Energy Medicine For Women by Donna Eden
Energy medicine expert Donna Eden illustrates how energy healing techniques can be the key to successfully managing women’s unique health concerns, including PMS, menopause symptoms and fertility concerns.
There are various vitamins and supplements that may help increase energy, such as B12, ginseng, and ashwagandha, but to truly maximize energy levels it’s best to focus on diet and exercise as an energy booster.
Hormones are essential chemicals produced by our bodies to regulate temperature and heart rate, but when produced at too high or low a level they can create health issues. Women have many hormonal transitions throughout life such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause that may result in symptoms like bloating, tender breasts, skin issues and fatigue; women may also notice decreases in energy and mood swings as their hormones change.
Estrogen, the main female sex hormone, is responsible for controlling menstruation cycles and other female body characteristics. Estrogen production takes place in both ovaries and adrenal glands and it plays an essential role in fetal development during gestation. Progesterone serves as estrogen’s sister molecule by protecting both mother and fetus during pregnancy.
If you experience an irregular period, spotting between periods, or painful cramping, it’s wise to consult your physician immediately. They will conduct blood work and may order tests to diagnose a hormonal imbalance which may lead to fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), asthma or depression as potential risks; seizures; liver, gallbladder or kidney diseases or taking blood thinners can all make symptoms worsened further. If bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is something you are considering then be sure that your physician knows about any risk factors before proceeding further with therapy – otherwise adverse results could arise from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy use!
An holistic approach to reproductive health is the ideal way to address hormonal imbalance or menstrual problems, by using traditional western medicine with an energetic perspective and striving towards more balanced menstrual cycles and overall improved wellness.
Donna Eden emphasizes the connection between energy balance and hormonal equilibrium in women. She provides energy medicine techniques such as meridian tapping and chakra balancing to address common women’s health concerns such as PMS, menopause symptoms and fertility problems. Furthermore, Eden explores emotional trauma as it relates to physical illness; offering solutions for healing emotional wounds while improving mental wellbeing. Incorporating energy healing techniques into conventional medical treatments for optimal results.
Sexual energy is a profoundly transformative force. Its infinitely powerful force can alter one’s perspective of life and open doors to deep love, wild pleasure, and transcendent union with the Divine – but it can also become a source of trauma and emotional overwhelm if an individual feels abandoned by society, family, friends or community.
Health care providers are increasingly concerned with female sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, most physicians lack training in how mind-body-spirit practices can boost sexual wellbeing for women. This model could serve as a blueprint to assist physicians in including these dimensions into patients’ treatment plans.
Hormones, body image and gender identity all play a significant role in women’s sexual health and sexuality. Unfortunately, many issues related to these elements often cause feelings of shame or guilt related to sexuality being improper or forbidden, difficulties with intimacy and communication or pelvic pain and dysfunction that prevent women from engaging in sexual activity.
Cultivating female sexual energy can be transformative. It can assist women through menstruation, fertility, pregnancy and menopause as they navigate these steps; promote healthy weight and bone health; improve mood memory and brain function; boost libido and enhance sexual satisfaction and help women reclaim their inherent sensuality.
Minke de Vos’ book offers women a guide to channelling sexual energy according to techniques from the Universal Healing Tao system. She guides women through solo and partner practices for conscious energy exchange and connection with Divine. Furthermore, Minke offers strategies for healing deep-seated negative emotions or traumas and unifying masculine and feminine energies into wholeness within themselves.
Titanya Eden, granddaughter of holistic health pioneer Donna Eden and student in Donna’s Energy Medicine for Women workshop since 1995, has assisted in numerous national and international workshops of Donna as well as graduated from her two-year Eden Energy Medicine certification program in 2008. Titanya has also presented at numerous conferences as part of her teaching team as she leads Movement Ceremonial Energy of Love classes worldwide workshops of Donna.
Stress is a natural reaction to danger that causes our bodies to release hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine, increasing our ability to react swiftly in dangerous situations and can be useful in some instances, like helping athletes perform better or quickly applying brakes to avoid car accidents. Unfortunately, too much stress can have adverse effects on health, leading to both mental and physical ailments.
Stress manifests itself in many different forms, from headaches and upset stomach to short-temperedness and worsening mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Stress also contributes to physical ailments such as high blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart disease – and vice versa.
Chronic stress lasts longer and has far-reaching repercussions for health, with detrimental results on our wellbeing. It may arise from long-term events such as living in poverty or an unstable family environment or be the result of trauma such as sexual assault. Chronic stress affects virtually every aspect of our bodies – suppressing immunity while impacting digestive and reproductive systems and speeding aging processes further still, leaving us more susceptible to illness than before.
People need to learn to recognize and address signs of stress as early as possible in order to alleviate it. Everyone has access to their own internal reset button for stress, which works by slowing down heart rate and blood pressure and decreasing levels of stress hormones in the body. In addition, techniques like yoga or deep breathing may also help lower levels. Sometimes people cope with stress through unhealthy means like overeating or compulsive behaviors which have detrimental health impacts.
Donna Eden has long been recognized as an authority on holistic health. For more than three decades she has taught thousands of individuals how to view the body as an energy system and recognize aches and pains as signals of imbalance – thus unlocking natural healing abilities within them. Now in this long-awaited book specifically targeting women she shows them how they can work with their energy fields to address whatever health issues may arise in their bodies.
Hormones and menstrual cycles can be balanced by working with the energy of the uterus, reproductive organs, and hormonal glands; ovarian cysts and fibroids can be eliminated with simple energetic techniques; while following a healthy diet can prevent weight gain. Eden also introduces energy medicine techniques like meridien tapping, chakra balancing, aura cleansing etc.
This groundbreaking work, in addition to addressing common women’s health concerns, explores the connections between emotional trauma and physical wellness. Many times symptoms can be traced back to past events; Eden shows how energy psychology, an ancient practice that draws on principles from energy medicine, can heal emotional wounds and boost mental wellness.
Eden has learned through both personal experience and those of her clients and students to pinpoint accurately the root causes of various health conditions based on an individual’s energy state. She has taught thousands how to utilize their body’s subtle energy systems, providing effective treatments for PMS, menopause symptoms, fertility issues, libido issues and more. Energy Medicine for Women provides a step-by-step guide for harnessing women’s energies for optimal health, vitality, and inner peace.