combined to produce three-dimensional images of an organism as whole or produce multiple views of one cell (differing perspectives).

Russian researchers have also discovered that our genetic material can be altered and reprogrammed via acoustic, electromagnetic, and scalar waves without having to cut out and replace individual genes –as is traditionally done in genetic engineering. This research can explain phenomena like clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous healing acts from remote places (remote healing acts are similar), affirmation techniques used for healing purposes like affirmations techniques or unusual light-auras around certain people such as spiritual masters as well as mind’s influence over weather patterns among others.

Dr. Gariaev‘s studies reveal that sequences of nucleotides found in DNA share similarities to human language, providing the basis for genetic linguistics – an emerging field which suggests our genes could actually communicate with us directly. His experiments also demonstrate how vibrational frequencies in our genes can alter physical reality by producing magnetized micro wormholes.

He demonstrated how our DNA can be affected by our thoughts and emotions, including thoughts that affect reprogramming. His work also demonstrated that sound and light frequencies could help heal our bodies naturally without cutting out and replacing individual genes – something known to esoteric and spiritual teachers for centuries; now it has been scientifically demonstrated and explained. However, correct frequencies must be utilized in order for this method to work successfully; that’s why it’s crucial that you find your personal resonant frequencies and use them regularly so your DNA stays healthy and strong!

Transmitting Genetic Information

Electronic communication of genetic information is by far the most prevalent way in which genetic data can be spread; this may include websites, social networking, email, text messages and mobile apps being used to share genetic data. While there may be numerous reasons for sharing genetic data this way, it’s essential that all those sharing genetic data understand its risks; including privacy risks as well as ethical and legal repercussions associated with its dissemination.

One major concern related to genetic information transmission is its potential use by insurers or employers for discriminatory purposes in employment and health coverage decisions, which would violate individuals’ rights against discrimination due to medical or genetic considerations and privacy protection laws, while also running counter to fundamental principles of medical ethics which place human dignity and rights as priority over scientific or socioeconomic goals.

At present, insurance companies and employers can legally request genetic information from applicants for life, disability, long-term care, critical illness and income replacement insurance policies. This presents numerous ethical and practical issues, such as concerns that genetic testing will be misused beyond its intended purpose of identifying hereditary disease risks, as well as applicants being dissuaded from seeking tests due to fears of discrimination or fear of stigmatisation.

One way to reduce these risks is requiring that genetic information is stored separately from patient medical records, to reduce its chances of transmission to insurers or employers and protect it through existing privacy and antidiscrimination legislation. Unfortunately, this would increase health-care costs as well as make getting necessary treatments more difficult for patients.

As another way of mitigating genetic information misuse, laboratories must also be properly configured and secured. This requires conducting a comprehensive security evaluation of their entire laboratory environment – from DNA sequencing instruments that generate data directly to all laboratory equipment connected via networked communications – including vulnerability scanning, packet monitoring, digital forensics full stack assessments hardware teardowns. Policies and procedures in place to safeguard information leakage such as management oversight will need to be considered in addition to how information flows are monitored by IT staff should also be carefully considered.

Regenerating Pancreas

Regenerating the pancreas is an integral goal in the fight against diabetes, with researchers working toward re-establishing its ability to generate its own endocrine islets – responsible for producing insulin and other hormones – by producing new pancreatic cells and creating the right environment in which they thrive. They’re also developing methods of transferring these new cells back into the body while testing them against its effectiveness against treating this form of disease.

The pancreas consists of two distinct components, with exocrine pancreas responsible for digestive enzyme production and exocrine pancreas responsible for producing digestive enzymes; and exocrine pancreas responsible for producing digestive enzymes; endocrine islets produce metabolic hormone insulin; however their regeneration capacity is extremely limited and any damage to them almost invariably leads to type 1 diabetes. Researchers are exploring several strategies to halt this progression including stimulating endogenous B-cell proliferation, reprogram non-islet cell types to produce insulin as well as transplanting new islets from genetically engineered animals.

Researchers in the Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics are taking multiple approaches to regenerate and protect pancreatic islets. Additionally, they’re exploring which genes regulate how islets function as well as whether their function has been impaired due to diabetes.

They are also researching ways to re-create the normal cellular environment necessary for islets to function, which will require an in-depth knowledge of pancreatic beta cell biology. Beta cells produce insulin – a hormone which regulates your blood glucose levels – from groups known as islets of Langerhans in your pancreas, producing this hormone that allows certain cells to absorb glucose from your blood and convert it to glycogen which is stored in liver and muscle tissues until released when food is eaten reducing sharp spikes in blood glucose after meals.

Dr Gariaev‘s groundbreaking research proves that DNA, once thought to be static and static in its expression of life, is in fact dynamic and living system that can adapt and change itself through codon rearrangement in DNA strings. His discoveries have opened the way to cutting edge technologies like distant healing and noninvasive organ regeneration processes; significant longevity extensions; quantum computing.

January 9, 2025|Editorial

What is Spooky2?

Spooky2 is the world’s most advanced and flexible Rife system available. With remote, contact, plasma mode capabilities as well as generator and scalar wave generator features, this multifunctional device offers advanced Rife imaging solutions.

While testimonials regarding the device exist, mainstream science remains skeptical due to a lack of rigorous clinical trials and possible placebo effects.

Spooky2 – The Rife Machine

Spooky2 is a multi-functional Rife frequency device which claims to eradicate pathogens and promote healing. By combining multiple frequencies for treating diseases, viruses, and bacteria based on the principle that each organism has an individual resonant frequency – proponents of Spooky2 maintain that these frequencies disrupt these organisms’ structure or functions, leading to either their death or neutralization. While its claims have been met with considerable skepticism by some healthcare practitioners and consumers alike – nonetheless Spooky2 remains a popular alternative treatment choice among alternative healthcare options as an alternative treatment option.

Spooky2 machine’s software can be easily downloaded and utilized at no charge. Once installed, just click the desktop shortcut to open it; once there, navigate to Programs tab and search for your condition or pathogen of interest; double-clicking will activate generator and set its wheels turning!

Spooky2 comes equipped with not only software but also various accessories and hardware – the Spooky2 Plasma being its most innovative accessory, which applies Royal Rife’s original frequencies directly without needing an intermediary carrier, making it the most efficient Rife treatment system available today. In addition, it can also serve as a Clark Zapper, nanocolloidal silver production, foot tub detoxes or pest elimination in your home.

An important addition to a generator’s high-power contact output is a PEMF coil, which can be attached for pain relief and healing by placing it over painful areas, or frequency entrainment to control symptoms such as insomnia or anxiety.

Spooky2 offers many other methods of applying frequencies, including contact pads, remote application and audio frequencies. Some programs may require one or more of these approaches in order to be effective – for instance the Morgellons protocol to clear away parasites and heavy metals may use this approach as well.

Spooky2 comes equipped with an intelligent biofeedback scanner to pinpoint the ideal frequencies for each individual user. The system uses non-damped pulsed cardiac monitors to identify any stress caused by sweeps and correlates this data with frequencies responsible; this information can prove extremely useful when trying to select an effective frequency solution for an issue.

Spooky2 – The Software

Spooky2 is a controversial device marketed as an effective alternative health solution. The device draws inspiration from Royal Raymond Rife, who was said to have invented a machine capable of killing disease-causing organisms through frequency. A modernized version known as Spooky2, Spooky2 has since gained considerable traction among alternative healers who claim that its supporters believe it can treat cancer and other serious diseases with it – however mainstream science remains skeptical due to a lack of rigorous clinical evidence backing up such claims.

Spooky 2 is an intuitive program that lets users generate and transmit different frequencies to specific areas of the body, with creators of this software claiming that these can disrupt harmful organisms’ resonant frequency, killing them off. Furthermore, there is also a library of pre-programmed frequencies targeted towards specific health concerns as well as biofeedback scanning functionality for identifying anomalous frequencies within our bodies and providing solutions.

Spooky2 software also features global transport controls for multi-generator rigs, individual channel gating on each output, pause scheduling and autostart capabilities, as well as powerful features like global transport controls for multi-generator rigs, individual channel gating per output channel and autostart capability. In addition, it can create and transmit scalar waves – which some consider extremely powerful waves capable of changing weather, destroying cities or even causing earthquakes and tsunamis – as well as create and transmitting them via remote, contact, cold laser or PEMF; additionally it can create high quality colloidal silver that can treat various ailments effectively.

Spooky2 can be downloaded for a free trial from the company website and run in Test Mode without the need to connect a physical generator to their computer. In addition, this version provides both a Quick Guide and comprehensive tutorials to get users acquainted with its features.

Though Spooky2 may seem promising, it’s essential to remember that its technology should not replace conventional medical care; rather, it should be utilized under the supervision of healthcare providers as an adjunct tool so users can be certain they’re receiving accurate diagnosis and effective treatments for their health concerns.

Spooky2 – The Accessories

Spooky2 comes equipped with various accessories to enable it to be used in numerous ways, from remote frequency application through contact, PEMF and cold laser therapy to radionic frequencies for top-grade Colloidal Silver production. Furthermore, its comprehensive manual covers all connections as well as protocols including scalar wave imprinting for healing.

Spooky2 Boost v3.1 power supply boasts high-end specifications to ensure stable operation even under adverse conditions. This robust power source can support four Spooky2 XM generators running either pure scalar mode or Rife scalar mode; additionally it includes a regular socket for lower power applications like producing colloidal silver.

Spooky2 users often turn to its Phanotron tube, used by Royal Rife in his 100% successful cancer clinical trials, for assistance. Our Spooky2 Phanotron has an adjustable control grid that enables users to fine-tune anode and cathode potential levels, so they can transmit frequencies with different intensities that target specific issues in the body.

PEMF coils can also be connected directly to your generator for frequency imprinting and entrainment, powering Spooky2 remotes in contact mode, as well as having a built-in radionics socket so you can use your generator with radionics instruments.

As part of your shipment, a BNC cable is also included that connects directly to the generator connection and allows you to experience Rife scalar therapy. This high-quality cable features double shielding with thick gauge copper wires coiled around an exclusive ferrite core for ultimate signal integrity and noise prevention. In addition, its metal cap prevents electrical noise interference from disrupting signal integrity.

Spooky2 is an innovative, user-friendly Rife machine that provides numerous health benefits. Utilizing cutting-edge scalar technology capable of sending frequencies beyond human auditory range, Spooky2 can send frequencies that disrupt pathogen resonance while encouraging cell regeneration – not to mention alleviating symptoms associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Spooky2 – The Guide

Spooky2 stands apart from other Rife devices by not just treating patients directly. Instead, its app utilizes quantum entanglement between you and your smart phone or tablet to transmit frequencies for self-healing and wellness, using contact mode frequencies with TENS pads, silver gloves/socks/bands/internal electrodes). Furthermore, plasma tube and biofeedback scanner capabilities complete its package.

The program features several tabs with specific functions and settings – each one featuring its own Help section. General Settings provides access to adjustable power output and frequency range of each generator as well as the polarity of parameters such as voltage. You can also set a password protection so no-one else changes them while also activating auto-update for modules/program updates.

When you’re ready to scan frequencies, click on the arrows at the bottom of your screen to select a category. There are various choices here such as full spectrum frequencies as well as known viruses and bacteria. In addition, you can choose specific organ or system for scanning as well as behavioral issues.

After your scan is complete, Spooky2 will present a table listing all detected frequencies. Clicking any row marker will give a brief description of that frequency’s effect and how it works in the body; additionally you can click the button to add this frequency to your custom database for repeat treatments.

If the frequencies you scanned didn’t produce the desired effect, click on the arrows at the top of your screen to experiment with various settings combinations and find what suits best for your program(s), saving it into your custom preset collection for future reference.

Spooky2 logs all errors encountered during its usage here, along with their date and time stamp. A – button can be clicked to clear all error messages while the Write Button allows you to record this list of errors in a text file for later reference.