Alternative therapies that use natural substances might appeal to those who find traditional medicine harsh, calming them down and improving quality of life. They could be just the thing.
Nutritional, physiological, and physical approaches such as yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy, tai chi and Tai chi may offer positive health outcomes; others such as meditation and hypnotherapy also can have many mental health advantages.
Alternative medicine
Alternative medicine refers to practices and therapies outside the mainstream medical practices and therapies, including complementary and integrative approaches. Although alternative therapies may be used in place of or alongside conventional treatments, their efficacy remains less clear-cut due to relying more heavily on beliefs or personal experience than scientific research; some could even pose risks when taken instead of standard cancer therapies.
Alternative therapies may include diets, dietary supplements, herbal remedies, acupuncture and massage therapy as complementary therapies to complement conventional cancer treatments to alleviate symptoms such as pain or fatigue.
Alternative therapies have long been practiced across cultures worldwide; some forms of acupuncture therapy, for instance, is now recognized by many doctors as helping reduce side effects associated with chemotherapy drugs.
People often turn to alternative therapies in an attempt to treat or manage their condition, yet there is little scientific evidence of its efficacy. Some such as acupuncture have proven successful for some individuals – in fact there have even been examples of people being cured through these alternative practices! It is essential that any person considering alternative therapy carefully consider the risks and side effects before starting any type of alternative practice, consulting their physician first if unsure.
What are the differences between complementary and alternative therapies?
Although the terms complementary and alternative therapies are often used interchangeably, they have very distinct definitions. Complementary therapies are used alongside conventional medical treatment to improve quality of life and wellbeing; they don’t treat illness itself; some examples are relaxation techniques, talking therapies, meditation visualisation and acupuncture.
However, certain techniques should not be recommended when you have cancer as they could interfere with medical treatments or make them more uncomfortable. Furthermore, they could cause harm if not trained properly or misused.
No scientific evidence supports alternative cancer therapies such as acupuncture as effective cures. Some may seem promising and give false hope; however, no direct effect has been demonstrated to inhibit either cancer growth or spread.
Alternate therapies can be expensive and are rarely covered by health insurance plans, potentially creating financial issues if they become necessary for treating an illness or condition. Utilizing alternative therapies could decrease the odds of receiving effective conventional cancer treatments by delaying or prohibiting access. Consider whether or not combining alternative therapies with conventional ones, since this could prove more effective than either therapy on its own. For instance, there are therapists that specialize in using integrative therapy combining acupuncture and chemotherapy, known as integrative therapy to lessen side effects from chemotherapy treatments – this should always be discussed with a cancer specialist or GP beforehand.
The Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners promotes holistic esthetics as an approach to holistic wellbeing for clients, teaching that healthy skin reflects inner health and advocating natural products and noninvasive procedures as a path towards holistic wellbeing.
Cleansing, treatment, moisturization and photoprotection are the cornerstone of holistic skincare routine. Unfortunately, however, due to limited physician education time and poor patient comprehension this regimen may not be implemented successfully.
The Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners is a professional organization committed to holistic skincare practices. They offer estheticians services like liability insurance, continuing education opportunities and business resources while giving members a chance to network with fellow industry professionals and collaborate on sustainability practices within spa environments. In addition, this association supports organic products and sustainable spa operations.
Elina Fedotova founded the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners in 2007 to advance holistic esthetic concepts from a scientific educational viewpoint while advocating healthy approaches to beauty and wellbeing. Elina herself is an esteetician, cosmetic chemist and author of multiple best-selling book titles and magazine articles in esthetic. Furthermore, she owns and operates Elina Organics clinic/laboratory in Kalamazoo Michigan.
The Association offers workshops and conferences centered around health, skin, body and spirit. At these events, attendees gain education on organic, natural and holistic ingredients as well as demonstrations of European and Eastern methods for creating personalized skin care protocols and networking with other holistic estheticians. Furthermore, the association promotes holistic philosophies relevant to esthetics through educational presentations and social media posts as well as continuing education credits for estheticians pursuing holistic certification.
An holistic approach to skincare takes into account all aspects of life – emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing alike – as well as environment and community factors. A holistic esthetician takes these factors into account when creating treatment plans for each client to ensure long-lasting results and take full care in caring for all aspects of a client’s well-being.
A holistic skin care practitioner may suggest diet changes, herbal remedies and facial exercises to assist their clients in becoming healthy and happy. They will use organic products and non-invasive face massage techniques. Aromatherapy could also be added into treatments along with gems crystals lymphatic drainage lymphatic facial drainage or homeopathy and acupressure; any harmful treatments such as chemical peels or hydroquinone would be avoided by their practitioners.
Holistic skin care practitioners also advise clients with health problems to visit a physician or natural medicine specialist, teach the use of natural, organic foods and supplements that may assist healing from within, recommend breathing techniques, exercise programs, and stress reduction methods – these holistic healing measures may take longer to manifest on the outside but they will have lasting impacts on overall well-being.
Holistic skin practitioners attend workshops, seminars, and conferences regularly in order to stay current with the latest techniques within their industry. Certain states or countries mandate continuing education programs for estheticians; additionally these events present great networking opportunities with fellow skincare professionals.
They may also join a professional association in order to network with other holistic skincare practitioners. Some associations are national organizations dedicated to specific fields like aromatherapy or herbal medicine, while local groups may provide support and mentoring services for estheticians.
The Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners will host their biennial online conference from October 18th-21st 2020. This event features live ZOOM lectures, esthetic technique demonstrations and product vendor showcases for its members to learn about authentic holistic philosophies and natural wellness concepts relevant to practicing esthetics.
Holistic approaches to beauty, health, and wellness are becoming increasingly popular within the esthetics industry. Once considered inferior to more conventional or medical aesthetic treatments, holistic estheticians now employ various techniques, ingredients and practices that aim to give clients healthy yet beautiful skin.
Holistic skin care practitioners look beyond simply treating symptoms to address their source, creating balance in all areas of a client’s life and working toward harmony across every dimension – such as diet, exercise and massage. A holistic skin care practitioner also takes into account emotional and spiritual factors as emotional stress has an enormously detrimental impact on health issues including inflammation, hives, acne and psoriasis.
Holistic skin care practitioners can offer clients products that are both natural and clean without compromising effectiveness or safety. These natural products typically avoid parabens and other preservatives that have been linked with negative reactions; additionally they use ingredients less likely to trigger allergic reactions, like essential oils, colloidal silver, Geogard Ultra, ethylhexylglycerine and potassium sorbate which help ensure minimal allergenicity risks.
Holistic practitioners use various techniques in their practices, such as facial massage, lymphatic drainage and acupressure. She relies on organic whole plant formulas rather than machines for her practice and sometimes adds modern technologies like microneedling or platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatments as part of the holistic experience.
An holistic approach to beauty requires greater personal and professional commitment than mainstream skincare methods. A holistic esthetician must encourage their client to actively take part in their beauty journey, promote the benefits of living an active and balanced life including diet, and identify when stress is contributing. She may offer suggestions or services which can alleviate it.
Holistic skin care practitioners employ non-toxic, natural methods to enhance the aesthetics of clients’ faces. Usually undergoing formal training programs that teaches proper sanitation techniques, hair removal processes and treating skin conditions as well as offering makeup recommendations and skin care product advice, holistic estheticians also specialize in various areas such as exfoliation or aromatherapy treatments to give their clients optimal care.
Some states and countries require estheticians to obtain a license before performing their jobs, with such licenses generally covering training, testing and other requirements. Additionally, the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners (AHSCP) offers certification options that provide professional support and education.
The organization offers its programs through various institutes and universities throughout the country, with students required to complete reading assignments before attending class sessions in which instructors discuss pertinent topics with them and answer any queries that arise. Students also are encouraged to network with fellow estheticians in their region so they may exchange ideas and resources.
Estheticians who take an integrative approach to their careers find greater fulfillment with their careers. This is due to holistic skincare professionals being able to treat the whole person, not just their skin. This allows them to regain creativity while offering patients more satisfying patient experiences.
Holistic estheticians go beyond simply offering treatments; they also encourage healthy lifestyle choices for their clients, including eating a well-balanced diet, drinking enough water and getting sufficient restful sleep. Furthermore, holistic estheticians may endorse holistic practices like meditation or massage that can contribute to overall wellness.
Holistic estheticians may specialize in specific areas of skin care, such as organic skincare or Ayurved treatments, which will attract clients while increasing income potential. Independent practitioners can create their own holistic skincare business and set prices and marketing strategies accordingly; additionally they may connect with other estheticians within the holistic skincare industry through networking events or professional organizations.
Sound healing has quickly become an emerging wellness trend, using frequencies to energize both body and mind. Typically combined with meditation, this ancient practice provides a soothing sonic embrace to calm nerves and promote equilibrium.
Sound frequency therapy can increase low brainwave frequencies that are lacking among individuals suffering from co-occurring disorders, such as addiction and depression. This therapy may help to alleviate stress, anxiety and mood disturbance while simultaneously improving sleep quality.
Improved Blood Circulation
Sound waves and vibrations can be used to induce tissue resonance – an innocuous yet safe process within our bodies that supports healing by prompting an array of physiological responses that promote healing, restore homeostasis and promote overall homeostasis.
Research shows that rhythm and sound play an integral part in human lives, as evidenced by numerous clinical trials. Our brains actually resonate with certain frequencies; when combined with soothing music or meditation sessions, this can produce powerful relaxation experiences that benefit all aspects of health and wellbeing.
Frequency healing, commonly referred to as sound therapy or “vibrational healing,” has been shown to effectively relieve symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Benefits associated with sound-based vagus nerve stimulation include improved circulation and reduced cortisol levels; both can have profoundly positive impacts on our mental health and overall well-being.
Frequency healing often causes confusion among its practitioners. Some may believe that certain frequencies, like 432 Hz, possess special powers or that these frequency can be heard with tuning forks; however, numerology and association of Solfeggio frequencies with sacred geometry or Fibonacci sequence are unscientific practices with no scientific basis whatsoever.
As our bodies vibrate at specific frequencies, they may also resonate with other frequencies simultaneously. If you strike one tuning fork and bring another fork that vibrates at its same frequency near it, they will both start to resonate together – just as our natural frequency of 7.83Hz resonates with other frequencies in our environment.
Acoustic Wave Therapy, the type of sound therapy I practice, uses sound waves to break down calcium and fat buildup in our arteries, widen arteries, improve blood flow and promote healthy cell growth – therefore serving to widen them, increase circulation and promote cell health for improved results. Acoustic wave therapy has proven highly successful for treating many conditions from muscle injuries to erectile dysfunction.
Reduced Stress
At a sound healing session, you’ll experience vibrations that resonate throughout your body to promote both physical and emotional wellness. Client feedback consistently highlights the transformative power of frequency healing solutions such as vagus nerve stimulation therapy.
Sonic healing is an ancient art gaining increasing attention among millennials searching for alternative means of alleviating stress and improving health. Employing sound frequencies to balance the body’s energy fields and promote healing on a cellular level, sonic healing involves immersing oneself in a meditative atmosphere with soothing sounds like singing bowls, gongs, and tuning forks that stimulate you while you lie down to relax into its vibrations.
Sound healing frequencies differ from traditional music in that their vibrations are designed to align with human bodies. By stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system, which slows heart rate and increases blood flow to your brain, sound frequencies can help lower stress and anxiety levels while opening up blood vessels through vasodilation (an effect called vasodilation).
Sound therapy has been proven to effectively relieve pain, alleviate depression and promote overall mental health. Furthermore, it encourages self-healing as well as release of lower vibrations or stagnant energies that have built up within our bodies.
Audio frequency therapy not only has physical benefits, but can also trigger the relaxation response to address chronic stress symptoms like digestive disorders, cardiovascular disease and endocrine conditions. The relaxation response can help maintain a healthy weight by combatting high blood pressure and improving sleep quality – not to mention improving your quality of life overall!
According to Soaak’s founder, frequency healing is becoming more popular with millennials because its scientific foundation and support from research prove its efficacy. She notes that people have long used sound to alter their state of mind – many ancient civilizations even relied upon sound for therapeutic and healing purposes!
Though the benefits of frequency healing may seem miraculous, claims often lack scientific rigor and historical support. For instance, some articles claim that 528 Hz sound frequency can “repair DNA,” however this claim relies heavily on pseudoscientific interpretations of numerology and biblical texts rather than biochemical processes which cannot be achieved solely through listening to music or sounds.
Increased Energy
Sound frequencies have the power to both stimulate and balance our energy centers, making meditation even more effective in attaining an equilibrium between body and mind. Sound frequency therapy has quickly gained in popularity among millennials looking for holistic methods of improving both their mental and physical well-being.
Sound therapy (also referred to as audio frequency healing or vibrational therapy) uses sound frequencies and instruments to promote wellness; also known as audio frequency healing or vibrational therapy. By listening to sounds that produce vibrational waves that induce deep states of relaxation, sound therapy may help alleviate anxiety, stress and depression while simultaneously improving sleep patterns, meditation practices and overall health and wellness.
There are various techniques that use various sound frequencies to promote health and wellbeing, from Aboriginal practices such as using didgeridoos or chanting in yoga traditions, all the way up to modern tuning forks that emit specific sound frequencies to treat specific conditions. These ancient practices are now being integrated with modern technologies like tuning forks that emit specific frequencies tailored to target conditions more effectively.
Although there is little scientific proof supporting frequency healing sounds, many believe that specific frequencies can have numerous health benefits for our bodies. Solfeggio frequencies, consisting of six tones, have long been associated with spiritual healing and an inner connection to divinity; they were discovered by Joseph Puleo in the 1970s although some believe they were already used by ancient civilizations.
No matter the sound source – singing bowls, brain entrainment or binaural beats – has been found to alter brain waves and induce a meditative state. This has proven effective at relieving stress, pain and emotional distress while simultaneously improving mood and increasing focus.
Outside of improving mood and relaxation, certain frequencies have also been found to boost blood circulation. This effect is caused by vibrations generated by sound waves; they cause blood capillaries to expand and improve flow through vasodilation; thus helping lower risk factors for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and chronic pain conditions.
Better Sleep
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of audio frequency therapy for improving sleep. Binaural Beat Frequencies (BBFs) are auditory tones which when heard through headphones can manipulate brainwave activity and alter your state of consciousness, including making you sleepy or awake. BBFs can be created easily using popular audio programs like Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music or the App Store – increasing their popularity further due to online articles citing them as beneficial. It’s crucial that these claims be substantiated with scientific data in order to protect public health.
One double-blind, sham controlled randomized trial published in 2020 demonstrated that listening to monaural beats (a single frequency) reduced insomnia symptoms among 43 participants. Participants listening to music embedded with theta BBF reported less difficulty sleeping and spent more time in deep REM sleep when compared with those listening to sham audio; it has been associated with relaxation and reduced anxiety as well. Beyond its beneficial sleep effects, researchers discovered listening to music featuring this frequency increased power in occipital lobe regions while decreasing beta power by 40%!
Another way to improve sleep is with a bedside sound device that syncs up with your natural rhythms and cycles, like Adaptive Sound Technologies Inc Science-Backed Sound+Therapy from Adaptive Sound Technologies. This device utilizes 40 Hertz Gamma Sounds combined with optional Gamma Light Flashes at 40 Hertz to sync brain frequencies with therapeutic sounds and lights for brain frequency alignment, providing therapeutic sounds and lights aligning brain frequencies and aligning them with therapeutic sounds/lights for targeted therapeutic effects. It has been clinically tested over 163 nights by 34 participants over 163 nights to enhance maintenance of restful REM sleep by improving maintenance, reduced awakenings after sleep onset, and promoted deep REM sleep.
There are a range of health conditions that can be addressed using sound frequencies to stimulate specific brainwaves or sync with your body’s natural rhythms. Frequency healing has been shown to ease anxiety, stress, sleep disturbances and chronic pain relief; even premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Furthermore, results of using frequency healing are permanent; you can use frequency healing as often as desired in order to feel your best each day!
Culturally and astrologically speaking, the hawk has long been revered for its incredible flight and keen eyesight, giving rise to tales of prophecy and spiritual guidance. Let this majestic spirit animal help guide your awakening journey! Embark upon an adventure!
When hawk energy enters your life, make a mental note to observe any emotional responses it evokes in you. Being aware is key for understanding the messages this spirit guide may bring you.
Hawks have an intimate connection to the spiritual realm. Their keen sight allows them to uncover hidden truths that can inspire us all. People with hawk totem have strong senses of responsibility and can recognize signs from spirit that tell them how best to reach their full potential. Natural leaders with this symbolism also provide leadership roles which help others realize their full potential.
Hawk encounters often coincide with significant life events or decisions, demonstrating their power of synchronicity. Unlocking their deeper meaning can help us gain a greater insight into ourselves and help guide us toward greater unity with our twin flames.
When Hawk energy enters your life, it could be a signal to pay closer attention and be more aware of your surroundings. It could also serve as a reminder to remain grounded spiritually while remaining aware. Regular mindfulness practice or nature walks can help connect to this powerful energy source and adapt accordingly.
Hawk is a spirit animal that symbolizes vision, focus and freedom. When this power animal appears it’s a signal for us to take a step back and evaluate your situation with fresh eyes – the sight of a hawk may help inspire us to find opportunities where others might overlook them while its ability to fly high above land reminds us to remain grounded spiritually and stay true to our beliefs.
Identifying with the hawk may indicate you possess strong intuition and an enhanced sense of observation, enabling you to detect subtle clues which others might miss. Furthermore, its spirit teaches us the value of trusting our inner wisdom when making decisions and trusting in oneself as an intuitive source.
In many cultures around the globe, hawks are held as symbols of strength and grace, often depicted in prophecies or spiritual guidance stories. When this spirit animal appears in your life it should serve as a reminder that it’s time to take initiative and trust your instincts.
As top predators, hawks play an invaluable role in their habitats. By preying upon smaller animals and controlling populations accordingly, they help maintain a healthy balance in biodiversity. Hawk totem people may be useful in maintaining this balance in human environments by intervening when necessary to take decisive actions that ensure balance within communities.
Spend some time observing hawks in their natural environments and exploring their energetic qualities. Meditate on this powerful bird, asking it for guidance in your life journey. Creating an altar or sacred space featuring representations of it such as feathers (sourced ethically) images or sculptures could also be useful.
Hawk energy encourages you to trust both your vision and intuition. Additionally, this power animal has long been associated with spiritual awareness; so if more hawks appear overhead it could be that they provide guidance or inspiration on your twin flame journey.
People identifying with the Hawk as a power animal possess an acute sense of direction and an innate capacity for inspiring others, however harnessing its energy requires taking a step back to gain perspective before taking any concrete actions. You should also ask yourself if you’re taking too narrow an approach that limits options available to you.
Dreams or sightings of hawks could be an indicator that it is time to restore equilibrium to your root chakra and develop a daily practice that brings you deep contentment. Doing this can pave the way towards lasting satisfaction.
Hawks are well-known for their fearlessness, making them an iconic symbol of courage. If the spirit animal appears in your life, it should serve as a reminder to trust your intuition and inner wisdom when making decisions and take bold steps forward with confidence in order to overcome challenges head-on.
A hawk symbolizes faithfulness, commitment and strong protection, making its presence signal a new relationship or deepening an existing one.
If a hawk appears, take note: this could be an omen from the Universe telling you to pay attention and balance both intuitive feminine energy with active masculine energies.
Spiritually speaking, hawks are symbols of illumination and clairvoyance. People who associate with this spirit animal can expect clear visions both during dreams or daily life; sometimes even past lives can be remembered with them! Hawk totem individuals tend to focus well and can remain focused towards reaching their goals more easily.
Hawks exhibit patience when hunting, teaching us to trust divine timing. This lesson can serve twin flames well by encouraging them to allow their relationship to progress naturally and according to its higher purpose.
When this spirit animal appears in your home, it serves as a warning against self-sabotage and other negative energies that could compromise your physical health and well-being. Furthermore, its presence serves as a reminder not to get involved in drama that others create and to remain detached.
When Hawk appears in your life, this spirit animal may be telling you to trust yourself and respect the independence of others. They could also be reminding you to watch out for any old patterns or barriers which prevent you from connecting with human energy.
Spiritually, Hawks have sharp eyes that allow them to see into the heart and soul of things, serving as intermediary between physical reality and spirit realm. When encountering one in your journey, it could be a signal from above for connecting with angels and guides for guidance on your next steps.
Hawk totem people often live ahead of their time and have difficulty communicating clearly what they see to others, which can cause tension and discord between relationships. To resolve this issue, practice looking at all objects and people with unwavering honesty.
When Hawk spirit animal appears in your life, it reminds you of the need for patience, strategy, and persistence in reaching long term goals. Additionally, this bird energy offers incredible vision and insight to enable you to see the big picture and gain perspective from above.
People with Hawk totems also possess an incredible gift for communicating with the spirit realms, usually as a result of Pluto or Mars being strong in their natal chart. This ability can help bring cooperation and support from others.
When you see a Hawk flying near your home it could be a sign to balance the energies in your root chakra so it can receive more higher life force. A hawk might also serve as a reminder that it is your duty to share your insights with others even if they do not wish to hear them; your contributions could help heal humanity as a whole and uphold consciousness worldwide.
Hawks have long been seen as symbols of spiritual awakening and intuition. When seen flying overhead it could signal an increase in vibrational levels in your environment or serve as a reminder to listen closely for messages from within yourself or from beyond.
Hawks symbolize the power of renewal and rebirth, so seeing one may serve as a reminder to you to assess your current situation and make necessary adjustments in order to remain true to yourself and reach your highest potential.
Applying mindful observation and adopting an expansive viewpoint are effective strategies for connecting with hawk energy. Spending time in nature and engaging in meditation can also help connect to this powerful guide, while keeping a journal of all hawk encounters can give valuable insights into your relationship with this spirit animal. Explore your emotions and thoughts associated with them for greater understanding.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) combines oestrogen, progesterone and sometimes testosterone for treatment of symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness while protecting against osteoporosis by increasing oestrogen levels. It can help relieve hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness while increasing levels of estrogen to increase bone strength.
HRT may help to decrease wrinkles and increase skin elasticity, with products available as pills, cream, gel or rings that should only be taken for short durations of time.
Improved Skin Health
At menopause, hormone production decreases. This causes various changes to occur within the body, including age-related changes to skin. Hormone replacement therapy helps reverse these effects by replenishing natural estrogen and progesterone levels within your body – helping reduce wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging, as well as improve hydration and skin elasticity.
Estrogen and progesterone both offer numerous skin benefits, including their ability to increase production of hyaluronic acid – an essential sugar molecule responsible for moisture retention and skin elasticity – via HRT therapy. Increased production of this essential sugar molecule results in improved skin hydration and elasticity as a result.
HRT can also improve skin by decreasing stress-related collagen loss. Oestrogen can boost cortisol levels, which has been linked to collagen loss among postmenopausal women; thus it’s wise to speak to a medical provider prior to beginning hormone replacement therapy.
Diet is also essential in maintaining balanced hormone levels. Eating foods rich in nutrients and vitamins will help to balance out hormones that impact skin, hair and nail health. Some great sources of nourishment are fish, nuts, leafy veggies and fruits.
Hormone replacement therapy can have a dramatic impact on both your overall health and appearance, increasing confidence and slowing the aging process, making you appear younger for longer. To learn more about hormone replacement therapy’s potential benefits for yourself or someone close to you, get in touch with one of the healthcare specialists from the BodyLogicMD network today – they have an abundance of advice and products designed to achieve results! In addition, BalancePro offers free hormone level assessments; take that first step toward living a more youthful life! Contact us now!
Reduced Body Fat
As women experience menopause, their fat distribution changes and lean muscle mass declines. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may help slow or stop this progression and result in a decreased body fat percentage – and in turn may lower risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.
HRT can help restore balance to female reproductive hormones that regulate blood sugar, blood lipids and body fat. When these hormones decrease during menopause transition, this may result in an increase in blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure while decreasing lean muscle mass and blood vessel flexibility – an increase which increases your risk for cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke.
Maintaining a healthy body weight requires exercising regularly and eating healthily; however, when sex hormones decline during menopause this can become challenging to accomplish. HRT may help boost energy levels of women making it easier to remain active while eating well; studies also suggest it reduces abdominal weight gain associated with withdrawal of estrogen.
HRT therapy also has other advantages: It can increase libido in both men and women while decreasing mood swings caused by hormonal imbalance.
HRT can improve more than just sexual drive and mood – it also enhances bone health by decreasing calcium loss and increasing production of osteocalcin, while helping prevent hot flashes and night sweats.
New research conducted with data from the National Institutes of Health’s Women’s Health Initiative revealed that those using HRT are significantly lower risk for heart disease compared to women who do not take HRT; this was especially evident among those starting treatment shortly before menopause onset, such as early 50s.
The study’s authors believe the findings support current recommendations regarding when and how long women should continue HRT therapy, as well as provide further insight into its impact on biological ageing in women. Furthermore, future research studies may offer further understanding into this field.
Improved Mood
People in our culture that glorifies youth may desire to look younger as they age; therefore, for centuries people have searched for the mythical Fountain of Youth. While HRT may not provide immediate rejuvenation benefits, its use can help improve overall health benefits over time.
HRT works because it replenishes hormones that your body naturally loses over time, such as estrogen and progesterone, helping prevent menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats and loss of libido as well as osteoporosis and other health complications associated with low levels of estrogen.
Hormonal changes over time can have a dramatic impact on both energy levels and mood. If you suffer from symptoms like irritability, mood swings and memory problems, taking HRT could dramatically decrease them allowing you to be happier and more energetic in your everyday life allowing you to better appreciate everything life has to offer!
HRT can enhance your mood in another way by increasing sex drive in both women and men, which may increase intimacy or help address sexual dysfunction issues. HRT may also help improve sleep quality due to hormonal fluctuations.
Studies suggest that taking estrogen and progestin together may significantly lower the risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women, although this treatment should not be seen as a cure or protection from it. Therefore, before making your decision on taking hormone replacement therapy it’s vital that you consult with both your doctor and a highly-trained practitioner like BodyLogicMD in order to develop an individualized hormone replacement plan tailored specifically for you.
Better Sleep
As estrogen and progesterone become unbalanced in older women, sleep disturbances and mood instability often follow suit. A hormone replacement therapy plan may restore equilibrium to restore quality sleep while decreasing hot flashes/night sweats/stabilizing moods and providing other relief measures.
Hormone therapy also enhances REM sleep, which is vital to mental and emotional well-being. HRT helps individuals fall asleep quicker, stay asleep longer, and wake less often during the night. In addition, HRT improves your body’s ability to complete all stages of restful slumber for older adults, leading to more restful and rejuvenating nights’ rest.
Individuals looking for alternatives to HRT may benefit from lifestyle modifications and non-hormonal medications that can aid with better sleep quality and mood enhancement, including exploring alternative approaches such as lifestyle modifications and non-hormonal medicines that may also contribute. Understanding how hormones influence these aspects is worthwhile exploration in order to find their ideal solutions to ensure an optimum quality of life.