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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

December 15, 2023|Editorial

What is the SCIO Device?

scio device

The SCIO biofeedback device is a biofeedback system that enhances your body’s amazing self-healing capability and promotes energy flow by clearing any blockages in its path. It is safe and noninvasive; providing painless healing.

Food, chemicals, inhalants, herbs, toxins, viruses, bacteria and parasites as well as hormones emotions vitamins minerals fatty acids amino acids cellular energy and chakras can all be tested using this technology to detect imbalances or excesses in a range of categories including foods, chemicals inhalants herbs toxins viruses bacteria parasites hormones emotions vitamins minerals fatty acids amino acids cellular energy chakras are all monitored using this system.

It is a biofeedback device

The SCIO device is an advanced evoked potential biofeedback technology that scans your body’s electrical system to reduce electro-stress. Utilizing transcutaneous voltametric evoked potential technology – comprising both hardware and software components – it connects digitally with computers via cables connected directly to wrist electrodes, ankle electrodes, and 8 electrodes on forehead (12 total points of contact) connected by cord. Software programs then focus on your energetic body in order to reduce electro-stress as well as offer lifestyle advice.

At each session, SCIO interacts with your limbs and head via bands and a headset for an extensive bio-energetic field evaluation. Resonating with thousands of tissues, organs, toxins, nutrients and allergens for one hundredth of a second each, the test takes approximately three minutes to complete and provides insight into potential needs, weaknesses and dysfunctions as well as where your energy should be focused.

SCIO utilizes an expansive library of 9000 test substances that it compares your body’s response to, before applying frequencies that help correct or neutralize destructive wave patterns, add frequencies where necessary or release blockages – helping improve cell level function of the body while reinvigorating natural self-healing mechanisms.


Each cell in your body has a natural frequency. As stress, poor diet and overwork cause wear-and-tear on body tissue it can alter this frequency; when this frequency shifts away due to stress or overload it can lose it completely – in this instance the scio device detects this change and restores it using electric impulses.

Scio device helps correct various imbalances such as allergies, weak spots and food sensitivities without needing any invasive or dangerous medical procedures – it works without needles to detect nutrition deficiencies, emotional issues and toxic loads on our bodies – it even measures vibrational frequencies of our DNA to find any imbalances so they can be addressed more easily – all this without needle-free acupuncture! In fact it has even been used successfully against anxiety, fatigue, hormone imbalances and migraines!

It is a non-invasive therapy

SCIO is an advanced Evoked Potential Biofeedback Device created for stress management. Conceived and developed by Professor William Nelson, SCIO uses cutting edge technology to eavesdrop on your body’s electrical communication pathways to read response pulses from your response organs and detect what causes stress to your system. From here it applies healing frequencies in order to correct imbalances.

This device uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify areas in both mind and body which are experiencing high amounts of stress – be it physical, emotional, or mental. Once identified, the stressors are eliminated to improve mood and energy levels as well as reduce symptoms while speeding up natural homeostasis processes within your body. In addition, this device stimulates immune function while detoxifying your system.

At each session, you lay comfortably on a couch and connect to the device through electrode straps placed around your ankles and wrists; these link to a headband which transmits and receives electromagnetic signals from your body. A computer then analyses this data – quickly scanning your entire body against 9000 chemicals stored electronically to identify those causing stress.

After prioritizing your results, they are prioritized to highlight the most critical imbalances within your system – these could include nutritional advice, food sensitivities, emotional stresses or digestive or elimination issues. Once this list has been determined, your practitioner selects and programs the device accordingly to address those imbalances most directly affecting you.

Each organ in your body resonates with certain frequencies that form part of its energetic system. If these frequencies become disrupted due to pathogens, toxins or parasites, optimal functioning cannot occur – therefore necessitating healing frequencies that resonate through vibrational healing devices like SCIO.

This device also analyzes the frequency levels of body tissues and organs to detect any energy imbalances that might indicate stressors being stored in your system, and to see which organs are operating at optimal capacity – information that will then be used to create a tailored wellness program specifically tailored for you.

It is a painless therapy

The SCIO biofeedback device utilizes electromagnetic waves to scan your body in a painless and noninvasive way, and read energy imbalances throughout your entire system in order to help correct them and relieve stress, increase well-being and reduce stress levels. It does this by measuring resonance pulse of both body and mind – recording reactions taking place within your biological speed limit of one hundredth of a second – which are then interpreted by Educor 64 medical program and relayed back to you therapist in terms of current state of your body as well as recommended applications to aid healing and stress reduction.

The device also detects stresses within your body’s systems, including toxins, fatty acids, hormone levels, hydration and oxygenation levels, energy flows, emotional states, vitamins minerals enzymes fungi parasites. All these elements contribute to stress in your life – so this device identifies them and offers applications proven effective at relieving those stresses, healing traumas or improving overall wellness.

After using SCIO, you may experience many benefits including improved sleep and mental clarity. Furthermore, this device can aid in healing old injuries while decreasing pain levels – your therapist may recommend various activities during your healing process such as walking, breathing exercises and drinking plenty of water and herbal teas.

This non-invasive and painless technology is founded on the idea that all diseases begin at a cellular level. This device can identify your entire body’s resonance patterns and send back frequencies to adjust or neutralize destructive wave patterns; additionally, new frequencies may also be added and released depending on your individual needs.

The SCIO is an effective stress reduction technique and has been utilized by various athletes such as tennis superstar Novac Djokovic. Many clients have reported seeing significant change after regular SCIO sessions; one mother reports her son was initially diagnosed with ADHD but after his first SCIIO treatment saw significant changes in his behavior and was able to wean him off medication altogether.

It is a non-invasive test

The SCIO (Latin for I Know) device is a diagnostic and therapeutic device that communicates with the body via electromagnetic waves, to identify areas of stress, acupressure points and balance body energy to restore homeostasis and activate self-healing processes. Furthermore, this device analyses nutritional deficiencies, toxins and diseases so users may make informed decisions for treatment options.

This innovative new technology blends holistic medicine with advanced quantum technology. It scans your body like a computer and can lead you to non-invasive, pill-free healing techniques; bioresonance therapy and energy healing as well as detoxification therapies are among the many therapies it can use.

It measures the entire tri-vector of body electric (unlike single parameter probe systems such as Voll meters), providing the most comprehensive energetic medicine analysis on the market today. As it measures an individual’s entire body at once rather than just isolated areas, this gives an accurate picture of their health status and allows for enhanced treatment planning.

The SCIO machine’s sensors, located on its headband and wrist/ankle straps, send electromagnetic signals through to your body. Software then processes these signals and provides an orderly list of areas in need of attention in terms of severity. The SCIO can identify anything causing stress – from viruses and weaknesses to food sensitivities or allergies and emotional trauma – enabling it to pinpoint areas needing improvement and provide targeted care plans.

When clients arrive for sessions, the SCIO sends electromagnetic signals through electrodes in their headband, wrist and ankle straps to compare with resonant frequencies of thousands of tissues, organs, nutrients, toxins, chemicals and other substances; it then lists any reactions in order of severity before applying this information to each client’s system for analysis and application.

The SCIO can help restore balance to your body, reduce inflammation and strengthen immunity. Additionally, this device can test for and address conditions like ADHD/ADD/ADHD, asthma, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disease among others.

December 15, 2023|Editorial

Rife Cancer Therapy

Rife therapy uses low-energy electromagnetic frequencies to heal the body. It consists of a control panel, display screen, and two electrodes attached to a user’s hands or feet for use during therapy sessions.

In 1934, it was discovered that various organisms and disease-causing microorganisms have specific resonant frequencies which could be used to kill them. This technology resembles PEMF therapy which has also proven itself effective at relieving pain and inflammation.

Why is rife therapy effective?

Royal Raymond Rife invented revolutionary microscopes during the 1920s and 1930s that enabled him to see living microorganisms too small to be detected by any existing technology of his time. Rife discovered that these organisms were responsible for disease-causing infections like tuberculosis, typhoid fever and leprosy. Furthermore, Rife discovered that each organism or particle resonated at its own unique frequency; Rife could match it with frequencies which would destroy these organisms and thus eliminate disease caused by them.

At a rife therapy session, an individual relaxes comfortably in an ergonomic position while electromagnetic frequencies are transmitted to their body from a rife machine. These frequencies include those necessary to destroy pathogens within their system as well as those which resonate with healthy organs and tissues within. It is believed that this matching of frequencies reawakens dormant cells in the body to promote healing processes and hasten recovery.

Rife machines have long been touted as effective treatments for treating chronic pain, parasitic infections, viruses and even some forms of cancer. Rife therapy provides a non-invasive alternative to surgeries or medical treatments with possible harmful or side-effects-prone side effects; furthermore it has even been suggested as part of chemotherapy to stop new cancerous cells arising and stop their spread.

Studies on nanoparticles have demonstrated their ability to target specific unhealthy cells or disease-causing microbes more effectively than surgery or radiation alone, without harming healthy tissues in the process and speeding up healing time. Nanoparticle-based treatments could even speed up healing time.

At The Apathecary Natural Health Center, we utilize a true rife machine which delivers frequencies needed to neutralize pathogens and support natural healing processes within the body. For maximum effect, multiple sessions back-to-back or daily if possible are recommended; it may also be combined with other natural healing therapies to increase effectiveness of treatment programs.

What is a rife machine?

A rife machine is a device that emits low-energy electromagnetic waves, with supporters of this therapy claiming that exposure to these waves relieves pain, promotes healing and even fights diseases such as cancer. Yet these claims have been met with considerable skepticism despite having existed for nearly a century; there remains no scientific proof that rife therapy can cure cancer or any other illness.

Royal Raymond Rife created the original Rife machine in 1920 based on his theory that unhealthy cells emit specific radio frequencies which can be detected and selectively destroyed with electromagnetic radiation – known as bioresonance. Although most medical professionals discredit Rife’s technology today, his supporters remain committed to his technology.

Rife discovered through his experiments that certain micro-organisms such as viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus and parasites resonant at certain frequencies; by tuning into them at this frequency he could destroy these microorganisms without impacting healthy cells – similar to how an opera singer can shatter crystal glasses by vibrating it at its resonant frequency.

Rife discovered that certain frequencies could also activate dormant cells within the body to help regenerate and heal itself, helping regeneration to occur faster and healing to occur faster. Rife Frequency therapy can also be used to treat various chronic infections, autoimmune disorders and neurodegenerative diseases such as MS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Rife machines have been around for well over 100 years, yet have not received as much scientific scrutiny as other medical treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. This may be in part due to patentability concerns related to this alternative medicine form not being patentable and thus less incentive from pharmaceutical industry for conducting thorough studies.

Contrary to PEMF (pulsed electromagnetism) therapies, Rife sessions employ sympathetic resonance to physically vibrate offending pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites in order to cause them to break apart and die while leaving healthy cells unaffected. Furthermore, it does not emit any radiation which means there are no side effects from treatment.

How does rife therapy work?

Royal Raymond Rife made an impactful contribution to science during the 1920s and 1930s with his revolutionary microscopes that enabled him to see living microorganisms otherwise undetectable by any technology. Rife believed these microorganisms caused numerous diseases including cancer. Rife theorized that by finding their specific electromagnetic frequencies you could destroy them and even shrink cancerous tumors using them as therapy.

Rife therapy uses low-energy electromagnetic sound waves to treat various medical conditions. Sessions usually don’t require special sedatives or anesthetics; each session lasts just minutes and you can have as many sessions as necessary until you feel better. At the Apathecary Natural Health Center we specialize in Rife therapy to address cancer, chronic illness, and muscle/skeletal pain relief.

The Rife machine works by transmitting electromagnetic waves through your body to detect disease-causing microorganisms. Once it finds the appropriate frequency, the machine sends pulses designed to eliminate pathogens while stimulating healing processes in your body.

The Rife machine provides healing in another way by matching the resonant frequency of healthy organs and tissues in the body, awakening their cells so they function normally again; in some cases this may help ease symptoms associated with Lyme Disease.

Though rife machines aren’t approved by the FDA, they have become popular treatments in certain countries to alleviate side effects from cancer treatments and speed recovery and increase survival chances. Combining conventional cancer therapies with rife therapy may speed recovery times further while increasing chance of survival.

If you’re interested in exploring Rife therapy as a potential way of combatting cancer or another medical issue, reach out to Apathecary Natural Health Center immediately. We can arrange professional rife sessions either at our clinic or your home and also offer Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy as a treatment option to ease pain, inflammation and other health conditions.

Can rife therapy cure cancer?

Rife therapy is an alternative approach that relies on scientific theory rather than proven results to treat cancer, rather than definitive cures. While not a panacea, Royal Raymond Rife created his rife machine which emits low-energy electromagnetic waves imperceptible to humans that penetrate deep within the body where cancerous cells exist and target areas where these waves hit home – such as target organs where microbes or diseased cells emit specific modulation frequencies and by matching an electromagnetic wave pattern against these frequency patterns it destroys or destroys them completely.

Although rife machines remain popular, they have yet to gain acceptance by mainstream medicine, due in large part to inadequate clinical trials. Many who use rife machines report positive benefits that helped heal from cancer or other illnesses.

Dr. Apa utilizes the Spooky2 Rife machine to apply appropriate frequencies into his patient’s body in order to eliminate harmful cells and organisms, including viruses, bacteria and molds. Everything within our universe operates at vibrating frequencies; Rife machines can detect them as well as raise them so harmful bacteria and viruses cannot survive without harming other cells or organisms.

Resonance frequency treatment has proven its efficacy at eliminating Borrelia bacteria associated with Lyme disease and helping improve various symptoms such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and shingles.

Rife therapy has not been scientifically examined or approved by the American Cancer Society; this shouldn’t stop patients from trying it. If you decide to give it a go, make sure that if working with a licensed practitioner can give an accurate diagnosis and tailor a personalized treatment plan just for you. For more information on rife therapy and its potential to help get well contact Immunity Therapy Center now.

December 15, 2023|Editorial

Silver – Nature’s Natural Healer

silver natures natural healer

Silver is an elemental force which brings balance to body and soul. Known as nature’s natural healer and an effective broad spectrum antimicrobial, silver’s healing powers extend far beyond mere antibacterial protection.

Silver has long been recognized as a safe and effective antibiotic since the 1800s, used as both topical and topical treatments to fight infections and promote healing. Colloidal or nanosilver is particularly useful due to its powerful antimicrobial and healing capabilities.


Silver is a rare metal with extraordinary medicinal properties. It possesses antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties to combat bacteria infections, inflammation, dryness and other skin ailments. Furthermore, its cell metabolism enhancing abilities help stimulate collagen production to restore skin elasticity and suppleness and restore it back into place; making silver an invaluable anti-ageing agent against wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Consequently, this substance has long been used as an ingredient in skincare products as an anti-ageing agent to lessen wrinkles and other signs of ageing.

Historic kingdoms utilized creams containing silver residues to treat infections, acne and signs of ageing due to its antimicrobial and wound-healing qualities. Silver also boosts skin elasticity and firmness while lending it a healthy glow – qualities which today find application in eye masks, facial kits and face washes designed with its use as part of cosmetic products intended to hydrate and nourishing.

Silver’s soothing property helps reduce itching and redness caused by different kinds of acne breakouts – blackheads, whiteheads and zits – by inhibiting bacteria and yeast growth; controlling sebum/oil secretions by soothing skin. Furthermore, its soothing nature helps ease symptoms related to chronic conditions like rosacea, eczema and psoriasis while revitalizing damaged tissues.

Silver ions penetrate bacteria cells, binding to oxygen receptors and blocking access to cells containing bacteria. This suffocates them, killing them off. Silver is also an extremely potent antioxidant which combats free radicals to lower oxidative stress that accelerates ageing.

Silver represents the sixth chakra or “third eye”, promoting connectivity and encouraging self-reflection. Being exposed to it inspires spiritual connection while encouraging introspection; cooling its effect helps the mind relax while reflecting back upon oneself; silver’s low toxicities make it non-irritant to skin; unlike colloidal silver which contains ions it absorbs more readily by our bodies compared with true colloidal silver which does not. At ARgENTUM our products use only pure and unadulterated silver hydrosol from pure sources ensuring customers trust us – something our customers love about our product range!


Silver has long been revered for its anti-ageing, antibacterial, and wound healing properties. Modern use includes its incorporation into moisturizers, serums, eye masks, facial kits and body soaps for faster wound healing as well as combating infections such as acne as well as signs of ageing like sagging skin or dullness.

Silver is an extremely effective broad spectrum antimicrobial, killing off an array of problematic bacteria, yeasts, fungi and parasites – even viruses! Additionally, silver serves as an effective anti-inflammatory agent; it reduces swelling and pain while speeding up natural healing processes in your body.

Silver has been shown to possess antimicrobial properties through various clinical trials and in vitro studies, including its use in wound dressings to significantly decrease bioburden and the bacterial load on wounds. Silver ions penetrate cell walls of bacteria to disrupt metabolic pathways thereby killing pathogens; additionally it has the power to disrupt membranes of biofilms to disintegrate them completely.

Carboxymethyl cellulose dressings containing silver nanoparticles were shown to effectively decrease biofilm formation and extracellular DNA accumulation in wounds both in vitro and in vivo, as well as promote wound closure without altering local immune responses. Furthermore, these dressings reduced neutrophils and macrophages present in P. aeruginosa or S. aureus colony biofilms for three days in mice receiving treatment with this dressing type.

These results demonstrate the antimicrobial activity of silver is directly tied to its ability to penetrate bacterial cell walls and interfere with metabolic processes within cells. Silver ions also play a significant role in inhibiting cell growth by binding to their lipids and proteins, and binding with oxygen receptors on bacteria cells to keep oxygen away for respiration and metabolism processes. Furthermore, toxic effects from silver are caused by breaking through cell membranes to release toxins outside. Furthermore, silver can interfere with quorum sensing protocols within bacteria communities which leads to loss of coordination among cells within.


Silver is an effective antiseptic that kills germs, bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites. Additionally, it aids wounds that won’t heal to do so faster while hastening healing in regular wounds. Furthermore, silver acts as an antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress that leads to premature ageing.

Silver has been used to treat and prevent infections since 4000 BCE [1. Its antimicrobial properties have been well documented throughout medical literature from 17th to 18th century Europe and beyond; Persian kings even preferred drinking only from silver cups as this served to protect their water source more effectively – acting like natural antiseptics!

Since the 1960s, silver has made a comeback into medicine as a topical dressing for wound infections and an ingredient of medical devices to lower infection risks (Table 1). Silver’s oxygen-releasing ions attack bacteria by disabling their ability to breathe or grow, rendering silver an effective disinfectant (and therefore an ideal topical treatment option for treating infections).

Many silver dressings are commercially available with various formulations, concentrations and base substrates. Traditional silver dressings contain metallic silver which breaks down to produce ionic silver ions which target pathogens by altering their membranes and proteins; silver ions also react with the thiol groups found within bacteria to remove electrons from their structures and inhibit cell respiration.

More recently, studies have demonstrated that silver can also help reduce inflammation and enhance wound tissue architecture to hasten healing. As such, silver has made its return into many medical devices designed to prevent infections, such as catheters, endotracheal tubes, vascular prostheses and surgical instruments. Review of published literature indicates that silver can play an essential role in hospital settings to combat infections, and should be taken into consideration alongside existing antimicrobials for this purpose. Data are encouraging, warranting further trials; yet in the interim we must remember other products may better meet specific applications than silver-containing devices and weigh their risks against any possible benefits of using such devices.


Silver is one of the most powerful antimicrobial agents available today. A broad-spectrum antibiotic, it can kill bacterial infections, yeast, fungus and parasites quickly while also aiding chronic wound healing processes that have not healed properly. Plus, as an antioxidant it reduces free radical stress within our bodies which causes premature ageing and damage cells – two conditions caused by premature ageing.

Silver has long been used as an antimicrobial treatment, from treating infections or preventing their transmission to being an integral component of catheters, IV bags and suction equipment to protect patients from infection. Although its popularity declined with antibiotics and refrigeration’s arrival on the scene, silver’s popularity is seeing a revival as an antimicrobial agent; particularly against catheter-related blood stream infections (CR-BSI) and ventilator-associated pneumonias (VAP). Silver’s effectiveness lies primarily in its bactericidal properties which allow it to bind directly with bacteria’s cell walls thus breaking them down and disrupting membranes from them both.

Silver ions also bind to oxygen receptors found on bacterial cell walls, blocking access to vital oxygen for respiration and metabolism – thus killing off any remaining bacteria, making silver an ideal agent for healing wounds.

This study assessed the effectiveness of carboxymethyl cellulose dressings containing novel silver formulations against wound biofilms both in vitro and in vivo, and their impact on host immune responses and healing independent of infection.

All dressings were found to be effective at reducing bacteria within wounds; however, their level of effectiveness depended upon the formulation and concentration of silver used.

These variations may be attributable to how silver is administered on wounds and base substrates of dressings. Silver nitrate and silver sulfadiazine (SSD) both react rapidly with chloride in wound exudate, thus diminishing their ability to kill bacteria by binding with DNA [6-8]. Nanocrystalline silver releases sub-crystalline particles of uncharged metallic silver consisting of less than eight atoms and thus reacts less rapidly with chloride ions [10-13].

December 15, 2023|Editorial

Life Energy Massage Therapy

Massage can be an incredible way to relax and re-energize, but why stop there? Life energy massage therapy takes things one step further by combining traditional massage techniques with energy healing to promote physical and emotional balance.

Human energy fields are thought to contain various forms of energies which may cause stress or pain.


Massage can help alleviate stress, improve sleep quality and boost energy levels. Furthermore, massage stimulates lymph flow – your body’s natural defense system against toxic invaders – which decreases pain while increasing range of motion in people living with arthritis or fibromyalgia. Regular massage sessions for seniors may ease breathing problems while improving quality of sleep and helping reduce any signs associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

Energy healing in massage therapy entails combining traditional massage techniques with intentional energy work. Mary Ellen, a licensed massage therapist who has integrated various energy modalities with conventional techniques to develop her unique blend of healing methods. In her sessions, Mary Ellen intuitively senses blocked energy and uses massage to release it; additionally, she holds certifications in Quantum Touch and Polarity which both work effectively at restoring balance to one’s energetic system.

With her unique blend of therapies, she provides clients with an experience that is both physical and spiritual. For instance, she helps clients connect to their heart center and intuitive wisdom in order to promote emotional, physical and mental healing. Furthermore, she promotes self-care practices such as meditation and yoga among her clients.

Energy massage provides a safe environment to relieve trauma-related stress. Trauma may result from surgery, injury, illness, emotional shock, abuse or neglect and these events often trigger fight, flight, freeze and fawn responses in our nervous systems, which in turn causes our bodies to remain stuck in an unhelpful, or traumatized, state.

Energies healing modalities typically employed during sessions include Reiki, which utilizes life force energy to promote the recipient’s own natural self-healing processes and aid their own body’s self-healing ability. Practitioners act as channels for this energy while using visualization to allow their bodies to receive it. During an energy healing massage session, therapists may also utilize Tai Chi techniques to unblock energy flows, restore balance to meridians and organs as well as boost their own energy level and extend their career as energy healers.


At an energy healing massage, practitioners will employ hand techniques that promote the flow of positive energies throughout a client’s body. Such methods could include Reiki (a nearly 100-year-old Japanese practice that involves placing hands in 10 to 20 specific positions on or near their bodies in order to improve energy flow) and acupressure – these are both methods which help clients relax, reduce stress and ease pain.

Massage not only brings physical changes to your body, but it can also bring mental and emotional balance. Massage can increase focus, ease tension and anxiety relief, alleviate insomnia symptoms and more; experts estimate that up to 90 percent of diseases are stress related.

By combining traditional massage therapy with energy healing, holistic approaches are provided that unlock your body’s own innate healing capabilities. Through techniques from reflexology, acupressure and Swedish massage techniques the therapist is able to identify areas where stagnant energy may be causing tension or pain; once identified they can unlock it using stimulating massage techniques designed to bring harmony between body and mind.

Many individuals who seek energy healing massage are looking for more integrative methods of healing both their bodies and minds. Energy healing techniques offer new insight into the connection between body and spirit as well as helping create more profound self-care practices that will sustain results of the session.

Energy healing massage modalities such as Therapeutic Touch, Zero Balancing and Quantum Touch all take different approaches to moving energy in our bodies and aligning it with its energetic field. Mary Ellen is a licensed massage therapist who has added energy work into her massage repertoire; she holds certifications in Quantum Touch and Polarity massage techniques.

Her practice draws its energy from both nature and from each client’s natural ability for healing, enabling her to work holistically with each individual and help them release what needs to be released while welcoming what new possibilities await them in their lives.


Studies demonstrate the positive benefits of massage, but there are a few precautions you should be mindful of before opting for it. It is best to avoid massage if you have certain medical conditions or medications that could worsen these issues; pressure on the body may exacerbate any existing conditions further. You should inform your massage therapist of any recent surgery or skin conditions which could worsen with massage therapy.

Energy healing massage is a type of bodywork designed to manipulate natural energies within the body in order to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Energy healing massage stimulates energy flow throughout the body by clearing away blockages or strengthening immunity systems; making it beneficial for people suffering from stress, exhaustion or insomnia.

A therapist regulates energy by using their hands to move their fingertips up and down main meridians on their client’s back, passing their fingertips over each main channel and four auxiliary meridians that target areas of tension. Once energy has been balanced, their hands transmit healing energy directly into their client.

Energy work offers more than psychological and physical advantages for clients; it can also help them overcome emotional blocks causing discomfort. When combined with massage therapy, energy therapy can provide them with relief that leads to long-term solutions.

Are You an Experienced Massage Therapist Looking to Add Energywork to Your Practice? Doing so could differentiate you from competitors while aiding clients with their healing process and adding new skills, prolonging professional longevity, and making sessions more meaningful for clients.


Our bodies and minds are intricately linked, communicating energy. At massage therapy clinic, we have developed an effective means of addressing these connections through massage. Our holistic approach is also cost effective as we offer unique pricing & promotions such as First Time Discounts, rotating Career-Based discounts, Recovery Plan sliding scale with weekly or more frequent commitment, Membership Savings on total number of services received and Financial Aid Tokens which make already affordable service prices even lower.

Our therapeutic massage services combine light to medium pressure combined with energy work for an experience designed to balance and relax all aspects of the mind, body and spirit. Perfect for anyone experiencing chronic muscle tension & tightness or sports related injuries.

This technique involves full-body treatment using acupressure point manipulation and stretching techniques to relieve muscle tightness and relax the neck, shoulders, back & hip muscles. No lotion or oil are used during this treatment session which makes it an excellent complement to deep tissue massage or physical therapy sessions.

December 15, 2023|Editorial

Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy

lessac madsen resonant voice therapy exercises

This program incorporates performing voice techniques designed to encourage resonant vocal production, including exercises varying prosody and accent for full use of all vocal registers.

LMRVT is the ideal program for patients who suffer from hoarse vocal qualities. Studies have proven that its minimally ab/adducted laryngeal posturing produces the maximum vocal intensity while simultaneously limiting vocal injury (Verdolini & Titze, in preparation). Furthermore, sensory methods of instruction are prioritized over mechanical ones when providing instruction (Verdolini & Titze).

Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises

There are various approaches to voice therapy involving semi-occlusions, but Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) and Tube Phonation are among the more researched. LMRVT incorporates both nonspeech exploratory exercises as well as speech articulation training into its program and has been shown to significantly improve production of normal acoustic tone production. While some researchers question its ability for motor learning purposes alone, others see nonspeech exercises as integral parts of voice therapy processes.

Vocal Straw Exercises or Vocal Cord Acoustic Resistance (VCRA) are an integral component of Lessac Madsen’s approach to treating voice disorders. VCRA involves speaking or singing into a partially blocked-off straw that allows backpressure from speaking/singing into throat and vocal folds; this allows unloading and vibration efficiency by loosening and relaxing vocal cords.

Research confirms the efficacy of VCRA in improving acoustic quality, reducing phonatory effort, and increasing vocal endurance. Studies conducted using Voice Function Exercises (VFE) also demonstrate positive results by restoring or improving vocal range and pitch stability of healthy individuals.

Exercises have been linked with improved vocal efficiency and economy. VFE exercises cause the Thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle to become more active while Cricothyroid (CT) becomes less so, causing top edges of vocal folds to move further while bottom edges stay still, decreasing tissue collision during phonation.

Lessac-Madsen approach incorporates bridging exercises that increase difficulty of resonant voice behavior to facilitate its transference into everyday communication, including imitation and conversational phrases that fit the patient’s lifestyle. A clinician guides clients using scan-gel-show-tell, physical manipulation, and demonstration until they can successfully reproduce this sound without effort outside of clinic.


Y buzz is a variation on humming that uses vibration to induce facial, nose and mouth vibration. This sound allows one to locate resonance points behind two front teeth as well as feel energy flow up from your nostrils through nasal bridge and cartilage to your brain. Furthermore, this practice works to release tension while relaxing the voice; forcing natural resonance forces the voice into natural resonance which can then help strengthen and retrain it over time.

Lessac Kinesensic Training provides a holistic approach to voice and body work. This method emphasizes full-body introspection and observation to assist students in finding their most resonant voice representation; various cues like scan-gel-show-tell can be used as guides during this discovery process.

Once a resonant voice has been found, it becomes easier to transition into other forms of speech without strain or tension. Research indicates that using one’s resonant voice allows students to use their voices more comfortably for longer than traditional therapy techniques and helps develop greater sense of control over one’s own voice.

The Y buzz can be especially useful for actors seeking to curb excitement or nerves from turning into an unpleasant tone in their voices, particularly before scene work or auditions. Students have reported that using this tool keeps them grounded in the present and prevents emotions from taking over during scenes or auditions.

Resonant voice should not be confused with nasality; rather, this technique requires having fully open vocal folds. While Y-buzz may initially prove challenging for some people to master, once it becomes part of one’s repertoire an impressive improvement can occur in their resonant voice performance. According to studies on this subject matter, it has been found that resonant voices typically exhibit less shimmer and irregularity while being heard more easily over noise pollution.

Resonance Therapy

Voice therapy entails helping patients achieve a barely ab/adducted vocal fold posture that research has indicated will result in minimal phonotraumatic damage (Verdolini 2000). The Resonant Voice Program was specifically created to accomplish this biomechanical goal. As well as functional goals like speaking clearly and loudly with strong and clear voices, health outcomes such as decreased nodules and polyps can often result from this therapy as by-products.

LMRVT stands out as an approach that offers direct training of speech production by starting with nonspeech exploration of semi-occlusion, such as VFE or tube phonation, before immediately moving on to semi-occlusion exercises such as y-buzz and pitch glides that use semi-occlusion before progressing quickly into connected speech production that includes vowel vocalizations. This provides clinicians with a standardized set of training techniques for producing this vocal quality across environments and forms of communication.

This approach provides clinicians with a faster path from resonant voice training to functional and medical outcomes, making this technique accessible sooner for patient use. However, there may be concerns that inspired patients may attempt to implement this resonant voice technique into loud speech prior to clinic determination; this could cause high rates of re-injury as well as increases the possibility of additional granulomas formation.

This approach is unique because it addresses hypo- and hyperadducted laryngeal behavior by using perceptual measures to direct patients toward resonant voice characterized by vibratory sensations on the anterior alveolar ridge and ease in speaking and singing. Resonant voices have been proven by clinical practice as well as experimental data to decrease nodules, polyps, reflux symptoms while simultaneously decreasing phonotraumatic injuries (Verdolini 2000).

Resonant voice training has received limited research; however, evidence supports its effectiveness in improving voice quality as well as clinical and physiological parameters associated with adduction. Unfortunately, the results of the current study are inconclusive; therefore larger scale randomised controlled studies must be conducted.


Humming is an easy and effective vocal warm up that can be used to prepare the voice for more demanding exercises, like stretch and flow or lip trilling. Humming requires no muscle tension like other vocal exercises such as stretch and flow or lip trilling do; therefore providing you with a great way to practice speaking or singing without straining the throat or tightening up vocal folds. Humming can also help train the voice in different directions such as up, down, left and right for healthy vocal development.

Researchers evaluated the efficacy of humming by reviewing journal articles published between 1974 and 2014 with keywords “Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy and Humming,” searched in Elsevier ScienceDirect Complete, Medline and Proquest Medical Library New Platform databases. Nine studies met the inclusion criteria; two randomized controlled studies (RCSs) and seven observational ones (OISs); quality of evidence rating was moderate for all nine of them.

One study demonstrated that humming can reduce supraglottic hyperfunction in patients with muscle tension dysphonia by decelerating vocal fold adduction during prephonatory adjustment phase and relieving transient laryngeal closures. Furthermore, humming resulted in greater values of minimal angle and less steep slope of glottal area waveform.

Humming can help improve vocal volume, strength and injury prevention through encouraging proper phonation techniques and helping patients recognize sensory information in their own speech. Therefore, patients are advised to incorporate vocal hygiene training as part of their humming practice, along with personalized post-therapy programs for optimal results.

Lessac Madsen Resonant Vocal Therapy (LMRVT) therapy providers design patient-specific plans using this approach, emphasizing vocal hygiene and performing various resonant voice exercises. Once implemented into a practice program for each individual client, this ensures the skills learned will transfer seamlessly into everyday life without risk of injury outside the therapy room.