Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

June 8, 2024Editor

The Basics of Bio Resonance

Bio resonance works on the principle that all substances emit frequencies, which our body senses and translates into symptoms or illnesses that present themselves.

Stochastic resonance was first demonstrated experimentally using neurons. An up-and-down mechanical pressure signal combined with noise at various intensities was combined, then neuronal responses were measured extracellularly.

Electromagnetic Resonance

Electromagnetic resonance is the phenomenon whereby a system can generate large-amplitude vibrations when exposed to small periodic forces, even those as small as those found in our Solar System. Resonance applies to all vibrations or waves including sound waves, electromagnetic fields, gravitational waves and seismic waves in Earth. Resonance plays a central role in musical instruments and machinery as well as electrical circuits and radio equipment – even birds singing can benefit from resonance! Resonance occurs naturally as when planets in our Solar System resonate against each other giving rise to gaps between their rings – creating gaps! Resonance also plays a crucial role when planets interact naturally with each other producing gapping between their rings that produces resonance between each other creating gaps in their rings which allows light through and creates gaps in their rings which create gaps.

Resonance in particle physics is typically studied in terms of quantum mechanics or quantum field theory. An example would be the Mossbauer effect, in which electromagnetic interactions between two particles lead to emission and absorption of photons.

Resonance can be understood in its most fundamental sense as the phenomenon in which every oscillatory frequency has an inherent natural harmonic, known as its resonant frequency, that can be detected. For instance, an atom’s vibrational frequency is around 13.6 billion hertz; therefore its magnetic field at its center resonates with this frequency.

Many materials exhibit resonant frequencies which can be detected in their electromagnetic radiation, and used to assess properties. Chemistry and medicine often employ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). NMR spectroscopy uses electric current pulsed through a coil of shielded wire pulsed at hydrogen nuclei’s resonant frequency in a sample to record any magnetic response resulting from hydrogen nuclei’s resonance with magnetic fields external to itself; how many spins are detectable depends upon temperature, material nature and strength of external magnetic fields as well as temperature, nature of sample as strength of external magnetic fields.

Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) is another bioresonance technique. ESR works similarly to NMR, only it focuses on electrons instead of nuclei or ions for analysis. Unfortunately, its material testing capabilities are more restricted as materials must possess unpaired electrons as well as be paramagnetic.

Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)

FRET is an extremely useful technique for imaging intermolecular interactions within cells, such as protein-protein or DNA-DNA binding. The FRET technique works on the principle that when two fluorescent molecules come close together their emission and absorption spectra overlap and energy can then be transferred from donor fluorophore to acceptor fluorophore through intermolecular dipole-dipole coupling to increase acceptor fluorescence while decreasing donor fluorescence at once – with its effectiveness depending on distance between them and which can then be measured by various methods.

FRET can be easily detected with acceptor photobleaching; when exposed to light, its emission increases as its emission is enhanced by energy from donor fluorophores absorbed during FRET and this ratiometric measurement allows you to quantify distances between donor and acceptor fluorescent proteins (FPs) via FRET interaction. Furthermore, this technique allows you to assess both FRET amount as well as individual interactions more precisely.

Another measure of FRET is the change in fluorescence lifetime for the donor molecule. When an acceptor binds with its donor, their distance decreases and the fluorescence lifetime decreases; this provides another means of assessing intermolecular association strength. Both frequency-domain and time-domain techniques can be employed for measuring changes in fluorescence lifetime changes as a measure of FRET indices.

Sensitized emission and polarized anisotropy microscopy are excellent choices for imaging fixed samples, since they do not rely on specific excitation wavelengths for each fluorophore. Both these methods may also be applied to live-cell imaging; however, with certain restrictions that should be noted; for instance if biosensors are being used to monitor activation of an ion channel then bleaching of its acceptor may interfere with normal functioning and should therefore be avoided as much as possible.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) occurs when electronic devices emit unwanted electromagnetic noise during operation, which interferes with and disrupts nearby devices and may potentially cause permanent damage. Unintentional sources include electric motors, inverters, rectifiers and treadmills as well as natural phenomena like solar radiation and cosmic radio waves; intentional sources include cell phones broadcasting signals.

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be classified into either continuous or impulse noise depending on its duration of interference. Continuous EMI covers a broad range of frequencies and affects multiple devices simultaneously; its source could come from manmade or natural sources and have different impacts depending on which devices it impacts; interference with television or radio could simply be annoying while interference with pacemakers could have serious repercussions.

Impulse noise emits over a narrow frequency range and affects only one or more devices at once. It may originate from either manmade or natural sources and oscillators are often the culprit behind these types of electromagnetic interference (EMI). Impulse noise may be hard to detect but may lead to serious performance degradation or even permanent failure, making detection all the more important.

Conducted electromagnetic interference, or EMI, occurs when there is an electric current flowing directly between two sources and receptors – typically along power transmission lines. It is the most prevalent form of electromagnetic interference (EMI), often caused by household appliances or lightning strikes causing interference with power lines or signals from high-powered magnetic equipment like Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines; similarly it can wreak havoc in industrial settings where high-powered magnetic equipment such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging machines are utilized; similarly in hospitals this interference could interfere with wireless communication hubs necessary for operations and staff coordination.

Shielding is often used to protect sensitive devices from electromagnetic interference (EMI). This method involves surrounding them with conductive materials to stop their own emission of EMI while at the same time blocking any coming in from outside sources. Wired and wireless networks must take additional measures such as using isolation transformers and physical distance between components in order to minimize EMI levels as much as possible.

Stochastic Resonance

Stochastic resonance is a generic phenomenon which observes how adding random processes, or noise, to nonlinear systems with multiple stable states can enhance their capacity to transmit and process information. This has led to numerous experiments and models across disciplines as diverse as neurophysiology, physics and information theory – while in biological sciences such as mechanoreceptors in crayfish tail fans or visual sensitivity in human eyes and brains it often plays an integral part.

Cascading effects are characterized by the counterintuitive phenomenon whereby an increase in information transmission or detection performance metrics, such as signal-to-noise ratio, mutual information, coherence or d’, actually increases rather than decreases at certain threshold levels. This effect stems from nonlinear properties of the system itself – its dynamic instability being one example – being leveraged to maximize measurement quality or, in the case of visual systems, enhance image quality.

Numerous mechanisms contribute to the occurrence of stochastic resonance. Of particular note are spatial coupling between bistable elements and periodic external forcing as well as interaction between dynamics within each element and periodic external forcing – this latter effect being responsible for creating the well-known “squinting effect” seen by human visual systems; by dispersing harmonic distortion across more of an object and therefore lessening overall intensity.

An illustration of this effect can be seen with suprathreshold stochastic resonance in neurons, where noise addition can significantly increase the efficiency of spike generation and transmission – also known as noise enhancement or noise coding.

Suprathreshold stochastic resonance occurs when responses to subthreshold stimuli are increased beyond threshold by random input noise of sufficient magnitude. A hard threshold may not even be necessary for suprathreshold stochastic resonance to take place; Hoch and Pearce’s study on integrated-and-fire model neurons demonstrated suprathreshold stochastic resonance even without one present!

June 8, 2024Editor

Spooky2 Rife Machine Review

Rife machines generate low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves but imperceptible by humans. They transmit frequencies which disrupt or kill harmful microorganisms or cells while simultaneously healing damaged ones back to health.

Spooky2 is the most effective rife machine available today, featuring free software updates and the largest frequency database on the market. It’s safe and can assist with various health conditions like Morgellons and Lyme disease.


Spooky2 is an electromagnetic frequency generation system. These non-audible frequencies, similar to radio waves, penetrate the body where they target harmful microorganisms and cells that invade it – ultimately eliminating them and healing affected areas with pinpoint accuracy. First popularized in the 1930s and long used today by practitioners for various health conditions; it now has over 250 frequencies available on Spooky2, making this an easy and relaxing way to enhance wellness and overall well-being.

Spooky2 Rife machines emit low-energy electromagnetic frequencies into the body that target invasive cells and bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites and worms in digestive tract. Frequencies are delivered via electrical pads placed on hands and feet or plasma tubes held by patient in their hand or mouth – safe yet painless therapy that may produce tiredness and headaches; multiple sessions may be needed over 30 minutes per day to see results depending on user. It is advisable to consult a health practitioner to identify what frequency would work best in each individual case case.

When first starting to use a Spooky2 rife machine, it is crucial to understand how its technology works. This device scans your body for stressors and their effects before correlating these findings with specific frequencies in order to create a program tailored specifically to you. Kinesiology helps identify which frequencies would best serve each person individually.

Spooky2 offers more than biofeedback – it features a large library of preset programs which can be used for different purposes, including supporting detox organs, relieving fatigue and stress levels and increasing energy levels. There’s even children- and pet-oriented options!

Spooky2 can be an invaluable aid for those struggling with health concerns, particularly chronic illnesses. To ensure maximum safety, sessions should begin slowly with shorter sessions gradually increasing over time until safety has been assured. People with sensitive skin may experience temporary redness or tingling sensations during treatment; these effects typically pass once their bodies adjust to it.

Frequency selection

Spooky2 frequency generator is an invaluable tool for treating an array of ailments. It enables you to easily create custom frequency sets that are easy to edit, while its flexible gating settings enable you to control frequency duration accordingly. Different frequencies have various effects on our bodies – you may want to keep an active frequency set running repeatedly to achieve optimal results.

Spooky2 offers several menus to assist with navigating its features. The Database menu opens a window that lists both main and custom databases; import zip files from either your computer or the internet is also an option here. Lastly, its Screenshot button saves an image file snapshot of Spooky2, useful if referencing its frequency list during treatment sessions.

Spectrum Sweeps utilize two frequency channels and a carrier frequency to create evenly spaced frequencies that can help detect conditions; they’re not as effective, however. If you need help pinpointing specific frequencies for any condition, Modulation sweeps may be more suitable as they modulate carrier frequency with specific frequencies to provide help in finding an accurate match for it.

Your program can be named and added to searches of programs. In order to identify it during searches later on, writing down its frequency will also help.

Spooky 2’s CCMP protocol will show how much silver there is in your water. Silver ions can disrupt cell function, so to reduce their exposure as much as possible it is best to drink plenty of pure water prior to and following each session. To reduce interference by silver, drink lots of pure water before and after sessions.

You have the option of applying frequency wobble if you wish to vary the amplitude of each output channel in the Advanced Menu. Furthermore, audio alerts will notify you whenever 0Hz transmission begins or program completion has taken place.


Spooky 2 offers the most advanced and powerful Rife treatment system on the market. With free software updates and access to an international frequency database, it remains an outstanding product for quick results. Unique features of the device include plasma mode, dynamic carrier frequency selection and remote mode – even multiple generators in one session are possible! Spooky 2 can treat many conditions including cancer, parasites, viruses, molds etc.

This program is easy to learn, with user-friendly graphics and an intuitive interface. It features a menu bar with several buttons on the screen for accessing and operating the program, plus presets designed for healing, detoxification, and zapping applications.

Customize the graphic display by altering font size and style; by default this program uses 8pt as its default font size, but this can be increased up to 16pt if necessary. Furthermore, you have the option to show or hide ToolTips and Preset Menu in Simple View mode.

Another key advantage of the program is its capability of applying frequencies without carriers, an important benefit because it eliminates unnecessary, potentially harmful fixed carrier waves while making deep penetration easier – ideal for targeting parasites, molds, cancer cells and bacteria in the body.

Spooky2 stands out from traditional Rife systems by using its advanced amplitude modulation (AM) technology, which sends frequencies with greater power directly to its target. Capable of transmitting frequencies up to 3 MHz, making it an excellent solution for treating diseases like cancer. Only Spooky2 Rife machine offers this unique feature and represents a game changer in treatment industry.

Spooky2 Rife system is easy to set up and requires no prior knowledge; additionally, it includes free online forums and Facebook groups where users can connect. As one of the most cost-effective Rife solutions available today, its versatility has proven effective across a range of cases while remaining highly dependable and straightforward for use.


Spooky2 stands out as an effective and cost-effective rife machine with its massive frequency database and biofeedback scan abilities, providing precise biofeedback scans to identify what frequencies your body requires. Furthermore, setup is straightforward as there are five modes of operation – plasma, contact, remote, cold laser and PEMF. Plus the company prides themselves on providing honest health solutions rather than making profits off these solutions!

Spooky2 stands apart from similar machines by operating independently from any software and does not need to be connected to the internet or an electrical outlet in order to operate. Plus, its history of usage will help protect you against losing settings! With its user-friendly interface and few buttons to navigate it is very straightforward for anyone!

To get the most from your Spooky2 machine, ensure that you read its user manual thoroughly. Doing so will give you a greater understanding of how best to utilize its program and how it can benefit your health; additionally, this guide may offer helpful hints and advice that make the experience of using it even smoother.

Some users may wish to make adjustments to the device; for instance, using different frequencies than recommended in the manual may be appealing. Furthermore, additional programs could be added by creating files within their file manager.

Spooky2 features an easy and straightforward user interface, making it simple for beginners to get up and running quickly with their machine. The program makes it possible for you to create customized frequency lists by either importing existing frequencies or entering your own. Plus, you can save your own lists for future sessions!

Spooky2 offers another useful feature in its ability to customize waveforms for output channels, giving you greater control over the quality of your signal and setting its amplitude and phase angle.

June 8, 2024Editor

Deepak Chopra, the Author of Quantum Healing, Solves a Daily Crossword Clue

Daily crossword puzzles are an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and expand your vocabulary. To develop your crossword skills further, read newspapers daily as well as researching word origins and synonyms; additionally you may benefit from consulting an online crossword dictionary in order to better comprehend clues.

The Eugene Sheffer Crossword is an intricate wordplay puzzle with long answers, which may prove challenging for beginners. To make solving it simpler, try prioritizing clues which are short and direct.

Answers for “Quantum Healing Author”

If you love crossword puzzles, chances are you have encountered the NY Times Mini Crossword. This daily crossword is often challenging and requires lots of thought – with clues drawn from different themes or popular culture; some interpretations may even be obscure or entirely indecipherable! Therefore, it is crucial that each clue be looked at closely so as to make more informed decisions when solving the puzzle; short answers tend to be easier to solve first.

Here are the possible answers for the crossword clue “Quantum Healing Author”. Deepak Chopra recently listed his La Jolla home with stunning ocean views for sale. As an author and well-known advocate of Transcendental Meditation (TM), Deepak is widely recognized for his holistic healthcare practices that combine spiritual beliefs with an integrated healthcare approach.

Search our crossword clue database for additional answers for this crossword puzzle, which has been used twice and yields two answers. If you know any additional hints to add for this crossword puzzle, let us know! If there are other clues available for it.

Deepak Chopra’s La Jolla House

Deepak Chopra has long been one of the go-to experts on New Age spirituality and medicine. His popularity and multimillion-dollar fortune are testament to this. Critics may accuse him of advocating a form of McSpirituality which is too consumeristic, yet many find comfort in his message of uniting East and West, mind and body science and spirit in an ever-more-polarized globalized world.

Chopra’s charismatic presentation and astute marketing skills have enabled him to bring Ayurveda, yoga and meditation into America’s mainstream consciousness. He has made these ancient sciences user friendly by making appearances on numerous prime time shows and reaching a vast audience looking for preventive measures that treat all aspects of wellness; also writing many best-selling books including his debut Ageless Body Timeless Mind book written in 1993.

Chopra, who turns 59 next month, is both an engaging showman and skilled healer. A regular guest on radio and TV programs, he also hosts public events such as dialogues with President Obama in 2014.

Chopra began his writing career as a novelist but ultimately changed careers to medicine, becoming an endocrinologist and eventually rising to chief of staff at a Boston hospital. However, his patients often suffered immensely while taking pharmaceuticals that simply mask symptoms rather than treat the cause of their suffering.

He arrived in America during the late 1960s and soon joined Maharishi Yogic Institute of America, which promoted Transcendental Meditation as an effective way to reduce stress and promote physical wellbeing. While working there he started writing, with Ageless Body Timeless Mind becoming his breakthrough book and setting off a successful publishing career.

His picturesque La Jolla home serves as the focal point of his empire. Built just for him when he bought it in 1993, its elegant, curvilinear structure commands stunning views of golf course fairways and Pacific Ocean from multiple decks and its swimming pool. Chopra recently listed this property for $5.65 million which represents an increase from what was paid back then (at $2.2 million).

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Deepak Chopra, best-selling author of Quantum Healing and other books, asserts that true wealth lies in harmony with the invisible, yet potency forces of the universe. In his best-selling work Quantum Healing he details seven spiritual laws of success including “The Law of Attraction,” “Polarity” and more – with “The Law of Purpose” standing out as being key; when aligned with one, an endless field of potential energy opens up for you that allows you to realize all your desires regardless of circumstance!

Eugene Sheffer Crossword February 8 2023 Solutions can be found on our site. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out – our dedicated customer service staff would be more than happy to assist!

The Transcendental Meditation Movement

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi made waves across Western society in the 1960s and ’70s with his spiritual entrepreneur approach to Transcendental Meditation (TM), captivating Baby Boomers disenchanted with war and social upheaval with his message of meditation and peace. Two thousand followers flocked to Fairfield, Iowa where they established their own university on an abandoned denominational college’s campus, offering instruction from toddlerhood through PhD degrees while engaging in Transcendental Meditation (TM). They found great insight into both mind and body with Transcendental Meditation’s deep understanding.

Deepak Chopra emerged from the TM movement as an advocate of mind and body interconnectivity, popularizing his ideas through various books such as “Creating Health” (1986) and “Quantum Healing” (1989). He advocated using traditional Ayurvedic medicine, while employing quantum physics to understand universal laws of healing as well as consciousness’s relationship to matter.

While the TM movement was highly visible and influential in America, some disbelieved its practices were similar to cultish practices. Joseph Weber conducted interviews with those both disillusioned with and committed to its practices in order to provide a full picture of an alternative utopia that, like so many utopian communities throughout American history, was both accepted and disapproved of by members.

The Rebbe likens Transcendental Meditation (TM) to non-Judaic worship practices like bowing, burning incense and worshiping false gods – but excludes teachings by gurus in his definition of non-Judaic practices such as Avodah Zarah. Therefore he advocates creating something called Jewish meditation as a replacement to wean people away from practices such as incense burning, bowing and treating the guru as gods.

June 8, 2024Editor

The Odin Biohacking Kit – Is it Safe?

With recent advancements in gene editing technology, biohackers can now delay the effects of aging and improve overall health by using DIY kits from companies like The Odin. But these DIY kits could pose potential danger if misused.

Ex-NASA scientist Josiah Zayner runs The Odin company, selling CRISPR DNA editing kits online that can be used to genetically engineer bacteria and yeast. His kits can also be used to genetically engineer human beings.

The Future of Biohacking

DIY biohacking is challenging today’s biotech industry by democratizing life sciences. Drawing upon hacker culture with open source hardware, software and information sharing; it emphasizes curiosity, expertise and experimentation within an active community of those passionate about biology and health.

DIY-Bio focuses more on innovation that benefits humanity than profit; this goal has led to the launch of many biotech startups such as IndieBio and Koniku that use biology with technology to advance novel materials development; food startups like Upside Foods and Finless Foods which promote ethical consumption have also seen their start thanks to this model; bio-based manufacturing utilizes natural resources as raw material sources.

Biohacking is not only revolutionizing innovation; it is also revolutionizing education and health. Biohacking has inspired the creation of DIY kits and online resources that enable individuals to conduct experiments on DNA and microorganisms at home – helping increase scientific literacy while sparking an interest in biology for young people who wish to pursue careers in this area.

Biohacking has also played an instrumental role in driving the creation of implantable devices such as brain implants and bioelectronics that may provide enhanced human performance. While still in early development stages, these implants could pave the way to an era of improved human performance.

Biohacking comes with many advantages, yet can present certain difficulties. DIY-bio can be dangerous if done improperly; its rise has raised questions regarding who or what constitutes “public”, since people involved are actively seeking knowledge, access and experimentation (Kelty 2010).

DIY biohacking poses another significant danger, in that it may lead to unequal distribution of scientific advancements. Critics may accuse gene-editing tool vendors of prioritizing profits over equitable distribution – potentially leaving marginalized communities without access to life-altering technologies.

The Impact of DIY Biohacking on Education

DIY biohacking has brought science to a wider audience and continues to gain popularity, due to the availability of user-friendly kits and tools such as CRISPR gene editing technology. This democratization of science can have far-reaching implications, from personalized medicine to sustainable agriculture; individuals also seek ways to optimize both physical and mental health by biohacking for improvement; Dave Asprey’s popular self-help book The Human Upgrade covers ways biohacking your body can help reach goals faster.

DIY biohacking has attracted a diverse group, spanning from individuals in their garages to scientists trained at academic research labs who engage in non-workplace-supported, hobbyist research projects on the side. VR/AR technologies further contribute to its popularity, creating immersive and engaging learning experiences.

Even with these technological advancements, many questions still exist regarding the safety and ethics of DIY biohacking. Some fear that democratizing science will result in loss of scientific integrity or public trust while others see it as essential for innovation to occur. In such circumstances, collaboration between academics and biohackers becomes even more crucial.

One of the more controversial elements of DIY biohacking is using genetically modified organisms. While most do not object to their use, there remain concerns regarding misuse or abuse. Furthermore, their increased popularity has increased pressure on regulatory bodies to oversee such activities responsibly.

Not despite any controversy, DIY biohackers are typically motivated by an earnest desire to learn and contribute to science. Their efforts have resulted in numerous projects being developed while also contributing to an open source knowledge exchange culture and supporting scientific collaboration. Furthermore, DIY biohacking helps change how we perceive biotechnology by challenging traditional assumptions regarding norms and practices of science.

The Impact of DIY Biohacking on Commercialization

An increasing number of individuals are engaging in body modifications in order to optimize health and performance, including food, exercise and even DNA-tampering experiments. These enthusiasts, known as biohackers, have inspired a host of products designed to give users more control over their health and wellbeing.

DIY biohacking is founded upon creativity and experimentation. Its pioneers have established successful companies like Opentrons – a robotic arm designed to simplify lab tasks – and Ginkgo Bioworks, which creates programming cells for industrial use – as testaments of how DIY biohacking is revolutionizing science. These examples showcase how biohacking can change science.

Though many view DIY biohacking positively, some worry about its potentially negative consequences and slippery slope towards eugenics. For instance, couples using CRISPR to edit their baby’s genome might not realize they are taking an extreme approach with serious medical and ethical ramifications.

Though hacking often has negative connotations, DIY biohackers usually have noble intentions. They support open access to scientific research and strive for greater genetic modification democratization. Furthermore, DIY biohackers believe essential lessons can be gained by tinkering with one’s body systems; an approach known as the ‘hands-on imperative’ established by computer hacker Steven Levy in 1984 that states: a key insight of life lies in doing things rather than reading about them.”

One of the greatest challenges facing biohacking communities today is finding ways to strike a balance between innovation and safety. Their primary aim should be providing tools and knowledge necessary for safe experimentation – something especially essential given that biohacking kits can be used to produce various life science products such as changing color or fragrance produced from prokaryotic organisms or even living in harsh environments; similarly it’s not hard to envision such kits being misused to produce disease-causing viruses.

The Impact of DIY Biohacking on Health

Biohackers are individuals who blend science with DIY experimentation to attempt to better their health. Utilizing tools such as nutrigenomics and fitness tracking, biohackers experiment with new ideas in order to manage chronic stress or poor digestion issues more effectively. Biohackers may even experiment with genetic tools like CRISPR in order to heritably alter cells of themselves or even an organism beyond themselves.

Biohacking democratizes science in many ways, as anyone can experiment and share their results online. But this type of experimentation can be risky without proper scientific training; many biohackers take extra caution when undertaking any experiments and follow strict safety regulations before undertaking them.

DIY-Bio presents an intriguing path toward scientific progress despite its risks. Ginkgo Bioworks emerged from this movement and now specialises in programming cells for specific applications to create synthetic biology solutions; their success proves how biohacker ideals can become profitable enterprises.

Though DIY-Bio has had a positive effect in democratizing science, it also raises ethical and safety issues that should be addressed by the scientific community. Due to this movement’s permeating effects on laboratory environments and obscuring distinctions between professional and amateur scientists, it has become more challenging than ever for those conducting experiments to determine who is responsible for them as well as whether the experiment poses health or public safety risks.

The DIY biohacker movement is an innovative form of activism that is challenging the boundaries of science and technology. It is a response to the slow rate at which new scientific discoveries become lifesaving medicines; an attempt at bypassing bureaucracy so solutions are produced faster than companies complying with regulations could.

As biohacking culture expands, it will be essential to assess how it can develop without endangering public safety and health. Remember that DIY biohackers have their own ethical codes of conduct and should abide by them all.

June 8, 2024Editor

Infopathy Reviews – A 21st Century Upgrade to Homeopathy

Infopathy offers safer and more natural pain relief solutions than ibuprofen alone, such as using Infopathic remedies as part of homeopathy therapy.

Infoceuticals (ICs), also known as electromagnetic healing signals recorded from substances with curative or therapeutic benefits. IC transfer devices enable these electromagnetic waves to be transferred directly into water or your body for natural healing purposes.

1. Does it work?

Infopathy is a platform offering “infoceuticals”, electromagnetic signals recorded from substances with healing or therapeutic benefits that are uploaded onto water or the body via an IC Transfer Device and help stimulate natural healing processes.

ICs offer an alternative to traditional drugs, and have scientific support to back their effectiveness. Some studies indicate that ICs can relieve symptoms associated with psoriasis, back and joint pain, chronic kidney disease and depression while helping the body heal after surgery.

Gunner Coin and Infopathy‘s partnership brings crypto trading and wellness technology together for investors to create innovative opportunities. By merging health tech with financial growth, investors will experience greater awareness and health in daily life while making cutting-edge healthcare solutions more affordable for everyone in their community. Likewise, Gunner Coin community will get to enjoy all the advantages offered by Infopathy through discounts and special offers; making their partnership an exciting milestone in both communities’ growth journey.

2. Is it safe?

Infopathy employs a device that infuses water, or your body, with electromagnetic frequencies from various substances known to have beneficial health impacts such as drugs, herbs, supplements and coffee – combined into infoceuticals which are then instilled directly into your system for maximum effect.

Gunner Coin members gain access to Infopathy‘s devices and IC library, making cutting-edge health solutions more easily available to them. This enables them to combine crypto trading with health tech, securing financial growth while strengthening personal wellbeing at the same time.

Discover more of the advantages of Gunner Coin here.

3. Is it effective?

Infopathy is a modern upgrade of homeopathy that enables users to download electromagnetic signals recorded from substances with healing or therapeutic properties, creating “infoceuticals.” These infoceuticals can then be imprinted via waves into water or the body using an IC transfer device and stimulate natural healing processes. Infopathy devices can also be programmed with various complexes mimicking everything from St John’s Wort to Viagra to alleviate knee osteoarthritis symptoms or depression symptoms and reduce electrosmog – manmade electromagnetic frequencies produced by powerlines and cellphones which disrupt cell metabolism -.

Gunner Coin and Infopathy have joined forces to provide a holistic solution for financial growth and health technology. Gunner Coin community members will now enjoy exclusive discounts and offers for Infopathy‘s leading-edge wellness solutions.