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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

January 20, 2025|Editorial

Energy Medicine For Women by Donna Eden

Energy medicine expert Donna Eden illustrates how energy healing techniques can be the key to successfully managing women’s unique health concerns, including PMS, menopause symptoms and fertility concerns.

There are various vitamins and supplements that may help increase energy, such as B12, ginseng, and ashwagandha, but to truly maximize energy levels it’s best to focus on diet and exercise as an energy booster.


Hormones are essential chemicals produced by our bodies to regulate temperature and heart rate, but when produced at too high or low a level they can create health issues. Women have many hormonal transitions throughout life such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause that may result in symptoms like bloating, tender breasts, skin issues and fatigue; women may also notice decreases in energy and mood swings as their hormones change.

Estrogen, the main female sex hormone, is responsible for controlling menstruation cycles and other female body characteristics. Estrogen production takes place in both ovaries and adrenal glands and it plays an essential role in fetal development during gestation. Progesterone serves as estrogen’s sister molecule by protecting both mother and fetus during pregnancy.

If you experience an irregular period, spotting between periods, or painful cramping, it’s wise to consult your physician immediately. They will conduct blood work and may order tests to diagnose a hormonal imbalance which may lead to fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), asthma or depression as potential risks; seizures; liver, gallbladder or kidney diseases or taking blood thinners can all make symptoms worsened further. If bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is something you are considering then be sure that your physician knows about any risk factors before proceeding further with therapy – otherwise adverse results could arise from bioidentical hormone replacement therapy use!

An holistic approach to reproductive health is the ideal way to address hormonal imbalance or menstrual problems, by using traditional western medicine with an energetic perspective and striving towards more balanced menstrual cycles and overall improved wellness.


Donna Eden emphasizes the connection between energy balance and hormonal equilibrium in women. She provides energy medicine techniques such as meridian tapping and chakra balancing to address common women’s health concerns such as PMS, menopause symptoms and fertility problems. Furthermore, Eden explores emotional trauma as it relates to physical illness; offering solutions for healing emotional wounds while improving mental wellbeing. Incorporating energy healing techniques into conventional medical treatments for optimal results.


Sexual energy is a profoundly transformative force. Its infinitely powerful force can alter one’s perspective of life and open doors to deep love, wild pleasure, and transcendent union with the Divine – but it can also become a source of trauma and emotional overwhelm if an individual feels abandoned by society, family, friends or community.

Health care providers are increasingly concerned with female sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, most physicians lack training in how mind-body-spirit practices can boost sexual wellbeing for women. This model could serve as a blueprint to assist physicians in including these dimensions into patients’ treatment plans.

Hormones, body image and gender identity all play a significant role in women’s sexual health and sexuality. Unfortunately, many issues related to these elements often cause feelings of shame or guilt related to sexuality being improper or forbidden, difficulties with intimacy and communication or pelvic pain and dysfunction that prevent women from engaging in sexual activity.

Cultivating female sexual energy can be transformative. It can assist women through menstruation, fertility, pregnancy and menopause as they navigate these steps; promote healthy weight and bone health; improve mood memory and brain function; boost libido and enhance sexual satisfaction and help women reclaim their inherent sensuality.

Minke de Vos’ book offers women a guide to channelling sexual energy according to techniques from the Universal Healing Tao system. She guides women through solo and partner practices for conscious energy exchange and connection with Divine. Furthermore, Minke offers strategies for healing deep-seated negative emotions or traumas and unifying masculine and feminine energies into wholeness within themselves.


Titanya Eden, granddaughter of holistic health pioneer Donna Eden and student in Donna’s Energy Medicine for Women workshop since 1995, has assisted in numerous national and international workshops of Donna as well as graduated from her two-year Eden Energy Medicine certification program in 2008. Titanya has also presented at numerous conferences as part of her teaching team as she leads Movement Ceremonial Energy of Love classes worldwide workshops of Donna.


Stress is a natural reaction to danger that causes our bodies to release hormones such as adrenaline and norepinephrine, increasing our ability to react swiftly in dangerous situations and can be useful in some instances, like helping athletes perform better or quickly applying brakes to avoid car accidents. Unfortunately, too much stress can have adverse effects on health, leading to both mental and physical ailments.

Stress manifests itself in many different forms, from headaches and upset stomach to short-temperedness and worsening mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Stress also contributes to physical ailments such as high blood pressure, muscle tension, and heart disease – and vice versa.

Chronic stress lasts longer and has far-reaching repercussions for health, with detrimental results on our wellbeing. It may arise from long-term events such as living in poverty or an unstable family environment or be the result of trauma such as sexual assault. Chronic stress affects virtually every aspect of our bodies – suppressing immunity while impacting digestive and reproductive systems and speeding aging processes further still, leaving us more susceptible to illness than before.

People need to learn to recognize and address signs of stress as early as possible in order to alleviate it. Everyone has access to their own internal reset button for stress, which works by slowing down heart rate and blood pressure and decreasing levels of stress hormones in the body. In addition, techniques like yoga or deep breathing may also help lower levels. Sometimes people cope with stress through unhealthy means like overeating or compulsive behaviors which have detrimental health impacts.


Donna Eden has long been recognized as an authority on holistic health. For more than three decades she has taught thousands of individuals how to view the body as an energy system and recognize aches and pains as signals of imbalance – thus unlocking natural healing abilities within them. Now in this long-awaited book specifically targeting women she shows them how they can work with their energy fields to address whatever health issues may arise in their bodies.

Hormones and menstrual cycles can be balanced by working with the energy of the uterus, reproductive organs, and hormonal glands; ovarian cysts and fibroids can be eliminated with simple energetic techniques; while following a healthy diet can prevent weight gain. Eden also introduces energy medicine techniques like meridien tapping, chakra balancing, aura cleansing etc.

This groundbreaking work, in addition to addressing common women’s health concerns, explores the connections between emotional trauma and physical wellness. Many times symptoms can be traced back to past events; Eden shows how energy psychology, an ancient practice that draws on principles from energy medicine, can heal emotional wounds and boost mental wellness.

Eden has learned through both personal experience and those of her clients and students to pinpoint accurately the root causes of various health conditions based on an individual’s energy state. She has taught thousands how to utilize their body’s subtle energy systems, providing effective treatments for PMS, menopause symptoms, fertility issues, libido issues and more. Energy Medicine for Women provides a step-by-step guide for harnessing women’s energies for optimal health, vitality, and inner peace.

January 20, 2025|Editorial

The Pseudoscience of Radionics

Radionics is an alternative healing technique involving manipulation of subtle energies to treat health ailments and promote wellness. While conventional medicine views it as pseudoscience, many people find Radionics beneficial as part of an overall holistic wellness plan.

Energy medicine is founded on the idea that all living things emit vibrations of energy that can be detected with special devices and manipulated for healing purposes, similar to homeopathy and acupuncture practices.

The history of radionics

Radionics is an alternative form of medicine that utilizes energy healing. Based on the principle that all substances emit their own vibrational frequency, Radionics practitioners use special devices known as witness samples to connect with subjects’ energies–ranging from blood samples and photographs, as well as any combination thereof–thus serving as tuning points for instruments used remotely for diagnosis and treatment of illness or well-being.

Radionics is not an unfamiliar concept, yet there can be various interpretations of its practice. Some practitioners use radionics to channel spiritual forces beyond our understanding; meanwhile, others believe radionics helps manifest our intentions, promote spiritual development and achieve higher states of awareness.

Dr Albert Abrams was the pioneer behind radionics devices, believing that illness resulted from disruptions in an individual’s etheric body energy pattern and that these patterns could be detected using special devices. He initially used metal rods to stroke abdominal reagents with, later transitioning to more sophisticated apparatus using rubbing plates, which enabled analysis of samples such as hair or skin samples to identify illnesses more efficiently.

Ruth Drown, a chiropractor, expanded Abrams’ initial work. She found that his instrument could not only diagnose but also provide therapy. Furthermore, this method worked remotely if a sample of blood were placed onto it.

Radionics has recently evolved by adopting ideas from Eastern philosophy, particularly concerning human energy fields and chakras. This incorporation has broadened its application and highlighted its adaptability to evolving holistic philosophies. Radionics has attracted an impressive array of followers ranging from scientists and doctors to those without scientific backgrounds – as its ability to tap subtle energies for healing purposes attracts wide followings.

Symptoms of radionics

Radionics is an alternative healing method that uses special devices to detect subtle energies and direct healing energy to restore balance and promote wellness. Although Radionics lacks mainstream scientific backing, its proponents maintain that it can treat various conditions and ailments.

Radionics is based on the theory that all matter emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be read as distinctive energy patterns associated with disease. It was pioneered by Dr Albert Abrams (1863 – 1924), who called his technique RADIation and ElectrONICS. Later, American chiropractor Ruth Drown and British osteopath George de la Warr created additional radionics instruments for diagnosis and treatment purposes.

At each session, a trained practitioner uses dowsing techniques and radionic instruments to identify energy imbalances underlying physical or psychological symptoms in their client and work to balance their energy field, also known as their aura.

Disharmony can result from various sources, such as stress, negative thinking and chemical or environmental exposure. Such imbalances may contribute to heart disease, cancer, fibromyalgia and depression – as well as being used as radionic treatments on animals and plants alike to boost their immunity and heal any effects of trauma.

Contrary to conventional medicine, which typically involves providing a detailed medical history and being examined by a physician, radionics is performed by trained practitioners without prior evaluation or medical records being kept on file. Furthermore, it can complement other forms of healthcare like acupuncture, homeopathy and herbal remedies.

At each session, a practitioner will place a sample of hair onto a device called a synopsis for analysis by an AO scanner. Based on its analysis results, an AO scanner will analyse each element present to select an effective remedy and imprint or broadcast its correct rate and potency directly onto their patient. An AO scan takes into account organ status, toxin load, vitamin and mineral budget needs, bacteria/viral presence as well as many other factors when making its determinations.

Cost of radionics sessions

Radionic sessions are an energy healing modality that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to detect and correct imbalances within the body. They can be used for treating various aliments ranging from mental to physical ailments; sometimes combined with holistic practices like Reiki or crystal healing; additionally they may even help address animal and plant related concerns.

Contrary to traditional medicine, radionics does not involve physical manipulation or the ingestion of any substances. Instead, it is believed that vibrations from an instrument may alter hemoglobin content in blood, thus increasing circulation and improving overall health. Furthermore, it may be possible to identify and eliminate specific illnesses from an individual’s energy field.

Radionic sessions typically begin with an initial consultation between practitioner and client, where information regarding their issue will be discussed and used to select tailored radionic frequencies to broadcast during each session. Once analysis is complete, practitioners use radionic devices to transmit these frequencies directly to patients.

Radionics sessions vary in cost depending on where and how many sessions are necessary; one session might suffice to temporarily alleviate symptoms while multiple appointments provide lasting comfort. Some practitioners even provide discounts for veterans suffering PTSD making treatment more accessible.

Radionics can be an invaluable therapy for both animals and humans, relieving pain, comfort, behavioral problems, enhancing overall health and offering complementary relief when conventional treatments don’t. But it should be remembered that radionics isn’t scientifically supported; therefore it should be seen more as a supplement than medical advice; also, any person considering radionics should consult their physician first to ensure it’s appropriate.

Pseudoscience of radionics

Radionics, or electromagnetic frequency therapy, involves using electromagnetic devices to influence subtle energies. It operates under the belief that all living things emit vibrational frequencies which can be measured and altered to promote healing, balance, and well-being. Radionics suggests an invisible interconnectivity among people, animals, and plants which transcends conventional scientific understanding – this form of healing often used for treating allergies, back pain and even mental illnesses.

Energy medicine or distance healing, has many similarities with homeopathy and acupuncture in that its focus lies on individual energy flows and patterns – when these coincide, health results; when they don’t, disease may arise.

Proponents of radionics hold that all organs, diseases and remedies have specific vibrational frequencies which a practitioner can tune in to using a “radionic instrument.” This device contains dials with numerical values called rates that can be set during sessions – these numbers have symbolic meaning beyond mathematics alone. Practitioners then place “witness samples” onto the instrument – this could range from blood droplets or photos of patients as focal points that help the therapist connect with patient energy more directly.

Therapists assess witness sample rates before setting individualized rates to address each condition or treatment goal. The rates should match with an illness or desire, and practitioners claim they can identify imbalances within an individual’s aura when treating.

Of particular relevance are radionic rates designed to eliminate toxins, improve sleep and ease anxiety. Others focus on stimulating growth or strengthening relationships. Finally, psychological issues like guilt and fear release may also be helped through radionic rates used for healing. Essentially any energetic characteristic associated with an object or person can be represented using radionic rates and used therapeutically.

January 20, 2025|Editorial

What Would You Do If You Could Receive Medicine That Reversed Aging?

What would you do in an ideal world where longevity medicines could reverse aging? Such alluring counterfactuals have no basis in science.

Sinclair’s daily regimen entails taking 1 gram of metformin for type 2 diabetes, baby aspirin, resveratrol and three vitamins; his calories are kept low by restricting carbohydrates while eating lots of plants.


Sinclair, as a scientist specializing in molecular causes of aging, understands he could extend his lifespan significantly if he were to reverse aging processes in his body. To do this, he strives to eat as healthily as possible; to do this he avoids sugar and beverages plenty of water to stay hydrated while eating plenty of vegetables – taking supplements such as Resveratrol, Vitamin D3, Baby Aspirin and NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide). All have demonstrated anti-ageing effects both animal studies as well as human studies.

Sinclair explores this research with Matthew LaPlante of Lifespan podcast fame in an episode of his podcast. They cover exercise that can increase longevity as well as non-dietary interventions known as Adversity Mimetics that mimic stressors to promote health and maintain wellbeing.

Sinclair believes meditation to be an integral component of his longevity routine, using apps such as Headspace and Yoga Wake Up to practice mindfulness – which he claims can improve both physical and mental wellbeing. Furthermore, he takes frequent breaks by walking around or engaging in weight lifting exercises.

Sinclair does his best to maintain good health, performing regular epigenetic tests and screenings for cancer. He obtains full-body AI-assisted MRI scans annually, checks blood markers using InsideTracker app, and refrains from making unsubstantiated claims about techniques or supplements he endorses.

Sinclair claims his biological age to be closer to 50. He attributes this remarkable feat to a healthy diet, an impressive supplement stack and regular exercise for maintaining his youthful look. Some key strategies he employs for maintaining such youthful vitality include forgoing sugary treats like alcohol and meat while opting for foods rich in polyphenols like berries, mushrooms and green tea instead.


Exercise can help reverse or delay aging in many ways. Exercise helps maintain muscle mass, lower inflammation and boost metabolism; additionally it may improve cognitive function. For maximum effectiveness it should include both aerobic and strength training exercises in your daily regimen.

Sinclair’s research has demonstrated how revoking cells’ epigenetic clock can slow or even reverse aging. His team created temporary, fast-healing cuts in young mice’s DNA in order to mimic low-grade, ongoing DNA breaks experienced by mammalian cells daily due to breathing, exposure to sunlight or cosmic rays, chemical contact or exposure, all which contribute to damage or breakdown of information vital for proper cell functioning; once lost this can result in damage and rapid aging of tissues.

Sinclair and his lab have demonstrated the power to alter cell’s epigenetic history through cellular reprograming, giving new instructions that reset their epigenetic history and reverse aging processes in older mice. This breakthrough could potentially have profound ramifications for reverse human aging.

Sinclair’s work has generated widespread media interest, as many are curious to learn how they can extend longevity. Sinclair is distinguished in both research and business settings; with over 180 papers and numerous patents published as well as co-founding several biotechnology companies like Sirtris, Ovascience, Genocea and Cohbar as co-founders; additionally he served as president of the Academy for Health and Lifespan Research.

Sinclair has made exaggerated claims in the past about his discoveries, yet has pledged not to use such language going forward. This will likely increase accuracy in assessments of supplements and techniques while helping him rebuild trust within an increasingly disenchanted science community.

Dr. Sinclair and Matthew LaPlante from Lifespan podcast explore novel anti-aging interventions on the forefront. Topics discussed include testosterone replacement therapy, human growth hormone, peptides, exosomes, stem cells and cellular reprogramming research as well as experimental and clinical data for NAD boosters like metformin, resveratrol, berberine fisetin quercetin rapamycin and spermidine use.


Sleep may be key to living longer. Research demonstrates that people who don’t get enough restful slumber are more prone to suffering from heart disease, obesity, diabetes and difficulty focusing, learning or remembering things due to insufficient production of chemicals necessary for these systems’ regulation; additionally sleep deprivation leads to increased levels of cortisol hormone, leading to quicker aging as well as increases in dementia, depression anxiety or Alzheimer’s disease risk.

To combat the effects of sleep deprivation, aim for six to eight hours of restful slumber each night, and try going to bed at roughly the same time each night. Additionally, implement an evening routine which helps you unwind before sleep – such as meditation or listening to soothing music – such as mediating or listening. Also avoid caffeine, alcohol and processed food at least a few hours prior to going to bed.

David Sinclair decided in his early 20s to dedicate his life to exploring the biology of aging. At first it wasn’t easy; other scientists often criticized his work, his lab was closed, funding issues surfaced and credibility concerns surfaced; but eventually positive results started appearing.

His breakthrough came in 2015 when he and his team reported they could turn back the biological clock of cells with three genes known as OSK. By rejuvenating cells back to a more youthful state, this technology offered hope of treating diseases associated with aging.

Today, Sinclair serves as both professor of genetics and co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School; and holds 35 patents. In his career spanning aging research he has published over 180 papers on longevity issues as a regular contributor to top publications and media outlets; additionally he is also an active entrepreneur having co-founded companies including MetroBiotech, Cohbar InsideTracker Zymo EdenRoc Sciences Affiliates Segterra Life Biosciences as well as Life Biosciences affiliates etc.

Stress Management

Stress can be an understandable reaction to life changes and challenges; however, without proper management it can have serious adverse health repercussions. Stress has been linked with heart disease, muscle tension headaches and depression; its cause often stems from work related issues (money issues), relationships issues or relationship difficulties. You can manage your stress using various techniques including meditation and exercise – though healthy coping mechanisms such as drinking or smoking should be avoided as much as possible.

Sinclair has made quite an impactful mark in the longevity field with multiple publications and millions invested in his projects. He co-founded several companies such as Animal Bioscience and Life Biosciences which produce supplements he claims can reverse animal aging processes; however, other scientists recently accused him of overstating the results of his research.

His research centers around the idea that some genes, like sirtuins, can activate longevity pathways to slow aging. While not predetermined by nature, lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise can trigger these longevity genes to slow or reverse aging processes. He and his team have also identified natural products which may slow or reverse it like rapamycin.

He has been teaching longevity biology at Harvard Medical School since 1999, giving lectures all over the world about it. His research has been published in top-tier journals and he is a member of the Academy for Health and Longevity Research as well as receiving funding from sources such as National Institutes of Health.

He has served as both consultant and inventor on patents licensed to MetroBiotech, InsideTracker, Zymo, ArcBio and Liberty Biosecurity, in addition to owning equity ownership with Dovetail Genomics, Frequency Therapeutics and Elevian as well as board membership at Segterra, Cantata/Dovetail and Animal Biosciences. Furthermore, he was one of the founding investors in several other companies as well.

January 19, 2025|Editorial

Examples of Biohacking

Biohackers take an even further approach to optimizing health and well-being than others do, looking for ways to do just that.

Utilizing some biohacking techniques incorrectly can be dangerous and lead to nutritional deficiencies and other health concerns.

Biohacking can take many forms; from cold and heat therapy to tracking nutrient intake. But some examples can go much deeper; even into Black Mirror territory (for instance using younger blood transfusions to combat aging).


Biohackers experiment with different dietary strategies, including the consumption of nutrient-dense foods and intermittent fasting. Their goal is to decrease processed food consumption while increasing intake of healthy fats, organic foods and vegetables. A food diary and supplement regimen helps identify food sensitivities and optimize digestion.

An essential part of nutritional biohacking involves tailoring nutrition plans based on genetic testing and other data to each individual based on their unique risks for specific diseases and to identify optimal dietary strategies to boost overall wellness. This process of personalized nutrition planning provides individuals with insight into how their genes may be impacting their overall health, providing valuable guidance towards improving their wellbeing through food.

People interested in biohacking typically choose an organic, plant-based, low sugar and processed diet with plenty of micro and macro elements that contribute to good health, such as vegetables. Salt should also be limited as much as possible and processed food products like sugary beverages and soda are often avoided as biohackers prioritize protein for its role in muscle growth, hormone balance and metabolism.

Some individuals practice biohacking by following the ketogenic diet, which entails eating large amounts of healthy fats while restricting carbohydrates intake to promote weight loss and increase energy levels. Proponents of the diet claim it boosts mental clarity while helping increase physical energy and boost their energy levels.

Biohackers also explore techniques to enhance autophagy, the process in which cells break down and recycle dead tissue to improve health while decreasing inflammation, stress, and disease risk. Calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and the consumption of certain foods (resveratrol and NMN are known to stimulate autophagy; it has even been linked to longevity and anti-age benefits; Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey follows an intermittent fasting regimen as part of his lifestyle regimen.


Biohackers utilize exercise as a form of biohacking, using it to their fullest benefit for improving their health. Exercise may help them build muscle, burn fat, gain energy and focus more easily, reduce pain and inflammation or extend longevity – these goals may all be attained using fitness trackers, taking ice baths to increase blood flow or incorporating breathwork or meditation techniques for stress relief.

Some of these hacks may be as simple as drinking a protein shake after exercise or switching to filtered water instead of soda, while others can take the form of cutting-edge technologies or science – for instance using genetic tests to understand how your body best processes nutrients is one way of eliminating uncertainty when meal planning.

Though biohacking might sound futuristic and scary (transfusing younger blood into older ones to combat aging), much of its practice is grounded in science. Some techniques used for biohacking may seem outlandish – transfusing younger blood into older ones to combat aging for example), yet most methods can be traced back to ancient practices like meditation and cold and heat therapy; others are more sophisticated like changing diet, intermittent fasting supplements and even testing effects such as light exposure, temperature and oxygen levels on performance.

Biohacking requires being mindful and not taking on too much at once. Understanding your goals and current health state to identify which science-backed practices would best fit you is key for successful biohacking; some biohackers use personalized data such as selecting foods proven effective against acne or fibromyalgia as guides; meanwhile others rely on blood tests results to detect any deficiencies or imbalances that might exist in their system.


Sleep is an integral component of overall wellness, helping regulate hormones, reduce stress levels and enhance mental clarity and cognitive function. Sleep also aids physical recovery; however, getting adequate restful slumber may prove challenging if you struggle with insomnia or chronic fatigue; however there are various methods you can employ to biohack your sleep to ensure a restful night’s rest.

Avoiding caffeine and nicotine may help facilitate easier sleep and longer restful slumber, as well as balance cortisol and estrogen hormone levels that interfere with restful slumber – this can be accomplished through diet, exercise and natural supplements, like magnesium and potassium supplements to calm your nervous system or valerian, chamomile, passion flower and hop cone herbs to promote relaxation.

Biohacking sleep often involves cold exposure, red light therapy and nootropics (supplements that increase brain function). For instance, taking daily cold showers can increase circulation and relieve muscle soreness after intensive physical activity while nootropics may improve focus and attention. Other effective sleep hacks include using blackout curtains to block blue light before bedtime; taking melatonin to regulate circadian rhythm; or practicing sleep-promoting meditation before retiring for the night.

Biohackers often rely on apps that track sleep patterns to find their optimal sleeping schedules. Many of these apps provide analysis and recommendations based on your behavior to optimize nighttime rituals or bed settings; others even provide guided meditation sessions or relaxing techniques like Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). PMR involves sequentially tightening and then relaxing muscles across your body starting with feet then working upward to the head – it may sound complex but these apps make the task simpler than ever!


Biohackers have taken to using technology to enhance their health and wellbeing, whether that means wearing a smartwatch that tracks biomarkers like blood sugar levels or sleeping with a device that tracks sleep patterns. The data generated by such gadgets allows people to make more informed decisions regarding diet, exercise, overall wellness, genetic engineering advances such as CRISPR technology has opened up an entirely new frontier for biohackers to explore, potentially preventing diseases while augmenting physical and mental attributes.

DIY biology kits and open-source software have made biohacking accessible to amateur enthusiasts, democratising biohacking for amateur enthusiasts and speeding up research and discovery. Individuals can conduct experiments in their own homes or community labs, speeding up research and discovery; making it easier than ever before to gain a greater insight into one’s biological makeup while exploring alternative lifestyle choices.

Nutritional biohacking offers individuals a range of options to optimize their nutritional health, such as personalized meal plans, intermittent fasting, supplements and fecal microbiota transplants. Sleep biohacking allows people to experiment with polyphasic or biphasic sleep schedules in order to enhance energy levels and performance levels.

But for anyone engaging in biohacking to be safe, they must understand all risks involved and possess a thorough knowledge of biology underlying it all. To prevent unexpected or irreparable harm from improper self-experimentation. With DNA editing especially, however, its risks become even greater, given that even beginners may alter or delete genes essential for our well-being and survival accidentally through inexperience. Therefore, anyone engaging in self-improvement needs reliable sources of information as well as goals which are both measurable and time bound before beginning this endeavour.

Personal Experiments

Biohackers employ various approaches, with a common goal in mind – optimizing health and releasing full potential. This often includes self-monitoring, data-driven decision making, and having a deep knowledge of their body – to make adjustments and find solutions tailored specifically to them.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is an advocate of intermittent fasting as an effective low-tech biohack to regulate blood sugar and maintain a healthy weight. Other biohackers employ an elimination diet in order to identify food allergies or sensitivities; this involves cutting out any foods which cause one to feel lethargic, irritable or sick for 10 days and then gradually adding them back over four days to see if your body experiences any reactions.

Biohackers often experiment with different sleep schedules, from polyphasic or biphasic sleeping, to high-tech sleep tracking devices which monitor body rhythms such as heart rate and breathing patterns – this allows them to gain valuable insight into their sleep cycles so that they can fine-tune bedtimes for maximum restful rest.

Others take more extreme approaches, like inserting magnets in their fingers to improve circulation or getting medium chain triglyceride oil (MCT) injections directly into their brains to enhance cognitive performance – but no matter the level of biohacking undertaken, its purpose remains unchanged – to improve one’s health and reverse aging.

Noting the significant fact that many biohackers go beyond FDA-approved research and experiment with unproven substances or technologies is important when conducting biohacking experiments; doing so may result in harmful side effects as well as ethical concerns regarding informed consent and can have wide-reaching ramifications for society as a whole.

January 19, 2025|Editorial

Quantum Healing Courses

Quantum healing courses offer a powerful tool for improving physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. By connecting science and spirituality in new ways, this field of study emphasizes consciousness as the cornerstone of reality.

Learn to breathe better, sleep deeper, regain optimal energy levels and release emotional traumas more easily. Moreover, gain essential skills that enable you to heal yourself and others at a distance.

Course content

Certified as a quantum healing practitioner will give you access to advanced life transformation tools that have proven their efficacy in changing lives for clients. By learning how to utilize them effectively for healing from within and creating more health and happiness for yourself or others. These powerful energy tools can transform every area of life, including relationships, finances, health & wellness, career & self-care.

This course will introduce various healing modalities, including energy balancing, breathwork, meditation and visualization – techniques proven effective at relieving negative emotions and strengthening immunity systems. Furthermore, students will also learn how to identify emotions that cause dis-ease in their body as well as use these newly acquired skills to treat its root cause.

Hooponopono, an ancient Hawaiian practice that helps individuals let go of emotional patterns and clear their karma, can also make the most out of a quantum healing course. Students enrolled will gain valuable hands-on experience with Hooponopono during this course to ensure they possess all the tools needed for practice as a quantum healer.

Quantum Energy Self Healing Course is a rapid program offering cutting-edge, world-class training. The course is intended for health care providers such as doctors, nurses, psychologists and therapists seeking to use scientifically-proven change tools in order to enhance both their own well-being as well as that of their clients. Dr Zeus is one of the foremost authorities on creating science-based models and tools.

Q Codes offered through this course allow clients to harness and channel energy as necessary and experience a healthy reality. Clients report experiencing greater levels of self awareness and control, perspective shifts, increased productivity in less time spent working, improved emotion regulation skills, enhanced physical health benefits and heightened inner satisfaction.


Quantum healing instructors boast years of experience helping their students improve their physical and emotional health with these techniques. Furthermore, they provide guidance to their students as needed while answering any queries that arise; additionally they cover fundamental principles of quantum physics that affect human bodies.

This course will enable you to discover and hone your innate healing abilities, as well as foster their development to their highest level. You will discover techniques for quickly identifying dis-ease’s root cause and quickly relieving symptoms through specific techniques. Furthermore, this course aims to connect science, medicine and spirituality by exploring your innate healing talents – and helping other people access them too – as well as exploring how language and emotion lock dis-ease into the body; then discovering how language locks dis-ease into it more permanently while learning techniques that help locate and integrate emotion so your body can heal itself from within itself.

The quantum healing system utilizes energy and consciousness to produce change in body and mind. It draws its inspiration from quantum physics’ different view of reality than classical Newtonian physics – with particles having multiple states at once which appear counterintuitive – as well as supporting consciousness as being essential to healing processes.

Quantum healing is a holistic approach that incorporates lifestyle upgrades to heal both body and soul. However, it should be noted that quantum healing should only be seen as an adjunct therapy; individuals experiencing serious health issues should consult a physician first before seeking quantum healing solutions.

Mona Delfino, an energy medicine healer and spiritual mentor with over two decades of healing experience, teaches this course to help her students hone their intuition to become highly effective intuitive healers. Her goal is to empower a new generation of healers with practical exercises, group discussions and supervised hands-on practice sessions designed to make sure all learners succeed in becoming highly effective intuitive healers.


Student taking part in energy healing courses must ensure that their course has been accredited to help secure employment in their field and gain professional recognition. Accreditation involves reviewing curriculum and training methods used for each program as well as verifying whether a national governing body has recognized them.

QHHT training equips practitioners to use quantum energy self-healing hypnosis, developed over three decades by scientists based on psychology, neuroscience, and quantum science evidence, to heal clients on both an energetic and quantum level. The operating principles for this form of healing stem from its central concept that everything is energy and that we have control over which kinds of energies come into our lives.

Students enrolled in this course learn to identify and release limiting beliefs while shifting energy towards positive vibrations for deep healing and overall better health and wellbeing. It provides an excellent online option for anyone wanting to start an energy healing practice.

Energy healing can be used as an effective therapy to address various conditions, from emotional traumas and chronic illnesses to physical injuries and addictions. It serves as an excellent complement to traditional medical treatments.

Quantum energy healing is an incredibly potent technique that can alter both your own energies as well as those around you, including shifting frequencies in cells and organisms – whether high or low depending on whether they contribute to health or dysfunction in a system.

Dolores Cannon created one of the most effective quantum healing modalities: QHHT Hypnosis Technique. This deep trance method has proven highly successful at relieving pain, clearing away blockages and stimulating personal development – it provides an alternative approach to drug therapy as well.


Quantum healing practitioners employ an integrative approach that incorporates principles from quantum physics, energy healing and spirituality. Their belief is that our bodies possess an inherent ability to heal themselves when life force energy is balanced and free flowing freely – in sessions they may use techniques such as meditation, visualization or hands-on energy work to clear away blockages in energy systems and restore balance to them.

Quantum healing differs from conventional medicine in that it works with subtle energy fields of the body rather than trying to understand biological processes on a molecular level and intervening through chemicals alone. Instead, quantum healing works to alter subconscious beliefs that manifest themselves as physical or emotional ailments while rewiring your brain with positive beliefs for improved wellbeing.

Cost of quantum healing sessions varies between practitioners depending on their training and experience, so it is crucial that you find one who resonates with your needs and goals. Many quantum healing practitioners provide free introductory calls or consultations so you can ensure they’re the right match.

Quantum healing sessions can be conducted either in person or remotely via phone or videoconference, with in-person sessions usually lasting around an hour and providing great benefits for those experiencing chronic health conditions. Furthermore, they can help identify the source of their symptoms while teaching ways to manage them on an everyday basis.

At each session, your practitioner will identify areas of your body requiring extra focus, applying gentle but firm touch in various hand positions to promote healing and balance. Some individuals require multiple sessions while others report significant improvement from just one.

To preserve the benefits of quantum healing sessions, it is vital that regular self-healing and energy balancing exercises be conducted. Staying hydrated and eating healthily are also key in maintaining good health and warding off diseases.