Information Wellness Blog

Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

May 17, 2024Editor

Spooky2 Cancer

Spooky2 is an innovative Rife frequency healing system. Lekita provides coaching sessions on this system in order to assist newcomers get acquainted with it, including setting up their hardware and making software-related decisions.

Royal Raymond Rife discovered that certain frequencies could break apart cancer viruses. John has programmed his Spooky2 Central Plasma Rife machine with two cancer destroying frequencies as well as feathering and 4 hertz gating effects to make it even more effective.


Royal Raymond Rife discovered that certain frequencies could help break apart cancer viruses and pathogens responsible for ailments like asthma, eczema, Lyme Disease, insomnia and headaches. Spooky2 is founded on his theories that frequency healing can dismantle pathogens at their core to treat various health conditions.

John White has pre-programmed the central plasma rife machine to run both cancer-destroying frequencies simultaneously and utilize feathering (reducing power by 4 hertz ) and gating (4 hertz) effects to make treatment more effective. This episode is especially helpful for beginners learning to setup Spooky2 software.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease, caused by a bacterial infection, causes symptoms including fatigue and fever. Treatment typically involves antibiotics; however, in some instances symptoms remain even after therapy has taken place – in these instances post-treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS) should be considered an additional factor. Both NIAID and NINDS support research into PTLDS to uncover its cause.

Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria that are transmitted via tick bites. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 30,000 to 500,000 Americans develop Lyme every year in the US alone, infecting joints, heart valves and nervous systems before eventually spreading into your skin through bites from ticks. If treated early and managed well most will recover fully from Lyme.

Symptoms typically develop three to 30 days post-tick bite and include erythema migrans rash, fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain as well as fatigue. On darker skin types the rash may not be easily visible – sometimes appearing like a bull’s-eye; moreover it may be difficult to pinpoint where a tick was attached such as on neck or scalp areas.

People suffering from Lyme disease usually respond well to antibiotic treatments such as doxycycline or amoxicillin; for severe symptoms, intravenous ceftriaxone may also be administered. Failure to take appropriate antibiotics could result in chronic symptoms, including arthritis and joint swelling in large joints; both the NIAID and NINDS support studies using animal models, such as nonhuman primates, to better understand this infection’s long-term consequences.

People who do not respond to antibiotics may experience persistent, recurring symptoms that make life difficult, which has not been fully understood but has often been referred to as chronic Lyme disease or persistent Lyme disease syndrome (PLDS). Some have even reported feeling worse after antibiotic treatment for initial infection with antibiotics.

NIAID has supported placebo-controlled clinical trials designed to test the efficacy of long-term antibiotic therapy for PTLDS. Results of these trials have been thoroughly assessed statistically and scientifically; unfortunately they have not supported its use; for this reason it’s essential for people living with Lyme disease to follow the instructions of their physicians and take every necessary measure against long-term antibiotic treatment plans.


Insomnia is an increasingly prevalent problem that affects people of all ages, characterized by difficulty sleeping or staying asleep and can stem from multiple causes. Treatment options range from lifestyle modifications and medication, but the first step should always be identifying its source by keeping a sleep diary or speaking with your physician.

Spooky2 was developed in 2013 as a frequency healing Rife machine based on the theory of Royal Raymond Rife who believed that appropriate frequencies could destroy cancer viruses and pathogens. Pre-programmed frequencies target various health conditions while it can also help to prevent illness and can be purchased at for sale. Free introductory sessions for new users of the software provide guidance through any issues they might be encountering with hardware setup, software usage or program structure; follow up sessions can be booked at PS90 per session either in person or remotely via Zoom – these sessions can either take place in person or online via Zoom for convenience.


Headaches are a widespread health problem that range from mild to severe in intensity. Common triggers of headaches include stress, alcohol use, skipped meals and certain foods or smells as well as lighting or weather changes; symptoms include light sensitivity, blurred vision and nausea.

One of the leading causes of headaches is increased intracranial pressure. This condition, also known as pseudotumor cerebri or hydrocephalus, occurs due to either tumor growth or infection and compresses nerves and blood vessels within the brain causing pain. A surgically implanted shunt system can divert excess fluid away from your brain in order to alleviate any associated headaches.

Trigeminal autonomic cephalgia (TAC), is another form of headache characterized by severe facial pain on one side and autonomic symptoms like red and watery eyes, drooping eyelids, or runny noses. TAC may occur occasionally or chronically – with episodes recurring daily over months or years with pain-free respites between episodes.

May 17, 2024Editor

Biophoton Therapy Machine

Our cells emit and absorb light that, when coherent, transmits vital information that guides our bodies. However, when exposed to toxins or pathogens, this light becomes incoherent, creating a disharmonious frequency signature which can be addressed with specific frequencies.

Before recently, this hit-or-miss method was our only recourse to balance our resources. However, now with the Chiren we can detect and correct imbalances automatically.

1. Relieves Pain

Biophoton therapy uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which are absorbed by cells to re-energise cellular function and trigger natural healing responses in them. It has proven successful for treating acne, chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain as well as compromised local blood circulation issues.

Light energy has the capacity to stimulate various key biological processes, including apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential, cell proliferation, fibroblast growth factor production and protein synthesis. Research has demonstrated that 830nm laser light can induce apoptosis as well as modulate production of b-endorphin in nerve axon terminals in order to decrease pain sensation.

Every cell emits and absorbs a faint light that is detectable with sensitive instruments, known as biophotons, that act as the carrier of vital information that governs all functions in our bodies. When these biophotons are coherent or harmonious, all bodily systems operate normally; otherwise they indicate there may be energetic dysfunction somewhere within.

Biophoton therapy machines feature carefully calibrated natural frequencies packed into one compact device, to boost existing body functions and systems such as the nervous system, circulation, respiratory system, excretory system, digestive tract, endocrine glands, muscles musculoskeletal lymphatic immune and genitals systems.

Biophoton therapy devices allow clinicians to easily customize remedies and frequencies according to each patient’s individual needs using a touchscreen interface. They’re portable enough for home or clinic use; battery powered for portable usage or can even be connected directly into a power bank for extended use.

2. Boosts Immunity

Biophoton therapy works by strengthening the natural energy found within our cells that is essential to good health, while at the same time helping restore our natural self-healing processes. A low intensity red LED light is then used during treatment to activate your immune system – this process helps reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality and boost energy levels.

Recent research demonstrates that cellular health can be assessed using the wavelength of biophotons emitted by cells. A special light box has been created to measure this phenomenon from practitioners, enabling scientists to study how stress, illness and disease impact biological wavelengths of photons produced by bodies. Healthy cells should emit coherent or harmonious biophotons while disharmonious ones indicate dysfunction on an energetic level.

Biophotons have also been reported to possess antiviral effects that can neutralize viruses such as Hepatitis C and HIV, by dissolving their membranes and genetic material. Studies have demonstrated how red light irradiation combined with photosensitizing drugs effectively killed HIV and significantly reduced viral loads in organ transplant recipients.

Biophoton therapy machine utilizes red LED lighting to treat cells of the body. It aims to enhance all cellular function to support and promote healthy organs, improving overall health in the process. Based on scientific research that shows all health disorders stem from imbalances of cellular energy fields. Poor cell activity and regeneration contributes to chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, Lyme Disease and post-surgery recovery conditions; with Biophoton therapy being a noninvasive, natural and safe solution.

3. Relieves Inflammation

Biophoton therapy helps alleviate inflammation by helping the body communicate with its cells to initiate self-healing. Biophotons are light-emitting particles found naturally inside every cell that are essential for optimal cell functioning; modern lifestyles may cause deficiencies or excesses of these photons and lead to various health conditions.

Biophoton therapy machines emit non-laser near Infrared light in packets known as Photons that break painful inflammatory cycles by dilatation of small blood and lymphatic vessels, clearing away irritants from affected areas and hastening healing processes. Photons also stimulate immunity and nervous systems for increased activity and natural healing processes – biophoton therapy sessions are completely painless; many even find they can sleep during sessions!

Biophoton Therapy relies heavily on our NES Health System for conducting energetic analysis of the Field and identifying informational remedies required to restore balance. Once identified, these remedies are programmed into Chiren/Starlight for biophoton therapy treatment that is customized specifically for each client – all complimentary scans provided with each Biophoton Therapy session at our clinic!

The NES Health System harnesses quantum physics principles to identify and communicate with photons in your body to activate its inherent self-healing abilities. This holistic approach rebuilds the Human Body Field (HBF), even if damaged from stress, toxic chemicals or environmental factors. Positive changes to HBF result in gradual improvements or disappearance of symptoms over 8-12 scan cycles; over 100 clinical studies support its holistic healing capabilities – learn more here!

4. Reduces Stress

Light is essential to human life, and biophotons (electromagnetic signals) serve as the energy behind every chemical reaction in our bodies. Biophoton therapy works by exposing skin cells to near infrared non-laser light that emits photon packets which are then absorbed by them – helping regulate our bioenergy.

Photon therapy helps break the cycle of inflammation by dilatant blood and lymphatic vessels, which allows release of harmful inflammatory chemicals while creating space for healing. Photons also stimulate immune, nervous systems, cell repair processes faster resulting in pain relief and greater overall well-being.

Recent studies have demonstrated that cancer cells produce different EMF signatures than healthy ones due to unique methylation patterns [1]. Furthermore, researchers are uncovering evidence of stress emitted biophoton emissions between stressed and healthy cells [2-3].

Biophotons are produced naturally by your body as an aid to health and wellbeing, but modern lifestyles often create deficiencies or excesses of these vital particles, leading to chronic conditions like fatigue, pain, infection or other disorders. Biophoton therapy is designed to restore balance in these levels so your body can heal itself naturally over time.

Biophoton Therapy 2.0 utilizes an innovative computerized instrument to conduct a thorough evaluation of your Field in order to select remedies which specifically match and offset imbalances within your body. As a result of its superior accuracy, this method proves far more successful than old manual hit-and-miss measurements used by Biophoton Therapy 1.0.

5. Improves Sleep

Biophoton therapy is an innovative form of light treatment that assists the body’s ability to self-heal. This procedure works by combining various natural frequencies into one device in order to realign body light energy and enhance overall well-being, such as stress relief and recovery from allergies or arthritis conditions.

Treatment typically entails several sessions that typically last just minutes each. At each session, a Biontologist measures the coherence of biophotons in each organ system to detect disturbances, then provides informational remedies which are capable of correcting them – this allows the coherent light of your body’s coherent light waves to neutralise incoherent chaotic light waves and restore natural self-healing capacities of its natural ability.

At the center of treatment lies an innovative device which stimulates your natural healing mechanisms with low-intensity pulsed current from a cell-sized device, placed over each earlobe or head and emitting low-level electromagnetic fields to increase oxygen delivery into blood vessels, leading to improved vitality and reduced inflammation.

Benefits of non-invasive and painless therapy treatments such as this one include improved sleep, decreased aches and pains, as well as greater sense of overall wellbeing for patients.

If you would like more information on how this technology can improve your health, the medical professionals at Seraphim would be more than happy to discuss it with you and recommend the most suitable course of treatment for you. Contact us now for your consultation appointment!

May 17, 2024Editor

Physical Therapy Frequency – How adjusting Frequency Can Help

Physical Therapists (PTs) are increasingly expected to deliver value (better patient outcomes with equal or reduced costs). This presentation will explore how altering frequency can contribute.

Our research identified a strong independent association between visit frequency and functional improvement and home discharge home among hospital patients across clinical subgroups. As a result, we now provide therapists with guidelines and frequency modes which they discuss with families at the outset of care to support optimal patient outcomes.

During Your Initial Visit

Physical therapists (PTs) are health care professionals uniquely qualified to understand patients beyond injuries or pain. Unlike physicians or nurses, most PTs prefer working one-on-one with clients for extended periods. This allows PTs to form personal connections with them as well as provide personalized treatment plans aligned with individual goals.

Physical Therapists don’t prescribe medicine or surgery like primary care physicians can, but they have an invaluable ability to diagnose movement-based problems. A great physical therapist understands how cardiovascular, neurological and endocrine systems influence movement patterns which is why they will usually check more than just the area of discomfort before beginning therapy sessions.

Physical therapists tend to approach the initial visit as an evaluation, much like when consulting with new physicians. At this session, your physical therapist will sit with you and discuss any pain or discomfort that led you to seek treatment as well as asking about its history and symptoms. Through conversation and Q&A-style questions, your therapist has the chance to fully comprehend what’s been going on and how it has altered your lifestyle.

After your evaluation, your physical therapist (PT) will evaluate your progress and create a treatment plan tailored specifically for you. This may include an estimate of how often treatment should take place per week based on how far along you have come since initial assessment. Frequency changes can be made based on clinical judgment without needing re-certification from physicians/NPPs.

Medicare Benefit Manual specifies in an SNF environment, the Medicare Benefit Manual requires physical therapy treatments on five calendar days per week for 60 consecutive days in order for Part A coverage to continue. While this number can be altered as needed by writing progress reports or the physical therapist providing services; ultimately it rests with them to decide whether continued care is medically necessary and continue.

One additional consideration to keep in mind when visiting physical therapists is that they often employ various modalities that could extend the length of your sessions, for instance if you’re being treated for a post-amputation condition your PT might provide prosthetic training as part of the appointment day.

After Your Initial Visit

Physical therapy is an approach used to reduce symptoms associated with health conditions like pain and stiffness or treat an injury. Physical therapy may also form part of a long-term care plan to manage chronic illnesses like arthritis or heart or lung disease.

Your first visit with a physical therapist (PT) will involve them assessing your symptoms, movement patterns and body alignment; functional tests to measure strength and ability are often done as part of this evaluation process. Your assessment involves three parts: subjective discussion with the PT about your issue; an objective evaluation of how your body moves including biomechanics evaluation; and final diagnosis/explanation of your treatment plan.

Once they understand your health situation, a physical therapist (PT) will tailor an individualized treatment plan to improve mobility and get you back doing activities you love. The exercises in that plan could take place both with them in clinic or gym settings as well as at home.

Exercise to enhance how your body moves and reduce pain, so that you can return to engaging in your favorite activities again. Your therapist might use other interventions, such as electrical stimulation or ultrasound, to target specific muscles or nerves for stimulation; or suggest changes to your lifestyle: for instance if your injury involves sitting all day at work, postural exercises might be suggested, along with encouragement to stand up periodically throughout the day and move around more.

Your physical therapist (PT) can work closely with both you and your physician to develop an individualized treatment plan and schedule. They’re also experts at getting insurance approval; for instance if you have an Aetna HMO plan with a 60-day limit for physical therapy sessions, their PT will coordinate with both to identify the ideal approach and timeline before you can resume treatments again.

High-Risk Cases

Physical therapy is generally considered medically necessary when it improves functional performance in activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, mobility and personal hygiene. Any new condition or exacerbation of an old illness would qualify as “new incident of injury”, qualifying the member for additional courses of physical therapy based on this criteria.

Hahn et al (2014) conducted a research study investigating the effect of physical therapy frequency on high risk patients by administering a case vignette to 714 clinicians who held either the McKenzie Institute Credential (MDT) or both the MDT+FAAOMPT credentialing. Participants were required to choose which examination techniques and interventions based on their decision-making processes, before selecting an outcome that fit each clinician’s decision making process.

Researchers found that those randomized to receive more frequent physical therapy sessions showed greater improvement on both HOS and iHOT-33 scores at 1 month when compared with those receiving less-frequent PT; however, due to a small sample size these differences weren’t reported as statistically significant by authors.

May 17, 2024Editor

What is Wave Genetics?

This article was initially an anchor piece; in February 2019 however, it was moved and completely revised into “CRISPR gene editing”.

Wave genetics suggests that DNA can be affected and controlled by electromagnetic waves such as sound or light frequencies. While much research has been conducted into this theory, its full implications remain unexplored and poorly understood.

What is wave genetics?

Wave genetics is a theory which proposes that DNA can be altered and controlled through electromagnetic waves, while these electromagnetic waves carry information which will pass down generations. Research in this area continues, yet its potential is tremendous and could revolutionize genetics research as we know it today.

This theory rests on the notion that all matter interactions occur as waves in space rather than discrete particles as we currently believe. Additionally, it proposes that DNA may be affected and controlled through sound and light frequencies; this could improve genetic engineering by enabling us to alter gene expression levels more precisely.

Researchers recently utilized linguistic-wave genetics to regenerate a dog tooth using quantum genes based on spintronic principles – marking an impressive milestone and opening up this revolutionary new field in biology. Their discovery may also prove useful in treating genetic disorders or creating new medicines.

How does wave genetics work?

DNA is more than a chemical structure; it also acts as an electromagnetic generator, emitting and receiving waves of information that can be controlled with specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves (including sound and light frequencies) such as sound genetics. Wave genetics is an evolving theory which suggests we can use these frequencies to communicate with and influence the behavior of our DNA.

This theory is founded upon the notion that all matter interactions occur as waves in space rather than discrete particles, as in our current model of matter and its interactions. Furthermore, DNA contains quantum memories which store and transmit information between generations.

Researchers used a Helium-Neon laser with two orthogonal optical modes to transfer quantum genetic information into a crude form of dog’s teeth. This information then spontaneously transformed into modulated broadband electromagnetic radiation carrying its original genetic code; its return back home could then be recorded through probe photon polarization modulation states when returning back into their resonators.

Results from this experiment were impressive, yet more research needs to be conducted in order to fully realize wave genetics‘ full potential. Wave genetics has the potential to treat genetic diseases, improve crop yields, and create novel methods of genetic engineering – however it should be remembered that wave genetics isn’t intended to replace traditional gene therapy methods; rather it provides another tool which can enhance their effectiveness by being combined with traditional therapies.

What are the potential applications of wave genetics?

This cutting-edge science theory suggests that DNA is not simply chemical in its makeup, but also an electromagnetic generator. This means the information stored within genes can be altered and controlled through specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves. Wave genetics has several applications; including treating genetic diseases and reprogramming cells – in fact, researchers have used wave genetics successfully regenerating a dog tooth!

Research was carried out using a frequency-stabilized Helium-Neon laser that produces both linear and chiral harmonic modes of light, then recorded on a photomultiplier tube and analyzed with a high-resolution spectrometer. Results show that human DNA could be transferred onto dog’s teeth using this method; an important step toward gene therapy, as it indicates how DNA molecules may be controlled externally through sound or light frequencies.

Current genetic diseases are treated by replacing mutant genes with regular ones through genome editing, but this process can be costly and difficult in large populations. According to this research team’s assessment, wave genetics might offer an effective and less expensive alternative for treating genetic conditions.

By employing both computational tools and experimental measurements, scientists were able to pinpoint the frequency of electromagnetic waves needed to alter a cell’s genetic code and cause mutations within. Once introduced into other cells, these mutations lead to mutations as well.

The team’s findings demonstrate the numerous potential applications of wave genetics, from disease prevention and drug discovery, to consumer behavior theory refinement and strengthening. Genetic data could even help predict consumer responses to specific products – which would allow marketers to better target marketing campaigns and boost product sales.

Where can I find more information about wave genetics?

Wave genetics is an alternative approach to traditional genetics that utilizes electromagnetic waves as a tool to influence and manipulate DNA. According to this theory, DNA acts not just as a chemical structure but also an electromagnetic generator emitting and receiving electromagnetic waves which carry information for future generations. Note that research on this theory continues and remains incompletely understood.

Wave genetics aims to develop a more comprehensive understanding of genome function. From this information can come new methods for editing genes which could ultimately treat genetic disorders or improve crop yields. Though much work remains, wave genetics is an exciting field with immense potential that has the power to transform how we understand DNA.

Wave Life Sciences, a clinical-stage genetic medicines company dedicated to developing life-changing treatments for devastating diseases, announced a strategic collaboration with GSK plc today to advance oligonucleotide therapeutics. The initial four-year discovery collaboration brings together GSK’s unique insights in human genetics with Wave’s proprietary discovery and drug development platform called PRISM; under the agreement GSK will gain exclusive global rights for Wave’s preclinical RNA editing program called WVE-006 that uses their AIMer technology.

WVE-006, an investigational development candidate modified with PN chemistry and GalNAc conjugated, aims to address both liver and lung symptoms associated with AATD. Wave plans on filing clinical trial applications for WVE-006 by early 2023.

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements relate to future events or anticipated financial performance of the Company, such as expectations regarding its development, manufacture and commercialization of oligonucleotide therapeutics under GSK partnership. Such forward-looking statements reflect current beliefs and assumptions by its management as well as risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from projected or implied ones.

May 17, 2024Editor

Brain Wave Vibration

Brain wave vibration meditation is an accessible, straightforward method that can have profound benefits on your mood, focus and memory while at the same time helping regulate stress.

Studies on clinical and preclinical models have demonstrated that WBV reduces musculoskeletal disorders while improving cognitive functions. This study investigated the effect of low frequency WBV on behavior and memory with an aged animal model following TBI; its results demonstrate how it significantly reduced neuroinflammation while simultaneously improving cognitive functioning.

1. Relaxation

While vibration therapy cannot offer a cure for certain brain disorders, it may help relieve some symptoms. For example, it could reduce Parkinson’s-related tremors. Furthermore, increasing dopamine levels could potentially decrease medication requirements; and one study also discovered it may reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.

Vibration exercise uses mechanical vibrations to stimulate muscles and joints. You can take part in this type of fitness by standing on a whole-body vibration machine that emits vibrations through your feet, legs, abdomen, and upper body or by using localized devices that emit them directly to one part of the body.

As well as offering an overall sense of wellbeing, vibration therapy can increase blood flow and ensure adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to your brain – helping protect brain cells from degenerating and strengthening memory while at the same time relieving pain for some patients.

Though many types of vibration therapy exist, whole-body vibration (WBV) therapy stands out as the most promising. WBV involves physical activities which deliver mechanical vibrations at frequencies between 5-60 Hz to the entire body, creating beneficial benefits.

Researchers have discovered that WBV provides beneficial effects on neurogenesis and restores damaged neurons after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in animal models. Their study demonstrated how WBV pretreatment at 30Hz twice daily for 20 days inhibited brain edema while decreasing dead neurons without changing body weight significantly.

Studies have also demonstrated the power of vibration to increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factors like BDNF. They may also help increase insulin-like growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor production for healthy cells, as well as reduce anxiety through binaural beats or autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR), an experience where certain audio triggers help relax listeners. A 2019 study demonstrated vibration could even aid anxiety reduction through binaural beats or ASMR experiences which release tension by listening to certain audio triggers that induce relaxation in listeners.

While vibration therapy offers numerous health advantages, it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider first before beginning this therapy regimen. A few things to keep in mind include any preexisting health conditions that could worsen with vibration exposure; any disc ruptures that might occur as a result; bone fractures from vibration exposure; seizure triggering; and irritation caused by coming in contact with skin-covered medical implants or devices.

2. Focus

Vibration therapy can help people to focus by encouraging the brain to integrate its left and right hemispheres, stimulating the brain stem, which converts vibrations to vital energy for communication within and between bodies. Vibrations also play a key role in communicating between bodies.

Studies involving both clinical and preclinical patients demonstrate that vibration training may be an effective therapy for treating various conditions, including Parkinson’s disease. Vibration can alleviate pain associated with this disorder by increasing dopamine production within the brain; vibration therapy also can increase body tolerance for levodopa, used to treat its symptoms.

Vibration therapy offers numerous other advantages, including alleviating myofascial pain, autogenic inhibition and delayed-onset muscle soreness. Clinicians must carefully consider all potential contraindications when prescribing vibration therapy; such as unstable health conditions like spine or brain issues, uncontrolled seizures, open wounds with metal pins or plates in them, pregnancy and high blood pressure as potential risks.

Auster recommends clients relax during their vibration therapy session and wear loose clothing; even loungewear may work if possible. Some vibrating machines produce gentle sounds while others may “thud” and bounce aggressively over specific areas.

3. Memory

Vibration therapy increases blood flow to the brain and activates neurotransmitters responsible for memory. Additionally, vibration can promote hormone release that supports memory and mood improvement such as dopamine. By shaking one’s head back and forth during vibration, vibration therapy also integrates the left and right hemispheres of the brain by inducing production of an “adaptogenic vitamin” that enhances connections between neurons in both hemispheres of the brain.

Clinical and pre-clinical studies62-63 have demonstrated the positive benefits of low intensity vibration therapy (5 min per day, five times each week for five weeks), including beneficial impacts on musculoskeletal functions and cognitive performance among older humans. Unfortunately, however, little information exists regarding its neurobiological mechanisms of action.

In our study, we evaluated the effect of a five week long WBV intervention on anxiety-related behavior, spatial memory and motor performance in aged rats. Furthermore, we utilized immunohistochemistry to examine hippocampal (neuro)inflammation and tissue organization using male Wistar rats 18 months old treated for five weeks with either five or 20 min daily vibration sessions of either five or 20 min duration each session for five weeks; they were then evaluated behaviorally for anxiety-related behavior, spatial memory retention as well as object discrimination memory retention as well as muscle strength via grip hanging tests performed daily on muscle strength tests conducted over five weeks of vibration exposure; brain tissue was collected and immunohistologically examined for microglia presence as well as presence of microglial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).

Our results showed that both vibration treatments significantly reduced anxiety-related behavior in aged mice. Spatial memory was enhanced during treatment sessions of 20 minutes per day for 20 sessions; object discrimination memory remained unaffected. WBV-induced hippocampal inflammation decreased while presence of GFAP-positive microglia cells significantly increased.

Histological and morphometric analysis of hippocampal tissue showed that the C protocol significantly enhanced synaptic plasticity. This is consistent with previous results from our group showing that movement, in the form of vibratory training, increases expressions of FNDC5, an important gene involved with neural cell differentiation regulation as well as activating BDNF in the brain.

Thus, our results indicate that WBV improves memory performance in aged mice by stimulating synapses to form new connections. This improvement may be related to activation of BDNF in the hippocampus; electrophysiological recordings showed an increase in population spike amplitude values after high frequency stimulation in hippocampal slices of C-trained mice.

4. Stress Reduction

Stress can lead to everything from headaches and tense backs, all the way to mental health issues such as insomnia and anxiety. Vibration therapy has been proven effective at decreasing stress hormones in the body and thus aiding mental wellbeing by contracting and relaxing muscles several times every second, thus soothing one’s mind and relieving tension.

Vibration therapy can also assist with chronic pain management. Vibrations have been found to interfere with pain signals sent from your brain and decrease pain levels; this has been demonstrated both for humans and mice in a 2018 Dutch study.

Vibration therapy can enhance proprioception of the body. Proprioception refers to our body’s ability to understand where it is in space and is especially vital for seniors as losing this skill can lead to falls and injuries. Vibration can assist seniors by increasing muscle strength – something which plays a key role in maintaining balance and avoiding falls and injuries.

Whole-body vibration (WBV) is an exercise technique in which mechanical vibrations from a vibrating platform are transmitted directly to the body through mechanical means, providing physical benefits in clinical60 and preclinical61 studies of musculoskeletal systems, glucose metabolism, muscle healing62. WBV has proven beneficial across multiple studies of this nature.

Studies on vibration therapy‘s potential benefits for brain injuries demonstrate its efficacy by improving balance and decreasing spasticity63. This field of research has grown substantially over time.

Vibration may also help with memory, motor function and anxiety-like behaviors64; however, further studies are required on its effects at different intensities and lengths of vibration.

Vibration therapy has the ability to treat various conditions, including migraines, Parkinson’s, and fibromyalgia. Prior to commencing any new treatment – such as vibration therapy – it’s wise to consult a medical provider, such as vibration therapist. They will evaluate whether vibration therapy suits your individual needs as well as recommend frequency and duration of sessions, any precautions such as refraining if you have unstable spine/brain issues, as well as any medications being taken by you that could interact negatively.