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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

February 7, 2025|Editorial

Is EMDR Therapy Vibration Therapy Right For You?

EMDR is an emotional healing method, so it may be emotionally draining. Your therapist won’t be surprised if you experience discomfort during a session.

An EMDR session requires recalling and processing emotionally upsetting material before being exposed to bilateral stimulation such as light bars that move side to side or plastic paddles that vibrate in your hands.

Using EMDR Therapy Vibration

EMDR is an evidence-based treatment for trauma that has been demonstrated effective through numerous studies, and has even received endorsement from the Department of Veterans Affairs and American Psychiatric Association. It can be useful in relieving negative thoughts and emotions while helping resolve traumatic memories or experiences; however, not every person may find EMDR to be the appropriate therapy solution; therefore if in doubt contact your counselor as it might not be the most suitable choice.

EMDR therapy employs bilateral stimulation to assist the brain in processing disturbing memories and emotions. Eye movements are usually used, though other stimuli like tones or vibration can also be employed for this therapy. It has proven safe and effective in many countries worldwide.

Therapists using EMDR may employ various tools during sessions, with tactile bilateral stimulation (BLS) often being the go-to choice. BLS refers to physical stimuli that activate both sides of the brain at once. A variety of devices such as light bars, buzzers and tappers may also be utilized, including battery-operated ones with vibration features or audio feedback to aid clients who may have hearing impairments.

Most EMDR sessions take place in person; however, online therapists use software to enable clients to experience bilateral stimulation from the comfort of their own homes. A qualified therapist may use simple devices like butterfly hug or vibrating hand paddles in addition to software – it is crucial that clients find one who provides the optimal experience.


EMDR can be an effective treatment for PTSD and is best when combined with other therapies for maximum effect. When considering EMDR as a potential option for you, be sure to speak to your therapist about any traumatic events and issues you might be dealing with, as well as take breaks if necessary; your therapist is there for support; however it’s up to you which parts of your trauma memories to work through at once.

Using EMDR Therapy Bilateral Stimulation

EMDR therapy helps your mind process memories and emotions from your past in a non-overwhelming manner. As an evidence-based practice, EMDR is widely recognized as an effective technique for treating trauma and anxiety symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks and issues stemming from unresolved events in your life. While eye movements are most frequently used during an EMDR session, therapists also utilize vibration stimulation or sound therapies as means to address distressing memories or feelings.

Your therapist may ask you to focus on a positive thought or memory while stimulating both sides of your brain using EMDR, such as repeating a mantra or something you believe in, in order to build positive associations that counteract any negative associations you may have associated with certain experiences. At this stage, your therapist may have you explore what unpleasant memories do to you physically as well.

Your therapist will then guide you through the process of recalling and processing a traumatic memory. They may ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself living through it as though you were there right now, paying close attention to any thoughts, images, or sensations that arise during this process.

EMDR therapy aims to “repair” mental injuries associated with particular memories, so you won’t experience trauma again in real time. Even with a therapist present, however, some emotional discomfort is inevitable during an EMDR session; should this become overwhelming or unbearable for you, your therapist must be prepared to stop proceedings immediately so you can step away.

Your therapist might ask you to engage your sense of touch by touching both hands or arms while stimulating both sides of your brain with EMDR. Some therapists use tactile BLS devices such as paddles that vibrate on either hand, or light bars you follow with your eyes, in addition to stimulating both sides with EMDR.


Listening to music composed using BLS techniques can also engage your sense of hearing during an EMDR session, engaging your sense of hearing while attuning to its beats. Most often, this music has a rhythm which alternates from right to left side of your head – some therapists use headphones to play these sounds; you will then be asked to move your attention back and forth according to each beat of music.

Using EMDR Therapy Lights

EMDR therapy can be an effective treatment for PTSD, but multiple sessions must be attended before its effects become evident. Working with a trained therapist who understands EMDR’s workings is key, and supporting him or her throughout can help mitigate any distress during sessions.

EMDR involves recalling a traumatic memory while following their therapist’s finger with their eyes. This helps the brain process the memories and lessen their impact on an individual’s life by decreasing avoidance behaviors and strengthening coping mechanisms; additionally it may help lessen any trauma-related physical symptoms that have surfaced as a result of trauma exposure.

It remains unknown exactly how EMDR works, although eye movements appear to aid in consolidating and integrating various aspects of traumatic memories. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated its success at helping regulate nervous systems away from fight-or-flight responses and toward healthier regulation mechanisms; and breaking down negative beliefs and emotions which contribute to anxiety and depression.

Exposure and Desensitization Therapy, along with EMDR, can also be employed to help treat trauma. These techniques involve gradually exposing someone to situations or objects they fear in order to reduce phobias and panic attacks. When combined with EMDR therapy, exposure therapy may even help decrease its impact and boost self-confidence and self-esteem.

Light bars may not be necessary when practicing EMDR, but some clients can find them helpful. This device enables therapists to stay out of the way while remaining attentive to client responses and eye movement during bilateral stimulation phase of session. They may also be combined with auditory or tactile stimuli.

EMDR can be combined with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness to aid individuals in creating coping mechanisms and overcoming anxieties that stem from childhood traumas. Furthermore, EMDR may prove particularly helpful for treating trauma associated with war and terrorism which have been linked to severe psychological complications; survivors can suffer anxiety depression as well as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD).

Using EMDR Therapy Sound

EMDR therapy uses a series of steps to assist people in unburdening themselves from traumatizing experiences. Reprocessing painful memories and emotions as well as creating new associations to soften them further can also change how memories are stored in your brain.

Employing sound for EMDR therapy can be highly effective, yet professional assistance should always be sought before undertaking such treatments. A trained therapist can assist in selecting a sound which won’t be too loud or harsh; some of the most widely-used EMDR sounds include tones, vibrating hand paddles, and flashing lights – these may all provide soothing support during sessions.

These devices help stimulate both sides of the brain by using rhythmic stimulation – known as tactile bilateral stimulation (BLS) – in a rhythmic fashion. BLS devices can be found online; however, be wary as some manufacturers might not have adequate trauma and EMDR training and expertise.

Professional therapists will assist in helping you identify various parts of the event or experience you are working through and then create a sequence of events for processing during bilateral stimulation. Traditionally, this was accomplished through eye movements; now any stimulus that alternates between left and right brain may do as well, such as tone, taps on knees/hands or tracking visual targets from left to right brain will suffice.

As well as using light and sound therapy, therapists may also utilize bilateral stimulation techniques like playing music that shifts between left and right ears – this has been found effective in treating trauma as well as other conditions; its presence decreases physiological arousal while simultaneously encouraging relaxation.

EMDR therapy can be an invaluable asset for those suffering from trauma or other conditions that are negatively impacting their life. Although this process may be daunting at times, its results can have profound benefits on one’s life; making painful memories just another part of history to forget.

February 7, 2025|Editorial

Resonant Voice Therapy Exercises

Resonant Voice Therapy (RVT) utilizes specific exercises designed to maximize vocal resonance while minimizing strain to develop a healthy, powerful, and sustainable voice. Regular practice of RVT is key in realizing significant improvements in vocal quality and performance.

Starting off, begin humming exercises that emphasize forward placement of the voice. This type of vibrato feels light on the anterior alveolar ridge, nose, teeth and lips.

Resonance Tube Exercises

Resonant voice therapy exercises such as using a resonance tube are an effective means of improving vocal clarity and projection. A hollow tube amplifies and enhances the sounds produced by vocal cords, amplifying their power and intensity while improving clarity, power, and projection of voice production. The resultant sound produced is stronger, clearer, easier to project allowing you to communicate confidently regardless of where or when. In addition, using resonance tubes reduces strain on vocal folds preventing future issues with voice performance.

Vocal resonance is the quality that gives our voice its unique qualities of richness, depth, amplification, and distance carrying capability. It occurs as sound waves resonant through various chambers in your vocal tract – which includes your throat, mouth, and nasal passages – to resonate and reinforce each other over time.

Resonant voice therapy (RVT), is an increasingly popular and effective approach to treating vocal disorders like nodules and polyps by emphasizing forward resonance. Hoarse, tired, or strain-induced voices tend to create vibrations at the back of vocal folds causing fatigue or injury; on the contrary, forward resonance helps ensure vibrations reach front of mouth and lips for forward resonance. By contrast, hoarseness often results in back vibrations creating fatigue or injury of voice folds; RVT offers one viable approach towards treating nodules/polps.

RVT involves teaching those suffering from voice disorders to produce a more resonant, effortless voice that reduces pressure between vocal folds, thus decreasing risk for injuries such as nodules while providing strength and amplification on par with healthy, normal voices.

Your SLP may teach you various exercises designed to create a resonant, effortless voice. These may include humming, easy-onset phonation, lip trills and glottal fry; unlike other treatments this approach requires less trial-and-error before mastery can be achieved.

Integration of Resonant Voice Therapy Exercises into your daily routine will give you lifelong improvements in vocal clarity and projection. Consistency and regular practice are the keys to unlocking their full potential while tracking progress can help ensure lasting gains are seen.

Resonance Singing Exercises

Vocal resonance is the natural process of vibration that amplifies your voice. It occurs as the result of resonance resonators located throughout your head and throat that produce bright, full sounds; by practicing singing exercises for resonance resonance can help enhance vocal tone quality as well as expand range.

Relaxation is key when practicing vocal resonance. Feeling stressed could make sound production harder, leading to poorer tonal quality in your voice and ultimately harming its tone. There are various techniques you can use to help relax yourself when practicing, including breathing through closed mouth singing sessions and relaxing facial and neck muscles for greater larynx space for sound production.

Vowel sounds have more resonance than consonant sounds, making it important to work on pronouncing them correctly. Practice each vowel individually until its sound resonates within your body. Once you have perfected these sounds, begin incorporating them into a scale pattern by shifting each vowel up or down by one semitone at a time – this will increase vocal range flexibility.

Singing large skips is another effective way to maximize resonance, training your throat to maintain an open larynx as you ascend up the scale and improving the clarity and brightness of your upper register. Use simple patterns like 1-2-3-3-5-4 or do-re-mi-fa-sol, repeat this scale several times until endurance builds up.

Practice nasal resonance by practicing with the ng vowel. This high sound requires lots of buzzing in your nose; therefore it is beneficial to begin here before moving on to other sounds.

Once you understand the basics of resonant voice therapy, you can advance to more advanced techniques. By combining some of these exercises and customizing a training regimen tailored specifically to you needs and goals, voice training exercises can help enhance singing quality while opening up new doors in musical career development.

Resonance Singing with a Partner

Human beings, much like finely tuned musical instruments, emit vibrations that resonate throughout our bodies and environments. Resonance serves as an indicator of living cells health while providing harmony and wellness benefits to their communities. Furthermore, resonance serves as an invaluable resource for musicians, singers and vocal coaches when helping students develop their singing voices.

Healthy voices feature even resonance frequencies throughout their head, chest and abdominal cavities. A voice with resonance disorders produces nasal or breathy tones due to structural issues that change how air moves between these areas during speaking or singing.

To address these imbalances, a speech-language pathologist (SLP) may suggest exercises that strengthen and coordinate movement of the palate and walls of the throat. She may use a scope (thin tube with camera) to observe movement as clients say various sounds, words or phrases. Furthermore, medical treatments by an ear, nose and throat doctor may be necessary; such as prescriptions for allergy medication; repairs on cleft palette or short palate issues; as well as removal of enlarged adenoids.

Begin Resonant Singing Exercises by sitting comfortably with your back straight and the lights dimmed or candles lit for an uplifting atmosphere. Place a crystal bowl in the palm of your non-dominant hand; this way, it can remain secure while being easily held by both of your hands. Sit on a chair or couch to ensure proper posture is not slumped forward; perform open mouth Resonant Scales to warm up vocal muscles and lay a strong foundation for future training.

Resonance Singing with a Resonance Tube

Resonance tubes provide singers with valuable feedback on their vocal tract resonance behaviors, helping them to develop their voices by increasing the ability to energize vocal folds, increase power and control timbre of voices. Furthermore, such feedback may assist singers who wish to perform outside normal speech situations such as dramatic performances, oratory and musical performance.

Vocal fold vibrations produce tones with a dynamic harmonic spectrum and an acoustic shape unique to each person (Hunter & Ludwigsen, 2017). This shape can be altered through use of vocal tract resonators (or filters), which enhance certain frequencies while diminishing others – this process is known as registration and has led to such terms as chest voice, head voice or modal voice being coined.

Resonators within the vocal tract can be adjusted by shifting tongue, jaw, soft palate and lips in various combinations to alter its size, thus increasing or lowering specific frequencies while attenuating or damping out others – an essential aspect of healthy and efficient singing voice production. This acoustic tuning process ensures optimal singing voice health.

Resonator changes may not always be immediately noticeable to singers due to how they don’t always manifest as vibrations in the mouth and chest, instead being felt more in the back of throat (known as Zorro spot for singers) or at the dome of the skull. Although these sensations don’t correspond directly with feedback acoustically, they indicate that vocal tract resonators are working as intended, amplifying certain frequencies while attenuating others.

Researchers are conducting experiments with acoustic feedback on vocal tract resonance frequencies and shapes to increase knowledge about how this process works and can be improved, specifically how immediate access could be provided directly to singers in real-time.

February 7, 2025|Editorial

Don’t Die – How Does a Tech Billionaire Reverse Aging?

Tech millionaire Bryan Johnson has made headlines for his extravagant anti-aging regimen. At 47, Johnson is spending $2 Million annually on advanced treatments and procedures to maintain youthful skin.

Recently, he shared photographs of his four-day meal plan on social media, drawing comparisons to Indian tiffin boxes and sparking both admiration and laughter from followers.

Don’t Die: The Man Who Wants To Live Forever

Tech billionaire Bryan Johnson is taking drastic measures in order to live longer than even our most optimistic expectations. Documentarian Chris Smith (Tiger King, Fyre) provides audiences with a glimpse of Bryan Johnson’s journey in Don’t Die.

Former Braintree Venmo cofounder William “Tim” Hwang has spent $2 Million annually over several years on an anti-aging regimen of diet changes, exercise and controversial techniques such as receiving “young blood” transfusions from his teenage son to reduce biological age. These experiments have attracted both curiosity and criticism across the globe.

His latest endeavor involves injections intended to make him look younger – which he refers to as skin therapy. For instance, treatments like Sculptra stimulate natural collagen production while others like Replenix aim to reverse signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles.

Both treatments require multiple sessions to achieve significant results and may cause severe side effects, with allergic reactions leaving him unrecognizable for several years – though his allergies have since settled and outweigh any risks involved in treatment.

Johnson is currently exploring ways to extend his health lifespan using genetic editing; however, this field remains relatively young and the results remain unpredictable. Beyond his own experimentation, Johnson also serves as an adviser for Tally Health (a new biotech company which seeks to add 10 years onto human lifespan through organ regeneration and gene editing).

Silicon Valley heavy-hitters Yuri Milner and Sam Altman back the company, as well as celebrity investors Gwyneth Paltrow and Ashton Kutcher among them. Though many people remain skeptical of longevity research, some believe its potential is worth studying; others view Johnson as just using his fame to sell health kits or $75 sets of olive oil at his convenience; regardless, his methods have amassed an ever-expanding cult following that cannot be ignored.

Project Blueprint

Tech millionaire Peter Thiel has dedicated $2 Million a year towards fighting off aging through an elaborate regimen called Project Blueprint, with hopes to reduce biological age (how quickly cells degrade), stay healthier for as long as possible and beat back Father Time with this approach to anti-ageing. Interestingly enough, Thiel claims his new regimen has reduced epigenetic age by five years!

Bryan Johnson maintains this by following a strict diet, taking various health treatments, taking supplements, and regularly having his blood tested. According to him, his body now resembles that of someone 37 years old with skin from 28 year-olds and lung capacity of 18 year olds; and has an epigenetic age of just 5.1 years which is an impressive accomplishment at over 50 years.

He recently launched a subscription service allowing users to try his anti-aging protocol for $333 a month, including a 90-day regimen, 90 supplement capsules, six ounce bottle of his longevity mix, extra virgin olive oil and nutty pudding mix. Now available across America and many European nations including Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark France Germany Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway Switzerland UK.

As part of developing a blueprint, it is crucial to establish the scope and requirements for your project. Doing this will help define its limits while limiting resources necessary. Furthermore, this process will identify any technical restrictions which could impede its success.

Vooban will conduct workshops with your team during the Project Blueprint phase to gain an in-depth knowledge of both its internal processes and technological infrastructure. From these meetings will come an individual plan tailored specifically for your business.

Vooban’s experts are available to guide your company through the process of creating an actionable roadmap for any big projects you might have in mind.

Project Baby Face

Billionaire Bryan Johnson has become one of the leaders of the anti-aging movement, and his quest for immortality is bold yet risky. Johnson spends $2 million annually on cutting-edge health techniques designed to reverse his biological age, and employs 30 doctors as part of this monitoring. Unfortunately, Johnson’s latest experiment turned disastrous; posting an Instagram photo showing his face swelling from a procedure known as Project Baby Face; hoping that fat injection would restore its youthful features after significant weight loss had rendered his face gaunt and gaunt. Unfortunately it didn’t work that way either.

But his injections of fat-derived extracellular matrix caused an allergic reaction and his face to swell grotesquely – to such an extent that he couldn’t open his eyes or speak, quickly drawing the attention of social media.

Although the billionaire may be seen as an innovator of anti-aging science, many experts remain wary of his claims. Critics contend that his Blueprint protocol is far from foolproof, pushing himself beyond healthy limits by forgoing sunlight exposure, eating very few calories and having his blood swapped with that of his 18-year-old son; in addition, he maintains 14 stage “skin protocols” which involve him scrubbing his face with sea salt before dousing it in cold water drenchings for best results.

He has tried various treatments such as waxing his facial hair off, using lasers to reduce wrinkles, and having PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) injections under each eye. Most recently he made headlines when he switched blood with that of his son to receive plasma transfusions – draining approximately one liter each time!

Tech entrepreneur who hopes to reach 150 continues his anti-ageing experiments. He claims he can now turn back his epigenetic age by 5.1 years, with birthdays now occurring every 19 months instead of every 12 like it used to. Unfortunately, one experiment may cost him his life: 46-year-old proponent of telomerase therapy – an experimental drug thought to extend cellular lifespan by slowing protein degradation within the body – may end up costing his life; although FDA has not approved or verified whether or not this therapy would even work or even be safe or effective in practice.

Plasma Exchange

Plasma exchange is a medical procedure used to remove harmful substances from your body’s blood and replace them with alternative plasma, also known as plasmapheresis. It may be used to treat various autoimmune disorders (Guillain-Barre syndrome and myasthenia gravis); multiple sclerosis; certain infections; as well as to counter the immune system’s natural rejection process after organ transplant. While not a cure, plasmapheresis can reduce symptoms while increasing quality of life.

During a heart catheterization procedure, providers insert needles either into your arms or a central line catheter running from large veins in your neck to your heart. A machine then draws blood from these veins and separates out plasma for replacement with fluid and sometimes protein known as albumin; your provider then returns your blood through needles or the central line catheter after treatment has concluded – with each session or “round” lasting several hours.

This treatment is generally safe, though there may be certain risks. Hypotension, which can leave you feeling weak or dizzy, and low calcium in your blood (which can be treated by infusing more calcium into it), are among the few risks. Therefore it’s essential that plenty of water be consumed prior to starting any therapy session.

Rarely, blood clots may form during plasma exchange treatment and this could be potentially dangerous. As a precautionary measure, your healthcare provider may give you blood thinners such as Coumadin (Coumadine), Pradaxa (dabigatran) or Xarelto (rivaroxaban).

Plasma exchange can be very effective in decreasing CIDP flare-ups and improving quality of life for those living with the condition, though it’s not a cure; other treatments will still need to be utilized to control symptoms. If plasma exchange seems like something that might help you manage symptoms more effectively, speak to your neurologist or neurology nurse specialist; they will be able to give more details and assist in helping determine whether plasma exchange treatment would be suitable for you.

February 6, 2025|Editorial

Spooky2 Detox

Spooky2 is a frequency generator which emits electromagnetic frequencies claimed to be beneficial for health and wellness. It can be used both directly as well as remotely.

Spooky2 can help treat acute conditions like influenza, sore throats or headaches within several days with its treatment. Furthermore, Spooky2 can also be used as an aid in detoxifying your body by eliminating foreign material into the bloodstream.

Resonant Frequency Therapy

Rife machines emit low-energy electromagnetic waves similar to radio waves that emit electromagnetic pulses to match diseased microorganisms’ frequencies and destroy them. First conceived by Royal Raymond Rife in the 1920s, his machine operates under the principle that each microorganism has its own specific frequency that can be targeted and killed with this machine’s frequency transmission capabilities – viruses, bacteria, or fungi are all targets.

Each microorganism has an oscillatory rate, or mortal oscillatory rate, associated with it that causes stress on its structure and disables or kills it if exposed to its frequency; such frequencies have yet to be fully understood in their capacity to harm or kill pathogens.

However, many have reported positive experiences with resonant frequency therapy. One student with Lyme disease and ehrlichiosis experienced rapid recovery thanks to therapeutic frequencies which target specific membrane proteins related to Ehrlichia chaffeensis organism – they returned to school only two weeks after beginning treatment!

Other patients have seen success using resonant frequencies to treat cancer. A recent study conducted by researchers exposed leukemia cells to specific frequencies that target proteins in cells, killing cancerous ones without harming healthy ones. This experiment was followed up by another one where researchers applied these same frequencies against pancreatic cancer cells and were successful at killing them within 24 hours.

Spooky2 Central offers four methods to transmit frequencies: plasma, ultrasonic, PEMF coil and contact mode. Each transmission method offers its own advantages; plasma transmission being most potent by far and enabling frequencies up to 3.5 MHz without using carriers – the original mode used by Royal Rife to successfully treat 16 cancer patients.

Spooky2 Remote allows users to identify diseases or symptoms using its search box and determine the frequencies that provide effective treatment. Acute conditions like influenza or sore throats typically respond within several treatments while more serious illnesses like cancer or chronic infections may require up to six months of care.


Biofeedback is a mind-body therapy that harnesses the power of our minds to reduce anxiety symptoms and enhance overall well-being. This is achieved through feedback from physiological functions like heart rate, hand temperature, muscle tension and more. Neurofeedback aims at controlling EEG brainwaves to treat conditions such as ADHD, autism, PTSD, addictions anxiety depression and sleep disorders.

Spooky2‘s biofeedback software can scan your body in six minutes and display results on screen – far quicker than a traditional Rife machine’s hour-plus scans! This time saving technology provides invaluable results that you can take action upon immediately.

Learn to regulate and eliminate symptoms completely with this information, like Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), which can occur due to stress and anxiety. When this happens, our sympathetic nervous system overactivates, activating our “fight or flight” response which causes reduced blood flow to extremities like hands leading to colder hands. With Biofeedback therapy/training you can recognize this GSR and use conscious control techniques to raise their temperature back up towards normal.

Spooky2 system treatments are most often effective at relieving chronic health conditions that have had time to become entrenched in your system, meaning they have become long-standing conditions. To maximize treatment results quickly and completely, we advise pairing your Rife machine with our powerful GeneratorX generator; this special multi-function generator offers multiple frequencies to choose from as well as carrier sweeping features as well as Spectrum Zapping techniques in different modes.

The GeneratorX has also been enhanced with special presets to address many common health conditions like Morgellons, cancer and parasites – making it an all-inclusive treatment solution. All this is included in the Spooky2 detox kit along with everything else needed for its use right away. For purchasing and accessing its features immediately visit our main store – it is the only officially authorized source for Spooky2 equipment and accessories, without being profit-hungry franchise operations; friendly support awaits customers in our members forum as they shop our main store.

Plasma Technology

Plasma is an exceptional state of matter with many properties. For instance, it ionizes molecules, has high electrical conductivity and can be activated using light and magnetic fields to alter important properties in solids. Plasma technology is extremely beneficial when cleaning materials such as metals, glass, plastics and wood while also helping remove harmful microorganisms and toxins from water and soil sources.

Spooky2 uses plasma therapy to penetrate deep into your body, to fight pathogens, toxins and other potentially harmful organisms while also aiding natural healing processes. The Plasma Module offers multiple programs using various frequency sets and waveforms that target health concerns specifically; such as healing protocols for plasma healing, detoxification protocols or antifungal/bacterial protocols – adding even greater power to its therapeutic benefits! You can combine it with Remote or Contact Modes of Spooky2 for even more potency healing sessions.

As soon as you install the software, a pop-up window will ask you to verify the settings that you would like saved. By clicking Finish, the software will copy over all necessary settings files onto your computer as well as install drivers for any necessary generators like Spooky2-5M generators.

Once Spooky2 has been installed, a menu will appear at the top of your screen with three tabs: Settings (to change default values at startup), Custom (personal preferences), and Info.

The System tab offers you a quick snapshot of key system statistics. It includes information such as the number and status of generators found, as well as dates/times when they were last scanned or communication errors between generators and software.

The Programs Tab is where you search and select programs you would like to run on your system. It provides access to four factory databases – DNA, Base Pairs, Molecular Weight and Main as well as any customized programs that have been added by you or others. Our global program database keeps growing as new ones are created and shared among us all – with Frequency Sets and Carrier Sweep programs also being created directly here!


Spooky2 Accessories are special plugins designed to add additional functions and features, including Spectrum Sweep programs and Carrier Sweep programs, that can help detect parasites or harmful organisms which are hard to find with conventional means. These accessories may help uncover hidden threats more efficiently.

As an additional feature, some accessories come equipped with a spectral analysis tool, enabling users to observe real-time the characteristics of frequency sets in real time – an invaluable way of quickly and easily identifying effective frequencies and harmonic structures. Furthermore, this software can display graphic representations of each harmonic structure that makes up each frequency set.

The program includes an advanced menu that enables users to customize many of its features, for instance showing frequencies and their amplitudes in sets, saving customized frequency sets as defaults in the program, or restoring factory defaults as needed.

Spooky2 can also become more responsive to user commands through its advanced menu, including audio alerts when transmission begins and Programs complete, recording USB communications logs for troubleshooting purposes and more.

Finally, a program can be set to display a message for a specified length of time on its screen. This feature can prove particularly helpful to medical staff treating diseases that impact mental health such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Spooky2 offers multiple waveform generators, each of which can be saved as a custom database or loaded from its Preset Collections folders. Furthermore, users may create and utilize their own customized databases freely with Spooky2.

This software features numerous additional functions. It can detect the presence of microorganisms in your body and identify their locations within. Furthermore, this application can locate headache sources quickly and effectively for treatment as well as provide pain relief relief as well as alleviate anxiety/depression related symptoms.

February 6, 2025|Editorial

How a Bioresonance Patch Can Help

Bioresonance devices can detect and apply electromagnetic frequencies that can help the body restore equilibrium.

Bicom bioresonance therapy has proven itself an effective remedy for allergies in scientific trials. Due to an imbalance within the body often leading to allergic symptoms, its long-term use has proven its efficacy for long-term allergy relief.

1. Pain Relief

Pain can often be an indicator of an underlying health problem and bioresonance therapy can provide relief. Thin circular patches emit electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate electro-molecules found within your cells. Your nervous system then picks up these frequencies and triggers natural healing mechanisms in the body – leading to reduced pain levels as well as alleviated symptoms from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Bioresonance can also assist with diagnosing why you might be experiencing allergy reactions to certain foods, which could be caused by parasites, Candida or incorrect messages sent to your body. Once you understand what’s triggering your allergies it will become much simpler to rectify them.

Researchers conducted one study and discovered that when you experience pain, the ion channels in your nerves open and close due to frequency vibration resonance within atoms and molecules within your body. As per this finding, Tuning Element Relief Patches (TERPs) contain frequencies designed to resonate with these channels and thus alleviate it.

One study discovered that TERP can effectively treat rheumatoid arthritis by relaxing the sympathetic nervous system, responsible for your fight or flight response. Furthermore, they discovered that it can also decrease joint swelling while increasing muscle flexibility for reduced symptoms and quality of life improvements. Professor Anja Cosic from this research concluded that bioresonance devices such as TERP may offer alternative or complementary treatment methods as alternative or complementary solutions to pharmaceutical medicines for pain management.

2. Stress Reduction

All cells in our bodies vibrate at different frequencies, which may become disrupted due to factors like stress or negative emotions. Bioresonance therapy involves applying thin circular patches with electromagnetic frequencies that stimulate electro-molecules found within your body’s electro-molecules in order to begin the body’s natural self-healing processes and initiate self-healing processes within.

The patch’s circuitry is claimed to act like a small capacitor that releases energy when applied directly to the skin, helping the body achieve equilibrium and maintaining natural balance. Furthermore, its use may also help reduce pain by stimulating natural pain-relief mechanisms in your body; improve sleep by relieving anxiety and stress; boost energy by increasing metabolism; or help boost energy by improving metabolism in general.

Studies conducted at Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Family Medicine Smoking Cessation Polyclinic revealed in 2023 that patients using bioresonance for smoking cessation experienced greater success rates than traditional methods. Patients received three sessions of bioresonance treatment every 15 days until their efforts at quitting succeeded – 89.2% reported no return to smoking following bioresonance treatment while only 57.6% still smoked following three sessions with non-bioresonance subjects.

Bioenergetic testing (also called bioresonance) utilizes a machine that emits healthy electromagnetic frequencies to measure vibrations in hair and saliva samples to identify organs, glands or body systems under strain energetically. Testing helps identify harmful frequencies which could contribute to health issues like environmental sensitivities, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, emotional disturbances, pathogens or toxin levels affecting human bodies.

MXene-doped ionic gel patches demonstrated superior thermal stability compared to hydrogel patches, which experienced uncontrolled temperature increases upon laser irradiation (even after five cycles of intermittent laser exposure; Supplementary Figures 3e-f). Furthermore, MXene-doped patches demonstrated higher breaking strength and stretching properties than their hydrogel counterparts (Supplementary Figs. 13a,b).

3. Inflammation Reduction

Inflammation is an integral component of our bodies’ natural healing processes; however, too often we overdo it and cause health issues like arthritis and chronic pain. Bio-resonance therapy uses frequencies detection technology to alter them in order to help reduce inflammation in patients; additionally it has also been successfully employed against allergies, digestive issues, migraines and fibromyalgia among many other ailments.

Scientists have discovered that our bodies contain an electromagnetic field known as our “aura,” or energy. This aura affects both physical and emotional states and can be disrupted by negative emotions or environmental factors. Bio-resonance therapy works by reading your aura to detect any imbalances or disturbances which need correcting using frequency signals that correct these imbalances and create greater physical and emotional well-being.

Ionic gels are flexible, transparent materials containing ions that can be electrolyzed to produce electric currents. Studies have demonstrated a range of medical applications for these gels including photothermal conversion and electrical stimulation for skin tumor treatment1.

Researchers created an ionic gel patch infused with MXene that is highly responsive to both photoelectric and electrical stimuli2. Doping with MXene improves thermal stability so it can withstand continuous laser irradiation without degrading, as well as increasing optical transparency so real-time visual inspection of skin response and assessment of treatment effect can occur more efficiently and quickly.

Researchers conducted tests of their ionic gel patch on B16F10 tumor-bearing mice. They divided them into five groups and administered treatments for 10 minutes on two consecutive days: control, laser, PTT, ES and PES treatments; it was discovered that using PES significantly suppressed growth of skin tumors while normalizing surrounding tissue.

4. Immune Boost

Bioresonance is an emerging healing science which recognizes that all body tissues, cells and organs contain 98% energy that vibrates at specific frequencies and wavelengths to create your personal electromagnetic field of wellness. Unfortunately, stress or external influences may interfere with this flow and disrupt it, creating patterns of imbalance or dysfunction leading to disease.

Bioresonance technology can assist in restoring this balance. Studies have revealed its ability to strengthen immune function, reduce environmental toxins and parasites’ impact, boost your natural frequencies to help boost mood, soothe pain relief and inflammation relief, promote deep sleep.

MXene has quickly become a research darling due to its unique properties, such as simple preparation, excellent electroconductivity and photothermal properties9. Ionic gel patches containing MXene doping exhibit superior tensile properties as well as enhanced electrical conductivity and photothermal conversion during photoelectric co-stimulation. Under 808nm laser irradiation for 10 min at 808nm wavelength (Supplementary Figure 10), MXene-doped ionic gel patch temperatures rose gradually with increasing concentration under 808 nm laser light irradiation to reach its optimal temperature for effective skin tumor treatment. TUNEL staining results showed that PTT and ES with MXene-patch caused significant mitochondrial damage, activating caspase-3 to cut GSDME protein and trigger cell pyroptosis37.

5. Sleep Improvement

If you find it difficult to fall asleep easily and wake feeling unrefreshed, our bioresonance patch could be the solution. These patches emit electromagnetic frequencies which interact with electro-molecules in your body to rebalance natural electromagnetic fields while activating nervous system self-healing processes for improved quality of life and reduced pain, stress and anxiety levels. The result? A natural way of relieving pain, stress and anxiety while increasing energy levels and aligning circadian rhythms for an overall improved quality of life.

As opposed to traditional resonance physiotherapy which requires expensive medical equipment, our lightweight and portable patches meet rigorous health and safety regulations by being FDA registered in the USA and EU compliant.