Energy Medicine by Donna Eden
Energy Medicine cultivates energies that foster resilience, joy and enthusiasm in life. By teaching us to balance hormones and restore energy levels naturally without turning to medications or other unnatural solutions, Energy Medicine allows us to thrive without turning to unnatural remedies like drugs or steroids for help.
By drawing upon time-honored traditions like acupuncture, yoga and kinesiology – as well as Donna’s own clairvoyant ability – Donna offers guidance in controlling one’s energetic flows to promote health and well-being.
How to Heal Yourself
Over thousands of years, cultures around the world have acknowledged that our physical and emotional health stem from energy flow. When this flow becomes blocked or imbalanced, illness occurs; but by understanding and working with these subtle energies we can restore health, clarity, joy, and spiritual development.
Donna Eden has earned an international following as an expert on energy medicine. Born with an innate ability to sense invisible forces that move the human body, Donna can see all eight systems comprising its energy system – beyond chakras. Utilizing her “gift,” Donna has developed an easily understandable method that empowers everyone to use their own energies as medicine and heal themselves through natural means.
Energy medicine is the practice of harmonizing our energy fields and pathways to promote healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It focuses on aligning body energy centers with one another as well as with our environment – when energy flows smoothly within these fields and pathways you experience well being, mental clarity, emotional equilibrium and spiritual expansion.
When these energies become disrupted by daily challenges, prolonged stressors, environmental toxins or something as simple as carrying an overloaded purse, we may become unwell. Luckily, our bodies contain built-in energy systems designed to naturally protect and repair themselves; but in order to maintain overall wellness we should practice energy techniques regularly.
Energy Medicine provides solutions for many common problems, from PMS and menopause to high blood pressure. It teaches us how to strengthen immune, circulatory and lymphatic systems for greater health and wellbeing. Furthermore, this book features an easy guided visualization and dance ritual which strengthens connections to our soul, transmits spirit wisdom and reenergizes life – this must-have addition for any home library!
The Energy Medicine Book
Donna Eden and David Feinstein provide an accessible introduction to Energy Medicine. Drawing upon Donna’s gift of seeing human energy fields as well as insights gleaned from healing her allergies, asthma, Multiple Sclerosis and chronic heart disease themselves, they provide ways for you to recognize and access your own life force energy – then use this energy for healing yourself or loved ones while also relieving pain, supporting immunity function or any number of other activities.
Donna Eden has long taught people to recognize aches and pains as indicators of an energy imbalance, making Donna one of the world’s most sought-after, enjoyable, and authoritative advocates for this work. Over 100,000 individuals worldwide — laypeople as well as professionals — have been helped to reclaim their health and natural vitality thanks to Donna Eden.
Energy Medicine for Women was awarded the 2009 Nautilus Gold Award and features Donna Eden’s approach tailored specifically to women. It demonstrates how they can utilize energy medicine tools and techniques for anxiety, stress, pain relief and low energy while simultaneously creating deeper happiness, satisfaction and contentment in life.
This book emphasizes the significance of meridians as pathways for the circulation of energy throughout our bodies, outlining their routes and purifying currents to maintain balance and employ acupressure to keep us grounded in harmony with ourselves and each other. Furthermore, it explores aura and chakra energies, outlining how they support physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
This book delves deeply into the spiritual and intuitive aspects of working with energy, exploring its connection to soul evolution and energy techniques across various levels of existence. Furthermore, it discusses setting boundaries in healing environments as a method for protecting one’s personal subtle energies as well as those exchanged during energy work sessions with others. Finally, there’s a five-minute daily routine designed to improve your energy flow while reestablishing healthy, balanced flows throughout all your systems – an approach which will allow you to move from instinctive healing towards intentional healing while accessing an abundance of abundance for vibrant health!
The Energy Medicine Course
Today, more people – including doctors and medical professionals – have discovered an incredible source of natural healing within the human body itself: energy healing. This remarkable practice is an effective means of relieving pain, renewing vitality, and creating an ideal state of energetic balance.
Donna Eden is one of the world’s foremost energy healers, and through this course you’ll learn to tap into its remarkable healing power for yourself. By following Donna Eden’s advice you will discover ways to relieve pain and return your body back into a state of balance, as well as harness the incredible power of your own personal energy systems to the benefit of yourself and others.
This one year program provides an in-depth exploration of energy principles, systems, and techniques used for healing. Classes meet over four extended weekends quarterly with each class building upon the previous one; students receive lecture, hands-on practice under supervision, group discussion, as well as question and answer sessions – making this Energy Medicine training accessible to anyone looking to heal themselves or those around them.
Donna was able to cure herself of multiple sclerosis using energy techniques, and now devotes her life to teaching these methods so others may regain control over their own health and wellness. Donna has designed an easy-to-learn system of energy medicine which can easily integrate with various healing modalities.
Author of nine books, such as the bestsellers Energy Medicine for Everyone and Love Energy Medicine, she is also an engaging speaker on various subjects. Her engaging presentations feature audience participation and stunning demonstrations of simple methods for shifting energy flow within the body, relieving pain, and clearing away blockages that lead to illness. Her mission is to empower people reclaim ownership over their health while rediscover joy in living; within minutes per day she has helped many patients experience lasting healing to reach optimal balance health and euphoric happiness.
The Energy Medicine Dance
This introductory class to energy healing provides strategies and techniques for relieving stress and anxiety as well as eliminating energy blocks, providing an excellent start for the Energy Medicine course.
Donna has spent over 25 years teaching people how to use methods similar to acupressure, therapeutic touch and qi gong for health and happiness, drawing upon her ability as a clairvoyant clairaudience reader to manage their energy flows with precision and methodically. Donna’s methods also enable those without such special abilities to work productively with their energies.
Donna has identified nine essential energy systems which form the cornerstone of good health: Meridians, Chakras, Radiant Circuits, Celtic Weave Weaving Machine, Triple Warmer, Electrics Grid Basic Grid and Auras. In this engaging video she introduces each essential energy system.
Titanya Dahlin, daughter of Donna Eden and third generation intuitive healer, learned the language of energy early in her life. As such, she developed her intuitive gifts, including being able to “read” vibrational colors that appear in an individual’s aura (known as Life Colors). Titanya serves as movement coordinator for the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program as well as creating the Energy Medicine Dance with her mother’s work as its basis.
With this joy-inducing workout, you will discover your own energetic flow; free your body through breath, imagery and movement; strengthen your mind-body connection; lower stress; increase self-esteem and enhance health. Through guided visualization and dance ritual, your senses will awaken as soul wisdom flows through you – messages which you’ll take home with you!
Many are now realizing that their physical and emotional states, from mood shifts to personal and professional challenges, all stem from imbalanced energy flow in their body. When this natural cycle becomes blocked or unbalanced, sickness strikes; when realigned and renewed it can bring greater satisfaction and well-being. With this powerful course, you will learn how to unlock the hidden potential within yourself to bring about a profound shift in both mind and body health.