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Beyond Quantum Healing

Quantum healing hypnosis (QHHT), is a guided meditation technique used for exploring and healing. Participants can explore past lives or parallel realities, connect with loved ones who have passed, receive guidance from angels or spirit guides, visit past lives or parallel realities, access past lives/parallels realities as well as visit past lives/parallels realities for example.

BQH sessions can help heal trauma and uncover root causes of health issues, but choosing an experienced practitioner is key for an enjoyable and safe experience.

Deeper Self-Discovery

Beyond Quantum Healing combines the best aspects of QHHT, introspective hypnosis and energy healing techniques to connect clients with their higher selves, guides and universal consciousness – an empowering process which can aid healing on physical, emotional and mental levels.

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BQH practitioners use visualizing techniques to induce deep states of relaxation for their clients before asking probing questions that enable access to subconscious mind memories beyond this lifetime, past life regression or parallel realities – or intuitive guidance from spiritual guides or higher consciousness – and more.

QHHT not only facilitates past life healing and awakening, but it can also open the way to connecting to one’s higher self – that intuitive part which holds great knowledge – so many clients experience deep self-discovery during and post QHHT journeys.

These experiences can reveal connections between past life memories and current issues that are causing pain or distress for individuals, and current issues that are causing discomfort for them. They allow individuals to forgive themselves or others for perceived wrongdoing from previous lifetimes, thus dispelling emotional blockages that inhibit forgiveness and healing to occur.


QHHT provides an effective alternative to traditional hypnotherapy by exploring all aspects of an individual’s multidimensional existence, offering a holistic approach to healing on multiple levels (physical, emotional and spiritual). QHHT can help people connect more closely to themselves while creating positive change across all areas of their lives.

At each QHHT session, the Subconscious intuitively selects an experience from your past that has relevance to the present life situation and uncovers any root causes for any struggles in order to heal and transform all areas. Michelle had a life-altering experience using QHHT which helped her realize the importance of managing stress more effectively as well as gain more clarity regarding her purpose and what was next on her agenda.

BQH can bring healing on many levels; therefore it is vitally important that you find a qualified practitioner familiar with this modality so they can offer you a safe, powerful, and tailored experience that best meets your individual needs.

Increased Self-Awareness

QHHT hypnosis not only allows individuals to explore past life experiences, but can also assist clients in connecting with their higher selves – which serve as sources of wisdom, love, and guidance – which in turn provides insight into current challenges or personal growth goals and tangible steps towards meeting them.

At each session, a practitioner uses relaxation and hypnosis techniques to induce deep trance states in their client, providing space for their subconscious to manifest and reveal its truths – creating an opportunity to gain more insight into our place in the universe and ourselves.

QHHT sessions can be profoundly transformative experiences. While results of individual sessions vary, some common advantages include:

Increased Creativity and Clarity

A QHHT session can help clients tap into their creative potential and generate fresh new ideas, which may prove beneficial in business, relationships and other areas of life.

Physical Healing Its Many clients report experiencing physical health benefits following a QHHT session, such as chronic pain relief and improved digestion. These results are due to the deep connection between mind and body forged during a QHHT session.

Emotional Release and Healing

Exploring past lives or other dimensions beyond physical reality may reveal emotional trauma or blockages which are interfering with an individual’s current life, helping them heal deeply on all levels while freeing them of limiting beliefs that might otherwise hinder growth.

Spiritual Growth

Practitioners can assist individuals in making contact with their higher selves or non-physical entities like angels or spirit guides during sessions to facilitate spiritual growth and help individuals understand why they exist and provide support on their life journeys.


Beyond quantum healing is an energy-based form of past life regression which uses heart and energy focussed techniques to address various physical, emotional and mental ailments. Such issues might include finding the cause of chronic illness; overcoming repeated relationship difficulties; uncovering unresolved childhood traumas; discovering life purpose or exploring spirituality further.

BQH practitioners use relaxation and hypnosis techniques to induce trance states in their clients before encouraging them to connect with their Inner Beings (you might know these as your Higher Self, Spirit, God Self or Inner Guidance). Communicating with this aspect of yourself allows the analytical mind to relax while clear guidance can begin flowing in freely.

Along with connecting with your Higher Self, BQH sessions may also involve exploring past lives or parallel realities to gain additional insights and reveal deeper meaning for current challenges, as well as shed light on karmic patterns that are impacting present life experiences.

Past life regression should always be conducted in a safe, non-traumatizing way that protects individuals against experiencing traumatizing events or creating false memories. Your higher spiritual self always has your wellbeing in mind and any experiences that don’t feel safe or beneficial to your growth can be stopped at any time.

At the conclusion of each session, your practitioner will facilitate an exchange between yourself and your Higher Self, through questions and answers. Feel free to pose as many or few queries as you like – they will all assist in gathering the most pertinent data to support your healing journey.

BQH sessions go beyond simple past life regression to offer tailored sessions tailored specifically to meet the unique needs of each client, such as Reiki energy healing or guided visualization. With such customization possible, clients are sure to receive sessions tailored specifically to them and their own individual goals.

Healing on All Levels

At each session, your practitioner will guide you into a deep state of relaxation using hypnosis techniques, enabling you to access the subconscious where memories and information from beyond this life reside. Here is where healing occurs physically and emotionally as well as release of negative beliefs which hold back progress.

QHHT sessions often include exploring past lives or parallel realities to help clients gain deeper insights and connections to current life challenges. Furthermore, clients may explore the Akashic records — an ancient database which holds information about all humanity and multidimensional reality; sometimes known as a “Wikipedia of all of your experiences” or library for your soul — for additional insights and connections that might otherwise remain hidden to them.

Sometimes by acknowledging or validating what has occurred in prior lives, current issues can be understood and healed instantly. Other times it’s just necessary to release emotional trauma or beliefs which no longer serve you and make room for new, positive energy – whatever the case, reincarnation can be an incredible transformative experience used alone or combined with physical or psychological therapy treatments.

As a heart-based modality, BQH draws heavily from Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). A trained BQH practitioner uses relaxation and hypnosis techniques to induce a state in which your analytical mind recedes into the background for deeper connection to Inner Being or Higher Self.

Many clients report receiving invaluable insight into their life purpose, relationships, and direction during a session with BQH. Others experience greater clarity or enhanced creativity – with even physical health improvements possible! Furthermore, it should be noted that the benefits of BQH sessions are cumulative: you’ll notice shifts as this practice becomes part of your everyday routine and self-care routine.


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